home catalogue history references appendix 
  history : contest results 

Apart from the competition between contestants, contest events have served as a forum for design analysis and evaluation.
This factor had more significance before international travel and extensive media coverage became common.
There are numerous examples, the Joey Cabell influence on Bob McTavish post 1964 World Championships at Manly being an early one.

Also note:
International Surfing Association: Results 1964-2017 
24th December  1914 * Freshwater Beach NSW

Duke Kahanamoku’s Australian tour as 1912 Olympic swimming champion.
See #100
1915 - 1924
Australian surfing contests dominated by Claude West
March 1920

A newspaper report of Australian Championships at Manly records the results of a surfboard race as
1. A. McKenzie (North Bondi)
2. Oswald Downing (Manly)
3. A. Moxan (North Bondi).
Galton page 29.
April 1921

A similar report of the Bondi Championships,  records the results of a surfboard race as
1. A. McKenzie (North Bondi)
2. A. Moxan.
Other starters include Manly's Oswald Downing  and Claude West.
Galton page 29.

Mat riding included in Australian Surf Titles (only time). Won by Bob? 
1939 Pacific Games Honolulu

Australia sends a surf team including boardriding representatives are
Dick Chapple (North Bondi),
Keightly ('Blue') Russell (Palm Beach)
Lou Morath (Manly). See #191 and #105
'Blue'  Russell, who made hollowboards and  popularised the kneeling position for paddling, won the Hawaiian championship.
Maxwell  pages 241-242.
1953 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii.
Only flat water events were held dure to the poor surf conditions.

1954 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st George Downing  (H)
Junior: Alan Gomes
Women: Not scheduled
Tandem: Walt Hoffman and Jean Jones

1955 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Rabbit Kekai (H)
Women: Ethel Kukea (H)
Alan Gomes
Tandem: Ed Whaley and Nancy Boyd

1956 Olympic Games, International Surf Carnival, Torquay, Victoria
Teams from USA, Hawaiian, South Africa, Ceylon, NZ, Britain and all Australian States compete in lifesaving, a demonstration sport.
USA /Hawaiian team members surfed Torquay, Victoria and Manly, Avalon and Bondi beaches in Sydney NSW. Duke Kahanamoku also visits as Hawaiian manager and a guest of the Olympic Committee..

1956 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Conrad Canha (H)
Women - Ethel Kukeu  (H)
Junior: J. Raydon
Tandem: Robert Krewson and Kehau Kea

1957 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Jamma Kekai (H)
Womens - Vicky Heldreich (H)
Junior: Timmy Guard
Tandem: Not held

 1958 1st Sydney Surfboard Rally ?, Long Reef,  NSW. (Winter)
- not sanctioned by SLSC

1958 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Peter Cole  (USA)
Women - Marge Calhoun (USA)
Junior: Joseph Napoleon
Tandem: Rabbit Kekai and Heidi Stevens

1959 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Wally Froiseth (USA)
Women - Linda Benson (USA)
Junior: Paul Strauch Jr.
Tandem: Ed Whaley and Diana Moore

1960 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii
1st Richard Keaulana (H)
Women - Wendy Cameron (USA)
Junior: Eric Romanchek
Tandem: Ernest Werner and Robin Grigg

1961 (1st) Bells Beach Rally, Bells Beach Vic. (Easter)
 Not an official contest

1962 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii.(February 12th)
1st George Dowling (H)
Women - Anona Naome (H)

1962 Bells Beach Contest, Victoria. (Easter)
First official contest
1st Glen Ritchie (NSW)
No Junior or Women

1962 Sydney Metropolitan Championships, Bondi NSW ?
1st Mick Dooley
Junior - Bobby Brown

1962 Peruvian International Contest, Lima Peru
Inaugural contest at Kon Tiki Surf.
Large wave, small wave and paddling races.
The Big Wave contest was won by Felipe Pomar.
The same week a speciality Big Wave contest was held at Villa Beach, won by Australian surfer, Bob Pike.

Correcting the previous entry, Felipe Pomar emailed in January 2010:
I was enjoying your site when I came across a mistake .
You site shows Bob Pike from Au. as the winner of the Peruvian International 1962 Big Wave event.
Bob was my friend,and a great big wave surfer.
And he did win that event that year at Villa beach.
That event however was a specialty event.
The Peru International Big wave event was held that same week at the Kon Tiki Surf spot.
The winner of the Peru International Big Wave Contest in the year 1962 was  Felipe Pomar.
Sorry to point out a mistake in your site.
Hopefully you can correct that .
Many thanks to Felipe for this contribution.

1962 Makaha International Surf Championship.
Hawaii, 23rd, 24th and 25th December1962.

Men's Finals
1st   Bernard "Midget" Farrelly - Australia
2nd  Bobby Ah Choy - Hawaii
3rd "Nappy"  Napoleon - Hawaii
4th "Blue" Makua- Hawaii

Women's Finals
1st Nancy Nelson - California
2nd Marge Calhoun -
3rd Anona Naone - Hawaii
4th Candy Calhoun -
Jr. Finals
1st Peter "Pope"Kahapea - Hawaii
2nd John Clark
- Hawaii
3rd John Sadowski
- Hawaii
4th Fred Hemmings
- Hawaii
Tandem Finals
1st    "Nappy" Napoleon and Sue Ketner - Hawaii
2nd   Bobby Ah Choy and Gordon Miller - Hawaii
3rd   Fred Hemmings  and Heide Stephens
- Hawaii
4th   Rabbit Kakai and Lucinda Smith
- Hawaii
See Makaha Contest, Surfer Volume 4 Number 1 page 47, February 1963. 
1963 Peruvian International

1st Paul Strauch (USA)

1963 1st Australian Championships, Bondi Beach, NSW (November)
Senior Mens
1st Nat Young- 91 points
2nd Mick Dooley- 81 points
3rd Robbie Lane - 68 points
1st Rodney Sumpter- 65 points
2nd Robert Conneely- 58 points
3rd Wayne Burton- 57 points
1st Phyllis O’Donell- 54 points
2nd Julie Featherstone - 49 points
3rd - B. Jackman- 42 points
Ron Perrott: Down Under- "The Gnat Wins" - 1963 Australian Invitational Surfing Championships, Surfer July? 1964, page 82.

1963-1964 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii.(December)
1st Joey Cabell (H)
Women  - Nancy Nelson (USA)
Also see:
Surf Riders' World Title (1964)

1964 NSW Championships
1st Bobby Brown
1964 Bells Beach Contest, Vic  (Easter)
1st Mick Dooley Junior Nat Young
1964 Australian Championships, Manly NSW (May)
Open Junior  Women 
1st Midget Farrelly 1st Robert Coneely  1st Phyllis O’Donell
2nd Mick Dooley 2nd Nat Young 2nd Linda Benson (USA)
3rd Bobby Brown 3rd Wayne Cowper 3rd H. Nicholson

1964 1st World Championships, Manly Beach, NSW  (May 16 and 17).
1st Midget Farrelly
2nd Mike Doyle (USA)
3rd Joey Cabell (USA)
4th Bobby Brown,
5th Mick Dooley
6th L.J. Richards (USA).
1st Phyllis O’Donell
2nd Linda Benson (USA)
3rd Heather Nicholson
1st Robert Connelley
2nd Nat Young
3rd Wayne Cowper
1964 Surfer Interview: Midget Farrelly, Australian World Champion.
and Ron Perrott: Australian World Contest; Surfer, Volume 5 Number 4, September 1964.

British Pathe: "Midget" Regains World Board-Riding Title (1964)
Misleadingly titled
Open Surfboard Championships In Australia (1929)
Footage of 1964 Makaha contest, won by Joey Cabell, followed film of the mens, womens and juniors at the 1964 World Contest at Manly.

Final Results World Surfboard Championships. Manly Beach, NSW. May 16 and 17, 1964.

Manly Library  L.S.W. 797.32 AUS
Typed document, included in held copy of Contest Program.
Forwarded, with thanks, by Garry Crockett, August 2011.

1964 World Tittles Awards, Many Beach, 17 th May.
Top : Mike Doyle - Midget Farrelly - Joey Cabell
Left : Wayne Cowper - Robert Conneely - Nat Young
Right : Phyllis O’Donell - Linda Benson
Photograph by Ron PerrottNat's History, page 96.

1st. World Surfboard Championships
World Championship
1. Midget "Midget" Farrelly (Dee Why)
2. Mike Doyle (Long Beach, Calif.)
3. Joey Cabell (Newport Beach, Calif.)
Australian Senior Men's Championship
1. Midget  Farrelly (Dee Why)
2. Bobby Brown (Cronulla)
3. Mick Dooley (Manly)

Australian Junior Men's Championship
1. Robert Connelley (Bondi)
2. Nat Young (Collaroy)
3. Wayne Cowper (Maroubra)

Australian Women's Championship
1. Phyllis O’Donell (Kira, Qld.)
2. Linda Benson (Encinitas, Calif.)
3. Heather Nicholson (Coff's Harbour)

132 points 
118 1/2

87 1/2
80 1/4

90 1/4

1964 Makaha International Championship, Hawaii. (December)
4th  Robert Connelley (Gordon Woods Custom, 9 ft 8'' x 21 1/2'' x 2 3/4")

1965 January
Nat Young wins a paddle board race held in Sydney Harbour for a paid trip to Peru for the next world contest.

1965 NSW State Championships, Bondi.

Kevin Brennan wins both senior and junior divisions
1965 World Titles Lima, Peru.

Large-wave Contest, Punta Rocas, 20-21 February:
1st Felipe Pomar
2nd Nat Young
3rd Paul Strauch
All other events probably at the KonTiki Beach and/or the Waikiki Surf Club at Mira Hores in Lima.
1st Mike Doyle and Linda Merrill
2nd Jim Graham and Heidi Edwards
3rd Hector Velarde and "a pretty  Peruvian senorita".
2000 MetresPaddle (see commentary below):
1st Felipe Pomar
2nd Tony Vandenhueve of (South Africa)
3rd Pancho Aramburu (Peru).
4 Mile-8 Kilometre Paddle: 1st Nat Young
(Young won his sponsorship to the Peru contest by winning a padle race on Sydney Harbour.)
Paddling Relay:
1st California
2nd Australia
3rd Peru.
While not officially connected with the  world contest, a Hot-dogging (small wave) and a women's contest were held at the Waikiki Surf Club at Mira Hores in Lima.
There was no junior competition.
1st  Paul Strauch
2nd Steve Bigler
3rd David Nuuhiwa.
1st Joyce Hoffman
2nd Nancy Nelson
3rd Candy Calhoun.
According to the ..... Midget Farrelly won the small wave event.

The contest was filmed by Bob Evans for XXX?? (196?) and some of the footage was used in his 1968 retrospective, Ride a White Horse, released on DVD in 2009.
World Surfing Championships Final, Peru 1965

The results above are collated from the following extracts from:
John Severson: Peru World Contest
Surfer Magazine, May 1965, Volume 6 Number  2, pages18 to 24 .

Page 20
This year the contest was switched from the Kon Tiki beach because Punta Rocas is directly in front of a high cliff- easy to see the break, easy to judge, as well as providing a steeper, more spectacular ride.
There were disadvantages: the tricky, chorros-covered rocks dinged many a board; but the Peruvians provided beach boys who waded over the rocks and retrieved loose boards.

The Peruvians insisted on a big-wave contest- and that's what they got.
Meet Director Eduardo Arena had asked the Peruvian Navy to recommend the best time for big surf at Punta Rocas.
The Navy did- and it was right.

The judging stressed that a surfer, to get the most points, should slide at the greatest speed, the longest possible distance, in the most dangerous part of the longest and highest surf.
In other words, the judges wanted the best possible performance in the biggest and most critical waves.
California with its 22-man team was an early favorite to place a few men high, if only because of numbers.
Hawaii's big-wave experts were given a good chance in the Punta Rocas boomers, and the Aussies were strong with such stars as defending champion FarrreIly, Nat Young, Queensland Champ Ken Adler and Peter Troy, who had been living in Peru and surfing Rocas for two months.

Page 22
California had the lion's share of contestants moving into the 18-man semi- finals, placing six surfers. Hawaii had five, Peru three, Australia three and South Africa one.
The semi-final field was (adjusted by country):
California-  Mike Doyle, Richard Chew, Danny Lenahan, Robert August, Joey Cabell, Mickey Munoz.
Hawaii-        Buffalo Keaulana, Bobby Cloutier, Paul Strauch, George Downing, Fred Hemmings.
Peru-            Felipe Pomar, Roberto Tode, Hector Velarde.
Australia-    Nat Young, Midget FarreIly, Ken Adler.
Sth Africa-  Anthony Vandenheuve.

In the semi-finals the waves continued to roll, causing Meet Director Arena to comment, "We couldn't have asked for better surf."
Nat Young was one of the hotter semi-finalists, catching 22 waves during his one-hour heat.

Page 23
The win had all the more presige because if the international flavor of the five judges: One Australian, a Hawaiian, a Californian and two Peruvians.
Here's how close the scoring was (adjusted):
Place Competitor Country Scores Total
1st  Felipe Pomar Peru 62-71-64-72-74 343
2nd Nat Young Australia 61-77-63-71-70 342
3rd Paul Strauch  Hawaii 61-74-63-69-74 341
4th Mickey Munoz California 61-70-59-70-67 327
5th Fred Hemmings Hawaii 54-69-65-65-71 324
6th Mike Doyle California 58-71-59-66-70 324
7th George Downing Hawaii 54-66-62-67-65 314
8th Ken Adler Australia 59-66-52-63-65 305
The rest of the surfing program was an anti-climax.
Hot-dogging and the girls' contest were run off at the Waikiki Surf Club at Mira Hores in Lima.
But this was not connected with the official world contest.
There was no competition for juniors.

For the hot-dogging, or habilidad de la playa as the Peruvians called it, the best of an excellent International field was Paul Strauch.
Steve Bigler was a surprise second place and light-footed ...

Page 24
... David Nuuhiwa was third.
Bigler and Nuuhiwa were members of the strong Long Beach Surf Club that turned the Women's competition into an inter-club exhibition.
Makaha winner Joyce Hoffman was first followed by Nancy Nelson and Candy Calhoun.

In other events, Felipe Pomar won the 2,000 meter paddling race with Tony Vandenhueve of South Africa second and Pancho Aramburu of Peru third.
Nat Young actually hit the beach first, but Nat forgot to run up the rocks and touch the finish line flag.
He stood holding his board while the first three finishers stumbled past him.
However, Nat recouped by completely outclassing the field in the four-mile paddle.
In a relay race, a California team of Doyle, Chew, Bigler and Sumpter barely edged out Australia and Peru.
Makaha tandem winner, Mike Doyle, this time teamed  with Linda Merrill, won the tandem competition on a regular surfboard; Jim Graham and Heidi Edwards were second with Hector Velarde and a pretty  Peruvian senorita third.

John Severson: Peru World Contest 1965,
Surfer Volume 6 Number 2, May 1965.

1965 Bells Beach Contest, Vic  (Easter)
1st Robert Coneely
2nd Nat Young,
3rd Jeff Watt,
=4th Glen Ritchie and Nipper Williams,
also Terry Wall, Rod Brooks,  Pat Morgan and Dick Milledge.

Junior Cancelled (too big).
No Women
1965 May, Australian Championships, Manly NSW.

1st Midget Farrelly
2nd  Nat Young
3rd Bob McTavish.
Junior - 1st Peter Drouyn, 2nd Kevin Brennan
Women - Phyllis O’Donell

News from Australia:  Manley.[sic]

1965 Tom Morey’s Noserider Contest,  USA

1st Corky Carroll
Note that while the contest was for cash prizes, it was limited to one manourve.
See Source Documents: Tom Morey's Noseriding Contest 1965.
Selections from Surfer Magazine, September 1965, November 1965, and January 1966.

1965 1st Duke Kahanamoku Invitational, Sunset Beach, Hawaii (December 14th, 1965)
1st Jeff Hakman (H)
2nd  Paul Strauch (H)
3rd Felipe Pomar (Peru)
Neither Midget Farrelly nor Nat Young were invited.

(Bruce Brown)
Format: One hour heats, judged on the best five waves, wave selection, position on the wave and overall performance

1965 TV Broadcast 1st Annual Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Surfing Championships
1966 Hawaiian Surfing Association : Contest Rules.
1966 Bells Beach Contest Vic.  (Easter)
1st  Nat Young
Junior - Wayne Lynch
Women - Gail Couper

1966 Australian Titles, Coolangatta, Gold Coast, Queensland, June 1966.
1st Nat Young
2nd Bob McTavish
3rd Russell Hughes
4th Midget Farrelly
5th Robert Conneely
6th Bobby Brown (Placings courtesy of Andrew McKinnon, October 2010).
Junior - Peter Drouyn
Women - Gail Couper

1966 World Championships, San Diego, California, October 1966.

1st Nat Young (Aust)

2nd Jock Sutherland (H)
3rd Corky Carroll (USA)
4th Steve Bigler (USA)
5th Rodney Sumpter (UK)
6th Midget Farrelly (Aust)
- Grissim, page 80.

Featured on the cover of International Surfing Magazine Volume 3 Number 1December/January  1967.

Other Open results:
7   Herb Fletcher 
8   Dru Harrison 
9   Rusty Miller 
10 Jeff Hakman 
11 Mike Doyle 
12 David Nuuhiwa 
13 Skip Frye 
14 John Peck 
15 Peter Drouyn 
16 LeRoy Ah Choy 
(US West)
(US West)
(US West)
(US West)
(US West)
(US West)
(US West)
17 Jackie Eberle 
18 Gary Propper 
19 Jimmy Lucas 
20 Paul Strauch 
21 Kiki Spangler 
22 Donald Takayama 
23 Claude Coqgen 
24 Jean Marie Lartigau 
25 Tommy McRoberts 
(US East) 
(US West)
(US East)
(US East)
Womens Open
1 Joyce Hoffman 
2 Joey Hamasaki 
3 Mimi Munro 
4 Gail Cooper 
5 Josette Lagarde
(US West)
(US West)
(US East
(US West)
6 Phyllis O'Donnell 
7 Kathy Fuller 
8 Kathy LaCroix 
9 Sharon Weber 
10 Renee Eisler 
(US East);
(US East)

1966 Makaha International Surfing Championships.
Fred Hemmings (open)
Other finalists may have included Joey Cabell, George Downing, Felipe Pomar and Nat Young.
Joyce Hoffman (Womens)
Reno Abellira (Juniors)
Pete Peterson and Barrie Algaw (Tandem).
- Warshaw: Encyclopedia (2004) page 358.

1966 International Surfers' Championship , Makaha, 1966.
Results: Nat Young (Australia) 1st, Reno Abellira (Hawaii) 2nd, Mike Purpus (California) 3rd.
Randy Rarick noted:
"Just a little bit of history on the footage of the Makaha Surfing event.
It was a made for TV special that ABC did, because Nat Young had been eliminated in the main Makaha event.
They picked Nat because he was the reigning World Champion and  they hand picked all the other surfers so they would have contestants from France, Peru, California and Hawaii besides Nat from Australia.
The Makaha organizers were unhappy with ABC, because it caused confusion over the "official" event.

- Randy Rarrick: The Surf Blurb 26 March 2012

1966, June, Canadian Surfing Contest, Long Beach, Tofino, British Columbia.
1st Paul Grif --- (Grif, Griffith, Griffiths, Grifa?)
2nd Jim Sadler
3rd Ginty Howard
4th Ralph Devries
Ian Kennedy noted this contest and results in an email in March 2013, and commented:
"The first ever surfing competition in Canada took place at Long Beach, near Tofino.
According to the limited information I have unearthed, there were 40 contestants from as far away as New Zealand and about 2,000 turned up to watch."

1966  2nd Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st Ricky Grigg

"December 1966’s Duke had been cancelled due to poor surf at Makaha.
It was rescheduled for February 1967"

1967 Bells Beach Contest Victoria, March 1967.
 1st Nat Young
Junior Wayne -  Lynch
Women - Gail Couper
See Hot Generation

1967 Australian Titles, Bells Beach Victoria, March 1967.
1st Nat Young
2nd Peter Drouyn
3rd Midget Farrelly
Junior - Wayne Lynch
Women - Gail Couper
See Hot Generation.
WindanSea Club Contest, Long Reef/Palm Beach Sydney, NSW (November-December)

with a touring  USA team,
1st  Ted Spencer on Little Red.
2nd  Midget Farrelly.
3rd  Russell Hughes
The other finalists were John Monie, Mike Purpus (USA) and Steve Bigler (USA).
Competitors in the early rounds included Keith Paull, Skipp Frye (USA), Peter Drouyn, Robert Conneely, Wayne Lynch (returned to Victoria for high school examinations).
Contest reports:
John Witzig and Lester Brien: Windansea Invitational Contest, 1967.
SURF INTERNATIONAL Magazine Vol. 1. No. 3 February 1968  pages 20 to 25.

1968 Ian Smith and Jack Sullivan : Windansea Invitational Contest, 1967.
Surfabout Volume 4 Number 4, March 1968, pages 25 to 29.

The contest was filmed and included in Eric Blum's  Fantastic Plastic Machine, released in 1969.
The difficulties in producing the film are detailed by scriptwriter BrianSt. Pierre in The Plastic Fantastic Voyage- Across the South Pacific with Surfers and a Camera (1969).

1967 Makaha International Surfing Championships.
Joey Cabell (open)
Martha Sunn (Womens)
Reno Abellira (Juniors)
Bob Moore and Patti Young (Tandem).
- Warshaw: Encyclopedia (2004) page 358.
1967 3rd Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii

1st Jock Sutherland (H)
2nd Paul Strauch
3rd George Downing
Bob McTavish (unplaced) uses Nat Young’s invitation.
Duke Kahanamoku died soon after this contest, 22nd January 1968.

1968 Bobby Brown Memorial Contest
Cronulla NSW
Saturday 10th January, 1968 - Wanda.
Sunday 11th January, 1968 - Sandshoes.
1st Midget Farrelly
2nd Keith Paull
3rd Ted Spencer,
4th Frank Latta,
5th Robert Connelly,
6th Kevin Parkinson.
See: Lester Brien : Bobby Brown Memorial Contest.
Surfing World Volume 10 Number 4, March-April 1968, pages 32 to 35.

1968 Bells Beach Contest Vic.   (Easter)
 1st Ted Spencer
Junior - Wayne Lynch
Women - V. Campbell

1968 Australian Titles, North side, Sydney  (May)
1st Keith Paull,
Other finalists - Nat Young, Ted Spencer, Midget Farrelly, Robert Coneneely,Lester Brien.
Junior:- Wayne Lynch,
Women - Judy Trim
1968 Newcastle Contest.

For the first time a large number of the top-rated surfes did not attend, except for Peter Drouyn, who failed to make the final.
Mens: 1. Robert Lynch, 2. Frank Latta, 3. Richard Harvey, 4. Peter Cornish (Newcastle).
Juniors: 1.Rob Holt, 2. Wayne Williams, 3. David Trealor, 4. Ian Moore.
- Surfing World, August (?) 1968l, Volume 11. Number 3, page 42.

1968 NSW Titles
Wollongong (and Bellambi?)
Open Mens
1. Ted Spencer
2. Keith Paull
3. Robert Conneeley
4. Midget Farrelly
Junior Mens
I. DavidTreloar
2. Mark Smith
3. John Irwin
4. Bruce Channon
Senior Mens
1. Graham Ferris
2. Jack Mayes
3. Mal Saunders
1. Judy Trim
2. Lyn Stubbins
3. Vivian Campbell
Contest report: SURF INTERNATIONAL Vol. 1. No. 6 May 1968  pages 40-41.

1968 European Championships
September ? La Barre France
1st Wayne Lynch
2nd Nat Young
3rd Keith Paull
Other international competitors included Ted Spencer, Billy Hamilton and  Mark Martinson.
While the visiting surfers competed in the European Championship, apparently due to contactual conflicts, neither Witzig or MacGillivray-Freeman filmed the contest that had excellent surf.

- Wayne Lynch: France, 1968.
Surf International Vol. 1. No. 11  January 1968 ?  Page 12.
Peruvian International, 1968
(25th Anniversary)
Big Wave contest: Punta Rocas
1st Joey Cabell
2nd Gordo Baredda (eight points behind)

Hot-dogging Contest (small waves): Miraflores
1st Flaco Barreda
2nd Dru Harrison
3rd Any Neuman
Equal 4th Joey Cabell and Gordo Baredda

Noted for the introduction on the new short boards to Peru, the Baredda brothers rode the first locally built boards, finished three days before the contest.
Peruvian champion, Felipe Pomar travelled from Hawaii with a 7ft 11" and George Downing had an 8ft gun.
California's Dru Harrison rode an 8ft 5" shore-break shortboard.

- Surfing, October 1968, page 21.

1968 World Contest
Puerto Rico, 5-14 November, 1968.
The Footage
Coverage of the contest was presented by ABC Wide World Sports Television, probably screened December 1968-January 1969.
A copy of the program was kindly made available for research by Ben Marcus, October 2011.
It is a high quality production in rich colour with a combination of beach, helicopter and water footage.
The introduction, by Bill Fleming, notes the considerable chane in board length in the past year, illustrated by a 10ft board ridden at Makaha and a current 8ft board.
In addition, Australian film-maker Paul Wizig shot some concurrent footage, included in Evolution (1970).
Primarily concentrating on the film's stars Wayne Lynch, Nat Young and Ted Spencer, it features some pre-contest free surfing, some of the heats and tandem event, and the final of the World Contest.
In particular, note a brief shot of Nat Young and Midget Farrelly "sharing a wave".

 In both films it is assumed that the contest footage retains the original chronological sequence, however it is apparent that a considerable number of rides have been deleted from the final prints.

Contest Format
All events were judged on the best five (5) waves, scored on being in the most critical position on the wave for longest time possible, with functional manoeuvres.
An interference rule was enforced.

Initially scheduled to be held at Rincon, a lack of swell saw the heats transferred to Domes, adjacent to a nuclear reactor, an area normally off-limits to the public.
A rising swell allowed the Men's Final to be moved to Rincon.

Contestants represented various associations:
H - Hawaii
WC - West Coast USA
EC - East Coast, USA
PR - Puerto Rico
A - Australia
NZ - New Zealand
SA - South Africa

Other teams (not in finals): Britain - Four man team, including Steve Harewood of Jersey., Ecuador?
ABC Footage
Mundiales de Surfing 1968 Rincon,Puerto Rico Part 1

Semi-finals at At Domes, (predominately) right handers and five man heats,.
Semi Final 1
1. Fred Hemmings (H- Green)
2. Russell Hughes (A- Orange)
Also Wayne Lynch (A-Black), David Nuuihwa (WC-White), George Thomson (SA-Yellow).
Hemmings is a clear winner.
Goofyfoots Lynch and Nuuihwa are disadvantaged riding backhand, David Nuuihwa losses his board and has a low wave count.

Semi Final 2
1. Nat Young (A-Black)
2. Reno Abelleira (H-Green)
Also Skip Frye (WC-White), Pete Johnson (WC-Yellow), Alan Byrne (NZ-Orange).
Young scores a very rare left and overall is a clear winner.
Goofyfoot Byrne is disadvantaged riding backhand.

Semi Final 3
1. Midget Farrelly (A - Black)
2. Mike Doyle (WC- Yellow)
Doyle losses his board but manages to score some good waves.
Also Corky Carroll (WC - Orange), Joey Cabell (H-Green), Mike Purpus (WC - White).
Farrelly is the clear winner.
Interviewed after the semi-final on the success of the Australian competitors, Midget commented "We're, lucky, versatile, and don't give up easily."
Cabell appears to be riding Nuiihwa's board (?).
Goofyfoot Carroll is disadvantaged riding backhand, losses his board and has a low wave count.
Corky's recalled the his participation in the contest in 2011:

"Through the preliminaries and quarter finals I had no problems getting through at all.
(The semi-final ...) was a 30-minute heat.
 I started out with three very good scores and was confident that I was winning the heat.
My forth wave came at about the 16-minute mark.
It was a very long wall and I had a solid score going (... but in going for ...) a big "fly away" kickout  (... the following wave ...)   took my board before I could get to it.
By the time I reached the beach to retrieve it the heat was over and I only had four waves.
I still had the highest four scores but my total left me within a point of advancing to the finals.
Midget and Doyle advanced and I took third.
Soooo close, yet no gold."

- Corky Carroll’s Surf’s Up column: 1968 World Surfing Championship one for the ages
Orange County Register, Sept. 25, 2011.
Viewed January 2012.

Women 1st Margo Godfrey (WC - Yellow)
Also Martha Sunn (H - White/Black), Phylis O'Donell (A - Blue), Candy Chase (PR - White) Janice De Moisky (spelling?) (EC - Orange), Sharon Weber (H - Black).
Janice De Moisky (spelling?) from Virginia Beach on the East Coast is the only competitor riding a wide-tailed Vee bottom board, with a blue nose patch.
Godrey starts slow, but dominates the later half of the final with excellent wave choice and skilled riding.

Mens Final, Rincon
1st  Fred Hemmings* - Orange
2nd Midget Farrelly - Black
3rd Russell Hughes - Blue
4th Nat Young - Yellow
5th Mike Doyle - White
6th Reno Abelleira - Green

World Contest Finalists:
Nat, Mike Doyle, Russell Hughes, Fred Hemmings, Midget (hidden behind Eduardo) and Reno.

Fred Hemmings rides the largest wave of the final, unfortunately for the cameraman (and the judges?) a large portion of the ride is obscured by the preceeding wave.
Hughes losses his board, but expertly body surfs the following wave to retrieve the board and is only slightly disadvantaged.
Nat Young starts badly, but has a couple of high scoring smaller waves towards the finish.

*The result was a tie between Hemmings and Farrelly, Hemmings winning on a count-back, or scoring an extra wave.
At the announcement of the re-calculated results, Hemmings and his supporters are jubliant.
Farrelly appears to be very disappointed and is consoled by fellow Australians, Hughes and Young.
(Whatever the differences between Midget and Nat, it is possible the Nat-Hemmings relationship was even more tense.)

Also see:
Puerto Rico World Surfing Championships 1968 Mix

Evolution Footage
1970 Director/Camera Paul Witzig
Extra footage by George Greenough
No Commentary - with sub-titles.
Soundtrack by Taman Shud and Tully (and Ravell)
Poster: Wayne Lynch cutback Australian Tiles Sydney 1968 - not shown in film


Part 7  Puerto Rico : Domes/Rincon-World Titles

Free surfing - Some of the free-surfers do not appear in contest footage.
In particular, note a brief shot of Nat Young and Midget Farrelly "sharing a wave".
Heats - based on the tee-shirt colours, some appear to early heats, before the semi-finals.
Tandem - Witzig uses the soundtrack to suggest that this is somewhat less than high-performace surfing.
Final - During the final's footage, Witzig includes shots of Wayne Lynch free-surfing down the beach, contrasting his performance with that of the "official" competitors.
He repeated the format in his footage of the 1970 final at Johanna, Victoria, in Sea of Joy (1971).

Wayne Lynch - clear three glueline Round tail 7 ft
Nat Young  -  clear with three glueline Round tail 7 ft : The Young Weber - hand painted decal.
Ted Spencer - clear/three glueline Round tail 7 ft
(*The three clear/three stringer boards made at Michael Barrland Surfboards, France.)
Midget Farrelly -  Midget Farrelly Surfboards Red rails and bottom with :Blue wing, Yellow deck Pintail 7ft 4"?
Skip Frye - Gordon and Smith Surfboards Yellow-green nose patch Squaretail.+7ft?
Ben Apia - Greg Noll Surfboards? red bottom and rails, yellow deck +8ft
Unknown -  riding what looks like a blue 5 ft kneeboard
Russell Hughes - Yellow Squaretail by Bob McTavish 7 ft 6".
Keith Paull - The Foil by Bing Surfboards, Red, white deck  7ft 6"?
David Nuuihwa - Red,White/Blue deck Pintail with early Ying-Yang  logo (later Town and Country Surfboards?)  -down rails?
Reno Abellira - Le Serpent Brewer? Mini-gun, light blue deck, purple down rails, 6ft 7" x 18.75" x 2.6" single glassed round-pin, weighing 8 lbs, including the fin.
Joey Cabell: clear Pintail 8tf? -down rails
Fred Hemmings: Greg Noll Surfboards, shaped by Ben Apia, red with yellow deck, fin box and molded fin, 8ft 6"
Mike Dolye : Hansen Surfboards Blue rails, white deck pintail, fin box and molded fin +8ft?

NOTE: Most of these dimensions are estimated from photographs and film and ideally need to be revised - the longest board appears to be Hemmings' 8ft 6''.

Rod Sumpter: With Surfing in Mind (1969)
1968 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational
23rd December 1968, Sunset Beach Hawaii

1st Mike Dolye (USA)
2nd Ricky Grigg
3rd Fred Hemmings
4th Nat Young
5th Jock Sutherland
Other finalists Rusty Miller, Eddie Aikau, Felipe Pomar.
Midget Farrelly made the semi-finals.
1969 Bobby Brown Memorial Contest, Cronulla

1st & 2nd March 1969
1st Frank LattaFarrelly, Paul, Spencer, Latta, Connelly, Parkinson.

1969 Steamer Lane Contest, California.

1969  Bells Beach Contest Vic. (Easter)
1st Ted Spencer
Junior - Wayne Lynch
Women - Gail Couper

Nat Young, Bells Beach.
Photograph by John Witzig.
Surf International
Volume 2 Number 4 page 25.

1969 Australian Titles
May 1969
Round 1: Scarborough Beach Perth.
Men: 1st Nat Young, 2nd Peter Drouyn, 2; Junior: Wayne Lynch; Women: Josette Lagardere; Senior Mens: Ted Harvey
Margaret River.
Round 2
Junior: 1st Wayne Lynch, 2nd Ian Cairns, (3rd Robbie Holt?)
Round 3 (final result on aggregated points)
Mens: 1st Nat Young, 2nd Peter Drouyn, 3rd Richard Harvey

Junior: 1st Wayne Lynch, 2nd David Treloar, 3rd Butch Cooney
Women: 1st Josette Lagardere, 2nd Nola Sherpherd, 3rd Judy Trim
Senior Mens: 1st Ted Harvey, 2nd Allan Robbins, 3rd Dave Williams

Paul Witzig : Evolution

1969 Australian Surfing Titles held in WA
Presented by Surfing Down South
In May 1969 the Nation’s best surfers competed in the first Australian Surfing Championships held in WA.
Contest rounds were held in fine autumn conditions with offshore winds at Scarborough (small), Margaret River (large) and Yallingup (windy).
This video features contest surfing at Scarborough, Margaret River and Yallingup.
The footage was captured on a Super 8 camera by members of the City Beach Surf Riders club WA.
Video music courtesy of Vance Burrow Yallingup. (No narration).

Ric Chan’s coverage of 1969 Australian Surf Titles in WA.

1969 European Championships, Jersey, UK.
On a trip to Europe, Bob Cooper won the  International Division.
1969  Duke Kahanamoku Surfing Classic
Haliewa, Sunset Beach, Hawaii

1st Joey Cabell (H).
No time element (?), movable contest site and 24 invited competitors.
Scheduled to start on the 17th December, the contestants stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, plus an expense account.
The contest started the next day, 18th December, at Haliewa with a 12-15 foot north swell.
Nat Young and Midget Farrelly were invitees.

Nat jams a cutback.                                          

Midget turns from inside.

Surfing World

Volume 12 Number 1.

Story by Randy Rarick.

Photos by Peter French.

1970 Bobby Brown Memorial Contest, Wanda BeachCronulla

- the third and final event for Bobby Brown
1st Andrew McKinnon
2nd Frank Latta
3rd Paul Neilsen
4th David Treloar
5th Terry Fitzgerald
6th Michael McCormack.
(Placings courtesy of Andrew McKinnon, October 2010).

1970 NSW State Titles
Avalon, Long Reef
1.Mark Warren
2. Grant Oliver
3. Mark Richards (cadet)
Seniors: Russ King
North Narrabeen
1. Judy Trim
2.Lyn Stbbins


For some photographs, see Surf International : Bells Beach Contest, 1970.

1970 Bells Beach Contest
Victoria- Easter.

Entry fees were increased from $1 to $3 with a record entry of 250 contestants, 160 in the open division.
1st Nat Young
2. Ted Spencer
3. Baddy Treloar
4. Mark Warren (1970 NSW Junior Champion)
5. Keith Paull

Midget Farrelly withdrew from the contest at the quarter-finals, after surfing superbly in his first two rounds (Witzig).
Notable absentees were Peter Drouyn and Wayne Lynch
International competitors included Rodney Sumpter, from England but ex-Avalon Beach, and
current US champion Corky Carroll and Dru Harrison from California.
For photographs, see
Surf International : Bells Beach Contest, 1970.

1970 Australian Surfing Championships

Queensland, 1970
Place Name State
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Peter Drouyn 
Ted Spencer 
Keith Paull 
Bernard Farrelly 
Robert Young 
Frank Latta 
David Treloar 
Graham Black 
Peter Cornish 
Richard Harvey
John Otton 
Colin Smith 
Terry Fitzgerald 
Rod Brooks 
Wayne Dale 
Peter Taylor 
Tony Hardy 
Greg Hill 
Garry Smith 
Allan Atkins 
Garry Blyth 
John Balgani 
Tim Davis 
David Butterworth 
John Pyburne 







Place Name State
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Wayne Lynch 
Grant Oliver
Michael Peterson 
Ian Cairns
Mark Warren
Stewart Ware
Peter Townsend
Andrew McKinnon 
Ian Goodacre 
Neil Chivas
L. Richards
John Law 
John Knight 
Steven Butterworth 
John Pawson 
P. Roberts 
Lane Habib 
M. Hickson 
K. Buttery 
M. Higgins 
Wayne Dean 
Peter Rudd 
P. Stansfield-Smith 
Ray Thomas 
Vic ?







Place Name State
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Russ King 
Laurie Hohensee 
Jim Howard 
Robert Torr 
Edward Harvey 
Ron Ware 
Mal Saunders 
Joe Sweeney 
M. Patterson 
Don Loveless


Place Name State
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Nola Shepherd
Phyllis O'Donnell 
Lynn Stubbins 
Judy Clements
Gail Couper 
Judy Bohringer 
Maureen Farrell 
Leslie Howard 
Micha Mueller 


- Surf International Volume  3 Number 4 page 29. March 1970

1970 World Championship
May 1970, Bells Beach, Victoria.
The men's final was held at Johanna; the
women's final was held the next day at Skenes Creek, on the south side of Kennett River.
1. Rolf Arness (USA)

2. Midget Farrelly
3. Peter Drouyn
4. Reno Abellira (Hawaii)
5. K. Downing (Hawaii)
6. Nat Young
1. Sharon Weber (Hawaii)
2. Margo Godfrey (US)
3. Barbara Belyea (US)
4. Joyce Hoffman (US)
5. Martha Sunn (Hawaii)
6. Jerico Poppler (US)

Souvenir Programme

Australia, 1970
Captain Cook Bi-Centenary

Fifth World Surfboard Riding Championships 
Bells Beach, Victoria.
1970 World Surfing Championships Vic 18 min NVEExport
The fifth World Surfboard Riding Championships were held in Victoria, Australia, between May 1st and May 14th 1970.
This footage features contest surfing at Bells and Johanna beaches and includes footage of International and Australian surfers.
The action was captured on a hand held Super 8 camera by members of the City Beach Surf Riders club WA.
Video music courtesy of Vance Burrow Yallingup. (No narration)

Surfing World: World Contest, 1970.
Photos and incomplete contest notes, some by Midget Farrelly, from Surfing World, Volume 14 Number 2, 1970.

Thor Severnson : World Contest, 1970.

Surf International
Volume 3 Number 3, 1970.

1970 Australian Womens' Weekly : James and Rolf Arness, Bells Beach.

Australian Women's Weekly 20 May 1970, pages 8 and 9. Article by Maureen Bang, photographs  by Les Gorrie.
Paul Witzig : Sea of Joy
Rod Sumpter: Freeform 

1970 Gunston 500
Durban South Africa

1st Midget Farrelly

1970 Smirnoff Pro
Sunset Beach, Hawaii.

The second professional contest, the first at Steamer Lane, California.
1st Nat Young (Aust) $2000

2nd Philipe Pomar (Peru) $1,000
3rd Jim Blears (Hawaii) $700.
4th Peter Drouyn (Aust)
5th Gerry Lopez (Hawaii) $300
6th Mike Halley (Hawaii) $100

Heublien Inc : Smirnoff Pro Contest, 1970.

1970 Makaha International Surfing Championships

1st Peter Drouyn

1970  Golden Breed Expression Session Rocky Point and Lahaina Maui ,
A free form non-competive format with appearance fee.
Australian invitees Nat Young, Keith Paull

1970 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st Jeff Hakman (H)
2nd Peter Drouyn

1971 Smirnoff Contest, Hawaii
1st Gavin Rudolf  (South Africa)
2nd Bill Hamilton (H)
3rd Eddie Aikau (H)
4th Jeff Hakman (H)

 1971 Sydney Championships.
Senior Men
1. Ted Spencer
2. Wayne Williams
3. Mark Warren
4. John Otton
5. Tony Hardwick
6. Jack Knight
Junior Men
1. Simon Anderson
2. Brad Mayes
3. Ed Conlon
4. Jack Knight
5. Robbie Holt & Shane Brooks.
- Surfing World Volume 13 Number 13 page ?, 1971

1971 NSW Titles, Sydney.
Senior Men
1. David Treloar
2. Col Smith
3. John Otton
4. Grant Oliver
5. Terry Fitzgerald
6. Mark Warren
Junior Men
1. Steven Cooney
2. Mark Richards
3. Simon Anderson
4. Jack Knight
5. Peter Frazer
6. Eris O'Brien

- Surfing World Volume 13 Number 13 page ?, 1971

1971 Australian Titles, Bells Beach.
1. Paul Neilsen (Qld)
2. Peter Drouyn (Qld)
3. Terry Fitzgerald (NSW)
4. Rick Neisen (Qld)
5. Mark Warren (NSW)
6. Grant Oliver ((NSW)

1. Brian Austin (Qld)
2. Ted Harvey (NSW)
3. Nipper Williams (NSW)
4. Laurie Hohensee (Old)
5. Jim Howard (Vic)
6. Allan Robbins (WA)

Duke Kahanamoku Trophy: Simon Anderson (NSW)
1. Simon Anderson (NSW)
2. Peter Townend (Qld0
3. Peter Frazer (NSW)
4. Andrew McKinnon (Qld)
5. Robbie Holt (NSW)
6. Craig Betttenay (WA)

1. Gail Couper (Vic)
2. Judy Trim (NSW)
3. Judy Clements (NSW)
4. Phyllis O'Donnell (Qld)
5. Josette Lagardere (Qld)
6. Nola Shepherd (SA)

  - Surfing World Volume 13 Number 13 page 75, 1971

1971 Santa Cruz 4A Contest, California.
Pat O'Neill and Roger Adams came up with a new idea for this contest - a shot-cord attached by a suction cap to the nose of the board at one end and to the surfer's wrist or ankle at the other end.
The shot-cord device kept both surfers from losing their boardsinto the rocks, and saved them from time-consuming swims.
The shot-line attached to the nose of the board also allowed Pat O'Neill to crank his board around by pulling on the line.
Pat says the device doesn't seem to be dangerous and alot of surfers in the area are trying it out.
- Contest Results, Surfer, Volume Number page ? 1971?

The article included a black and white photograph with the mistitled caption:
Rodger Adams and shot-cord, second at Santa Cruz. Photo: Kampion.
The surfer, with a wrist attachment, is Pat O'Neill.
A copy of this article was included in a circulated draft paper on the history of the leg rope by Ben Marcus in January 2011.

1971 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st Jeff Hakman (H)

1972 Bells Beach Contest (Easter)
1st Terry Fitzgerald
2nd Peter Drouyn

Some of this year's highlights were:
Four days of miserable onshore slop, which at one stage rose to about five or six feet; got half glassy for a short time around the codgers event, but was overall about as bad as bad Bells can be.
Ted Spencer's Cheer Squad composed of three lovely young Presbyterian ladies who respectively wore the letters T. E, and D prominently displayed on their backs; always walked in formation waving streamers and carrying a large banner proclaiming their allegiance.
Rumour had it that all three slept with Ted each night on a King Size waterbed somewhere in the back of the Rip Curl establishment in Torquay.

Michael Peterson, fence paling in hand for twenty minutes after the final, armed to protect himself from the wrath of Ted following some heavy hassling in the water.
The first contest victory for Terry Fitzgerald.
Fitz celebrated by getting very drunk at the pub that night and ended the evening being warmly congratulated by the head of Torquay's Police Establishment; a man who, unbelievable as it sounds, had arrested Fitz a few days earlier for running a sly grogshop.
Maybe next year luck will be on the side of The Big O and Steady Stan, or a miracle may have occurred and a little flexibility may creep unnoticed into the organisation.
- P.W. (Paul Witzig?), Tracks, May 1972.

1972 NSW State Titles (?)
I. Grant Oliver
2. RogerClements
3. Col Smith
4. Tony Hardwich (sic, Hardwick)
5. David Trealor
6. Mark Warren..
1 Simon Anderson
2.. Mark Richards
3. Robert Hoogeveen
4. Richard Riggs
5. David Byrne
6. Bruce Raymond
1. Ian Denning 
2. J. McCabe 
3. S. Smith 
4. R. Lewis 
5. G. Elison 
6. M. Hansell
- Tracks, April 1972 Number19.
1972 Pa  Bendall Memorial Contest  Caloundra, Queensland. ?,

1972 Australian Titles
1st Michael Peterson Juniors 
2nd Peter Townend 1st Simon Anderson
3rd Mark Warren 2nd Mark Richards
4th Paul Neilsen 3rd Rabbit Batholomew
5th Andrew McKinnon
6th Keith Paull

1972 World Championships
Ocean Beach, San Diego, California.
1st James Blears (H)
2nd David Nuuhiwa (US West Coast)
3rd Peter Townend (Australia)
Infamously, David Nuuhiwa's contest Fish board was stolen, then broken in half and hung from the Ocean Beach pier, apparently a local reaction to Nuuhiwa's perceived his approproriation of the design without accreditation to Steve Lis, an Ocean beach shaper and designer.
He competed on a backup Fish board.
Blears rode a newly acquired Fish design from Fresh Fish Surfboards of Ocean Beach, possibly shaped  by John Holly.

1st Sharon Weber (US West Coast)
5th Debbie Beacham (US West Coast)


At the contest the International Federation considered and rejected  the eligibility of two accessories - the leg rope (attached between  the ankle and the fin) and "claws", a type of boot with velcro soles (and, presumably, a companion velcro pad on the board).

At this point it appears that only U.S. mainland surfers were familiar with the leg rope- in particular it would be interesting to know the attitude of the Hawaiian competitors.
It is possible that this exposure to the leg rope's potential advantages initiated its spread by members of the visiting teams, such as Australia and South Africa.

The West Coast U.S. team also proposed a "man-to-man" format, which was similarly rejected.
It is unknown if the West Coast Association had previously used such a format in any of its regional contests.

Five years later, the "man-on-man" format became a standard feature of the professional contest circuit following its introduction by Peter Drouyn at the 1977 Stubbies Contest at Burleigh Heads.

See Source Documents:
1972 Carol Ritch : World Contest Surfing Rule Changes.

This was the last amateur championship till the revival of the format in South Africa in 1978.
Contest results would now focus on the growing professional contest circuit.

1972 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st James Jones (H)
2nd Jeff Hakman (H)
3rd Oscar Malpartida (Peru)
4th Peter Townend.

1972 Smirnoff Contest , Hawaii
1st Paul Neilson

1973  Hang Ten Contest, Hawaii
1st Jeff Hakman $4000
2nd Barry Kanaiaupuni $1000
3rd Peter Townend $700
4th  Paul Neilson $500
The first contest using a points for manoeuvre system, later termed the objective system, devised by George Downing, Duke Boyd and, contest winner, Jeff Hakman.

1973 Rip Curl Easter Bells Beach Contest
1st Michael Peterson
2nd Midget Farrelly
Other finalists Tony Hardwick, Simon Anderson,
and Ted Spencer.

Paul Trigger recalls:

1973 Rip Curl Easter Bells
Perfect conditions with waves up to 12ft in the early rounds and its still around a solid 8ft for the final.
One great moment for the spectators is watching the courageous Sammy Hawk pulling into a monster closeout barrel in the bowl, needless to say he didn’t come out.
A large contingent of international surfers are competing but no one can match Midget Farrelly’s mastery of big wave surfing, not even the Hawaiians.
Midget the master shaper had a kombi full of boards all the same narrow swallow tail, light yellow pigment and scaling up 3 inches at a time.
He rode an 8’6” on day one surfing top to bottom on 12ft waves from very deep inside.
Peterson and most of the others were limited by their equipment and sat wide on the shoulder.
Phil and I are part of the judging team that is trialing a new points for maneuver system that suits surfers like M.P.
Unfortunately Farrelly the leader after 2 rounds is as sick as a dog and on a dropping swell Michael in perpetual motion blitzes, milking every single point from the takeoff to the shore break.
According to a reliable source (Mark Richards) he had a copy of the official points system taped to the dashboard in his car.
MP is still 6 months away from his 21st birthday and for the next 3 years will dominate Australian surfing like none before him.

Also note the leg-rope tied to the fin in a photograph by Keith Platt of Midget at Bells Beach in 1973.
1973 Pa Bendall Memorial Contest Caloundra, Queensland.

1st Richard Harvey.
2nd Guy Ormerod
3rd Rabbit Batholomew

1973 Australian Titles
Left Handers, Redgate and Margaret River Main Break, WA.
1. Richard Harvey (Qld)
2. Peter Townend (Qld)
3. Michael Peterson (Qld)
4. Graham Woods (NSW)
5. Col Smith (NSW0
6. Tony Hardy (WA).
Junior Mens
1. Mark Richards (NSW)
2. Peter McCabe (NSW)
3. Dave McDonald (Qld)
4. Craig Bettenay (WA).
5. Colin Sutherland (NSW)
6. Steve Jones (NSW)
Womens - Ladies
1. Kim McKenzie (Qld)
2. Gail Couper (Vic)
3. Mary Flynn (Vic)
4. C. Watts (Vic)
5. Jan Young (WA)
6. S. Annett (Vic)
Senior Mens
1. Brian Austin (Qld)
2. Ted Harvey (NSW)
3. Doug Warbrick (Vic).
4. J. Standing (Qld)
5. Tony Harbison (WA)
6. K. Ross (SA)

Duke Kahanamoku Memorial Award : Dave McDonald (Qld)
-Tracks Number 32, July 1973, pages 8-9.

Also see:

1973 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st Clyde Aikau

1973 Hang Ten , Hawaii
1st Jeff Hackman
2nd Ian Cairns
3rd Michael Peterson
4th Paul Neilson
5th Terry Fitzgerald

- Tracks 1973. Issue No 29
1973  Pipeline Masters
1st Gerry Lopez

1973 Smirnoff World Pro-Am Contest
Laniäkea , Hawaii.
19-26 November 1973
1st: Ian Cairns -riding a Bonzer.

1974 Australian Titles
1st Michael Peterson
1974 Newcastle Contest
1st  Mark Richards

1974 Bells Beach Contest (Easter)
1. Michael Peterson
2. Peter Drouyn
3. John Law
4. Mark Warren
5. Phil Trigger
6. Mark Richards
7. Wayne Bartholomew
8. Ted Spencer
9. Peter Townend
10. Reno Abellira
11. Richard Harvery
12. Jeff Hakman
Special Awards
Qualifiers Group
Reno Abellira - worst wipeout - $50
Peter Drouyn - highest scoring ride -$50
Reno Abellira - best re-entry - $50
Rodger Clements - highest scoring nose ride - $50
Vic Ford - highest scoring tube ride -$50
Finals Group
Stewart Entwhistle - worst wipeout - $50
Ted Spencer - highest scoring ride -$200
Michael Peterson - highest scoring tube ride -$200
Mark Warren - best re-entry - $200
Jeff Hakman - highest scoring nose ride - $200

Mark Warren: A $200 Re-Entry
Tracks Number 44 March 1974, page 17.

Judy Trim (2nd), Bells Beach
Number 10, May1974, page 2.

1974  Coke 2SM Surfabout.
May 1-7, 1974.
Narrabeen and Fairy Bower.

1st Michael Peterson,
2nd Ian Cairns
3rd Nat Young

The first Coke contest, with prizes totalling $7,000, was held over several rounds at Fairy Bower, Manly Beach (?) and finishing at North Narrabeen in May 1, 1974. .
With the largest prize in competitive surfing up to this date, the contest attracted a contingent of Hawaiian surfers including
Reno Abellira, Barry Kanaiaupuni, Gerry Lopez, Owl Chapman,and Jeff Hakman.
Lopez had recently won the Pipeline Masters
in Hawaii, and Hakman was victorious in the Hang Ten contest, run under George Downing's objective or points-for-manoeuvre system that was used at the Coke.
The first round was held in solid waves at
Fairy Bower, where Reno and Lopez, and some others, used leg-ropes.
Nat Young lead after the first round in solid surf at Fairy Bower, consistently riding deeper on his than any of the other competitors.
Conditions varied over the week, but the final round at North Narrabeen had excellent waves,
Terry Fitzgerald scoring the award for the Best Tube Ride.
The $2,900 first prize was won by Michael Peterson, following his wins at the Australian Titles and at Bells Beach.

While in Sydney, some of the Hawaiians shaped boards for local manufacturers and  with subsequent boards of their design produced under license; Lopez at Bennett's and Reno and BK at McCoy Surfboards.
In Queensland, Neilsen Bros, produced the Jeff Hakman Model and Owl Chapman shaped boards  for Goodtime.

Nat later wrote that he was unimpressed with the "objective" system, and Phil Jarrett reported Reno Abellira's belief that the George Downing points-for-manoeuvres objective judging system had nothing to do with selecting the best surfer on the day.

SurfAbout 1974
Produced by Albert Falzon for Coca-Cola.

David Sumpter : On Any Morning

 1974 July Point Leo 1200
1. Phil Trigger
2. Alan Atkins
3. Maurice Cole
4. Ted Bainbridge
5. Ian Portingale
6. Ross Slaven

1974  Duke Kahanamoku Invitational
Sunset Beach, Hawaii

1st Larry Bertleman, 2. Ian Cairns, 3. Sam Hawke, 4. Jeff Hakman, 5. Reno Abellira, 6. James Jones, 7.Eddie Aikau, 8. Peter Townend.
- Contest report by Mark Warren, Photographs by Brady-Island Style,
Surfing World Volume 21 Number 2 1975 May

Larry Bertleman

Ian Cairns

Jeff Hakman

Peter Townend

 1974 Pipeline Masters Invitational
1. Jeff Crawford, 2. Rory Russell 3. Gerry Lopez 4. Tom Padaca
1974 Hang Ten , Hawaii
1st Shaun Tomson

1974 Lightning Bolt Contest, Hawaii
1st  Terry Fitzgerald

1975 Newcastle Contest
1. Michael Peterson
2. Col Smith (Merewether)
3. Rob Staniford
4. Steve Jones
5. Steve Butterworth
6. Col Smith (Narrabeen)
Kneeboard: 1. Peter Crawford

 1975 2SM Coke Surfabout, Sydney
1st  Wayne Lynch  [1865] $3500
2nd Mark Richards [1830]
3rd Terry Fitzgerald [1795]
4th Simon Anderson [1680] $600
5th Wayne Batholomew [1653]
6th Gerry Lopez [1630] $500
7th Reno Abellira [1623] $400
8th Brad Mayes [1583] $300
9th Michael Peterson [1573] $200
10th Mark Warren [1566] $100
11. Jeff Hakman, 12. Nat Young, 13. Shaun Tomson, 14. Midget Farrelly, 15. Peter Townend,
16. Peter Drouyn, 17. Ted Spencer, 18. Steve Corrigan, 19. Grant Anderson, 20. Paul Neilsen,
21. Ian Cairns, 22. Rick Rassmussen, 2
3. Col Smith, and 24. Robbie Puddick.
1975 Bells Beach Contest (Easter)
1st Michael Peterson
2nd Shaun Tomson (South Africa)

3rd Mark Warren

4th Jeff Hackman (Hawaii)
5th Mark Richards
6th Wayne Lynch

7th Peter Towend

8th Midget Farrelly

9th Andrew McKinnon

10th Ian Cairns

Points Allocation for the Bells Beach Contest,
Easter 1975.
Tracks  #53 February 1975.

1975 Pa Bendall Memorial Contest, Queensland
Keith Paull?

1975 Point Leo 1200
1 Bruce Raymond
2. Andrew McKinnon
3. Russell Lewis
4. Mick Pierce
5. Alan (Wally) Tibballs
6. Paul Trigger

1975 Austalian Titles, Victor Harbour South Australia
1st Terry Fitzgerald

1975 Smirnoff Contest, Hawaii
1st Mark Richards
2nd Ian Cairns
3rd Rabbit Batholomew
Other finalists  Reno Abellira (H), Jeff Hakman (H) and Shaun Tomson (SA)

1975 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational Sunset Beach Hawaii
1st Ian Cairns ?
Australian invitees: Ian Cairns (5) Terry Fitzgerald (7) Michael Peterson (10) Peter Townend (13) Wayne Batholomew (19) Mark Richards (21).

1975 Pipeline Masters
Shaun Tomson
1975 Australian Top Ten
1. Terry Fitzgerald
2. Michael Peterson
Mark Richards
Mark Warren
5. Peter Townsend
6. Simon Anderson
7. Wayne Lynch
8. Ian Cairns
9. Peter Drouyn
10. Bruce Raymond
-  Tracks, Number 62, November 1975.

1976 Australian Titles
1. Mark Warren NSW
2. Peter Townend QLD
3. Wayne Bartholemew QLD
4. Ian Cairns WA
5. Steve Jones NSW
6. Simon Anderson NSW

- Tracks, June 1976
1976 World Cup Contest, Hawaii
1st Mark Richards
2nd Terry Fitzgerald

1976 Lightning Bolt Contest, Hawaii
1st Rory Russell ,
Australian finalists : Mark Richards, Mark Warren and Wayne Lynch

1976 Alan Oke Memorial Contest, Phillip Island, Victoria.

1976 Rip Curl / Mordy Bells Beach Easter Classic
1st Jeff Hackman (H)
2nd Mark Richards

1976 2SM - Coke Surfabout

1st Mark Richards

Gerry Lopez, Rory Russell and Rabbit Batholomew
share a Narrabeen mushburger.
Backdoor Number 13,
January-February 1977, page 5.

1976 Gunston Contest
Nahoon Reef, East London, South Africa

1st Shaun Tomson
2nd Jonathon Paarman
3rd Peter Townend (Aus)
4th Ian Cairns (Aus)
5th Michael Tomson

1976 Hang Ten Contest, Cabana Beach, Umblanga, South Africa
1st Shaun Tomson
2nd Peter Towend (Aus)
3rd Michael Tomson
4th Ian Cairns (Aus)
1976 Newcastle Contest
1st Col Smith (New)
2nd Rob Staniford
3rd Col Sutherland
4th Brian Hoy
5th Col Smith (NN)
6th Terry Fitgerald
Juniors -  Larry Blair

1976 Smirnoff Contest Hawaii
Contest Director: Fred Hemmings
1st Mark Warren (Aus)
2nd Mark Richards (Aus)
3rd Eddie Aikau (H)
4th Peter Townend (Aus)
5th Jonathon Paarman (SA)
6th Booby Jones (H)

1976 Pipeline Masters
Contest Director: Fred Hemmings
1st Rory Russell (H)
2nd Gerry Lopez (H)
3rd Paul Naude
4th Mark Richards (Aus)
5th Mike Armstrong
6th Pepe Lopez

1976 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational, Sunset Beach  (11th December)
1st James Jones (H) 5th Peter Townend (Aus)
2nd Michael Ho (H) 6th Ian Cains (Aus)
3rd Larry Berltemann  (H) 7th Michael Peterson (Aus)

8th Jonathon Paarman (SA)

1976 Lancers World Cup Contest , Hawaii
Heats at Sunset Beach
Semis and Final at Haleiwa
Contest Director: Fred Hemmings

1st  Ian Cairns
2nd Peter Townend
3rd Eddie Aikau (H)

4th Michael Ho
5th Barry Kanaiapuni  (H)

6th Paul Neilson

Ian Cairns, Haleiwa?
Photo: Baker/Brady
Number 13, January-February 1977, page 9.

1976 Women's Lancers World Cup, Hawaii.
Sunset Beach
Contest Director: Fred Hemmings
1st Margo Oberg.

1st Lyn Boyer
2nd Margo Oberg
3rd Debbie Melvill
4th Becky Benson
5th Sally Pringle
6th Jericyo Poppler

- Backdoor Number 13, January-February 1977, page 10

Contest Director Fred Hemmings and Margo Oberg, winner of the 1976 Lancer's Cup, Hawaii.

1976 International Professional Surfers World Title
Fred Hemmings announces the IPS Circuit for 1977, and backdates points from the 1976 season to announce Peter Townend as the winner of the first IPS World Title.
The victory is recorded with a photograph of
PT holding a trophy, borrowed and then returned to the Outrigger Canoe Club.
1st Peter Townend
2nd Ian Cairns
3rd Mark Richards
4th Mark Warren
5th Shaun Tomson (South Africa)
6th Michael Tomson
(South Africa)
7th Michael Peterson

8th Wayne Lynch
9th Jeff Hakman (Hawaii)
10th Jeff Crawford (East Coast, USA)

1977  Golden Breed / Pepsi Pro Junior (1st)
1st Tom Carroll

1977 Stubbies Contest (1st)
March, Burleigh Heads
1st Michael Peterson
2nd Mark Richards
The inaugural introduction of Peter Drouyn’s Man-on-Man system.

1977  2SM - Coke Surfabout
1st Simon Anderson 6th Mark Richards
2nd Reno Abellira  (H) 7th Cheyen Horan
3rd Mark Warren 8th Michael Peterson
4th Rabbit Batholomew 9th Rory Russell   (H)
5th  Bruce Raymond 10th Peter Drouyn

1977 Alan Oke Memorial Contest, Phillip Island, Victoria
1st Ian Cairns  6th Col Smith (New)
2nd Terry Fitzgerald 7th Wayne Batholomew
3rd Rory Russell   (H) 8th Michael Petersen
4th Wayne Lynch 9th Steve Jones
5th Terry Richardson 10th Michael Ho  (H)
The officials' decision not to allow legropes in the final was not appreciated by some competitors, and following this contest, legropes became standard contest equipment.
This was the last Australian professional contest to prohibit legropes.

...the final was to be held at Blacks ... a total kamaikazi spot with the reef only slightly
below the surface.
Kanga Cairns senses the waves suit his full-on, no-holds-barred
  approach and insists that if he doesn't wear a legrope, no-one else should either.
- Peter Crawford :The Alan Oke Memorial Contest
Surfing World Magazine, Volume 25 Number 3 July 1977, page 61.

Wayne Lynch - switchfoot reef dance without legrope.

 Alan Oke Conest Final, Blacks Reef, Phillip Island, Victoria.1977
Photograph by Peter Crawford
Surfing World  Volume 25 Number 3 July 1977, page 62.

1977 Bells Beach Contest   (Easter)
1st Simon Anderson  (also winning the Quicksilver Trials) 6th Rabbit Batholomew 
2nd Peter Drouyn 7th Rory Russell,   (H)
2nd Shaun Tomson (SA) 7th Ron Ford
4th Bruce Raymond  7th Buzzy Kerbox  (H)
4th Paul Neilson 10th Mark Richards

1977 Australian Titles Sydney  (14 – 22 May)
1st Col Smith (NN) 4th Steve Jones
2nd Col Smith (New) 5th Rob Staniford
3rd Andrew McKinnon 6th Kevin Davidson

1977 Waimea 5000
Rio Brazil
1st    Daniel Friedman
(Bra) $2500
2nd   Pepe Lopes   (Bra) $1000
3rd   Peter Drouyn
(Aus) $350
         Michael Ho
5th   Mark Warren
   (Aus) $200
        Reno Abellira
        Dane Kealohe
        Mike Purpus
1st    Margo Godfrey
(Hi)    $800
2nd    Becky Benson
(Hi)    $600
3rd    Lynn Boyer
  (Hi)    $300
4th    Sandy Ordeville  (USA)    $150
5th    Teca  (Bra)    $100
6th    Cynthia Foo  (USA)    $50

1977 Hang-Ten International
South Africa
1st Rabbit Bartholemew    (Aus)      Aust $1575
2nd Bobby Owens    (Hi)        $630
3rd Shaun Tomson    (SA)       $265
       Gavin Rudolph    (SA)
4th Chris Byrne    (Aus)       $105
      Bruce Jackson    (SA)
      Mike Tomson    (SA)
     Peter Drouyn    (Aus)

1st  Lynne Boyer    (Hi)        $735
2nd Becky Benson    (Hi)         $575
3rd Sandy Ordillie    (USA)     $370
Three South African ladies came in 4th, 5th and 6th for 265, 130 and 80 Australian dollars respectively.

1977 Newcastle
Won by contest director Rodger Clements.
1st    Roger Clements (Newcastle)    $750
2nd    Simon Anderson (Narrabeen)    $450
3rd    Geoff Doig (Bondi)    $250
4th    Peter McCabe (Newcastle)    $150
5 th    Col Smith (Narrabeen)    $100
6th    Steve Jones (Newcastle)    $80
1st    Steve Wilson (Maroubra)    $280
2nd    Tom Carrol (Newport)    $150
3rd    Ross Marshall (Cronulla)    $100
4th    Nick Carroll (Newport)    $80
5 th    Jim Banks (Cronulla)    $50
6th    Craig Naylor (Cronulla)    $40
1st    Peter Crawford (Dee Why)    $175
2nd    John Waterworth (Cronulla)    $120
3rd    Ross Waugh (Newcastle)    $80
4th    Roy Lentz (Dee Why)    $60
5th    Paul Herriot (Gold Coast)    $40
6th    Greg Best (Dee Why)    $30
See Tracks, October 1977.

1977 Kneeboard Pro Classic
Saturday 27th August- Dee Why, Sunday 28th August- Narrabeen
1.    Peter Crawford (DY)
2.    Terry Day (Coogee)
3.    Dave Parkes (Maroubra)
4.    Roy Lentz (DY)
5.    Paul Herriott (Qld) .
6.    Graham Wilson (Manly)

See Tracks, October 1977.

1977 Pro Class Trials, Hawaii
1st Col Smith (Newcastle) - on Channel bottom, See #64
2nd Buttons Kaluhiokalani (Hawaii)- spelling??
3rd Cheyne Horan (Bondi)
Larry Bertleman (Hawaii)
5th Randy Rarrick (Hawaii)
6th Brett Godfried ?
7th Ty Downing (Hawaii)
8th Denis Pang
9th Brian Creagan (Sussex Inlet)

- Backdoor, October-November 1977, page 39

1977 Smirnoff Contest, Hawaii
20th November 1977

1st Reno Abellira (Hawaii) $5000
2nd Mark Richards (Newcastle) $2000
3rd Terry Fitzgerald (Narrabeen) $1000
4th Shaun Tomson (South Africa) $500
5th Buzzy Kerbox (Hawaii) $350
6th Larry Bertleman (Hawaii) $200

1. Jericho Poppler
2. Margo Oberg
3. Nancy Emerson

- Backdoor, October-November 1977, page 39.
- Breakway January 1978, page 7.
Reno ... first by one small point

Rabbit Bartholomew

Shaun Tomson

1977 Pipeline Masters
Excellent 10 ft Pipeline, held early December
1. Rory Russell (H)
2. Shaun Tomson (South Africa)
3. Michael Ho (H)
4. Simon Anderson (Aust)
5. Buzzy Kerbox (H)
6. Jeff Crawford (Florida)
Gerry Lopez was visiting Australia?
 - Breakway January 1978, page 7.

1977 Duke Contest
Good 10 foot Sunset
1. Eddie Aikau
2. Bobby Owens
3. Dane Kealoha
4. Reno Abellira
5. Mark Richards
6. Wayne Batholomew
7. Terry Fitzgerald
8. Rory Russell
- Breakway January 1978, page 7.

1977 World Cup, Hawaii
1st Shaun Tomson
2nd Michael Tomson

1977 IPS World Title Rankings
1st Shaun Tomson  (SA) 6th Peter Drouyn
2nd Rabbit Batholomew 7th Mark Warren
3rd Simon Anderson  8th Rory Russell (H)
4th Reno Abelira (H) 9th Terry Fitzgerald
5th Mark Richards 10th Buzzy Kerbox. (H)

1978 Pro Junior, Sydney

1978 Australian Titles
1st Col Smith (Newcastle)

1978 California Pro
1.  Michael Ho
2.  Peter Townend
3.  Dennis Pang
4.  Rory Russell
5.  Bobby Owens
6.  Wayne Bartholomew
7.  Mike Purpus
8.  Greg Loehr
Most Radical Manoeuvre ($150): Jeff Staples
Best Wipeout ($100): Corky Carroll ... Corky wrenched his ankle ... his doctor's bill was $150.
Waves ranged from three to five feet.
With ten thousand dollars in entry fees and five thousand dollars in prize money, the surfers as a whole, lost out big.
(Contest Director) "Tom Sutherland should be shot." - Ian cairns (non-contestant)
v18 n6 1978 March page 73.

1978 Stubbies
1st Rabbit Batholomew
2nd Mark Richards

1978  Bells Beach  Contest   (Easter)
1st Mark Richards 6th Micheal Ho (H)
2nd Rabbit Batholomew 7th Steve Jones
3rd Shaun Tomson (SA) 7th Brian Creagan
3rd Mark Warren 9th Peter Townend
5th  Wayne Lynch 9th Bobby Owens (H)
11. Joe Engle and Cheyne Horan
Quicksilver Trials 1st Col Smith (Newcastle)

1978 2SM Coke Surfabout , Sydney
1st Larry Blair
2nd Wayne Lynch
3rd Jim Banks
3rd Simon Anderson
Note The first  Blair/Lynch final on Wednesday was a draw, and was recontested on Thursday.
"Top 5 Greatest Surf Contests : #1. 1978 Coke Contest - 1st Larry Blair. 2nd Wayne Lynch. "
- Surfer Volume 40 Number 10  October 1999.  Page  209.

1978 Gunston Contest, South Africa
1st Shaun Tomson (SA)

1978  Hang Ten Contest, South Africa
1st Michael Tomson (SA)
2nd Cheyne Horan

1978  Pro Class Trials , Hawaii
1st Ian Cairns
2nd Bruce Raymond
3rd Col Smith (Newcastle)

1978  Cuervo Classic, Hawaii (replaced Smirnoff Pro)
1st Shaun Tomson (SA) 4th Dane Kealoha  (H)
2nd Reno Abelira (H) 5th Michael Ho  (H)
3rd Bruce Raymond  6th Rabbit Batholomew

1978 Duke Kahanamoku Invitational, Sunset Beach
1st Michael Ho  (H)
2nd Mark Richards
3rd Peter Townend
4th Shaun Tomson
5th Keone Downing
6th Mark Warren
 - Tracks February 1979, page 9.
1978  Pipeline Masters
1st Larry Blair (Aust) $4000
2nd Rory Russell  (H) $2000
3rd Hans Hedemann  (H) $1000
4th Gerry Lopez  (H) $500
5th Joey Burran (USA) $300
6th Dane Kealoha  (H) $200

 - Tracks
February 1979, pages 8- 9.

The dynamite kid.
Larry Blair.
Photo Peter Crawford.

1978 World Cup Contest, Hawaii
1st Buzzy Kerbox

1978   IPS World Title Ratings
1st Rabbit Batholomew  4th Shaun Tomson (SA)
2nd Cheyne Horan 5th Peter Townend
3rd Michael Ho  (H) 6th Buzzy Kerbox  (H)

1979 Pro Junior

1979  Stubbies,
 Burleigh Heads,  10 - 18th March 1979
1st Mark Richards 5th Mark Warren
2nd Cheyne Horan 5th Rabbit Batholomew 
3rd Michael Ho  (H) 5th Chris Byrne
3rd Gary Timperly 5th Col Smith (Newcastle)

1979 Bells Beach Contest (Easter)
1st Mark Richards
2nd Rabbit Batholomew.

 Mark Richards, Wayne Lynch, PT & Rabbit Surf Bells Beach Early 80's
Ross Myers: 1979 Bells contest, won by MR, also Cheyne Horan.

1979  Surfabout, Sydney - but moved to Bells Beach
1st Cheyne Horan

1979 Gunston, South Africa
1st Dane Kealoha
2nd Shaun Tomson

1979  Hang Ten, South Africa
1st Peter Townend
2nd Rabbit Batholomew

1979 Pipeline Masters
1st Larry Blair 4th Mark Richards
2nd Dane Kealoha  (H) 5th Larry Bertlemann   (H)
3rd Shaun Tomson  (SA) 6th Tom Carroll

1979  World Cup, Hawaii

1980 Stubbies, Burleigh Heads
Peter Harris

1980 Australian Titles
Terry Richardson

1980 2SM-Coca-Cola Surfabout
Quarter 1: C. Byrne (Aust) b M. Richards (Aust)
Quarter 2: T. Richardson (Aust) b D. Hynd (Aust)
Quarter 3: S. Tomson (S. Africa) b W. Bartholomew (Aust).
Quarter 4: B. Kerbox (Hawaii) b J. Banks (Aust).
Semi 1: C. Byrne (Aust) b T. Richardson (Aust).
Semi 2: B. Kerbox (Hawaii) b S. Tomson (S. Africa).
Final: B. Kerbox (Hawaii) b C. Byrne (Aust).
Kerbox Wins Surfing
SYDNEY: Buzzy Kerbox, of Hawaii, broke a five year "hoodoo" to win the $50,000 2SM-Coca-Cola Surfabout at North Narrabeen on Wednesday by beating Wollongong's Chris Byrne in the grand final.
Kerbox became the first overseas surfer to win a major surfing tournament in Australia since 1976.

1980 'Kerbox wins surfing', The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 25 April, p. 12. , viewed 02 Sep 2019,

1980 Duranbah Easter Kneeboard Classic
Sponsors: Kirra Surf and Aragon (Knee-boards)

Sticker: Friar Tuck Twin Fin in boxes.

1981 Stubbies, Burleigh Heads
Mark Richards

Official contest program, B&W photographs, 34 pages.
Includes profiles on
Mark Richards (winner), Michael Petersen, Rabbit, Peter Harris.

1984 World Masters Super Challenge, Queensland

1st  Mark Richards
2nd Peter Drouyn

1984 Beaurepaires Surfing Open
Cronulla, March 27- April 1, 1984.

Official 36 page contest program.
B&W photographs
and colour centre-spread photograph of Jim Banks.
Includes profiles on Rabbit, Tom Curren, MR, & Occy.

1986 Billabong Pro
Waimea Bay
1st Mark Richards

- Tracks Number 197, February 1977, back page.

A Slater Wave Pool for the 2020 Olympics in Japan . . . maybe?
Interview: World Surf League CEO Sophie Goldschmidt

home catalogue history references appendix

Geoff Cater (2002-2022) : History : Contests.