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newspapers : 1911 

Newspapers : 1911.


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See: Newspapers


The Argus (Melbourne)
Tuesday 17 January 1911, page 9.



"I have heard of surf shooting in Sydney," says "W.T.M." (Williamstown), "and, as I am spending some time at Sorrento, would like to know how to practise it.
Can you give me any hints."

You need to begin in shallows where you can stand on the bottom and get the benefit of a jump off with the wave.
Of beginners 99 per cent start too late.
You need to jump off just before the white wave crest appears on the wave which is breaking behind you.
You can only find the right moment by contiuous practice.
When you have judged it correctly in the shallows go out to deeper water.
Take the wave at the same time, making one sweep with your right arm and one kick of the left leg, the left arm being down along the side.
After tjhe first strong stroke the right arm, like the left lies along the side, the legs straight back.
It is altogether a matter of timing and balance, which you can learn with long practice.
In Sydney they say it takes two years' practice to make a good surf-shooter.


While use of surf boards is forbidden in Sydney, but where there are not so many people bathing you can do so fine shooting with it.
The board - as light as you an get it -should be 2ft or slightly under in length, and not more than 18in. in width.
Time the wave as already as suggested.
The board is gripped in the centre at each end, the further edge inclining upward from the water at an angle of less than 45 degrees.
It is held at arms length.
Try it only where there are not many people bathing together at one time.

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, January 30, 1911, page 6.


The Outrigger Club Is making a great bid for public favor this year, according to the plans discussed at the first meeting of tne new directors on Saturday afternoon.
An effort is to be made to increase the interest at present taken in surf-boarding, canoeing and swimming, and special energy will be directed to getting the younger members of the community interested in the sport.
In order to put the ideas of the new directorate into effect as soon as possible a committee consisting of Allan Herbert, Theodore Cooper, A. H. Ford, Edmund Melanphy and Irwin Spalding was elected to draw up the plans for the desired competitions, and to work up general interest.

Several much needed additions are to be made to the clubhouse, including a new bathhouse, in which showers will be installed.
The present directorate is nothing if not enthusiastic, and their enthusiasm bids fair to bring the Outrigger Club into the front rank as an institution to which all swimmers should belong.
After the success attained by the swimming meet held at Fort Shatter on Friday evening, it will not be suprising if swimming Ikhmm here during the coming summer.

The Outrigger Club will probably be able to enter a team in the next meet, and this in itself will add additional interest to any aquatic function held here.
The more competitive clubs there are the better for sport generally.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, January 30, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Sun
Sydney, 2 February 1911, page 3.

The annual carnival of the Bondi Surf Bathers' Life-Saving Club has been fixed for February 25, when an excellent programme has been arranged.
Besides the ordinary life-saving competitions there are many novel and interesting items which have never been seen before at these aquatic carnivals.
One feature will be the "shooting" the waves on the long Honolulan
surf boards.

1911 'AMONG The BREAKERS', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 2 February, p. 3. (LATEST EDITION), viewed 12 Apr 2016,

Queanbeyan Age
Friday 10 March 1911, page 3.


Surf-bathing as a sport is, without doubt, one of our most popular diversions, and notwithstanding the fact that it is attended with an element of risk, as is evidenced by the recent calamity at Coogee, it is safe to say that it has come to stay.
Many of our regular surf-bathers have become highly expert in shooting the breakers, and their exploits in that fascinating pastime are at once the envy and the admiration of the novice.
But, after all, we are only children at the game.
Centuries ago the natives of Hawaii had attained a pitch of perfection at the art of surf riding which would leave our best exponents far in the rear, and the bronze skinned Hawaiian of to-day is just as expert as his ancestors.
There, however, the surf-board is in vogue, and almost incredible feats are performed by the expert riders.
It is quite a common thing for the surfer, standing on his board before the crest of a roller, to be carried over half a mile at Waikiki Beach, near Honolulu; while after a stormn, the rider can start his trip over a mile out to sea and be landed right up on the beach.
At HIIlo Bay there are rollers after a big storm that carry native riders 5 miles at a run, and on the island of Nichau there are


said to be even more wonderful feats performed.
To stand on these frail boards and guide them with the feet is itself an accomplishment requiring skill, nerve, and constant practice; but the Hawaiian riders leap from one board to another at full speed, climb on each other's shoulders; and perform other remarkable feats.
The natives have, however, a serious rival in the white man, who is becoming almost as expert on the surf-board.

A most interesting account of this sport, by one of the Honolulu experts, appears in a new magazine entitled the Mid-Pacific.
This periodical, which is splendidly got up, is published in Honolulu, one of its main objects being to promote tourist traffic across the Pacific, and to boom Honolulu, and other countries such as New Zealand and Australia, which would be included in the tourist's itinerary.
This is with out doubt a matter of great importance to the countries concerned, and the Commonwealth Government has shown its appreciation of the scheme by delegating Mr. Percy Hunter, the Director of the New South Wales Immigration and Tourist Bureau, to represent it at a Pan-Pacific Congress, which is to be held at Honolulu this month.
The Mid Pacific, if it obtains the circulation its promoters anticipate, should do a great deal to arouse interest in travel on this side of the world.

There are two kinds of boards for surf-riding.
One is called the olo, and the other the a-la-la, known also as omio.
The olo was made of wiiiwill- a very light, buoyant wood- some 3 fathoms long, 2 or 3 feet wide, and from 6 to 8 inches thick along the mlddle of ,the board, lengthwise, but rounding toward the edges on both upper and lower sides.
It is well known, that the olo was only for the use of the chiefs; none of the common people used it. They used the a-la-ia, which was made of koa, or ulu.
Its length and width was similar to the olo, except in thickness, it being but of 1 to 2 inches thick along Its centre.

The line of breakers is the place where the surf rises and breaks at deep sea.
This is called the kulana nalu.
Any place nearer or closer in, where the surf rises and breaks again, as it sometimes does, is called the ahua, known also as kipapa or puao.

There are only two kinds of surfing in which riding is indulged; these are called Kakala, known also as lauloa or long surf, and the ohu, sometimes called opuu.
The former is a surf that rises, covering the whole distance from one end of the beach to the other. This, at times, forms in successive waves that roll in with high, threatening crest, finally falling over bodily.
The first of a series of surf waves usually partakes of this character, and is never taken by a rider, as will be mentioned later.
The ohu is a very small comber that rises up without breaking, but of such strength that it sends the board on speedily.
This is considered the best, being low and smooth, and the riding thereon easy and pleasant, and is therefore preferred by ordinary surf-riders.
The lower portion of the breaker is called honun, or foundation, and the portion near a cresting wave is termed the muku side, while the distant, or clear side, as some have expressed it, is known as the lala.

During calmn weather, when there was no surf, there were two ways of mIaking or coaxing it practised by the ancient Hawaiians, the generally adopted method being for a swimming party to take several strands of the sea coavolvulus vine, and, swinging it around the head, lash it down unitedly upon the water until the desired result was obtained.

The swimmer, taking position at the line of breakers, waits for the proper surf.
As before mentioned, the first one Is allowed to pass by.
It is never ridden, because its front is rough.
If the second comber is seen to be a good one it is sometimes taken, but usually the third or fourth is the best, both from the regularity of its breaking and the foam-calmed surface of the sea through the travel of its predecessors.

In riding with the olo or thick board, the board is pointed landward, and the rider, mounting it, paddles with his hands and impels with his feet to give the board a forward movement, and when it receives the momentum of the surf, and begins to rush downward, the skilled rider will guide his course straight, or obliquely, apparently at will, according to the spending character of the surf ridden, to land himself high and dry on the beach, or dismount on nearing it, as he may elect.
This style of riding was called kipapa.
In using the olo great care had to be exercised in its management, lest from the height of the wave- if coming in direct - the board would be forced into the base of the breaker, instead of floating lightly and riding on the surface of the water, in which case, the wave-force being spent, the reaction throws both rider and board into the air.

In the use of the olo the rider had to swim around the line of surf to obtain position, or be conveyed thither by canoe.
To swim out through the surf with such a buoyant bulk was not possible, though it was sometimes done with the thin boards, the a-la-ia.
These latter are good for riding all kinds of surf, and are much easier to handle than the olo.

Kaha nalu is the term used for surf swimming without the use of the board, and was done with the body only.
The swimmer, as with a board, would go out for the position, and, watching his opportunity, would strike out with hands and feet, to obtain headway, as the approaching comber, with its breaking crest, would catch him, and with his rapid swimming powers bear him onward with swift momentum, the body being submerged in the foam, the head and shoulders only being seen.
Kalha experts could ride on the lala, or top of the surf, as if riding with a board.

The except is likely to be from:
Duke Kahanamoku: Riding the Surfboard, Part 1.
Mid-Pacific Magazine, Volume 1 Number 1, January 1911.
"Conducted by Alexander Hume Ford"
Duke Kahanamoku: Riding the Surfboard, Part 2.
Mid-Pacific Magazine, Volume 1 Number 2, February 1911.
The text, largely reproduced from Thrum's Hawaiian Surfriding (1886), is discussing ancient surfriding, and not contemporary practice.

Also see:
Percy Hunter : July Skiing in Australia.
Extracts from The Mid Pacific Magazine, January, 1911.

The San Francisco Call.
San Francisco, March 11, 1911, page 6

(Young Wilson is now on a trip around the world with his mother, and the following letter describes the first stages ot his journey.)

The beach (Waikiki) is but a short, distance from there, and after a rapid change to bathing suits we had a taste of the greatest recreation of the
Hawaiian people, riding the surfboard.
The board itself is from 6 to 10 feet long- and somewhat pointed at the ends.
On these you paddle out all the way from half a mile to a mile, where the first big rollers begin, and after getting started in front of one it will carry you at express train speed until you reach the beach.
The water was the finest I was ever in, but our time was short and, after a few minutes of pleasure, we reluctantly tramped back to the bathhouse and were,soon again spinning over the lovely roads for which Honolulu is famous, back to the ship.

Chronicling America
The San Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, March 11, 1911, Image 6
Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
Persistent link:

The Sydney Morning Herald
Friday 24 March 1911, page 10.


The customary procedure in the surf at Manly when a channel is formed is for men to be continually rescuing ladies from the dangerous water.
This, however, was reversed about 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning, when Miss Ivy Schilling, the well-known dancer of "Our Miss Gibbs" Company, saved Mr. Tom Walker, one of the most skilful surfers who frequent the South Steyne beach.

Walker had been shooting the breakers for some time, when a wave carried him into deep water.

He states that he then was seized with violent cramp in the stomach, and threw up his hands.
Jack Reynolds, the Manly life-saver, was basking on the beach, not being on duty; and he took no notice of Walker going under for the simple reason that he knew him to be a strong swimmer.
Walker said he realised this would likely occur, and felt his position to be all the more desperate on that account.
Just as he was faced with this ordeal he noticed someone swimming strongly towards him.
He was taken hold of, and assisted into shallow water.
By this time "Happy" Eyre, the relieving beach attendant, had dashed in to his assistance.
Both were surprised to see that Walker's rescuer was a girl.
She had handled the emergency coolly and expertly, and there was considerable enthusiasm when she helped the beach attendant drag Walker out of the water.
After working on the young man for some minutes he recovered.
Walker attributes his trouble to going into the water too soon after breakfast.

Melbourne,  30 March 1911, page 37.

At West's Pictures "Sydney's Sirens of the Surf," shown on the screen as on shore, has created a sensation, and utmost enthusiasm prevails as many specimens of beautifully proportioned girls revolve before the audiences, each clad in conventional
bathing suit, and they make picturesque figures, while scenes of Sydney's surfing resorts with their crowds splashing in mighty billows, which break into a white fringe on the shore, form an admirable introduction.
West's Pictures are indeed to
be congratulated on the excellence of the series.
Music and wonderful photo plays make up a most enjoyable programme at the Lyric Theatre, Prahran.
This week a perfect sensation is being caused by the acting of the famous Paris tragedian,  Georges Wagne, as Tallien in "Madame Tallien," a drama of the terrible Revolution in France.
His work is truly wonderful; the man's whole being seems to vibrate with the intensity of his terrible passion.
The play is a most gorgeous production in colour, the dresses of the Versailles being perfectly beautiful.
There is also a fine travel study of the daring surf-riders of Hawaii, who slide into shore on their fiashboards over the crests of the Pacific rollers from distances of a mile out.
The programme is most varied, and Signor Briglia has excelled himself in the splendid list of music he has put forward this week. The  crowded houses in this pretty theatre are not to be wondered at.

1911 'PLAY GOER', Punch (Melbourne, Vic. : 1900 - 1918; 1925), 30 March, p. 36. , viewed 29 Jun 2016,

The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday 3 April 1911, page 13.


The fourth annual carnival of the Manly Surf Club was held on Saturday jn delightful weather.
Crowds flocked to the beach to witness the entertainments and displays by the various clubs and the numerous water champions.
The Manly and Port Jackson Steamship Company had a frequent service of boats, and at times the Corso and the beach were one mass of moving humanity.
At the rendezvous at the southern end of the beach good order prevailed, a barricade having been erected to give the competítors sufficient freedom to carry on the displays.
This year's carnival was conducted without the usual fancy dress proccession from the wharf.
On the beach, however, the spectators were well catered for, the proceedings opening with a grand parade of all the surf clubs, with their life saving appiaratus and appliances.
The teams dressed in costume marched past in excellent order and received an ovation from the crowd.
A feature of the day's entertainment was the magnificent surf-shooting; by the clubs.
Individual surf-shooting on boards was also indulged in and the Hawaiian troupe of board shooters, gave exhibition which was loudly applauded.
The lifesaving boat was not available but a small canoe steered by Mr Fred Notting, of Manly, made many successfuul shoots through the breakers.
A team from the members of the Manly Ladíes Life-savng Club gave a capital exhibition of the work of lifesaving.
An unusual and novel event was arranged for the termination of this year's carnival.
Manly showed the vast gathering the tactics likely to he displayed by an invasion of the "Yellow Peril."
Port Darwin was selected as the scene and a large army of "Brown Boys" made elaborate preparation to have a successful display.
The Chinese had overthrown the marine defenders by cunning and deceitful methods, but were subsequently met face to face with a large army of the hardy surf club members, reinforced by a troup of boy scouts, who played great havoc with the invaders.
The noise and din of the throng were sufficient to expel any enemy without firing a shot.
Cannons roared, however, and the spectators were worked up to a great pitch of excitement.

The Manly Council had given the club permission to take up a collection and a nice sum was annexed during the day.

The results of the various competitions were as follows:-
Fancy Dress Three legged Race: Nicholls Brothers (North Steyne), 1; Watson and Munro (Manly Surf Club), 2; Cavill and Healy, 3.
The costumes worn were many and varied in the fancy dress parade, the winner being disguised as "Blue Bottle King,  I. Curnow was successful for first place; Roy Lawrence (for Harem skirt), second; A. Watson (Chinaman) for most original.
North Steyne secured the verdict for the grand parade, with Port Kembla second.
Rescue and Resuscitation Competition: North Steyne, 54.1 points, 1; Manly No. 1, 51.3 points; Manly No. 2,  36.3 points, 3.
Other teams competing were Port Kembla, Coogee and Freshwater.
Surf Race:  J. Grieve (Bondi), 1; J. Lord (Bondi), 2.
Alarm Reel Race: Coogee 2m 14s, 1; North Steyne No. 1 2m 17s,  2.
Pillow Fight: F. Knight (Little Coogee), 1; H. Davis (North Steyne),  2.

The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday 10 April 1911, page 13.


The annual carnival of the Freshwater Surf and Life-saving Club was held on Saturday afternoon in glorious weather.
Frewshwater beach ranks as the premier surf bathing beach in the State, and it was not surprising to see such a large crowd present to witness the various displays.
The feature of the Freshwater carnival is the fancy dress procession from the Manly pier to the beach, a distance of nearly two miles.
Close on 50 members, attired in all varieties of costumes, formed the procession and a huge crowd escorted them through the Corso and along the ocean beach at North Steyne to the rendovous. Thousands had congregated on the various points of vantage, and the scene on the heights of Queenscliff overlooking the beach was very picturesque.
A large committee controlled the arrangements but the bulk of the work was entrusted to the hon. secretary,  Mr W. R. Waddington.
The carnival was the most successful yet held by the club.

A feature of the day's events was the fine surf-shooting by the Misses Lewers of Queenscliff.
The Manly Surf Club's boat was in evidence, and several successful trials through the breakers were made.
Mr. Fred Notting again contributed to the programme by venturing through the surf in his frail canoe, "The Big Risk."
North Steyne suffered defeat at the hands of the Manly Surf Club team No 2.
This is the first time the black and gold has been defeated for some years.

The results were as follow:-
Dusting the Beltman - Wyman (Stockton), 1; Moxon (Little Coogee), 2.
Rescue and Rescuscitation competition -  Manly No. 2., 1; Manly No. 1., 2; Bondi Surf Club, 3.
Apple Race - Levi (Freshwater), 1; Wyman (Stockton), 2.
Obstacle Race - Moxon (Little Coogee), 1; Fraser (Freshwater), 2.
Alarm Reel Race - Manly No. 3, 1; North Steyne, 2.
Pushball Match - Manly, 1.
Pillow Fight - Knight (Little Coogee), 1; Mane (Freshwater), 2.
Climbing Greasy Pole - Knight (Little Coogee), 1; Mason (Freshwater), 2.

The Sun
Sydney, Saturday 15 April 1911, page 10.


A surf-shoot two miles long; is one of the
attractions Hawaii has to offer, according to Mr. Ernest Kaai, musical director of the band of Royal Hawaiians, who are now giving concert entertainments in Sydney.
Mr. Kaai does not look like a musical director.
He does not wear his hair long, nor is he plagued with a temperament which causes him to burst out Into violent fits of temper bordering upon hysteria.
Rather, he looks like a successful heavyweight pugilist, or an international Rugby forward.
Mr. Kaai weighs 2971b., is 46in. round the chest (normal measurement), and he has a 17 in. calf.
Mr. Kaai's speciality outside of music is surf-board shooting.
He can stand on his head on a board which comes in ahead of a wave at express-train speed.
But he explains that that is not the hardest thing to do in regard to surf-shooting.
The limit, according to him is standing on the board with your back to the beach.
A parallel is found in a driver of a spring cart looking over the tailboard, instead of at the horse, while the vehicle is in motion.
Only the trick on the board Is harder.
Mr. Kaai is going to give an exhibition on one of the Sydney beaches before he leaves Sydney, and it should prove of interest, for the reason that while local swimmers surf shoot in a fashion that arouses admiration wherever it is seen, they know nothing of board shooting.
Mr. Kaai is of opinion that an expert swimmer can stand on a board inside three months if it is practised daily.

1911 'MUSCULAR MUSICAL DIRECTOR', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 15 April, p. 10. (FINAL SPORTING), viewed 19 Apr 2016,

wiki: Ernest_Kaai

The Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum

Evening News
Sydney, Monday 17 April 1911, page 9.


The Hawaiians now in Sydney on a concert
tour belong to an essentially musical race.
While the typical Australian is sometimes represented by his detractors as one who would sooner lean up against a post as do anything else, the Hawaiian is happy when he has his beloved ukulele in his hand, and is lifting up his voice in song.
The ukulele is a comparatively modern invention- or, rather, it is an improvement upon the ukeke, an instrument of the mandolin class of two strings only, and with no set tuning to it.
The music was extracted by strumming with a straw.
But the ukulele has four strings and covers every known chord in music.
The Hawaiians sing when they are glad, and also in times of sorrow.
They sing even when they are coming in hand in hand on a surf-board propelled by a wave breaking upon Waikiki Beacb.
Mr. Kaai, the musical director of the company, describes the surf songs as short but full of life.

1911 'A LAND OF SONG.', Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), 17 April, p. 9. , viewed 19 Apr 2016,

Table Talk
Melbourne, 20 April 1911, p. 25
Mr. Kaai, the leader of the Royal Hawaiians,
is a noted surf rider of Honolulu.
In surf
riding the swimmer pushes a board out through the breakers, then lies upon it facing the shore, selecting a suitable wave.
He paddles
furiously to gain speed until overtaken by the wave, and when fairly going stands upon the frail board till landed on the shore.
No doubt
Mr. Kaai will give exhibitions of his skill while he is in Melbourne.
Mr. Thomas Kata (who
possesses a very fine tenor voice) is another noted Hawaiian surf rider and has many interesting photos of himself pursuing this ex
hilarating sport.

1911 '[?]nd OFF the STAGE.', Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic. : 1885 - 1939), 20 April, p. 25, viewed 15 September, 2014,

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, May 16, 1911, page 9.


Josh Tucker was sitting on the lid of the land department this morning, and judging from his activity the lid was hot.
He stated that in a short time the Hauula homesteaders will receive the 99 years homestead leases for which they have been waiting so long and anxiously.
There are between twenty and thirty of these homesteads and the majority of the homesteaders long ago fulfilled the conditions required during the six years' probationary period, at the expiration of which they were told to come to town and get their papers.

They have been coming to town ever since, on foot, horseback and in pake vegetables wagons, and now, probably because of their importunity, they are going to get their papers.
These homesteads are mostly held by old natives whose forbears received the land from Kamehameha and whose descendants have lived on it ever since.
They live a simple, quiet and happy life, fishing when the weather permits and living on their pigs, poultry and garden truck when the elements are unfavorable to the pursuit of the succulent crayfish and the elusive squid.

(sic,  I will rise again, Latin)

The lid is off along the Beach
   And once more in the tide
The tourists flop and flounder
   And the wild sea-horses ride;
The fat man basks beside the shore
   In undiluted glee,
And nymphic limbs are unconcealed
   Once more at Waikiki.

Surf-boards are now in large demand
   And bathing suits have "riz,"
There's sweat upon the brow of him
   Who brews the festive fizz;
The guitar thrums and tinkles,
   And 'neath the cocoa tree
They're mooning and they're spooning
   As of old in Waikiki.

The conger and the sand-dab,
   The porpoise and the shark
Are greeting old friends back again
   And joining in the lark.
"Come in, the water's fine,"
   The whole town's slogan seems to be -
Banzai! Kokua! Hip hurrah!
   Aloha! Waikiki!

- H. M. Ayres

There are a few places in the islands offering such inducements to the brainweary man or woman equal to Haleiwa.
The white sand beach for bathers, the golf links and the tennis courts contribute to the enjoyment of guests at this famous hotel.
This is a good time to consider where the vacation will be spent, and a good time to decide on Haleiwa.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, May 16, 1911, SECOND EDITION, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Goulburn Evening Penny Post
16 May 1911, page 2.


The programme at tile Oddfellows' Hall on Monday night, judging by the frequent applause from the large audience, was a very popular
one, and well up to the high standard of Hayes' Pictures.

... and "Surf Riding Sports in Hawaii" were pictures of great interest.
The latter showed the natives of Hawaii riding the breakers on flat boards shaped like a coffin lid, all seeming quite at home on their novel craft.

1911 'HAYES PICTURES.', Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), 16 May, p. 2. , viewed 05 Nov 2016,

The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, May 30, 1911, page 6.

The Bystander

The good ship Likelike with one hundred and fifty people and Alexander Hume Ford aboard steamed out of the harbor at six last night and stood off for Maui
That was the only standoff recorded, the Public Service Association having insisted on cash down and a deposit for the mattresses before allowing anyone on the ship.
Ford distributed Mid-Pacific Magazines and red capsules as counterirritants to insomnia, the idea being that the literature would cause the brain to spin in a contrary direction to that of the Molokai channel and while the gray matter hesitated whether to go starboard or port the capsule could get in its work.
The magazine this morning had a wide circulation up and down the windward side of Maui and several dead sharks have been thrown up by the waves.

The excursionists waved their last alohas just outside the sewer outfall at six-fifteen.
Signals of distress were run up as the rounded Diamond Head and a wireless explained that Ford was insisting that everyone sleep with his head toward the engine.
Other wirelesses kept coming in during the night as follows:

Aboard the Likelike seven-fifteen- Ford has threatened to put Captain Naopala in irons.
Captain insists on ringing the ships bell overy thirty minutes.
Ford says his excursion is no funeral and the tolling has to quit.

Aboard the Likelike seven-twenty-two- Ford has just finished organizing the Salt Sea and Open Air Athletic Organization with himself as president.
Says the December number of the Mid-Pacific to go to press this week will have a special illustrated story on the organization from a noted writer Alexander F. Hume.
Is now canvassing for subscriptions.

Aboard the Likelike seven-thirty-eight- capsules are running short.
Ford has reversed the Stars and Stripes and is burning a blue light
Offers if all else fails to return on a surf board for a fresh supply of capsules and more magazines.
Is with difficulty restrained.

Aboard the Likelike eight-twelve- Crossing the Equator Club is formed with Ford as the Grand Equinox.
He says the equator is an imaginary line and may just as well be imagined here as anywhere else.
Announces a magazine story entitled "Lines I Have Crossed," by that eminent writer H. F. Alexander.

Aboard the Likelike eight-eighteen- The engines have skipped two beats.
Ford appointed a committee to watch the deck and has gone below to investigate.
It is snowing magazines.

Aboard the Likelike eight-thirty-two- Ford is still bellow.
A search party is being organized.

Aboard the Likelike eight-forty- Search party reports back.
Ford is safe but three of the engine crew were overcome by the hot air in the stokehold.
Ford had to suspend argument in favor of a Stokers' Branch of the Hands-Across-the-Counter Club until the firemen came to.

(Special Wireless) Alexander Hume Ford to H. P. Wood- Everybody's happy in Hawaii.
Cable Taft that I will get in and help to carry reciprocity and arbitration provided Percy Hunter agrees to put Australia in the game.
Get Joe Cooke to advance cable charges.
Will organize the Anglo-Saxon Get Together Club on return.

Aboard the Likelike nine-fifteen- Ford announces that he is turning in.
So is everyone else.
Good night.
Chronicling America
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, May 30, 1911, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Sun
Sydney, Thursday 15 June 1911, p. 10.

Young Rawlinson is very fond of the water, and is dally "shooting" the breakers with his little surf board.
Of late he has been assisting his father at the Coogee Beach dressing-sheds, and has found time for a swim everyday.
He still retains traces of his summer browning, and is a fine, sturdy lad, and a powerful swimmer.

1911 'A BRAVE BOY.', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 15 June, p. 10. , viewed 19 Apr 2016,

Sydney, 21 June 1911, page 11.

The Rifle
In the afternoon a display was given on the Durban ocean beach of life-saving, surf-shooting, first aid, and other exhibitional items that
(according to 'The Latest') displayed 'a high standard of ability.'


1911 'The Rifle', Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), 21 June, p. 11. , viewed 05 Nov 2016,

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, July 5, 1911, page 1.

Out at Waikiki yesterday, Ted Cooper brought off a new surfing stunt, which had those who saw it guessing until they saw through the manouver.

Finding the surf quiet, Cooper secured a tow line from the Heideman boys' launch, and giving them the signal to go at full speed, he jumped on his surf-board.
The scheme worked well, for the speed of the launch kept the surf-board afloat and those who were round about witnessed the spectacle of a surf-rider flying across waters as calm as the proverbial mill pond.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 05, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Los Angeles Herald
Number 288, 16 July 191, page 1.

Rival Sea Nymphs to put Prowess to the Test

WITH the passing of the sea serpent as an habitual visitor at beach resorts has come the reign of the sea nymph.

The change, as you may see with even half an eye, is distinctly for the better; since the sea serpent at her prettiest was altogether a terrifying object, while the sea nymph, on the other hand, presents a most attractive picture of athletic femininity.
There are seasons for most everything, even here in California where summer rules 365 days in the year, and this is the season for aquatic sports.
Tennis has had its day.
Last week a yachting regatta at Long Beach attracts thousands of city dwellers to that locality.
Motor boating also is growing constantly in popularity, and daily the beach IS thronged with bathers.

Long Beach, Venice, Santa Monica and others of the cities built upon the strand have with-in their borders expert young women swimmers, able and willing to meet all comers, whether in an exhibition of fancy aquatic athletics, spectacular diving, swimming under water or in straightaway, races, be the distance a few rods or a few miles.

Rivalry between the several cities is keen and in the past frequent water tourneys have been held, championships being awarded to the victors
No date has yet been set for the 1911 tourney, but that one will be held seems certain; while it also seems certain that a few records will be badly fractured, before the season closes.

Recently surf riding has become a popular diversion for expert young women swimmers, ; and it is likely that a
championship will be contested for this year, a championship awarded to the fair sea nymph who exhibits most grace and proficiency in this sport, long a popular feature of bathing in Hawaii, but only recently popularized here.

Long Beach is the home of Helen Perkins, former of the Pacific coast women’s swimming title, and it is to this chic young woman that the “Queen City” looks to uphold its supremacy among the beaches.

Though but 17 years old Miss Perkins, from constant practice in the water is an expert and when she cares to exert herself can give many a man swimmer a hard race.
She not only excels in swimming but is also an accomplished diver and always entertains onlookers with her daring, grace and skill.
Miss Perkins has said that she
will never again enter a professional race; that she is through with the swimming game for good, yet it is hoped that she may again participate when the races now being arranged are held.
Miss Perkins has twice defeated the Misses Sheffield of Ocean Park and they are naturally anxious for another opportunity to even up the score.

This girl is not the only one, however, who is ready to uphold Long Beach against other beach resorts in the water.
Mrs. Velma Johnson, Miss Elenor Blevins, Miss Zela See and a number of others are capable of giving good accounts of themselves against all comers, and that they will enter in the contest seems certain.
Mrs. Johnson, while less expert and less speedy than Miss Perkins, is a plucky little woman in the water and is always trying.

Miss Blevins is well known at both Long Beach and Ocean Park and that she will be in at the finish of every contest seems assured.

She is a pupil of Marcus Lee, the Los Angeles high school lad who, for the past few years has swept every male swimming contest before him in Southern California, as well as at Berkeley, and his protege seems likely to do as well among women contestants.
Like Miss Perkins, Miss Blevins is also skillful in other water athletics, particularly with the surf board.
Miss See is an unknown quantity as far as actual races are concerned, yet she will undoubtedly give a good account of herself in the future.
At the present time nothing; more definite than talk about the possibility of holding races between the young ladies mentioned has been done, yet there seems to be a likelihood of this talk turning into action within a short time.
If Miss Perkins can be persuaded to reconsider her determination never again to race it is certain that the Sheffield sisters will consent to meet her.
With these three entered the other three mentioned will probably; get in, too, and some rare swimming is sure to result.

A keen sense of rivalry exists between the swimmers of the beaches of Southern California which a swimming meet such as the one spoken of would settle to a certain extent.

Long Beach is extremely proud of its swimming girls and several of them are well known to visitors at that resort.
It is no uncommon sight to see a crowd standing on the beach watching the young ladies they; dive through the waves, bobbing; up and down out beyond the breaker line or come riding swiftly toward the shore on surf board.

Riding the Surf
Several of the young women mentioned have hitherto failed to enter swimming contests because of the fact that it is almost impossible for a woman wearing the customary bathing suit to swim rapidly or for any distance.
Boys’ suits must be worn and the girl swimmers do not like to appear in public in such costumes.

California Digital Newspaper Collection
Los Angeles Herald, Number 288, 16 July 191, page 1.

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, July 21, 1911, page 9.


The report of Secretary Wood to the Promotion Committee this week is as follows:
Copies of Jack London's new book, "Cruise of the Snark", are expected soon.
I have written to the publishers thanking them for their kindness in granting us permission to reprint the chapters on "Surf Riding" and "A Trip to Haleaka."

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 21, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, July 31, 1911, page 6.


The local branch of the A. A. U. met in the office ot Lorrin Andrews on Saturday afternoon.
The Hui Nala (sic, Nalu), an organization of Waiklki rowers and swimmers, composed chiefly of Hawalians, applied for membership and were duly admitted to the association.
The new club intends to enter a swimming team for the aquatic events of August 12.
Plans for the aquatic carnival were discussed and officials elected.
Ira Canfield of the Outrigger Club will shortly offer a silver cup to be competed for by surf-boarding novices.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 31, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Evening Bulletin
Honolulu, August 1, 1911, page 9.

Boys Will Compete in Aquatic Sports on August Twelfth.
The illrednrH of tho A A. tt liehl u meeting on July 27 and allowed the
Nui Natti iluh to Join ttie union. It
will viiinpi'tov In the npiatlc spurts mi
August 12.
The (.lull will be a bard one to beat.
as It li iiiiiiii'd of nil the bust mv hu
mors down here. II. K. Miller Is pres
ident mill captain of the teiun. T. I).
King Is secretin mid Ircasum', and
the members arc as follows:
William T. Kuwllu. Alexander May,
Duho V. Kiihnuamohu, llltanl I. Kn
hele, David W Kcnvvuivvuhl, William
A. (,'nttrill, Hubert W. Coster, .Major
Kcawcauiahl, l.ukcl.t Kiiuplkn, John
I.lshinan, Dude Lemon, Harold 1. Mi
lium nhdllurod ltlltare.
It will In, seen that among this llt
are some fust swimmers, Duke Kiilia
liauioku Is the champion surf Hoarder of
the Islands, and Harold HtiHtncc and
Dude IjCiiiiiii nro star swimmers.
The team Is nut every evening pre
paring for the (oinlug meet.
The Henhiiil and Mjrtle boys nro
doing their regular training down nt
their clubhouses every afternoon be
tween 5 mid 6 o'clock.
Tho 'Outrigger mid llul Nulu will be
two hard teams In bent, as lliey nro
only attending In swimming, while the
boat club members nro out revving nlsn.
Tho miuutln sports nro attracting a
great ileal of attention, and as the new
club Just entered Is enmposed of llrst
(lass hvv Ilium rs, the majority of whom
nre Hawaiian, the races liuiild be

Chronicling America
Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 01, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, August 5, 1911, page 6.

At a meeting of the Hui Nalu held last night twelve new members were elected, making a total of 27.
The Hui Nalu have elected E. K. Miller, W. H. King and R. W. Foster as delegates to the A. A. U., and they will represent the club at all important meetings of the local branch of the A. A. U.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 05, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, August 8, 1911, page 1.


The entries for the aquatic meet to be held on Saturday in Bishop slip, and which will close today are as follows:

880 . yards: Vincent F. Genoves, Fergerson, L. Kerr, J. Kamakau, Bush, Watson Ballentyne, Hui Nalu; C. A, Dyer, Myrtle,
Broderick Hesse, Healani; Bolte, Bolte, C. Crozler, E. Center, D. Center,
Gladiatorial contest H. P. Kahele, C. Crozier, Dyer, Bush, D. Center, Archie Robertson, H. Lishman, Hui Nalu
Myrtle; F, McTighe, Healani

50 yards Duke Kahanamoku, E.
Glbb, W. A, Cottrell, Dan Keawemahi, Major Keawemahl, Lukela Kauplko, Harold Hustace, Pat O'SullIvan, Hui Nalu; L. Cunha, F. Kruger, W. R. Myrtle .

 220 yards L. P. Kahanamuku, Archie Robertson, Hui Nalu; L. Cunha, Healani; Bolte, C. Crozler, E. Center, D. Center. Fergerson, BubIi, L. Kerr,
Hul Nalu; L. Cunha, F. Kruger, W. R. Grace, Healani; L. S. Davis, L. Per-) Myrtle .

Obstacle race-Cottrell, L. Katipiko, Rowat, J. Kruger, gorsofl, Orback, D. Center,
Duiavun,- lj, uinur, aiyrue. nian; Hul Nalu; A.

One mile V. Genoves, W. Ballen
tyn'ey Hul Nalu; C. E. Maync, C.
Brown, Hcalanl; Bush, Bolte,
C. Crozler, D. Center, Myrtle.
Fancy dlvlng-V. Genoves, Hul
Nalu! R. K. Fuller, A. A. Tarlton,
Geo. Freeth, Healanl. c Davs,

100 yards D. P. Kahanamoku, D.
Keowemahl, Hul Nalu; L. Cunha, D. Center, Kamakau, Myrtle.
Murray, Ilealanl: Fergorson, D. Center, Healani,
L Center, Orback, Myrtle.

Relay race D. P. Kahanamoku,
Dyor, Gibb, Hustace, Kauplko, D. KeawemaLI. Major Keawemahl, Archie Robertson P O'SullIvan, Cottrell. Hui Nalu;
team unlnentoned, Hcalanl; B. Lyle,p. Bechert, Fergerson, Dickson, Orback, D. Center, L. Kerr, E.
100 yards D. P. Kahanamoku, D.
Keowemahl, Hul Nalu; L. Cunha, O. Center, Kamakau, Myrtle.
Murray, Ilealanl: Fergorson, D. Center,
Plunge: Archie Robertson, H. P. Kehele, Hui Nalu; Tarlton, J. B. Lightfoot, A. Otremba, R. K. Fuller, Healani; Kamakau, L. Kerr, Myrtle.

So far no Outrigger Club entries have been received, neither are there any unattached entries to hand.
The entry book will remain open till 5 p. m. today at the store of the Hawaiian New Co.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 08, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, August 9, 1911, page 6.


That the newly formed Nui Nalu intend to play an important part in the aquatic events of Saturday next as shown by their list of entries, which comprise some of the best  known natatorial experts in the Territory.

The club was formed for the purpose of taking part in water sports on a bona flde amateur basis and with this in view afflliatton has been made with the local branch of the  A. A. U.

The club's membership Is made up chiefly of young men who swim and surf regularly at Waikiki, but who are not attached to the Outrigger Club.

While the club was formed for thepurpose of entering the coming meet, the project met with such abundant measure of support from its very
start that it will take a permanent place among the local sporting and athletic organizations and will enter men at all future swimming meets and
canoes at all local regattas where such events are on the program.

Provided the Regatta Day committee put up trophies in lieu of cash prizes, as has been the rule in, the past, the Hul Nalu will enter four and six-paddle canoe crews.

Archie Robertson is one of the club's live wires and he is greatly enthused over the Hui Nalu's chances of winning pointage honors at the coming carnival.
Asked as to his views on the different events, he had the following to say:
"I expect that Vincent Genoves will win the half-mile swim.
"The fifty and hundred-yards events should be won for our club by Duke Kahanamoku, whom I consider to be one of the fastest swimmers in the islands today.
"The mile race looks to lie between Mayne of the Healanis and David Center of the Myrtles.
"The fancy diving contest will be won by George Freeth, provided he obtains his A.U.U. ticket which he has been after.
"I think that I have a fair chance of taking the plunge event myself, anyhow, I mean, to have a good try.
"The four-forty yards will be a hard race.
There are a very level lot of men entered and I won't attempt to pick the winner.
"In the two-twenty-yards Cunha of the Healanis should just about beat  D. Center of the Myrtles, but if he does so it will only be after a gruelling race.
"The Hui Nalu should have no trouble in taking the relay."

The Hui Nalu boys are practicing every day off the Moana Hotel over a course which has been laid out.

Special pains will be taken to have the timing accurately done, and the times as recorded will furnish a reliable line on the standard of local swimming.

More Entries Made.

There are a number of interesting developments to record in connection with the aquatic carnival to be held on Saturday afternoon next in the Bishop slip.

The following new enrtries cme to hand before the closing of the book last night:
Myrtles: L. Hough, A. Hough, K. M Smith, A. Myhre, 50, 220, 440 and 880 yards swim.
W A Raseman , 50 and 100 yards swlm.
K M Smith,  A. Myhre fancy diving, obstacle race, plunge.
A. Hough, obstacle race.
Healanis: A. K. Tinker, plunge and 20 yds race.
Relay race, L. Cunha, F. Kruger, W. Grace, R. Fuller, George Murray. J. P. Homan, A. E. Tinker, G. B. Bechert, C. B- Mavne, C. A. Broderick.

Outriggers Not In.

Contrary to expectations the Outrlgger Club has failed to enter a team and report has it that the members got cold feet as soon as the entry list of the Hui Nalus was scanned.
There is a proposition on foot to make the gladiatorial and obstacle races without any age limit as was at first suggested; also to accept post entries for the former event.
The decision of the management in these matters will be announced later.
It is reported that the Outrigger Club will be represented in the gladiatorial contest.

It will be decided today whether George Freeth will be allowed to compete in the fancy dive or not.
It appears he applied for registration with the A. A. U.,  but failed to answer two very important questions on the application form.
One of these was when he last competed under the auspices of the A. A. U., and the other was if he had ever applied for A. A. U. registration before?
These are two very important questions and Freeth is coming in from Watertown at the request of John Soper to answer them.
Mr. Soper stated this morning that seventy-six local athletes have registered with the A. A. U., not Including the Kauai men.
The water sports on Saturday will start at 2 p. m.
Seats and chairs will be arranged along Bishop's slip on Saturday for the convenience of the public.
A small charge will be made for their use.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 09, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

1911 'THE FIRST SURF CLUB.', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 9 August, p. 4. (FINAL EXTRA), viewed 05 Nov 2016,

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, August 10, 1911, page 6.


People have been wondering why the Outrigger Club has not entered a  swimming team for the aquatic carnival on Saturday.
Swimming has been supposed to be one of the strong  points of the Outriggers since the inception of the club, and their remarkable work in the big, little and middle-sized nalus has been given much space in the local prints.

And the entry book has closed chock full of the names of the Healani, Myrtle and Hui Nalu boys,  with not a single mention of the Outrigger Club except in the gladiatorial contest.

The 'Rigger boys themselves are both disappointed and disgusted in the extreme of their woe will  give a moonlight dance tomorrow night in their spacious lanai in order in some measure to forget their troubles.

The Outriggers meant to enter a team all right, but were side-tracked and double-crossed at the last moment.

E. Melanphy, the captain of the club, appointed Watson Ballentyne, a very fast swimmer, as captain of the Outrigger Club's swimming team, and he was instructed to go over to the Hawaiian News Company's store on Tuesday, the day when the entries closed, and put the names of the club's competitors on the book.

The team included, among others Watson Ballentyne, Gibert Brown, R. K. Reidford, Elmer Evans and Marston Campbell, Jr.

The Star came out on Tuesday with a list of the entries, and to the immense surprise of the Outrigger boys there was no mentlon of their swimming team therein.
Instead, the name of Captain Watson Ballentyne appeared as entered by the Hui Nalus, a rival organization.

Captain Melanphy was at once communicated with, and he phoned in hot haste to John Soper, who was receiving the entries.

It was then 4:45 p.m., and entries were supposed to close at five o'clock.

Melanphy told Soper that there had been a mistake over entering the Outrigger team, and asked that the club be entered blank in every event.

Soper said that ho had no power to do this as the rules of the meet caIled for the names of intending contestants.

If Melanphy could give him a llst of his team by five o'clock it would be all right, other wise the club would have to remain unentered.

It was too late to prepare a list, so the matter had to go by default as far as me Outrigger Club is concerned.

Gilbert Brown, a prominent member of the Outrigger Club, stated this morning that he was at a loss to explain Ballentyne's action in notentering his team.
The fact that his name appeared with those of the Hui Nalu made it look, however, that the Outrigger Club had been treacherously thrown down.

It is expected that a meeting of the members of the club will be calIed in the immediate future to deal with tne matter.

Meanwhilef if  you want to see a real mad man, just ask an Outriggerite if he thinks that his club has a chance in the coming contests.


The management of the aquatic carnival were notified this morning that the affair could not take place in the Bishop slip, as has been arranged, owing to the act that the German ship Alexander Isenberg is unloading freight there.

A wireless sent to Maston Campbell, who is on one of the other islands at present, asking for permission to hold the carnival in the Alakea slip.
Word will probably be received from the superintendent of public works sometime today, and there is little doubt that the desired permission will be granted.

While a longer course can be obtained in the Alakea slip, the wharves bordering therein do not possess as good accommodation for the sight-seeing public as is the case with the Bishop slip.


The total registration with the local branch of the A. A. U. now amounts to 111.
The last registration is that of George Freeth.


The Outrigger Club will give a dance in their lanai at Waikiki tomorrow night.
It will be in the nature of a "get together" affair.

The Hui Nalu, which organization is at present giving more attention to swimming than dancing, will "get together" on Saturday afternoon at Bishop slip.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 10, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, August 11, 1911, page 3.


Miss Edith Cowles made a very charming hostess yesterday when she entertained a surfing party and luncheon at the Outrigger Club at Waikiki.

The girls met at this delightful clubhouse, donned bathing suits and spent the remainder of the forenoon in the briny blue, enjoying surf-board sports, canoeing and swimming.

At half past one a delicious buffet luncheon was served at small tables arranged in one of the picturesque hau tree arbors in the grounds.
The luncheon tables were dressed in scarlet geraniums and maidenhair.
Covers were artistically arranged for fourteen.

Those who enjoyed Miss Cowles' hospitality were Miss Lydia McStocker, Miss Julie McStocker, Miss Kathryn Stephens, Miss Alice Cooper, Miss Mary Schaefer, Miss Roberts, Miss Cordelia Walker, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Roy Francis Smith, Miss Kuteman, Miss Ethel Spaulding and Miss Ziegler.

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 11, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.,
Honolulu, August 14, 1911, page 6.

The club honors of the swimming meet held on Saturday afternoon in the Alakea slip were carried off by the Hui Nalu with a total of forty two points, the Healanis were runners-up with thirty-two points and the Myrtles managed to score five.
It was a great triumph for Honolulu's latest aquatic organization and should result in the club's being put on a substantial and permanent basis.
The star performer of the day was Duke Kahanamoku, who won the 50, 100 and 220-yards events.
He broke two American amateur swimming records, covering the 50 yards in 24 1-5 seconds and the 100 yards in 55 2-5 seconds.
He clipped 1 3-5 seconds off the old mark for the shorter distance and 4 3-5 seconds off the 100 yards record.
The long-distance events were
(Continued on page eight.)

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 14, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, August 15, 1911, page 3.

Hawaiian Youth Astounds People by the Way He Tore Through Water
Vincent Genoves Proves to be Fine Distance Man
From Sunday Advertiser

Two American Amateur Swimming record were broken yesterday by Duke Kahanamoku the expert natatorial member of tha Hui Nalu Club.
The fifty and one hundred yard records went by the board and the new figures established by Kahanamoku are respectively 24 1/5 seconds and 55 2/5 seconds.
The old record for fifty yards was beaten by 1 3/5 seconds while the blue ribbon distance fljurtj were reduced by no less than 43 5 seconds.
The course was carefully measured three times in all and tomorrow morning it will be measured again by a surveyor.

Kahanamoku is a wonder and he would astonish the mainland aquatic sports if made a trip to the Coast.

There were some great doings at the Alaksa slip yesterday when the first aquatic meet ever brought off under the auspices of the Amateur Union was staged.
The affair was an unqualified success and the fact was made plain that Hawaii has as good, and better for that matter, swimmers than any other country
When a lad can got out and in a hundred yards dash beat the American amateur record by four and three fifths seconds there is something doing for sure.

Kahanamoku Champion

Duke Kahanamoku was known to be a fast sprinter but not many people thought that the youth was a world beater.
Cunha who swam in the event was at least thirty feet behind the winner and as Cunha in practice has always just about touched 01 to 03 seconds Dukes figures must be right
No less than five watches caught Kahanamoku's time as flfty five and two fifths seconds for the hundred and there is no doubt that the record is correct.
The only thing that might add a fifth or so to the figures is the fact that the finish was over an imaginary
ima nrMi1t wna dirart1v iitiilnr a thin
rope that was fastened across the dock I
atui as an me meu wim wuvuva
caught tho timo tho same that should be all right.

Course Measured

The course was measured before the race and at least three times was the distance checked.
A surveyor will again measure the straightaway tomorrow morning and then there can be no doubt about the records.
The fifty yards race was also an eye opener and the way Duke got through the water was wonderful.
He was pressed for the first part of the race by Cunha but when within twenty yards of the finish the Waikiki boy shot out and won easily enough in the amateur world record time of twenty four and one fifth seconds.
Kahanamoku was cheered when he climbed out of the water and well he deserved the ovation.

The Derby

In the hundred yards sprint Kahanamoku set the pace from the report of the gun.
He simply tore through the water and before half the distance was covered it was seen by those holding the watches that very fast time was being done.
At fifty yards Duke showed clear of the rest of the bunch and he had a lead of icn feet over Cunha.
At yards Duke was at his top and he was drawing away rapidly from Cunha.
When within ten yards of the finish Kahanamoku sprinted at a wonderful rate and shot under the rope in record time.
Cunha swam gamely and he can rest happy in the fact that he made just about his best time over the distance and lost to a coming world beater.
Another great swimmer who did fine work over the longer courses was Vincent Genoves.
He is a powerful swimmer and he endured three events 880 yards one mile and 440 yards races in the best style.
Genoves swims a very even powerful double over arm stroke and he seems never to tire.

Half Mile
In the half mile race Genoves ran away from his field and he won as he liked from Broderick.
Genoves was over a lap ahead at the finish but there was a good race for second between Broderick and O. Crozier.

One Mile
The one mjle race attracted five starters and although Genoves soon took the lead Ginger Mayne kept going in steady fashion ana stuck to his guns well.
Genoves was too fast however and gradually he increased his lead
He won by two laps almost and Mayne was second.

Quarter Mile
The 880 yards race was another feather in Genoves cap and he won from it Cunha by thirty yards
The two swimmers were neck and neck for almost three laps, but then Genoves drew away from the rapidly tiring Cunha
The race for third place was a good one and Broderick just managed to get it from Center.

220 Yards
In the 220 yards Duke Kahanamoku again gave a taste of his quality and he got over the course in the remaerkable time of two minutes forty two
and two fiths seconds.
D. Center did his best but Duke won by about thirty yards.
Broderick filled third place
stand that had been erected was a
treat to sec
Freeth Big star
George Freeth was the star performer in the fancy diving  for his exhibition.
He was closely pushed by B. K. Fuller who made 108 points in fine shape.
In fact all the fancy divers were good and the work they did drew forth much applause from the spectators.

The obstacle Race was abandoned and the Glndtntar enntfaf MiAlt ml If
olf into a comic stunt put up by a couple of boys wlro tried to knock one another out of boats with long sticks to which mops had been tied.

The plunge for distance was keenly contested and B K Fuller won from A H Tarlton.
The efforts of some of the heavyweights to keep going after the impetus gained at the start had died away were funny enough for anything.

The Hawaiian band was in attendance and many popular tunes were played.
Chairs were provided for a big crowd of people but there were many vacant seats to be seen.

Ideal Day
The nttnmnnn ivn nn trlnnl rn A swimming and the water was as calm as a mill pond
All the arrangements were satisfactory and the cool breeze mut mow made things very pleasant.

The total number of points earned by the three clubs that competed were as follows:
Hui Nalu 42 Healani 32 and Myrtle 5.
The new organization which is called the Hui Nalu made good in every respect and in Duke Kahanamoku and Vincent Genoves the club possesses two wonderful swimmers.

The full results were as follows
880 Yard Swim
1 V. Genoves
R. A. Brodorick
3 q Crozier -
Won by a lap time 13:30 4-5
5O Yard Bwim
1 Duke P. Kahanamoku
2  L Cunha
Won -easily time 241 5 seconds
One Mile Swim
1 V Genoves
2 O E Mayne
3 Clias Brown
4 Watson Ballentyne
Won by two laps time 2928 3 5
Fancy Diving
1 George Freeth
2 B K Fuller
3 J I Whittle
100 Yard Sprint
1 Duke P Kahanamoku
2 h Cunha
3 Dan Keaweamahi
Won by thirty feet time 55 2 5
Plunge for Distance
1 B K Fuller
2 A H Tarlton
3 Kamakau
440 Yard Swim
1 V Genoves
2 L Cunha
3 0 A Broderick
Won by twenty yards time 032 3 5
220 Yard Swim
1 Duke P Kahanamoku
2 D Center
3 Ii Broderick
Won easily time 242 2 5
Belay Bace -
1 Hui Nalu
2 Healani
Won easily time 25G2 5
The officials in charge of tho sports
were as follows Clerk of the course
0 H Tuttlo referee Leslio P Scott
judges W T BawliiiB C C Bhodos
Kenneth Brown judges fancy diving
B H Clark F O Boyer A 1 Ewurt
timekeepers B A Lyon Merle John
son T J King starter Krnest Kopko
announcer John Anderson

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, August 15, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Sun
Sydney, 15 August 1911, page 1.


Mr. A. Fuller, of Addison-road, Manly, writes:—

"I was much surprised to see that Mr. A. Rosenthal, on the issue of the 9th. inst., claims Mr. F. C. V. Williams to be 'the undoubted champion Surf Shooter of Australia.'
l am willing to put up a trophy for a match between Tomy Walker or Reg Roberts (a schoolboy) against Mr. Williams."


1911 'THE CHAMPION SURF-SHOOTER.', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 15 August, p. 1. (LATEST EDITION), viewed 05 Nov 2016,

Evening Bulletin.
Honolulu, August 16, 1911, page 7.


The aquatic meet pulled off under the auspices of the Hawaiian branch of the A.A. U. last Saturday was a success.
Two world's records were broken at that time, and some other fast times were made.
This goes to show that when Honoulu is given a real chance to tackle the mainland records of the A. A, U. the boys get pretty near them and even break it few.

Now Duke Kahanamoku's fame will travel through almost all parts of the world for the great work he did in the sprint last Saturday.
Duke is not well known among the people of Honolulu, but is remembered by many tourists who have visited Hawaii and taken a dip in the surf of Waikiki.

Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 16, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 7
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Maui News.
Wailuku, Maui, August 19, 1911, page 6.

Honolulu News Letter.
Racy Paragraphs From the Capitol On Current Topics.
(by Oscar Brenton.)

(Contiuned from Page 1.)
I have read two or three excuses for the members of the Outrigger Club not entering the aquatic sports events which were pulled off here on Saturday.
They were trivial and, if I am correctly informed, away from the real point.
Nearly all of the entrants were members of the club and were members of the other sporty organizations, principally the Hui Nalu.
Now, a theory is that the youngsters are not too much in love with Ford, the promoter of the Outrigger Club.
The organization has been presided over so much by Ford and his satelites that the little fellows seem not to be satisfied.
For instance : Duke Kahanamoku, who made a new amateur swimming record, happens to get his livelihood making surfboards and occassionally taking tourists canoing at so much a head.
According to the ruling of Ford this bars him from competing for the Clark cups, or anything else under the auspices of the Outriggers.
This ruling drove some other members from the Outriggers to kindred organizations.
There is no reason why the club should not have had the honor of winning Saturday's events through the efforts of its members.
Some day, perhaps, there will be enough men among the members of the club to outvote Ford, or the men he has drilled to vote as he tells them.
At present, while an organization that should have the backing of the public, it is too much of a one-man-one-rule affair to suit the young men.

Chronicling America
The Maui news. (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, August 19, 1911, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, August 22, 1911, page 7.

Premier of New South Wales Tells Why He Was Out.
Sees Honolulu
(From Saturdays Advertiser)

Party Sees Aquarium

With Premier McGowen was Mrs McGowen and J. W. Holliman, under secretary for finance and trade of New South Wales.
The premier and his party was met outside the harbor and as soon as a landing was made a trip was taken to the aquarium, where an hour was spent, Mr Holliman declaring that it was a more wonderful sight than the aquarium at Naples which he recently inspected.

From the aquarium the party went to the Outrigger Club where the surf board riders greatly interested all of the visitors and a number or snap shots were taken of the riders as they raced in to shore on the crest of the waves.
The premier said that when he returns for a long visit he is going to learn to be a surf rider whatever else happens

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, August 22, 1911, Image 7
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 25, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Despite reports to tho contrary, the
''oi!n canoe crew is not coming down
for the coming regatta and the Hui
Nalu have secured the use ot the "A,"
Prince Kuhlo's canoe, wiilch was used
by the Kona paddlers last year.
The Hul Nalu will enter crews In
the six and four-paddle canoo races
and expect to moke a ttold bid for tho
A cup will probably be hung up for
these rnces, and beside the Hul Nalu.j
the Outrigger Club and Kamehameha
Aquatic Club will probably compete
for tho canoe championship in tho six.'

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 25, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 30, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Things are humming around the Helalani boathouse every afternoon and the place is as busy as a bee hive,
! what with rowors, coachoa, coxswains
and spectators anxious to see the
crews at work.
: Throe crews are sent out every aft-
i ernoon. the senior of which Is coached
by uus necnert, tno junior uy I'nui
Jarrett and tho freshmon by Jim
! Frank Kroger. Jr., is holding down
tho job of cox in good style.
, ,
Tho crows are as follows:
Seniors L. Cunha, bow; C. Brown,
No. 2: P. Hesse. No. 3: Dick Sulllvnn,
I No. 4: C. Mavno. No. B: .Urn Horrv. V
! stroke.
1 .iirv. .Tnnn.. lmvw p .1-
nrettoville, No. 2; Goorgo Wilkinson,
No. 0; II. Sehroeder. No. 4; P. Honian,
No. C; F. James, stroke.
Freshmon V. Grace, bow; W.
It looks very much as if tho Hui
Nalu will have to forego their desire
to compete ln the junior barge race
on Regatta Day, owing to their being
unablo to obtain the use of a boat
in which to train.
Blll Lyle told Archie Robertson
this morning that It would be impos-
sible for the club to let tho Hui Nalu
either the Myrtle or the An Rogers,
as both were in constant use by tho the part of the club in next year's
crews now training for the Regatta races.
Day events. Lack of competition has been long
Captain Cunha, of the Healanis, and loudly deplored by lovers of row
had the same to say when asked if lng, and now that there is a chance
one of the Healanl boats could not of another crew getting into the game
possibly be loaned to the Hui Nalus.
Tlje Hui Nalu crew would be
cuosen irom tue following:
J. Ltshman, Alec May, Sam Chll-
(iertz, No. 2; Ed Hodomnnn, No. 3;
M. Nichols, No. 4; Sponeor Bowcn,
No. 5; Bob Thompson, stroke.
Captain Cunha says that nil three
'crows are doing as well as could bo
desired, and that ho expects the He-
"I'U to make a much bettor show-
"ls wuy mivu uuuu ior suverm
Tho men are all working hard and,
what Is moro, pulling togother, not
onl' ln the boata ,,ut ns gards tho
IntmaIT ,natters of "j0 cmb'
The Juniors are using tho Henlanl
)n tho,p Iiractco am, th(j gen.
i0ls na Freshmen tho new Roger
The Chineso and Fifth Cavalry
mm, ' r t,i... I
immv innU- uvth fnr ii !,. ,.f
their crews have more than held their,
own in brushes with tho three Myrtle
crews when both clubs were using
their old boats.
llngworth, Duke Kahanamoku,
O'Sullivan, Archie Robertson
Vincent Gonoves.
There Is tho making of a good
in tho above bunch, and although .Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
there is little time to train, tho pres-! n0.t and will glvo benefit perforin-
ence of a Hui Nalu crew In the harborLnccs, the proceeds of which will go
on Regatta Day would add greatly to to the expense fund of the Saints'
the Interest of tho event and might projected trip to the mainland next
lead to a more ambitious entry on'
it would be a sportsmanlike action on
the part of the other clubs to, if it
were possible, lend the newcomers a
boat in which to train for the race.
The Regatta Day ball will bp held
at the Alexander Young Hotel on tho
night of the 10th Inst. This was de
cided at a meeting of representatives
of tho Healanl, Myrtle and Puunone
clubs held last night.
Tho committee in charge of the
affair Is as follows:
T. L. Davis, Myrtles, chairman;
George Clark, Myrtles; II. Lemke, J.
B. Llghtfoot, Healanis; R. E. Hughes,
S. T. Short, Puunenes.
An effort Is being made to have tho
.hall a bigger success this year than
it has ever been before. It deserves
support, for through It the rowing
the Regatta Day celebration.
The Hawaiian Rowing Association
gives each club $125 annually towards
their expenses, but each club's cx
pense are nearer $200 than $125, leav
lng a substantial deficit to bo met.
Tho tickets for the danco will cost
a dollar each, and the proceeds will
bo divided among tho three clubs.
Tho dato Is September 16, the cause
is a good one, tho ball will be of a
most enjoyable nature. Make a note
of it!

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, August 30, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Los Angeles Herald
Number 339, 5 September 1911, page 1.

Gripped by Unknown He Seeks to Save, Clubman Is Beneath Waves
Hotel Orchestra Plays ‘Conquering Hero Comes’ as Rescuer Enters Dining Room

Paul Rowan, well known business man and club member of Los Angeles, went through the Long surf to what seemed certain death and rescued an unknown man from drowning.
Weakened by his fierce battle with the waves, Mr. Rowan was with the greatest difficulty able to keep afloat under the 100-pound burden of the man he sought to save.
While hundreds looked on in helpless horror from the beach, Charles Allbright and A. J. Stout beat their way through the pounding breakers and with Hawallan surf-boards to sustain them, brought the imperiled men to safety.
The unknown man had given up the struggle and sunk beneath the sea when Mr. Rowan reached him.
The Los Angeles clubman, who is an expert swimmer, dived and brought him to the surface.
But a high sea was running and the weight of his burden soon exhausted the swimmer.
Before help came In the form of the surfboards, the brave rescuer and the all but unconscious rescued one were in the act of sinking for the third time.

Back again in safety to the beach, Mr. Rowan made light of the matter and did not even wait to receive the thanks of the man he risked his life to save.
But hundreds who saw his act cheered him as he made his way to the Hotel Virginia, where he is rooming during the summer months, and when he entered the dining room for Sunday evening dinner the orchestra struck up "The Conquering Hero Comes.’''
At this dinner he was the guest of Colonel Drake of the Long Beach Bathhouse company.
Had It not been for the prompt action of Mr. Rowan it is certain the unknown swimmer would have drowned.
He had been In the surf for some time and had ventured out to a point where the water was ten feet In depth.
Suddenly he threw up his arms and called for help.
Mr. Rowan was well out to sea at a point beyond the exhausted swimmer and heard the cry faintly.
No one else heard the appeal for help.
Instantly Mr. Rowan turned and swam toward him.
The clubman is a strong swimmer and covered the distance rapidly.
He saw the ocean’s victim sink and dived to meet him when he rose.


With the spasmodic clutch of the drowning, the man grabbed Mr. Rowan in a fierce embrace and they sank together.
But Mr. Rowan fought himself free and struggled to the surface, bringing the other with him. No one was within hailing distance. Mr. Rowan’s strength was going fast when the plight of the two was seen by Allbright and Stout, who brought, the surfboard as rapidly as possible to the scene of peril.
The final act of rescue was assisted in by John Leonard, life guard at the Hotel Virginia, who ran several blocks and plunged into the surf to aid in dragging the men ashore.
Allbright is a Honolulu newspaper man and Stout is chauffeur for Dr. W. Lunderberg of Pittsburg.
The two, who are fast friends, first met in Honolulu and surfboards brought by them from the Hawaiian islands enabled them to complete the rescue.

The final act of the near sea tragedy was most spectacular.
Allbright and Stout got their surfboards beneath the bodies of Mr. Rowan and the unknown man.
Then, watching for favorable breakers, they coasted in upon the beach.
The surfboards are made of beautifully grained wood of the Hawaiian islands and are six feet long.
They are three Inches thick and eighteen inches wide and are suffclent to bear the weight of one man.
Allbright and Stout are expert surf riders.
Rowan was out bright and early yesterday, none the worse for his experience of which he makes light.
He gives all praise to Stout and Allbright.
The latter would not speak of their part in the affair, but from other sources it was learned that they had made similar rescues while in the Hawaiian Islands.

California Digital Newspaper Collection
Los Angeles Herald, Number 339, 5 September 1911, page 1.

Los Angeles Herald
Number 341, 7 September 1911, page 12.

Louis Reid Comes from Honolulu and Asks No Questions En Route

MASTER LOUIS REID, 8 years old, traveled 2000 miles all alone and arrived from Honolulu In this city yesterday morning, and when he left the train a friend of the family, who met him, asked if he wasn’t hungry.
“Yes,” answered the daring little tourist, “I am.
I’m hungry to see my mother.”
For eight months they have been separated, Louis staying with friend.s in the army post of Fort Derussy, Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, while his mother was making them a home at 119 North Hollenbeck avenue in Belvidere, east of the city.
Louis was the pride of the post and one of the features of the famous beach, for he can outride, outswim and outdance most grown men.
He was one of the divers who are watched with interest by every visitor to Honolulu and his ability to handle a surf board on the great combers that break on this beach made him the envy of many a native Hawaiian.
But the time came when his mother was ready for him to join her and when she sent on the ticket and journey money Louis cabled:

This blooming beach is lonesome without you.”
He came over on the liner Sierra, reaching San Francisco a week ago.
There he met T. B. Dozier, jr., a young attorney, who became acquainted with the boy in Honolulu and was by him taught to use the surf board until he, too, became an expert.
Mr. Dozier, who is a member of a prominent San Francisco family, insisted that Louis remain with them a few days, so Louis, who is a good spender and very businesslike, sent his mother a telegram, which, like the cablegram referred to above, was sent ’’collect.”
The telegram advised her that he would stay over in San Francisco until Tuesday and that he would take the Owl Tuesday night. Louis wore no tag and asked no assistance.
He says he tipped the porters well, and his rule for getting along your way is to be generous with servants.
Mrs. Reid, the mother, was formerly a Los Angeles girl, but has only been back here eight months, having been absent five years, first in Seattle and later for three years at the Hautree inn on Waikiki Beach, Honolulu.
They will remain here now indefinitely.

California Digital Newspaper Collection
Los Angeles Herald, Number 341, 7 September 1911, page 12.

Evening Bulletin.
Honolulu, September 9, 1911, page 13.

Miss Wood's Surfing Party.

One of lhe most attractive girls is Miss Wood who is sojourning with her patents at the Seaside Hotel.
Miss Wood has been the motif for numerous entertainments since her arrival in Honolulu.
Friday evening she enertalned a few friends at dinner, after the party went surflng by moonlight.
The dinner was held in the private dining room of the Seaside
Mile rovers were arranged for six.
Duchess roses and smilar were the means of contributing beauty the artlstlcally arranged table.
Among those present were: Mr, and Mrs. Wood, Miss Helen Spaldlng. Mr. Warren Timberlake and Mr. Francis Cooper.

Miss von Holt's Surfing Party and Supper

The Outrigger Club, at Waikiki, is gaining in popularity for society functions.
Miss Mary von Holt will entertain fourteen of her friends this afternoon at a surfing party.
The young people will met at half after three at the club house.
After several hours devoted to aquatic sports, such as surf-riding, swimming and surf boarding, they will motor to the von Holt cottage, situated opposite Kapiolani Park, where a delicious supper will be served.

Chronicling America
Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, September 09, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, September 9, 1911, page 4.

Society Notes

Mrs. Ermentrude Kapakahi of the Blue Gate, Kakaako gave a surfing party off the Beach Road yesterday afternoon.
A large ironing-board was used as a surf-board and all except a few of the fattest of the guests had great fun.
An untoward incident some what marred the pleasure of the afternoon.
Mrs. Lily Ona fell from the board and sank to the bottom.
She was rescued through the gallant efforts of a tourist who prefers to remain incognito, and who fainted himself after he had towed the capsized lady to the shore.
Mrs. Ona wns revived with repeated internal applications of "Palm Tree," a specific for cramps much in have never favor with the dwellers along the Kalla flats.
After the exciting events at sea a nicely kaluaed dog was served ...

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 09, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, September 19, 1911, Image 3

Healanis Win All Honors
Except in the First
Myrtles Take In Senior
Event Maui Crew
Does Well
From SunASa Advertiser
The 1011 regatta tnuBt certainly go
down as tho most successful for many
years for yesterdays event undoubt
edly showed that ronowed intorcst Is
being taken in tho regattn That the
fixuro was a success was shown by
tho large crowds tire keen racing and
tho enthusiasm displayed all round
All around tho waterfront in the
morning there were crowds of specta
tors Naturally tho guests of tho Ifen
lanis nnd tlfo Myrtles wero many for
both clubs have a strong following so
that it was ao wonder that tho club
houses wero full to overflowing at an
early hour
Long before tho hour of starting
streams of peoplo wero on their way to
tne vicinity of tho boathouses Motors
cars hacks and street cars sped on
their way with their living freights all
bent on seeing the regatta for the
rivalry owing to tho importation of
sew bouts and tho acquisition of new
members was keener ruan it has been
for years past Tho committees at the
boathouses made all visitors welcome
and tho rivalry to entertain tho gjests
seemed to be just as great as the strug
glo for supremncy was ou tho water
A lot of coiirsB did not get invita
tions to tho boathouses but these
found excellent spots along the wharves
tho pontoons or anywhere that was
available It did not matter whero it
was so long as it ufTordJd a view of
the course Tho fringo of humanity
around the waters edge made a strik
ing picture and tho scene was cousi
dorably enhanced by tlw many flags
that flew from tho ships iu port Tho
ares of a dull workaday were forgot
ten it seemed except in the cas of
the P M 8 S Siberia which poured
her oriental cargo out on to tlw Ala
lica wharf and took in another from
they Islands
Of course tho followers of the Hea
lanis and tlio Myrtles predominated
but there was a fair sprinkling- of spec
tators who sported tho black and gold
of tho Pauiwiio nnd the blue of tho
Hul Nalus The harbor never looked
better The mass of white clotned
humanity along the foreshores and the
gay bunting from tho boathouses and
other points made an effective setting
for the blue patch of water on which
were freely dotted tho trim motor
boats the rowing boats tho outriggers
tugs find other craft
The excitement during each rnce was
intense and tbe followers of every club
roared their appreciation or their en
couragement as tho boats fairly flew
over the coue The assertion bail
beea freely made by tho follower of
the Healanis that they would sweep
the board The Heulaul ou tho otlivr
bund were just as corifldeut that tby
would take all tho honors There were
wen some cf tho Puunonei and tbe
Hul Nalus who thought that tltey had
u chance to wlii some of the prizes
IUkUbU VJetore
The ItaiUnia were nearer t tfeeir
propbMy than tbe MyrilM vm tot
program a varied pne as well as giving
Jftdditlona interest to the days sport
Naturally the club ovents were tbe
races of tho day on account of the par
tizan spirit being so strong
I Thoughout the day the interest never
I flagged and whether it was a trial be
I tween the two clubs or whether it was
one of tho events in lighter vein na
It wero the crowds followed It nnd on
joyed it to the full
Yesterdays regatta must undoubted
ly be awarded the distinction of being
lone of the most successful held hero
in many years and as such it will go
uown in the arrnais fit sport
Whaleboat Kace Four Oared
1 Tom Mnhuks Number Two
Tom Mnhukae Number One
Won easily by two minutes margins
time 10 gO
Senior Six Osred Barge
1 Mynift Boat Club
8 Ucalas Ueat Club
Viim by fWMeea linglkt Tim 13t40
Tbe better eruw wen en their merits
L iin i -ii rrr ii ii gi i r -v i
W -
- -
mr -B -
W5hlV r -V v J - iJ V 43aH1 AtjBSfflBWffiAp
they just missed a clean sweep It was
n great revenge after their yours of
defeats and the assembled crowds of
Healanis roared their appreciations of
the fact The manner in whck tlw
Healanis won will now give Increased
interest to future regattas Had tho
Myrtles been successful again yester
day tho Healanis would have felt down
cast After all tho trouble thntsthey
have taken to restore the club to a
winning basis it was good that tbeyi
hould have their efforts bear fruit
for tho Myrtles will no doubt respond
to the demands that have now been
put upon them
Fuunenes had no club wins to rec
ord but ths was no doubt expected
by them for they have not had tho
same opportunities to train as tho local
clubs had being away from nouie in
strange quarters Of course they will
not Irt discouraged by their showing
On the contrary it will no doubt spur
them on to seek an opportunity to show
an improvement next year
Tbe Hul Nalu carried off the honors
for the four and six paddle canoes and
theTo were plenty of other events row
ing and sailing that helped to make the
although it was a great race The turn
was made by the Myrtles in seven min
utes forty seconds and the Healanis a
second later The start was a good one
but the Myrtles caught tho wator urst
Tho two crows hit up a forty to tho
minute clip but steadied down to thirty-four
when passing the judges boat
for the first time After tho turn was
made tho Myrtles forgod ahead Tho
Hcalani boat seemed to ride too high
and the wind caught the bargo and re
tarded her pace The Myrtle boat sat
lower in the water nnd glided along
Tho finish was all in favor of the
Myrtles and although the Healiinis
spurted in desperate fashion tho Reds
were too good and won easily
Six Paddlo Canoe
1 Hui Nalu
2 Kamehamehn Athletic Club
3 Outrigger Club
The Hul Nalu bunch took the load nt
tbe start and held it right through the
race There was a groat struggle for
second place and the Koms just man
aged to pip the Outrigger boys on the
posj The course was covered in soven
minutes thirty seconds and the differ
ence between tbe first and second
was thirty seven and two fifth seconds
n Oio finish
rcslimcn Six Oarod Barge
J Healanl Boat Club
2 Myrtle Bont Club
The start was a good one and right
away it was apparent that tho Healanl
crew was a beauty The form tbey ex
hibited was well worthy of a seaior
crew nnd at the turn they led bv
eleven seconds The Myrtles rolled a
rot but the Healanis wero a well bal
anced bunch and mndo every post a
winning one At tho finish the Hea
lanis were thirteen lengths nbea of
the Myrtles nnd they did the course in
cloven minutes fiat
Senior Palr Oar
1 JleaJani Boat Club
2 Myrtle Boat Club
This was a great race and from start
to finish it was hard to say which
crew would win When within ton
lengths of the winning line the Hea
lanis spurted in wonderful fashion and
managed to land winners by n little
over a length The time was one min

ute fifty four seconds and It must be
ewMldered very good considering the
stiff brM tbst was Wowing right on
to the basks of tbe osrstueu
Four Paddle Oanoe
1 Hui Nalu
2 K A C Seniors
The Waikiki boys had a hard job to
win this event and they only managed
to get homo by a margin of eight feet
ovor tho K A 0 crew The time was
two minutes eight seconds
Junior Six Oared Barge
1 Healani Boat Club
2 Myrtle Bont Club
8 Puunene Athletic Club
One false start was made as one of
the Hcalani oarsmen broko hid slido
shortly after the can went Itenalrs
wore effected and then the race proper
started The Myrtles were the first
away and they hit up a very smart
pace The Puunenes and Healanis
were about level to the turn whore tho
Myrtles were leading On tho way
back home the Healanis drew out and
tho Puunenes fell uwuy behind tho
Myrtles There was h great rnce up
to the finish but the Healanis won out
by a margin of two seconds with the
Puunenes about three lengths behind
in third place The time of the win
ners was eleven minutes twenty one
and a half seconds
Four Paddle Oanoe Modom
1 K A 0 Seniors
2 K A C Juniors
n Kenwcmalia A C
Won easily There were four start
ers and much interest was taken in
tbe race
Special Six Oared Barge
3 IT S Employes
2 Territorial Employes
3 County Employes
This was the ince of the day In many
respects The three crews wore close
together all tho way and n ding dong
ruce ensued right up to the finish Tho
Federals won by half a length frpm
tho Territorial crew and the County
boat wus only a length behind the sec
ond barge Judge Robertson steered
the winning boat Prince Cupid coxed
tho Territorials and Albort Harris held
tbe lines of the County buueh
Junior Palr Oar
1 Healanl Boat Club
2 Myrtle Bout Club
The race was a good ouo from start
to finish and tho llcalunli won by two
lengths Time one minute fifty nine
rour ra4de Canoe Women
3 Coed Tims
Wm- z - f Y V fill
This picture was snapped iust when tho Healanis threw up their hands to signifv an necident having broken a scat
VV33 JiW
i - i - i 41kjLUmin rs
- - - - WF 4
2 Lnnakila
This was a very amusing race and
fouls were tho ordor of tho day Throo
crows started but the Knlahikiola bunch
wnudcrod all ovor tho courso and as
tho Lanakila lot wero also afflictod
that way tho rosult was a collision
that upset tho Knlahikiola eanoo Then
tho survivors got into holts nnd
locked together finished tho raco Tho
winners wero only four foot ahead at
tho finish
Slx Paddlo Onaoo For Boys
1 Ninulani
This was a walk ovor ns only tho
ono crow turnod up at the starting post
Tho Ninulani boys paddled ovor from
ICnilua on this island to compoto in
tho raco
Ships Boat Eaco
1 Quiiin of tho Resolute
2 Cutler of tho Patterson
3 Olson of tho Robert Searlo
Tho three sailors got awny together
aiid judgiug from tho form exhibited
by Cutlor ho would have won only for
making a mess of tho turn Ho round
ed the buoy all right but fouled n
yacht that was anchored nearby Qulnn
won by a narrow margin from Cutler
with Olson four lengths furthor away
Sailing Raco for Wrens
1 Galloping Mary Cassidy
2 Roaring Gimlet Hush
Tho Unknown snilod by Harry
Bailey also started but as she was
covered with barnacles sho had no
cknnco and was taken out of tho race
Tho go between tho Galloping Mary
and the Roarinc Gimlet was a crood
one and tho skippers showed much
skiii unssiuy won a Jianuy rnco by n
small umslu
Sailing Race for Pearls
Elizabeth Friday
2 Ivy Max Bolto
3 Pearl Alvin Silva
Tho Florence nlnn Rtnrtnrl lnif vsna
unplaeod at tho finish Tho Ivy sot a
sjnnnmter as soon as tno gun wont at
tho start and took tho lend In fact
tho Ivy led all tho way till within fifty
ynrds of tho finish Then in a foolish
attempt to go about shojost way and
tho Elizabeth coming along with a flno
slant of wind crossed tho line first and
won n well sailed raco
Sailing Raco for Canoes
1 Lei Ilima Tom Mahuka
Only ono starter and tho outrigger
just sailed ovor tho course for tho prize
Shore Boat Eaco
1 Tom Mahuka
2 Apaki Manuwahi
3 Andrews
This was a special rnco gotten up by
Jack Atkinson and four boat boys
stnrted Ono of them however gavo
up shortly after the start The winner
rowed a good race in his heavy boat
and won fairly easily
No 2 Special Race
1 Jack Atkinson
2 Prince Cupid
Tho Prince challenged Jack to a
raco which was to bo rowed in shore
boats Jack took up the challenge
at once and tbe pair borrowed a couplo
of boats and started off It was a
great raco up till within a hundred
yards of tho judges bout It was then
aeon tbnt the Princo was nil in and
that tho popular Jaclc had tho raco
won Thero was much joshing over tho
event nnd cheers wero given for the
contestants nt tho finish
Junior Pair Oar
Myrtles Auorbaclr stroke Dclanux
Hough cox -
Hcalanis Gcrtz stroke Grace
Howut cox
Myrtles W Lyle atroko W Mc
Dougall G E Chllllngworth 4 F
Bechert 3j J OBrien 2 H Williams
bow Ii Hough cox
Healanis Borry stroke 0 E
Mayne Sj It Cornyn 4 Hesse 3
Brown 2 h Cunha bow II Krugcr
Myrtles Auerbuch atroko Delanux
5 Clark 4 Bustard 3 W Rosa 2
0 Byer bowL Hough cox
lTorilfinrrhnmTiann aLnlm TIawaii
5 Nicoll 4 Hodemann 3 Oerts 2
urnce uunr axrugor cox
Senior Pair Oar
Hdalunls Cornyn stroke Brown
Iiowat cox
Myrtle Lylv stroke Bechert
llougli cox
Special Barge Race
Vilnrn1ftT1 Hlinvwnnil It Tnlmalnna
0 Hermit U 8 Dovls II A Holt v
0 Palmer Cox A U M Robertson
uermoriaii uMuiiivau T V King
V Fernandez i Ghilliujnvortb H Mar
eallinu Jt U Co Prlnee Kublo
County H Kruger II Murray C

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, September 19, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 22, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

In the swimming division Walter Pomeroy and McWood wll lprobably be matched with Duke Kahanamoku Jr., in a sprint, and with Vincent Genoves in a long or middle-distance event.
Tho Outrigger Club plans to hold n
big ontortaliiment soon for the pur
pose of stimulating Interest In tho or
ganization. Allan Herbert will glvo
n chowder to membors of tho club at
tholr headquarters noxt Monday after
noon at which dotalls will bo dis
cussed. o
Subscription for tho Outrigger fete
tickets has already opened and J. V.
Cooko and W. It. Castle put their
names down for a hundred and fifty
tickets respectively.
Many Improvements will shortly
take place at tho Outrigger Club's
headquarters. A retaining wall will
be built around the lagoon, the danc
ing lanai will bo enlarged and re
thatched, and the grass houses will be
moved further back In order to on
large the lawn. The ground 'under
tho hau tree grove will be cemented
and tho bath-houses enlarged. It is
also planned to construct a hau tree
lanal on the beach where the algaroba
grove stands at present.
The evening entertainment will con
sist In a chowder followed by a con
cert in which fifty native musicians
will probably take part, and a dance.
Tho afternoon sports will Include
contests in the surf for the Clark
trophies and the Canfleld Mallhini
An effort will be made by the Out;
rlggerltes to secure subscriptions for
1000 tickets for their coming enter
tainment. As soon as these have
been subscribed for the date of the
affair will be announced.
Anton Kaoo and Jimmy Fitzgerald
may take part in a marathon race
over the full course on October 15.


The Hui Nalu, winners of swimming and paddling laurels, are thinking of raising enough money to buy a barge with which to compete in next year's Regatta Day races.
They intended putting a crew in the junior race this year but had to abandon the idea on account of being unable to secure the use of a boat to row in.

The members of the club will make an effort to secure the use of the boat house of the defunct Kunalu Rowing Club for headquarters while training for next year's races.
The club have ordered new swimming suits, their color being white with blue trimming and lettering.

Archie Robertson stated this morning that an effort would be made to arrange swimming races between two members of the Hui Nalu and Messrs. W. R. McWood and Walter Pomeroy, the Olympic Club swimmers who are expected to visit Honolulu next month.
Vincent Genoves would wear the blue and white in a long-dlstance race and Duke Kahanamoku would attend to any sprinting engagements.

Pomeroy, who recently swam the Golden Gate, could take on Genoves in a 440 or 880-yard event.
McWood, only a week ago, swam fifty yards at Redondo beach in 26 seconds flat, breaking the Coast record by a fifth of a second.
Pomeroy finished second in an 880 yard race at Redondo beach won in 12.48 3-5.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 22, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, September 22, page 6.


LONG BEACH September 4- For the first time in the history of southern California beaches two men were rescued from drowning here yesterday afternoon by Hawaiian surf boards.
They were Paul Rowan a well known real estate man and a stranger whose name could not be learned.
Charles Allbright and A. J. Stout both fresh from Honolulu brought them to shore

The stranger had swum out beyond the end of the safety line and not beeing a strong swimmer could not buck the heavy undertow.
He began to sink and called out for help from Paul Rowan, who was swimming a few yards beyond him.
Rowan seeing him go down hastily rushed to his side.
The stranger grabbed him and crippled him by pinning his arms to his side.

It was at this point that Allbright and Stout who were out beyond both the men lying in wait for a huge roller on which to coast ashore hurried to the rescue.
Stout pulled the stranger onto his board and Allbright hauled Rowan onto his.
Just then a roller came along and the experts from Hawaii holding the boards steady coasted through the breakers with the almost unconscious men.
The undertow began to carry them out again however and at this point John Leenhart, the life guard employed by the hotel, reached the four men with a lifebuoy held in his teeth by a rope

Leenhart is a very strong swimmer and he towed all four the remainder of the distance to shore where the stranger sank to the beach with exhaustion
Rowan managed to get rid of the water he had swallowed and felt none the worse for his experienco but the pale and frightened stranger hurried away before his name could be learned.

Allbright is a Honolulu newspaperman and Stout was formerly manager of the Seaside Hotel at Waikiki near Honolulu.
They recently came to Long Beach with their koa wood surf boards and were entertaining a large crowd by on the beach by coasting in shore standing up when Rowan got into trouble.

The surf boards are much larger than those used on this coast being six feet  long, three inches thick and eighteen  inches wide.
It was their size which enabled the rescuers to place the drowning men on them for safety.

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, September 22, 1911, Image 6
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, September 22, 1911, pages 9 and 12.


Long Beach Press: One of the most novel rescues ever pulled off in the surf at Long Beach was accomplished yesterday afternoon at four o'clock on the beach west of Magnolia avenue when Paul Rowan of Long Beach and a stranger who slipped away before his identity could be discovered, were saved from drowning by Charles Allbright and A. J. Stout.

The two rescuers were also nearly exhausted and were helped to the beach during the latter part of their spectacular trip by the hotel life guard, John Leonard, who was unaware of the trouble until he saw the men struggling to reach shore against a strong rip tide.

Allbright is a Honolulu newspaperman.
Stout is chauffeuer for Dr. W. Lundenberger of Pittsburg.
Both the rescuers met and became close friends in Honolulu and brought Hawaiian surf boards over with them recently to try them out in the local surf.

Paul Rowan, who is a strong swimmer, was out beyond the end of the life lines which extend from the beach to a point beyond the breakers.
He was swimming about, enjoying the exorcise when he heard a cry from a man who was nearer the shore, but just beyond the breakers.

Cries for Help.

"For God's sake, help me. I have a wife on shore." gurgled the Stranger, a man of about thirty years of age; and he commenced to sink.
Rowan went to his help with a swift overhand stroke and caught him just as he waa sinking a second time in the strong offshore current.

The stranger imediately grabbed hold of Rowan and held him so that
he had to fight to free his arms.
He talked to the man and told him to keep quiet and he would be all right, but the stranger had become thoroughly unnerved and hindered his own rescue.
Rowan was also forced to swallow considerable sea water by the man's frantic efforts to hang onto him and he felt himself slipping.
He made every effort he could and it was at this point that Allbright and Stout, who were over outside the lines waiting for big breakers with their Hawaiian surf boards, became
aware of the situation.

On Surf Boards.

Allbright grabbed Rowan, who was dizzy from his forced immersion and placed him on his surf board.
Stout did the same for the stranger.
Just then a succession of big breakers came along and the two men, with their burdens, coasted magnificently inshore against the rip tide to a point where they could almost touch bottom.
It was then that Leonard, who was on his way out to help, grabbed hold of the surf hoards and helped the men to finish their rescuing stunt.

The stranger's wife was on the beach waiting for him and did not know what was the matter until the rescue was nearly completed and she profusoly thanked all four men for the rescue of her better half.
The husband was too full of water for utterance and she hurried him away for stimulants.
He was very pale and looked sick, but was able to walk.
(Continued on page twelve)


(Continued from page nine.)
While he was unknown to the rest of the party it is believed that he lives in this city or Los Angeles.
The peculiarity of the Hawaiian surf boards was to a large extent responsible for the effectiveness of the rescue of both the stranger and his first rescuer, Paul Rowan.
The boards are made of the beautifully grained koa wood of the Hawaiian isles and are six feet long.
They are three inches thick and eighteen inches wide.
In coasting there is sufficient wood in one of them to almost bear the weight of one man, and in this instance they proved the salvatlon of two men.

Expert Surfers.

Both Allbrlght and Stout are expert surf board riders and for years coasted on the foaming breakers which run In on the beach between Diamond Head and Honolulu.
There the breakers run mountains high at great speed for a distance of nearly half a mile.
Big canoes with outriggers are also used to coast the breakers at that point in Hawaii and on coming to the mainland, both men brought their boards with them.
Yesterday they were riding the breakers with the greatest ease in front of the Virginia amd a large crowd was watching them as they stood up on the boards and coasted rapidly ashore.
The rescue yester dav was probably the first of the kind ever effected in a similar manner on the coast and the success of the men with their boards may result in the general use of the same type at this beach.

Rowan was out bright and early this morning, none the worse for the salt water he was forced to inhale.
"I don't mind drinking a little sea water when I want to," he said, "but I do object to having it forced down my throat whether I want it or not, and that was that the stranger was evidently trying to do with me."
Both Allbright and Stout made light of the incident, and from information supplied from other sources it was learned that they made frequent rescues of a like nature out in the Hawaiian Islands, where Stout was manager for the Seaside Hotel at Waikiki.

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 22, 1911, SECOND EDITION, SECOND SECTION, Image 9
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 22, 1911, SECOND EDITION, SECOND SECTION, Image 12
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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Evening Bulletin
Honolulu, September 30, 1911, page 2.

High Surf Running Off the Harbor.

An unusually high surf has been running off the harbor and at Waikiki this morning.
It is claimed by those who have observed the phemonema that the surf is higher today than at any time in the last nine years.
Travel outside the harbor in the smaller launches proved somewhat a difficulty.
At the bathing beaches a number of persons availed themselves of the rolling seas in riding the surf boards and canoes.

Senor Igancio de Arena, the new Spanish Consul, paid an cordial call on the Governor this morning.

Chronicling America
Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, September 30, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, October 3, 1911, page 3.


Senor Igancio de Arena the newly arrived Spanish consul made a tour of the government and consular offices yesterday afternoon accompanied by A. de Bourni Uanuvurro consul general for the Republic of Portugal.

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, October 03, 1911, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, October 21, 1911, page 3.


The Outrigger Club is making elaborate prepartions for the carnival and dance to be held on November 4.
Yesterday $600 was appropriated for permanent improvements to the club's premises, work on which will be started at once.
J. R. Gait was appointed a committee of one to confer with the ladles who have expressed a willingness to assist on the evening in question, and Dr. Victor S. Clark has been placed on the house committee and will endeavor to instill some life into that lethargic body.
Ted Melanphy, the club captain, will start worn at once preparing for the regatta of the youngsters and the Clark cup surfing contests, both of which events will be held on the afternoon of November 4.

The program and order of the afternoon regatta will be as follows:
2 o'clock Sailing race.
2:30 o'clock Board race.
2:45 o'clock Brothers canoe race.
3 o'clock Canoe against surfboardrace.
3:15 o'clock One paddle canoo race.
3:30 o'clock Three paddle race.
4:15 o'clock Six paddle race.
4:30 o'clock Girls' surfboard race.
4:45 o'clock Surfboard contest for Clark cup.
5 o'clock Small canoe surfing contest.
5:45 o'clock Jousting.
There will also be a girls' canoe race.

Tho officials will he as following-
Judges: For races, D. Center, W. Soper, I. D. Canfield, D. Thayer, R. Reitow, K. Brown.
Judges: For Clark cup contests, W. Ferris, A. R. Gurrey Jr., K. L. Brown.
Starter: W. Soper.
Timekeepers: G. H. Tuttle, Mr. TarIeton, V. L. Stevenson.
The course will be a mile in length and all races will start from the beach off the Outrigger Club, and end there in order that all may watch the youngsters from start to finish, bucking the waves going out, breasting them and then riding in before them, for the
Outrigger Club was. organized to train the youth of Hawaii to be at home in the surf.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, October 21, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, October 25, 1911, page 3

Entries, Prizes And Courses For Regatta Of The Outrigger Club

The entries for the Outrigger Club's regatta which will be hold in connection with the club's fete on November 4, are as follows:
Sailing race, 2 p. m.
M. Magoon, F. Copper, F. Winter, M. Campbell, S. Carter, M. Tattle, K. Reidford.
Board race, 2:30 p. m.
M. Campbell, F. Cooper, G. Brown, F. Winter, F. Garter, M. Tattle, Jeie Smith, M. Magoon, J. McKenzie, S. Carter, G. Tuttle, N. Tlmberlake.
Brothers canoe race, 2:15 p. m.
Tuttle, Smith, Timberlake, Gray, Carter, McKenzie, Bush, Brown.
Canoe and board race, 3 p. m.
Boys in canoes: Nelson Howell in Humphris's canoe, J. L. Dye in Castle's canoe, H. Johnson in Pond's canoe.
Boys on boards: F. Cooper, F. Winter, G. Brown, M. Campbell, J. McKenzie, S. Carter, Tuttle.
One-paddle canoe race, 3:15 p. m.
E. Evans, M. Campbell, F. Cooper, M. Tuttle, M. Magoon, M. Timberlake, F. Carter, F. Winter, S. Carter, K. Reidford, G. Brown.
Three-paddle canoe race, 3:30 p. m.
H. Johnson, Ed. Davis, P. Timberlake; W. Abies, P. van Volkenburg, G. Wakefield; Fred Carter, L. A. Thurston, H. G. Winkley Jr.; Jere Smith, W. Harris, II. Smith; J. McKenzie, A. Taylor, M. McKenzle; F. Winter or E. Melanphy, F. Bush, A. Stacker; F. Richards n, G. Bromley, A. Higgins.
Six-paddle canoe race, 4:15 p. m.
Sam Carter, G. Brown, L. A. Thurston, F. Richardson, N. Alexander, R. Sllva; F. Cooper, G. Ballentyne, Roy Graham, Fred Carter, R. Ginller, Ed. Davis; M. Campbell, A. Brown, G. Bromley, F. Winter, W. Abies, G. Wakefield; K. Reidford, W. Coles, H. Dennison, J. W. McKenzle, P. van Volkenburg, K. Emory; M. Magoon, G. Tuttle, P. Ovendon Y. Bush, Howard Johnson, A. Higgins; W. Tuttle, W.
Tlmberlake, D. Baldwin, A. Taylor, J. Smith, E. Cook.
Substitutes for three and slx-paddle canoe races: Howard Smith, M. Melanphy, H. Burnett, Fuller Low, Ralph Gray, A. Putmann.
The remainder of the program will be as follows:
4:30 Surfboard contest for girls.
4:45 Surfboard contest for Clark cup.
5:00 Small canoe surfing contest.
5:30 Large canoe surfing contest.
5:45 Jousting.
The prizes will be as follows:
Sailing race: 1st, cup; 2nd, koa steering paddle; 3rd, spruce paddle.
Board race: 1st pine board; 2nd, N. W. board, fancy; 3rd, plain board.
Two-paddle, brothers: 1st, koa paddle; 2nd. spruce paddle; 3rd, N. W. paddle.
Canoe and board race: 1st, spruce board; 2nd, pine board.
One-paddle canoe race: 1st, cup; 2nd, koa paddle; 3rd, spruce paddle.
Three-paddle canoe race: 1st, cup; 2nd, three spruce paddles; 3rd, three pine puddles.
Six-paddle canoe race: 1st, cup; 2nd, cup; 3rd, paddles.
In addition to the above the following special prizes are offered:
A cup for the participant in the most events.
A cup for the winner of the most events.
A cup to the paddler in the largest number of winning canoes.

Sailing Canoe Committee.
The following committee has been appointed to have the sailing canoes ready for their engagements:
E. Melanphy, D. Center, W. Ballentyne, G. II. Brown, A. H. Dondero, C.Gait, E. Magoon, W. Sopor, G. H. Tuttle, I. D. CanneM, A. H. Ford.
This committee will take down sails and will have paddles ready, and after the six-paddle canoe race will take the Clark cup contestants out to the big surf with their boards.
They will also tow out the small surfing canoes and will attend to anchors for the canoes.

Tho officials will be as follows:
Judges: For races, D. Center, W. Soper, I. D. Canfleld, D. Thayer, R. Reitow, K. Brown; for Clark cup contests, W. Ferris, A. R. Gurrey Jr., K. L. Brown.
Starter: W. Soper.
Timekeepers: G. H. Tuttle, Mr. Tarleton, V. L. Stevenson.

All races will start from the Outrigger Club's beach.
The first buoy will be one-third of a mile out and the second buoy one-third of a mile
Diamond Head of the first buoy.
Canoes will start on the beach, the paddlers standing alongside them.
At gunfire the crews will turn the canoes, get in, go over the course, and the first one back to the beach will be hailed the winner.
The sailing race will be over the full mile course.
The board race, for which the Canfield Cup will be presented, will be over a course two-thirds of a mile in length.
The two-paddle canoe race will be to the first buoy and return.
The canoe and board race will be to the Moana raft and return.
The one-paddle canoe race will be to the first buoy and return.
The three-paddle canoe race will be over the full mile course, so will the race for slx-paddle canoes.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, October 25, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, October 31, 1911, page 6.


Eaton Magoon of the Outrigger Club returned to the city this morning in the Wilhelmina and at once turned in
to hell) out the big events of Saturday at Waikiki.
Magoon will see that a motion picture machine and operater are sent down to the club to project the surfing motion pictures taken by Pathe Freres of Paris.
These are the pictures that M. Bonvillian secured more than a year ago while in Hawaii.
They were sent to Paris and developed there and a reel sent back to the Outrigger Club.
The pictures show the junior members of the club on the grounds toying with their surf boards, the launching and the race on the boards out to the big surf, then the sport In the waves and the return to the club grounds before the big breakers.
These pictures are now being exhibited in Paris and the Frenchmen take much delight in the sport.
The members of the Outrigger Club will see how the Hawaiian grass houses look to the European.
Edmund Melanphy is closing up his entries for the big regatta for the youngsters on Saturday afternoon.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, October 31, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, November 4, 1911, page 3.


Everything is in readiness for the regatta, chowder and dance to be given by the Outrigger Club at its grounds this afternoon, and a very large crowd is looked for.
Besides the Clark and Canfield cups which will be contested for this afternoon, cups have been presented by E. O. Hall & Son and F. J. Green, a new member of the club, who has put up two cups for the youngsters to race for.

The grounds have been very prettily decorated for the occasion and they will be this eveninig beautifully illuminated.
The chowder, which will be served between the hours of five and eight, will be under the direction of Mrs. W. A. Wall and Mrs. Fuller.
Dancing will start at eight o'clock and the music will be furnished by Ernest Kaai's Glee Club.
During the sports in the afternoon the Hawaiian band will give a concert.
The regatta events will commence at 2:30, and the program will be as follows:
Board Race Course, Moana pier to stake off Seaside and return.
Prizes: First cup, second, surf board; third, ticket for the evening entertainment.
Six Paddle Canoe Race
Prizes: First, 6 N. W. paddles; second, six tickets for the evening entertainment.
Brothers Two Paddle Canoe Race
Prizes: First, cup; second, tickets for evenlng.
Two Paddle Canoe Race
This race may have to be run in heats for the reason that there are only six available small canoes.
Prizes: First, two spruce paddles; second, two N. W. paddles; third, tickets for the entertainment.
Three Paddle Canoe Race
Prizes: first, three spruce paddles; second, three N. W. paddles; third, tickets for the entertainment.
One Paddle Canoe Race
Prizes: First, cup: second, spruce paddle; third, one N. W. paddle; fourth, ticket for the entertainment.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 04, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, November 6, 1911, page 3.


The Outrigger Club did itself proud on Saturday, hundreds of towns people journeying out to the pleasant quarters of the club to enjoy the regatta and chowder, and the dance which followed.
The afternoon was a good one for surf sports and the weather just cool enough to be comfortable.

The regatta events resulted as follows:
Surfboard race: Malcolm Tuttle, Elbert Tuttle, Frank Winter.
Six-paddle canoe race: Marston Campbell, Jr.s', crew, Sam Carter's crew.
Brothers two-paddle canoe race: Carter brothers, McKenzie brothers, Tuttle brothers.
Two-paddle canoe race: Marston Campbell, Jr., and Herry Denison, Tuttle and Harris, McKenzie and Smith.
Three-paddle canoe race: Marston Campbell, Jr.. Denison and Ovend.-n, Malcolm Tuttle and Carter brothers, McKenzie, Johnson and Smith.
One-paddle canoe race: Sam Carter, Marston Campbell, Jr., William Harris, Malcolm Tuttle.
Small boys' race: Carter, Wakefield and Dyer; McKenzie, Cook and Burnett; Winter, Timberlake and Crane.

The officials were as follows:
Judges: A. H. Tarleton, D. S. Thayer, G. H. Tuttle; starters, David Center. Ed F. Melanphy; recorder, W. F. Soper.

The chowder was just as good as chowder can be, and the dance one of the most enjoyable functions ever held at Waiklkl.
The success of the affair is largely due to the indefatigable efforts of Alexander Hume Ford, one of the club's liveliest members and staunchest supporters.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 06, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, November 9, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

There is a splendid surf at Waikiki beach today and many are taking advantnge of the waves in the lagoon to indulge in surf sports.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 09, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

The Hawaiian Star.
Honolulu, November 13, 1911, page 3.

There was no fishing in the lagoon or outside the reef yesterday, the big surf preventlng angling operations.

Chronicling America
The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 13, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Evening Bulletin.
Honolulu, November 11, 1911, page 9.


Bealt Wright and Maurice McLaughlin, who with W. A. Larned contstitute the American tennis team that is en route to New Zealand to challenge the Australians for the Davis Cup, are both men who have wide experience in all forms of sport. 

On their arrival in Honolulu on the liner Zealandia Wednesday last they voted for surfing as the afternoon's entertainment, and when they came ashore at Waikiki after several fast shoots and an upset, they voted surf-riding the best sport they had ever tried.

The left-hand picture shows McLaughlin (left) and Wright, as they stepped off the liner.

In the other picture Wright (left) and McLaughlin are shown ready to take a chance with the breakers.

Chronicling America
Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, November 11, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:

Sydney Morning Herald
Friday 1 December 1911, page 12.


The North Steyne Club has forwarded for confirmation to the Surf Bather's Association a programme for the club's annual carnival.
Fifteen life-saving clubs will be represented, and an exhibition of surf-shooting by Mr. L. Bouffett, of Norfolk Island will be given.

- Noted in S&G Champion: Drowning, Bathing and Life Saving (2000) page 159.

Mr L. Bouffett was probably a decendant of John Buffett who arrived on Pitcairn Island in December, 1823 on  the British whaler, Cyrus.
The Pitcairn islanders, largely decenced from Bounty mutineers and Tahitian women, were renowned surfriders.
See Ramsay: Pitcairn Island (1821).

The Sun
Sydney, 20 December 1911, page 5.


A southerly breeze on Sunday wan responsible for wry big breakers at Bondl, and a powerful undertow was encountered for almost the full length of the beach.
Bathers did not venture far out, and a strict watch was kept bv members of tho two local life-avlng clubs.
About 12 o'clock .the alarm was given that a man was being swept out to sea.
In an Instant tho Ufo-savers went to
ne rescue, and Mr. L. Israel of the North
Jondl :>urf Life Saving Club, donned tho
bolt and swam to the rescue. He was ably
assisted by his club-mates, Messrs. J. Robi-
son and L». Weeks, and Mr. Stevenson, of the
Bondl life-savers, and after somo difficulty
tlio bather was rescued from' a dangerous
position. Shortly afterwards anotheg bather
was carried out at tho northern end of the
beach, and once mora Messrs. X. Israel (belt),
H. Drew, T. Walker, and other members of
tho North Bondl Surf Life Saving Club gavo
a splendid example or their uillcluncy and
training, in a heavy sea, and lauded tho
frightened surfer safely, little tho worso for
his adventure. The quickness and coolness
displayed by tho life-savers in their rescuo
work was particularly uotlccablu, and eaiuo
In for inuch favorable comment from tho
crowd on tho beach.
A word of wnming to tho public in tho
.case of rescues may not bo out of place here.
'When- a 'rescued person Is being towed In
everyone seems anxious to haul In on the
line. By doing this there is a risk of break
ing It, and so undoing all the good work
dqno by the life-savers. There uro always
enough club members standing by to'attcnd'
to the 'inc. who understand when. to slack
out snd haul in.
« ' .
Record crowds on .tho beaches during the
coming holidays foreshadowed.
. '
A big number of the Grand Opera Company
artlis wore noticed among tho breakers at
TCrtmii nn RnliirHfiv
The North Bond! Surf Uve Saving Club
members arc putting 'In strenuous training
for tho forthcoming events at tbe North
Steyno carnival on December 30.
As stated In these columns last week the
action of tho Waverlcy Council in neglect
ing to erect a small hoarding at the back
of tho now dressing sheds to screen bathers
in tho nudo from public view Is disgraceful.
Last Sundays dozens of naked men could
be seen by ladles and children passing along
the road, and strong comments were made
as to the necessity of immcdiato attention
being given to this matter.
On Sunday last, at Coogeo, owing to tho
crowded stato of tbe dressing sheds, hundreds
of people were forced to undress In any old
placo in tho sheds, carry their clothes outside,
and deposit them on tho sand whilst they In
dulged In a dip. Unfortunately for some,
thieves were pretty active and several peoplo
lost tbclr clothes.
The various seaside councils appear to be
considerably trodbled with regard to sun-
baking on tho beaches. Certainly at most of
tho surflng resorts thoro will always be
found a few people who arc not particular as
to tho manner in which they indulge In this
practice. This Is a matter easily . remedied;
and offenders should 'bo prosecuted. This.'
was the advice tendered to "tho councils by!
Mt.' Griffith (Minister for Works).
Tho councils have tho power to prosecute j
persons guilty of improper conduct on the ,
beaches, and as they allege this misconduct
does take place, then' they- certainly cncour- ,
age the offenders by not Instituting prosecu-
tions. The presence or uniformed pollco on 1
tho beaches goes a long way towards mini- |
xnlslng tbe cvlL
Tamarama Beach, which lies between
Bronte and Bondi, was well patronised on |
Sunday by surfers and picnic parties. Tho
members of the Tamarama Surf Club look
after the safety of bathers, and a couplo of
Sundays ngo effected tho rescue of a young
woman who had got into dlfflcultles.
Manly Council is credited with being the
most progressive with regard to catering for
surf patrons, hence the great popularity cf
Manly Beach. '
A big scheme for the improvement of Co;-
gee Bench is being considered by Randwlck
Council. It is proposed to erect large dress
ing sheds, and refreshment rooms, and pro
vide life savers. The undertaking will cost
between £2000 and £7000, and surfers are hope
ful of vnjuylng theso advantages next sea- j
son « j
Tho North Steyno (Manly) men have now
all arrangements completed for a record car
nival day on December 30. AU the other
clubs are sending strong contingents to en
deavor to wrest the Bcggs whisky shield from
the present holders, but tho North Steyno
surfers are confident of retaining it In their
possession, and It Is certain that the very
best men In the surf will be present from all
parts of the coasts of the State. I
The Manly Surf Club has had such a rush '
of new members thut it lias been forced to
close its list for a while. Tho accommoda-,
Uon of the clubhouse is not sufficient for the
great increase of membership. The club's' ,
carnival will not be held till March, but
members will take pari in all tho approach
ing carnivals.
Champion Dick Amst Is oil enthusiastic
surfer, and has been' for some weeks n resi
dent of Manly, where his athletic form may
bo seen In tho breakers two or .three times
every day. Ho Intends to stay la Manly
for some time.
Manly's youthful body of life-savers, "Tho
Seagulls," aro getting their new organisa
tion Into good working, order, and they will
hold a carnival at the South Stoyne on Feb- :
runry 24. There was a good roll-up or mem- I
bers at -Davis's Coffee Palace on Monday !
night, when arrangements were made for tho
representation of tlic club at North Steync
carnival. Three alarm reel Items and two
senior and junior teams will face the starter.
( Thirty-two members will present themselves
j at tho Roynl Life-saving Society's cxamlna-
1 lion to-night, and good Results nro antici
pated. Mr. Currlo was elected hon. Instruc
tor to tho club. A donation of £1 Is was re
ceived from Mr. S. Jackson.
Tho surf-shooter has not had much in tho
way of suitable breakers around Manly for
bis sport during tho week. but. nevertheless,
tbe water has been n refuge of joy and# com
fort from the great beat.
Mr. "Wally YVeekcs has prcsontedx to the
North Bond! Surf Llfc-savlijg Club a silver
cup. valued at 25. guineas,:'. which Is to bo
competed for at 'the club's annual rfnrnlvnl,
to be held about the middle of Janutrry.
Tho following teams have been selected to
represent the. Pond! Surf-Tlnlhers at. tho
forthcoming carnival at North Stoyno: —
Rescue arid "Resuscitation Competition:' B.
Grieve, A. C. BrownhiU. T. Walker. J. Brown,
A. L:\r.gan, L. Stephenson, C. Brownhlll.
Alarm Reel llaco: B. Grieve, J. Warren, A.
Craven. A. Thomas,' J. Turnbull. Tho teamu
have been hard at work, and hope to bo able
to win buck the shield which they lost lost
. . .
An examination will be held at Coogeo
Aquarium Baths to-morrow evening for tho
certificate and bronze medallion of tbe Royul
Life-Saving Society.
Since tho Bondl sea wall has been com
pleted It has become very popular, .and In
parts it has bccomo congested owing to peo
ple loitering. The committee of the Bondl
Club have written to tho Wavcrloy Council,
asking them to take steps in order to obvluto
this nuisance.
I ......
At a recent meeting of tho council of the
Surf-Bathing Association of New South
Wales It. was unanimously decided that all
candidates for tho 'association's medallion
should possess tho proficiency certlflcato of
, tho Royal Llfc-Savlng Society.
Tho secretary of tho Royal Life-Saving
Society has received applications from' tho
honorary secretaries of the Victorian and
AVest Australian head centres for the condi
tions, &c., governing tho competitions for tho
"ICbth" challenge shield, and "Hendry" chal
lenge cup. It Is intended to hold similar
competitions in Melbourne and Perth during
tlie current season. '' . .

1911 'AMONG The BREAKERS', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 20 December, p. 5. (CRICKET EDITION), viewed 07 Feb 2017,

1911 'SHIRK AMONG THE BATHERS.', The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), 8 December, p. 7. , viewed 05 Nov 2016,



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home catalogue history references appendix

Geoff Cater (2010-2016) : Newspapers:1911.

17 January 1911 : 
10 March 1911 : 
11 March 1911 : 
24 March 1911 : 
3 April 1911 : 
10 April 1911 : 
1 December 1911 : 
Surf Shooting, Melbourne.
Surfboard Riding at Honolulu, Queenbeyan NSW.
Russell J. Wilson Surfs Waikiki, San Francisco.
Ivy Schilling Rescues Tommy Walker, Manly.
Hawaiian troupe of Board Shooters, Manly.
Fred Notting's Surf Canoe at Lifesaving Carnival, Freshwater.
Surf-shooting Exhibition by Norfolk Islander, North Steyne.