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If Lowe's work has
any value it must be the exceedingly rare details relating to Tommy Tana,
a native of the island of Tana in the New Hebribes working as a gardener
in Manly.
At this point, it
is the only account describing Tana's technique, page32.
The inclusion of
details about Tommy Tana's harvesting fish from pots located off the south
point at Manly add to the validity of this section.
In many respects this work is historically suspect.
The early sections
simply unverifiable, dates are difficult to determine and the text generally
presents a labyrinth of digressions and assorted facts and/or theories
making it a very difficult read.
The work is grossly
self-serving, Lowe viewing himself as the principal motivator in the development
of (body) surf-shooting in Australia, although several sections appear
upon analysis to obviously contradict to this view.
Lowe's account of
Tommy Tana is one example of the text being fraught with contradiction.
Lowe claims, at
a very young age, he is the only bodysurfer braving the waves at Manly
and is introduced, via a friend, to Tommy at his place of employment.
When they
first meet at the beach, Tommy is already there setting his fish traps,
indicating Tommy was obviously a regular at the beach and raising the question
of why the two "regulars" not met in the surf before.
It seems the
younger Lowe is simply rewriting the facts to advance his status beyond
his elders, Tommy Tana and Freddie Williams.
Page 2
Undated, but according
to Lowe after the arrival of Fred Williams circa
Lowe descrbes his
father's Mr. Lowe Senior's role in supporting surf-shooting.
Apart from his
legal advice to the surfers, the following will show his practical support
of our all-day surfing movement, and which was a big blow to the Council
at the time, of most enforcement of the ban.
He attempts to illustrate
this with a overly dramatic passage of dubious credibility.
The named "senior
bathing pioneers" accuse Mr. Lowe of lending his boat to the Council
Inspector of Nuisances, Tom Skinner, to catch them bathing illegally.
Arthur assures them
there is a misunderstanding and the boat was lent to Mr. Skinner for fishing.
To insure it will
not happen again and protect his father's "good name" , Arthur rises
at 5.00 am on successive Sundays to secrete the boat , before he goes surf-shooting
and to church choir.
When his activity
is reported to Mr. Lowe, his father's inaction is considered unhelpful
and Arthur is now "Council's Enemy No.1".
There were some
six regular senior surf-bathing pioneers, mostly in their early twenties
and employed with various city firms.
They were not
keen surf-shooters like we juniors were, and alternated Sunday swimming
on the Northern beaches with us, for some on the Harbour beaches.
Late one Sunday
they grounded their boat alongside my father's boat's moorings, as I was
inspecting the rope ties, for I had seen from a distance that someone must
have been using it.
The six occupants
of the grounded boat got out and approached me.
They were Frank
Row, Rugby Union and International Rugby Union footballer and captain:
Alf and Fred Williams, Alan Moore, Reg Walker and Harry Carroll.
Page 3
Born 29th October
East Esplanade near
Wentworth Street, Manly.
Page 20
Circa 1886, aged
7, page 20.
After initially
residing in Manly, the Lowe family has spent the years 1882 to 1886 at
Milton Terrace, Dawes Point, Sydney.
Arthur attended
Lower Fort Street School and swam at the Dawes Point Pool with future world
record holder, Fred Lane.
The family returned
to Manly in 1886.
I said a somewhat
sad good-bye to them all.
Back to our old
home in Manly I went with my parents.
Next morning
I rose as usual at 6.a.m., intending to go to the Manly baths by myself.
There was no
one in, but I had a dip for a few minutes.
But it was cold
and cheerless without my old mate.
The Manly baths
were more open and exposed than the Dawes Point baths.
So I quickly
came out, dressed and went for a stroll on the ocean side.
It was as if
something that I couldn't define was calling or luring me there.
I walked out
to the South Steyne Rock, and looked at the big, white rollers, chasing
each other into the beach.
The more I watched
them, the more I wanted to watch them.
They seemed to
recall something long past.
What it was I
did not know, but a longing to go in amongst those waves took hold of me.
But I had to return
to the Manly School that morning, and there were a lot of preparations
to make and things to get ready first, so I returned to my home.
That afternoon
I went to the baths with some of my old mates.
Though it was
much nicer and friendlier than the morning swim, there was still something
wanting. After several days of this indecision I went to the surf.
At first I found
much difficulty in getting any friends ...
Page 21
Circa 1886, aged
7, page 20.
... to come continuously
with me.
In fact, to entice
anyone at-all was a task.
My old Manly
mates' reply to my entreaty was generally and positively insulting.
"Do you think
I am as mad as you are, to leave my warm bed at 6 a.m. to go to the ocean
beach, and get bumped about by a jet of waves?"
"What, get up
at six! Have you gone out of your mind?"
"You must have
gone lemony since you've been away in Sydney.
No, be sensible
and wait till this afternoon after school, and we'll go to the baths, where
we can swim."
And so on.
But I had better
luck with a family who came to Manly for the season and took the house
next door to us.
Mr. Plumb, the
father, was a big man, physically, but not much interested in the seaside,
except as a change for his family.
In business,
he was an iron and steel merchant, in the metropolis.
He had several
children, mostly older than myself.
Charlie Plumb
was more than twice my seven years; Adelaide, the eldest daughter, was
a bit younger, and very active.
It was her influence
that got the others to come and pioneer the surf.
They were the
most constant of the few other casuals that came along.
But they would
leave me to face it alone on any wild, wet or extra cold mornings.
I did not mind
bathing those odd days alone, except for the fact that it worried my mother
at first.
The thought of
me being all alone in the ocean took some getting reconciled to.
She was somewhat
reassured from the good reports that had come to her from the Ives Family,
and knew from them that I had gained very good sustaining powers while
swimming there.
My floating power
was also very high.
I had also told
her that I was too afraid of sharks to go out very far by myself, and not
to worry.
It was the year
1886, and I was 7 years old, when the start was made, so I can safely and
correctly date the beginning of surfing in Australia from then.
There were no
others before myself.
It is not hard
to explain why.
People would
not leave their beds at such an hour as 6 a.m. to go surfing in amongst
generally-ever rolling waves.
Well, why not
go in later in the day?
The answer is,
not allowed by Council By-Law.
The hours of
bathing were permitted at the time only for the period between 8 p.m. and
7 a.m.
So, therefore,
any surfing was limited to mostly the night hours, and bathing at night
time is eerie enough to deter most surf-bathers.
My pioneering
surf mates and self were early in the piece frightened off by sharks.
Though, in the
day time we would go much farther out.
This Council
By-Law was in effect on all the beaches, lagoons, tidal rivers, and all
waters in the metropolitan and coastal areas. It was brought into being
by the pressure of most of the religious bodies.
It was contended
that it would develop indecency if bathing were allowed in public places
in the daylight hours.
By bringing in
this severe By-Law into being also, it would not allow open bathing during
the church hours of a Sunday morning, and there would be no temptation
left for backsliders or others to go surfing during church hours.
The indecent
and offensive sight of men and women exposing their necks, arms and legs
to churchgoers during their walks to and from church, and etcetera, would
not have to be undergone.
As well as this
serious deterrent to surf-bathing at that time, there were other factors
that would be likely to prevent anyone going surfing at 6 a.m., which,
in wintertime, is the dark.
Working hours
in those days were long.
Transport was
a problem, and many had to walk long distances to work and school.
So, therefore,
time was a very serious factor, along with transport, in those days.
An hour at least
was needed to go surfing, more, if living any distance away.
So 6 a.m. was
the required starting time if one wanted to have a fair length of time
in the water, walk there and back, and have a shower.
The populations
in that period were not very big anywhere, and least of all around the
The populations
were greatest in the near city suburban areas.
The frontage
to the beaches was mostly virgin land, with no erections on same.
There ...
Page 22
... were quite a number of baths about the populated areas, in which a good and comfortable, safe and very economical swim could be had, without ttlinking of going into the ocean to be battered about by big ocean waves.
There could be
no other reason, because nothing was known of such a rare sport as surf-shooting
at that time for it to be an inducement.
I knew that surfing
was not in existence on any of the Sydney beaches at the time for I made
it my business to find out.
There were various
ways: by inquiries, by traveling with my father on court circuits, by steamboat,
north and south along the coast, also by sailing trips outside Sydney Heads
with friends of the family; and many cycling excursions were undertaken
to other beaches, on both the north and south side of the Harbour.
Page 25
There was a publication
called the Manly News circa 1887-1888, although no issues are known
to exist.
After the surfing
had been progressing for about six months a fair-sized little crowd were
fairly regularly coming to the South Steyne, at from six to seven a.m.
each morning.
Just at this
period in the pioneering my father said to me one evening during our studies
together, "Arthur, I am starting a little Manly paper shortly, as I think
we need some way of publicizing our local news in a much better fashion
than a small notice board, which seldom has anything on it.
I would like
your help in getting hold of any important sporting news.
Also to hand
out a few copies to your friends.
Also anything
you might like to put in about your surf-bathing."
I told him he
could count on me.
In a couple of
weeks the first issue came out.
Though it was
necessarily a small paper, as the population did not warrant a larger one,
it held a surprising lot of news.
It was simply
called "Manly News."
On the front
page were all the Churches' notices for the Sunday following.
It was printed
in Sydney, during the week, and handed out, as well as called for by some
It contained
practically everything that was to happen in the Village during the coming
Other advertising
notices were also on the front page.
Then elsewhere
came business advertisements, all the sporting news, past and for the future.
There was a fishing
column, with news on the best biting grounds, and hints for the beginner.
Any shopkeeper,
desiring to put in an advertisement, was allowed same, pro gratia.
And a snappy
little notice told how the surf-bathing was progressing and gaining new
members every day.
When I first went
into the surf regularly, at the age of seven years, and though I felt it
strongly attracting me towards something I could not define, it appeared
to belong to some past life.
At first I was
content to play about amongst the rolling surf, and get the warmth that
their friction and tumbling about activity would engender.
But as the days
went on I wasn't satisfied.
There was still
something missing, a missing link, as it were, between this and another
Then, unconsciously,
I found myself plunging with the wave as it rolled to the shore.
And then swimming
with the wave that broke within my own depth.
And struggling
to stay on it.
Some of the other
surfers, particularly the Plumb boys and girls, watched me with much interest,
and tried to divine what I was trying to achieve in this year of our Lord,
At the time when
I started it, I did not know myself.
I was but following
a certain course set for me, stage by stage, to recover in another life
man's greatest, most thrilling and cheapest sport ever, requiring no clubs,
bats nor balls, next to no garments, just one's body and health and strength.
Circa 1887.
Then came the
day, just before I reached the eighth year of my life, when I went for
a wave just beyond my own depth, caught it, and shot with my head and shoulders
well out in front, steered through my fellow-bathers successfully, and
grounded my chin on the shoreline, i.e. the beach.
I rolled over
and sat up, looking back, and calculating how far was the quite considerable
distance I had travelled, without any other form of propulsion but that
of the wave itself.
I saw the hands
of Charlie Plumb and his sister waving to me, and smiling and shouting
their congratulations.
And as I rose
to my feet, as it was time, viz., 7 a.m., to leave the surf, and the Plumbs
had reached me, I knew that the link with the past had finished its work.
I felt very grateful
for it.
Though years after, when the South Hebridean Islander, Tommy Tanna, came from the Island of Tanna, southern island of the New Hebrides Group, and taught me to ...
Page 26
... go far out
and into the shark area, for which I have been ever grateful, and take
the big waves from there, I look back on that wave in 1886 as the greatest
and most important one in my life.
For it convinced
me that there has been a past.
Now in my eighth
year, besides keeping on going to the surf every early morning, I did not
neglect the baths altogether, and had a season ticket.
But since I had
lost the companionship of Fred Lane I had also lost any desire and ambition
to become a great swimmer.
I had the promise
of being a swimmer of note, as Fred Lane was showing much promise even
then, and we were swimming neck and neck up and down the baths, and receiving
much encouragement from the Ives Family.
But since coming
back to Manly and the surf, my fast swimming had slipped.
But I had become
a stronger swimmer, which, no doubt, was due to the rough surfing water,
and in my own mind I believed that I had been called back to another surfing
And I decided
to obey the call.
To gain strength
and confidence I used to swim long distances, not only in the Manly baths,
but other baths, such as the Domain baths, and in lagoons and rivers I
practiced until I could spend two or three hours in the surf without coming
Quite a number
of middle-aged men had now taken up the surfing and were an example to
a lot of the younger men, who clung to their blankets till the last minute
before rising for the hot shower and breakfast.
The "Manly News"
was helping in the movement.
Such pars as,
"The happy screams of laughter and frolicking that we hear coming from
the South Steyne front, early morning, certainly points to the fact that
the surfers must be enjoying themselves. Otherwise they would not continue
on. And it keeps growing. Where will it al/ end?"
When we first
started, the surfing location was about opposite Wentworth Street, principally
because the earliest and most constant surfers came from that street, or
near to.
Later, as more
were now coming from Victoria Parade and Ashburner Street, etc., the area
gradually had worked down to the South Steyne.
At the South
Steyne a shed of about 15 by 10 feet, with an iron roof, had been erected
on piles driven into the sand.
Alongside of
same, a post had been also driven into the sand, and a large box with an
iron gable roof installed on same.
Within it hung
a huge ship's buoy and a heavy red fibre rope.
It rested there
for years, and was only once taken down to my knowledge, and that was during
a mass rescue in 1914.
A dozen lines
were in operation, so Captain Fred Campbell took it out himself and went
by the channel that sweeps around the South Steyne rocks, to rescue a bunch
of surfers in trouble there.
Page 27
Circa 1890,
During the summer
weather, a number of us would surf on any hot nights.
Besides playing
Junior Football with the Manly Wentworths (which was the only Junior Team
in Manly and the Reserve Team to the Manly Federals, which was the team
that eventually entered the Grade), I joined the Manly Lawn Tennis Club,
with the objective of gaining more build-up.
The Clubhouse
at that time was opposite the site of the Manly Cinema, and one Saturday
afternoon, when there was a big day on and the Club House was full of mostly
ladies, a four inch cloudburst hit Manly, and it was a struggle for the
few men and boys present to carry them, without getting wet, to dry land.
For a flood of
water was surging down Sydney Road fully three feet high.
All males were
fully exhausted at the end.
My tennis captain
and coach was my dual second cousin and brother-in-law, S.A. Noble, an
ex-Lawn and Hard-court Champion, and under his expert tuition I quickly
became a leading junior, and he told me one day, as I was desperately trying
to break through his wonderful service (he could break a ball either way
across the service court, if his cannon-ball first service missed), that
it was no use trying to beat him yet.
And, he added,
if you keep on seriously, and leave the football go, I'll bring you to
the top.
But my mates
saw to it that I didn't desert the football game for the, as they sneeringly
described it, "cissy game."
Tennis, however,
was later to lead me to a close surf shooting association with the South
Hebridean Islander, Tommy, from the Island of Tanna.
By the time I
had reached the age of 10 years, I had not only improved my surfing and
surf shooting, but had developed surprising strength, considering I had
been born such a weakling.
At the Manly School one day, a schoolmate of near my own age named Eric Moore, said to me, "Arthur, what about coming up to my place on Sunday afternoon, for a game of tennis? We have a good lawn court, and my sisters and one or two friends play."
I thanked him
and assented, and when I arrived and he had introduced me all around, I
exclaimed: "What a beautiful court."
For it was of
dead-even lawn, and in the background were growing beautiful flowers and
His sister, Ruth,
exclaimed, "It was made by our Islander boy, Tommy Tanna."
I ejaculated,
"How wonderful!"
Miss Cecil Moore,
the youngest Miss Moore, said: "Father took him down and showed him the
Manly courts, and then to where he cut the turf.
That's all, he
did the rest himself."
Eric later called
Tommy Tanna over from his own well-kept quarters in the bottom of the garden.
Eric said, "Tommy,
this is Master Lowe, and I have been telling him how far you go out in
the ocean water."
Tommy smiled
happily at me, and showed a perfect set of white teeth.
He was about
20 odd years of age, with a good looking Islander's type of face, fairly
tall, with an athletic figure, and close crinkly hair.
He had an intelligent
face and spoke very good English, as taught by his employer and family.
Mr. Moore was
Managing Director of the big ironmongery firm of Holdsworth and Macpherson,
now carried on as Macpherson's.
There was a tragic
happening in connection with the firm, which will be told in due order.
Eric turned to
me and said: "What about you and I going down to the South Steyne rocks
in the morning with Tommy, while he sets and robs his fish traps, and then
goes in for his swim and comes in on the waves?"
"Certainly," I
said. "I have been wondering, since you told me he goes right out, how
he escapes the sharks." and added, "I have been shooting for the past two
years with a small lot of surfers, from opposite Wentworth Street, but
not from far out.
I will go ...
Page 28
in myself on the
beach near the rocks."
Eric, of course,
like many of my Manly mates, did not know that I had been swimming for
three years in Dawes Point Baths, with Fred Lane, as I hadn't told them.
Next morning I
waited from 6 a.m. until 6.30 a.m. before they turned up.
Eric was a bad
early waker, and by the time Tommy had robbed his self-made basket-made
traps, and reset them, it wasn't very long to the time that Inspector Tom
Skinner would arrive, at 7 a.m.
It was arranged
afterwards that I would call early at "Tramore," the corner of Addison
Road and Darley Road, and shout out for Eric, who incidentally lived in
the third and top storey of the big house.
At first the
household were all awakened, excepting Eric, with my terrific shouting,
and after a few mornings I proposed as it was interfering with my Church
solo singing voice, that Eric tie a strong fishing-line end on to his bedclothes,
and drop the other end to the ground below.
Whereupon, I,
on my arrival, would give a tug from the ground, same would disturb Eric,
who would at once arise and quickly descend to me and Tommy.
At first it worked
very well.
But there came
the day in winter, and it was quite dark at 6 a.m., that Eric had got the
Indian Death-lock on his bedclothes, and they would not yield one iota.
So I gave an
extra tug with my fast improving strength, and they not only came off him,
they flew out the attic window, making a great noise as the large pile
squeezed through and crashed on the verandah rail below, before finally
hurling to the ground below.
For a moment,
there was a dead silence, and then a great commotion, as the inmates were
questioning one another through floors above and below, regarding the possibility
of a burglar breaking into their home.
Thinking it to
be a discreet necessity to efface myself until the owners of the feminine
voices had retired into silent slumber once more, I slipped down to Tommy
Tanna's hideaway.
Tommy, who was
a light sleeper, was furtively peering out his doorway while listening
to the hubbub, and wondering what it was all about.
I quickly told
him, in anticipation of a grin or chuckle from him, but Tommy looked very
grave, and said, "That is bad, Master Lowe, very bad," and he quickly retired
back into his quarters, lest he get the blame for the disturbed slumber.
We waited until
Eric joined us, and we all went off to the surf.
Page 31
Circa 1892, aged
13, page 29.
Lowe's father is
seriously ill and Arthur is called into the Sydney Law Courts to expedite
some outstanding legal matters.
As many of these
involve some of the less respectable members of the communuty, the Magistrate
arms him with a revolver for protection.
I was a week
altogether, assisting the Magistrate to dispose of my Father's cases.
I had to visit
slums of the underworld and palaces, too, as it were, until finally nothing
was left undone.
I still, however,
called for Eric, my lifetime mate, and Tommy Tanna.
Every morning
at 6 a.m., I would be in the 'Tramore' grounds, tugging on the blankets
three storeys above me, and the same ritual would be gone through each
day, except when there was rain, or a violent gale blowing, then I would
go alone.
Tommy ...
Page 32
... would first
rob his traps, which, incidentally, were baited with rump steak at threepence
a pound, put the catch in a pool, re-bait and reset the traps, then he
would dive off the Rocks Point.
Eric and I, however,
would go in from the beach.
At first we confined
ourselves to the smaller waves near the beach, but gradually getting more
expert, and thereby confident, we went for the deep water, and Tommy- I'll
never forget the pleased grin and shouts of joy from Tommy from the Island
of Tanna, as we pulled up alongside him.
"Very good now,
for everybody," he exclaimed in his fast becoming excellent English.
"You see," and
as we all got lifted up from the base of a wave to its crest, he gave several
quick over-arm strokes and kicks and then traveled on to the beach with
But he would
also do other strokes and kicks while proceeding to the beach.
Never at any
time did I see him, during the long time we were surf shooting together,
make, as Eric and I and others after us, a perfect shoot.
He always did
a certain amount of swimming during the shoot.
The Perfect Shoot,
as we knew it, and which has become a lost art to-day, consisted of one
right arm stroke underwater, made simultaneously with a frog kick, to give
the necessary and initial impetus to go on and down with the crest of the
The placing of
both hands palm downwards on the front of the thighs.
There should
be no sagging of the body, legs nor shoulders. They should be all taut,
without undue strain, and the feet and toe soles, as it were, should be
in as near a line with the surface so as to make as little drag as possible.
The only movement permitted is the tuming of the hands on the thighs, to
permit of steering through other surfers, by leaving the thumbs still on
the thighs, while keeping the hands still stiff and straight, and turning
them simultaneously until the backs of the hands were facing, and the little
finger-sides facing surface-wards. To then steer with them while in that
position, it is easily done by turning the fingers and the palms in the
same way as parallel boat rudders would be used, but the thumbs should
be left pressing to the thighs, firmly. This poise of the body allows it
to stay ahead of the wave, as it were, and be borne along by the power
of the wave motion alone after the undermined wave motion flings its towering
crest off, and with sufficient force to carry it on to the shoreline.
Eric and I, during
those early pioneer days of surf shooting with Tommy Tanna, learned a lot
about the waves, that under ordinary circumstances, i.e. as a non-surf-
shooter, we would never have found out, nor bothered about.
At the time we
started with Tommy, I had turned ten, as I previously stated, and Eric
was a little younger than I.
Being anxious
to know as much as we could about the waves that we had discovered could
give us both such wonderful and thrilling sport, we were fond of watching
them closely from both water and shore, and in course of time we got to
know fairly accurately just how far out from the shoreline or beach edge
a wave would break.
We already knew
that waves actually do not travel themselves, from our instruction and
readings on meteorology.
So, after much
close watching and assessing of the height of the wave as it appeared in
its wave motion form, we knew from our knowledge of the various depths
of water below the waves, before being undermined by the shallowness, just
where the wave would break.
This study of
the depths and shallows, with their undermining effect on the waves, helped
us greatly in our timing of the waves, while waiting for them far out and
in the deep water, and the conclusions that every surf-shooter must reach,
if he studies the matter at all, is that the wave motions are not in equal
proportion and that they vary greatly.
That the right
shallowness must be reached by each wave motion before its crest can be
forced upward and forward, so that the undermining can be given effect
to, and allow the wave's crest to topple forward and, imparted by the wave
motion's force, race on to the shoreline.
Of course, we
realized that specific gravity played a very large part in the wave motion
part, and also the force generated when the many tons of water ...
Page 33
... crash down on an inclined slope, or in dumper fashion, clear of the slope-but yet with a heavy backing on the seaward side, leaving the wave no alternative but to race on to the shoreline.
every seventh wave was believed to be the biggest, and was named the Bombora,
on account of its noise-sounding.
This was told
me by my father, who knew a lot of the Aboriginal language, and had appeared
for them in Court at times.
He also stated
that our pronunciation of their name places was all wrong.
We put the accent
in front, whereas they put it on the last syllable, such as "WARR-INN-gah,"
instead of 'Warr-in-GAH.'
He so illustrated
to me, and in my long lifetime on the land, and contact with many full
bloods, I have taken particular notice to see if he was right, and the
observations proved that he definitely was.
Next matter that
engaged Eric's and my attention was a way to shoot a Dumper, that is, a
big wave whose top curls over shoreways, like the roof of a cave, before
it crashes with great force on to the dead water below, and the sands below
it, too.
Many accidents
have happened through this type of wave, even unto death, and there are
few really experienced shooters, body, board or ski, who have not been
helplessly bumped on the packed sand below (packed by the great weight
of water on top) by the great swirling water wheels set up. We found out
mostly by necessity, that the best thing to do was to fling both arms forward
at an angle of some 45 degrees, but not rigid.
The elbows had
to be bent.
This action broke
our fall considerably, but not entirely, and we found that as we became
more expert we could shoot one to the beach.
But Nemesis was
to overtake me.
Being somewhat
handicapped with short arms for this arm flinging, the thought of a way
to escape it came to me and I started to develop it, and it worked quite
well for a while, until I got over-confident, and disaster came my way.
In fact, I was
very lucky to escape as lightly as I did.
It was one of
those wild, early mornings, in which there was no other bather with me.
The waves were
big, and now and then an outsize one happening along.
It was six a.m.,
and I went out and picked the best types of the big ones, and for anything
very big used my new technique, which was merely to give a light kick off
and stroke and then extend the arms straight downwards, as a sort of sea
anchor to check my way, and then, with the sucking forward that a big dumper
makes of the water behind it after the big mass of water had crashed ahead
of me, release the check, which was only for an instant, and catch up on
the foam.
I thought I saw
Uncle Tom Skinner, the Inspector, coming, and caught a last, wave out,
as it was about 7 a.m. I thought.
As I reached
the beach, two middle aged men came down the steps.
One, a Mr. Sydney
Smith, was a regular surfer and a friend of my people.
He called to
me, saying, "Arthur, don't go out yet, I have been telling my cousin, Mr.
Franks here, who is just out from England, all about the surf-shooting
by you fellows. Will you go out and shoot a wave to show him?"
I looked around,
but he divined what for, and anticipated me.
"No, he won't
be here yet, you've still got ten minutes."
Though I had really
had enough shooting, for it was a hard battle swimming out to them, I decided
to comply with his request, as he was a nice man, and went in again. I
picked up a big wave, and though it had a big crest, I only put a slight
check on with my newly discovered technique and easily reached the beach
on it.
As I stood up,
they were quite close, and were enthusiastically greeting me.
Mr. Smith introduced
Mr. F!anks, and said, "My cousin says it's wonderful."
They both asked
me then, could I do one more.
I acquiesced,
and beat away out again, and for a while there were only moderate waves.
To my consternation
the familiar form of Uncle Tom Skinner was in sight, and not very far off,
and I would have to be quick.
At last I saw
a wave coming, and thought ...
Page 34
... to myself,
I should beach on this, it is at least an outsize wave, but when it got
a bit closer I confess to feeling a bit of a shock, for it looked like
an outsize of outsizers in waves.
A feeling of
prudence hit me for a second or so, and I made a compromise.
I would climb
it and see if there is anything behind it; besides, there's your new technique
to fall back on.
Before the giant
reached me, a hasty glance showed the Inspector moving very, very purposefully
to the South Steyne corner, and a reckless feeling came to me to take it,
but when I climbed up to its crest and gazed from its height to the flat
water below, I thought to myself, your technique is sure going to get a
tryout, and also felt sure that the dumper crash check would not save me
from a very outsize dump.
However, the time
had now come, and trusting to my Guardian Angel, as it were, my "Restraint,"
as I called my technique, was put into operation, but it was just about
as effective as King Canute's order to the sea to stop wetting his toes,
for there was an immense amount of salt-brine in that crest, rushing on
with helpless, insignificant me in its midst to form the roof of a fear-inspiring
sea water cavern.
To make matters
more unpleasant, it seemed to hang there for an unseemly long period, so
that I would get the real proper feeling of what was to come.
Though I pulled
my arms out and tried to use them as a dumper crash check, it was quite
futile, with all those many tons of water crashing me to the sands below,
and when the savage water wheels had finished bashing holes in the ocean's
bed with my helpless body, I dazedly and sorrowfully pulled myself to the
surface and struggled painfully to the beach.
There the two
gentlemen were anxiously and concernedly awaiting my arrival, and Mr. Smith
said, "Arthur, whatever have you done to yourself.
We thought you
had been killed, and did not expect you to shoot such a giant wave as that,
but are you alright?"
"Not too bad,
considering, Mr. Smith," I replied.
"Got a bit of
a kink in the right shoulder, but it'll be alright after a day or so,"
at which Mr. Franks said, "Let me have a look at it, I am trained in first
He then, with
the aid of Mr. Smith, pulled my shoulder in and said, "Your collarbone
is probably broken, and you had better have medical attention at once,"
and as it turned out, he was right.
Shortly after,
both he and Mr. Smith saved themselves from drowning by swimming ashore
from the wrecked "Maitland," during a terrific gale.
Mr. Smith's two
sons, Tom and Norman, were early members of the first club.
Later, a strange
experience happened to a young club-mate, who afterwards served with distinction
as a Medical Commanding Officer in the First World War, named Clive Smith,
and me. We were alone and at the South Steyne end. The wind and waves were
so wild that it was impossible to stay out long, but there came a strange,
sudden lull, and as we struggled to gain footing in the shallows against
a powerful drawback, a giant wave seemed to come from nowhere, and towered
over us, but, fortunately, after fanning out in a big roof of water overhead,
crashed ahead of us, and then picked us up and bashed us again and again
on the bottom, finally dropping both of us up near the seawall.
There were quite
a number of spectators on the promenade, who ran to the wall edge to find
if we were injured. As Clive and I painfully struggled to our feet, we
looked at each other to see if we were both still sound of limb, and both
said to each other in the one voice, "Well, what do you think of that?"
The spectators
were very excited, and one whom I did not know said, "How did you like
being in a tidal wave, boys?"
Another one,
an acquaintance, then said, "It was something like that, because it seemed
to have a lot of water behind it, and I was a bit worried how you were
going to end up."
Page 35
One Sunday morning
I was running late as I rushed into the vestry and hastily jumped into
my cassock and surplice, while one of my band of choristers said, whisperingly,
"Has it come yet?"
"No," I replied,
"not yet!" He was alluding to the tidal wave that had been forecast to
hit Manly that morning.
As I led the
string of boys and men to the far side front pews, I noticed that the church
was packed with people, even to having chairs in the aisles.
I rushed to the
beach and waited all day in vain.
Some wags said
that "the churches spread the rumour to frighten the backsliders into returning."
During the remainder
of my thirteenth year, which was the year 1891, I was certainly kept busy.
We lost the East
Esplanade property through a nasty bit of business, and the £1,000
we had paid on same.
My father could
not pay the other £600 and buy it outright, as it was mortgaged for
that amount to some person who was abroad at the time.
However, a pair
of semi-detached houses, situated about the centre of the Ocean Beach,
and named Ormuz and Ophir, after the liners of that name, was purchased.
Ormuz we moved
into, on the corner of the North Steyne (as the Ocean front is known) and
Steinton Street, which runs back to Pittwater Road.
The other one
was already tenanted.
Then I managed
to get a block of land close by in Pittwater Road, and build two large
semi-detached brick cottages, with the rest of some money which came from
my Grandfather Lowe's estate.
That and some
money that was bequeathed to my mother by an Inneskillen Trimble who had
been a Premier of Vancouver (2), was all that we had left.
My father had
not been able to save anything from his big earnings.
Besides my mother's
medical expenses, there was a costly account to pay as well, to save the
leg of another member of the family who had jumped on to some broken glass.
I was still attending
school and doing my leading chorister's duties meanwhile, but I could see
that that would have to come to an end, likewise, my dream of becoming
a Civil Engineer.
2 Evidently
James Trimble, who was Mayor of Victoria, Canada, 1867-1870.
- John MacRitchie,
Local Studies Librarian, Manly Local Studies.
At age 13, Arthur
Moore leaves Manly in 1891-1892 to work at Mungindi, on the NSW-Queensland
border and other inland properties , but returns regulary to Manly in the
summer for surf-shooting.
The exact dates
of the following entries are unclear.
Page 37
Circa 1893.
It was a great
relief to get down for a month's surf-shooting, sailing and fishing with
my mates, and join in again with them each Sunday morning at 6.a.m.in the
South Steyne surf and receive a pleased smile and warm greeting from Tommy
Out at 7 a.m.,
as the big portly figure of Nuisance Inspector Tom (Uncle) Skinner, with
his paper sticker and sack, pulled up.
Out would come
a huge timepiece, more fitted for the duties of a watch then a clock.
Then his stentorian
voice would ring out, "Come on out of that there water.
It's gone 7 o'clock.
I'm telling you.
Or I'll book
you'se names."
Then would come
the race for the near-beach rocks: our pioneering dressing rooms.
But Fred Williams,
a newcomer, was a wag, and had some ability as a ventriloquist: he would
shoot in on a wave almost to Uncle Tom's feet and, disguised with a small
piece of seaweed on his head, would say, "Hello, Uncle!
Feeling good
this morning?
Trust you've
had a nice early breakfast.
Pity you can't
join us here, instead of having such an onerous job to do.
Well, bye bye,
be seeing you some more."
At which, Fred
would glide away and leave Tom peering angrily over the seaweed, while
trying to locate where the voice came from.
Fred Williams
and I had many happy hours in the surf together, and in recollections afterward,
before he passed away.
Then came 8 a.m.,
on Sunday mornings, I would hear a familiar whistle as the Junior Pioneer
Gang pulled up in front of our house.
There would be
regularly only four of them, mostly near to my own age or a little younger:
Eric Moore, already mentioned, an engineering student, Norman Rowe, also
engineering student, John Bedwell, commercial traveler, Sydney Stevens,
English born, mining engineer.
someone else would ask to be let join in with us but as a rule we kept
to the regular five. The Senior Surfing Pioneers were not nearly so constant
on undertaking these police- defying (as it had been described in the Council)
They had other
types of picnics instead, sometimes in the harbour, sometimes inland.
Their numbers
varied more, too, but an average would be about six.
I would be waiting
all ready for my party.
And clad only
in singlet and shorts, and trunks and towel tucked in the bag alongside
the tucker, away we would swing and sing to our Sunday paradise.
Sometimes we
would have the police close on our heels at the start, but with the exception
of Sid Stevens, we were all footballers of a Saturday and, therefore, quite
capable of shaking the Irish limbs of the law off quickly.
One morning we
got a bit of a surprise.
The North Steyne
Reserve was somewhat in a rough state around and about the pine trees,
and their paling-fenced enclosures.
And Constable
Black of Tipperary, or some such place, was hiding and waiting behind one.
As to the strains
of "Lily of Laguna" and "Be Careful of the Lady with the Dreamy Eyes,"
we raced towards our goal, he stepped suddenly out and all but grabbed
Stevens, who managed to just duck out of their way.
He being fleet
of foot soon caught up with us, as we put a hefty distance between "Yeese
are the parrty," and ourselves.
For a while we
were left alone to bathe on Freshwater Beach, but later they (the police)
took to scaling the tortuous and rocky track over the headland and they
even started to chase us from Freshwater to South Curl Curl.
And from there
to North Curl Curl.
There came the
day when they were forcing us on to Dee Why, the beach which ...
Page 38
... derives its
name, given by the early residents of Manly, from the fact that when standing
on a certain portion of the northern headland one could see a D shape in
the beach and dune sand, and a Y in the shape of the Lagoon alongside.
It was but following,
in a way, the Aborigines, who named their various camping and hunting grounds
after something that suggested it, or from a clue.
For instance,
Manly's Aboriginal name, Cannee, meaning great happy place.
And by the animal
and fish bones found surrounding the skeletons unearthed in the Fairy Bower
area it was evidently well named.
Circa 1897.
Up till the time
I had turned 18 years of age we were not troubled very much by other surfers
at Freshwater, which was our main Sunday bathing beach.
But the day came
along during the Xmas period when, having shot a big wave which the others
missed, and traveled a long way in to finish up in the big hole between
the sandbank and the beach, I had started to swim out again when I heard
a voice calling, "Help! Help!".
Moore records a rescue
of a large man at Freshwater whereafter all the current revival techniques
are applied unsuccesfully before, at his suggestion, a massage with brandy
brings him "back to life".
The rescue is not
reported to the authories as Lowe fears it will be used as evidence to
prosecute the surf shooting pioneers for illegal bathing.
Page 43
Circa 1897
Manly historian
Terry Metherill lists a Joseph Lowe, solicitor, in residence on the east
side of Ashburner Street Manly in 1898.
This is possibly
Arthur's father, Mr. Lowe, Senior.
Page 48
One morning I
had gone for my usual swim, with my two mates, Eric Moore and Tommy Tanna.
It was somewhat
nice, placid morning, with a few good surfshoots right in to the beach.
I had noticed
that the tide was running out, and a fairly strong outward current was
running out in the corner, and alongside the South Steyne rocks, as I left
the beach with my two friends.
I then went off,
after breakfast, to church, where I was choirboy lead.
Church start
was at 10 a.m., and half an hour later a young boy came in and sat in a
congregation pew just across the aisle from my choir pew.
I could see by
his face that he was bursting to tell me something, and presently when
the old Minister's back was turned to us, he blurted out, "There was a
double drowning a few minutes ago."
I could not help
saying, in quite an audible voice, as I could tell from the number of people
who turned their attention my way, "Two drowned! Where?"
Audibly he returned,
"Off the South Steyne corner."
I started to
worry about some of my mates who may have gone in after I had left and
got taken by a shark, as I could not connect their death with all their
now well- developed swimming skill in the surf waters in any other way.
I waited anxiously
until the service was over and rushed off to ascertain, and found out that
a newly-arrived young man from England, with relatives in Manly and Sydney,
had gone in the surf alone at 10 ...
Page 49
...a.m., and apparently
after swimming about for sometime had thrown up his arms and completely
Then Tom Skinner,
the health and nuisance Inspector, had obtained a fishing boat from the
Sly family at Shelly Beach.
He picked up
Tommy Tanna, and another islander who was a friend of Tommy's, and a good
swimmer, and they rowed to the scene of the man's disappearance.
The Inspector
then ordered the other islander to dive and try and find the body.
The Islander
dived over but never returned, and after waiting some time the Inspector
ordered Tommy to dive and see what happened to his mate, but Tommy shrank
back and refused, saying: "No, I no come back, too!"
Later, I said
to Tommy, "Was it a shark?" at which he replied, "No," very decidedly,
and added, "No struggle, no blood!"
"Well, was it
an octopus?" I asked.
"I not know,
I not see," he replied, and then he added thoughtfully, "Could be."
That we have giant
octopi in Australian waters has been told me by some of Australia's greatest
One, Diver Newton,
told me that he wouldn't enter any of the caves in Sydney Harbour, and
which should be a warning to all spear fishermen.
Also, if they
are in American, African and South Asian waters, why not Australian?
To corroborate
this belief I add the following: It was after this double surf tragedy
that a lady and gentleman with a walking stick, as was the fashion of the
times, walked on to the Balmain ferry steamer, due to leave the wharf at
8 p.m., and sat down on the outward side.
In about a minute
or so two octopus feelers of at least 5 feet long came over the gun-whale
and, sliding very quickly, seized the lady about the arms and shoulders,
and while the head followed and remained on the gun-whale, more feelers
were coming towards the terrified woman.
It was only a
second or two from when it was first seen that her male friend was frantically
trying to fight it off with his stick.
Meanwhile, her
terrifying screams had warned the engineer and his fireman, who were just
about to start the engine, that something of a very terrible nature was
attacking a lady passenger.
They seized steel
lever and pinch bars, and ran to her assistance, just in time, for the
walking stick had broken and the man was striving to prevent her being
dragged over the gun- whale.
At the fierce
onslaught that came with the steel bars, the creature released its hold
and dropped back over the side.
To the newspaper
reporters at the time, all three men concerned stated that the feelers
were at least 5 feet long.
The lady had
to be treated for shock for some considerable time.
Personally, I
think that some of the fatalities have been wrongly credited to sharks.
In the case of
a youth taken near the same locality of the double tragedy, only much nearer
the rocks, the daughters of the late Charles Sly, who was captain and owner
of our first surf lifesaving boat, very emphatically declared it was not
the work of a shark.
These daughters
were practically born in the surf, and were the closest to young Paton
at the time he disappeared, as they were sitting on the rocks only a few
feet away.
They were also
the best surf-swimming and surf-shooting girls ever, and practically on
a par with the men.
There was another
sad double tragedy one early morning (5).
It happened while
we young pioneers were surf-shooting at the South Steyne corner.
A young woman
named Thorne [sic -Miss Mabel Thorp] went into the surf near the South
Steyne storm-water pipes, and got carried out by an outward running current
A Mr. Smalpage,
who had also been bathing there was with his wife, and had come out of
the water, heard her cries for help, and in spite of the entreaties and
fears of his wife, who implored him not to go, replied, "I must, it's a
His body was
recovered later, hers was never seen.
5. 17th January 1902.
Page 51
Circa 1903
The facts were
that they (Eda Jackson and her cousin) were both swept into the
channel, and their screams were heard by surfing mates named Fred and Sid
Williams, who were both good swimmers, when they moved to Manly with their
They lived about
two hundred yards or so away, on the eastern hill, and ran at top speed,
both being good footballers, and were just in time to save the cousin,
but not Edna.
was tried, but unavailingly, unfortunately.
After this sad
tragedy which cast a great gloom over the community, a long period then
ensued without any further drownings. (6)
We pioneers,
though, were kept flat out preventing the casualties, for the new craze,
surf-bathing, was luring more and more every week.
By this time
we young pioneers had gained a great confidence, as well as knowledge,
of many of the other beaches, as well as our own beach, Manly.
At that period
none of the other beaches were built on in any way, and we had them all
to ourselves.
In one of the
pioneering days a very good fellow-surf-shooter, named Bell, brought a
church door to the Freshwater surfing area.
It had a pointed
top, and Frank amused himself and us while he endeavoured to shoot the
surf with it.
He had read about
board-shooting in Hawaii.
Frank and Charlie his brother were direct descendants of Sir Thomas Mitchell,
Australia's famous Surveyor-General of the past.
Frank was the
originator of the underwater stroke when taking a wave, and passed away
just after the First World War.
Charlie is a
"Digger Gunner" of the First World War, and is a draftsman, thereby taking
somewhat after his ancestor, Sir Thomas Mitchell.
He was an expert
surf-shooter, and is still a good swimmer, as well as Swimming Association
Charlie has been,
for practically a life-time, a tower of strength to the Manly Swimming
Club, a club with which so many champion swimmers have been connected.
His father and
mine had been old friends, and also did a spot of swimming in prohibited
places in prohibited hours together, the same as their two sons.
We have been
lifelong friends, and club-mates in swimming, surfing and football.
After the armistice
in France, near the end of the First World War (7), we met in crowded London,
both en route for the famous Australian-English rendezvous, Horseferry
He was badly
limping, like myself, having both struck a spot of trouble "over there!"
But tough'uns
like ourselves soon got over it.
We both do the
Anzac march with our respective units, and invariably meet afterwards for
at least a greeting, amid searching for old war mates.
6 See Champion,
S & G, Bathing, Drowning and Life Saving in Manly, Warringah and Pittwater
to 1915, p61.
The incident
took place on th March 1903.
Sidney and Frederick
Williams and Reginald Wilkin were awarded a certificate of merit and silver
medal from the Royal Shipwreck Relief and Humane Society of NSW for their
rescue attempts.
7. In WWI, Lowe
enlisted 25th September 1916, aged 36, no 13268, and embarked on the Persic
on 22nd December 1916 as a Driver with 1,2 and 3 Auxiliary Transport.
His next of kin
was listed as wife, Mrs Maria Isobel Lowe, of 44 Augusta Road, Manly.
Pages 63 to 70
In 1899-1900 Arthur
Lowe went to South Africa as a member of the 5th Battalion, Australian
Commonwealth Horse where, on arrival, he introduces surf-shootinsg at Kelk
Beach near Cape Town.
Following duty in
the field, towards the end of 1901 (?), he returns to CapeTown for recuperation
and more surf shooting.
A further tour of
duty, embarking in January 1901 (?), follows with more surf shooting at
Cape Town and later at Durban Beach.
Page 83
Returning to Australia, Lowe gives an extended account of the events leading up to William Gocher's breaking of the daylight swimming restrictions in October 1902, pages 81 to 83.
Note that Gocher's
claims are questioned by Manly historian, Pauline Curby.
See Source Documents:
2001 Pauline
Curby : The Myth of William
After several discussions on the law, surf bathing technique and suitable attire, the story continues ...
Gocher appeared
mollified, and agreed to wear it, and also to ask Arthur Rosenthal to come
to the beach with him.
The intended
venture into the surf was duly advertised, and on the holiday morning Gocher
went to the beach (with a macintosh over his costume) from the Steyne Hotel.
Arthur Rosenthal
accompanied him, and a few others of his friends, also.
I found that
he had gone to the southern side of the stormwater pipes, instead of keeping
to my stipulation that it be the northern side.
However, I managed
to get close enough to where he entered the surf.
And he stayed
in the very shallow waters for a minute or so before coming out.
A faint cheer
came from the group on the beach and reserve.
And as they passed
the Sergeant of Police and some Constables, he was asked to report to the
Police Station and receive a summons, when he had changed.
Solicitor Frank
Donovan went with him to the Station, and the summons was taken out, but
no date was specified.
Ultimately the
summons lapsed when the new Local Government Act came into force.
Quickly following
this Gocher episode, which must be described as an attempt to capitalise
on a movement that had been going on for many years, by quite a number
of people, to bring about all-day surf bathing, the Bondi boys effected
their mass surf bathing scheme.
It was such a
huge success that it clinched the ineffectiveness of the policing of the
restricted surfing.
From my friends
in the Chief Secretary's Department, I received the welcome news that the
protests by the Department's authorities against the continued policing
of the surfing movement, on the grounds that the suburban towns were being
subjected to non-police protection, had awakened the Government and Local
Government authorities.
All-day surfing
was to be allowed from then on, with the stipulation that neck-to-knee
costumes, with a front skirt, be worn, and the sexes segregated as much
as possible.
We knew that
our long fight in Manly, Bondi and Coogee, principally, had been won.
That we surfers,
over a long period, had won it, and none else.
That it would
have come in on exactly the date it did, whether the Englishman Gocher
or any other stunter had come along, was a certainty.
When his grotesque
and farcical stunt had gained publicity, the consensus of opinion re its
assistance, amongst experienced surfers, was that it merely threw the spotlight
on the long fought out matter of all-day surf bathing.
The distinction
that a certain Manly Council gave to Gocher by naming certain unsightly
flats after him does not prove otherwise, but it goes to show that those.
aldermen of the past stand out as the real men that built up Manly into
its present beauty.
For the present
[ie 1950s] Manly aldermen listened to a relative of Mr. Gocher, and believed
her when she protested that her father should be honoured as he brought
Page 84
... about all-day
she was a small child at the time.
In 1903 I attended a small gathering of the older surfers and aldermen, at their request, at the South Steyne area. Alderman Quirk asked me had I rescued a man at Freshwater before going to the Boer War.
I replied, "Yes.
But how did you know?"
"Oh, Pfoeffer,
the bulb farmer, back of Harbord, said that he gave some of your party
a bottle of brandy to revive a drowned man.
He was curious
to know how he got on.
But why didn't
you tell him?"
"Well, it would have been incriminating ourselves, then. But it's all right now." I replied.
They asked me
further particulars about the rescue.
They also queried
the present rescuing going on, and in answer I stated that my mates and
I were flat out pulling surfers out of danger, also that the present ship's
buoy and heavy rope on the beach was more of a hindrance than a help, and
that a thin and light alpine rope, or a thin, white cotton rope would be
worth giving a trial, as at present we were losing a lot of our surf-shooting
pleasure in saving these bathers who got into trouble.
Alderman Ogilvy
said, "It would want a receptacle to put the rope in, eh?"
"Yes," I replied.
"A tin or a box
would do, wouldn't it?" interjected Commander Roberts.
I answered that
a rope could be paid into same, so that it would not coil, and be drawn
from the box quickly.
"Good." said the
two aldermen. "Now, gentlemen, if you send this letter into the Council
this week, asking permission, I promise you that same will be granted this
coming week, so that you can get busy.
Get your required
life saving surfers together at once, to form a start."
Commander Roberts
agreed to write the letter at once.
All present agreed
to form a committee, pro tem, and be early on the beach the following
Sunday. Three, including Tom Gunning, the ex-Sudan War veteran and sporting
writer, Commander Roberts, and Solicitor and Spanish Consul Frank Donovan,
promised to bring a suitable rope and square box. The Sunday morning found
me on hand as requested.
The Sly brothers,
who were fishermen, with headquarters at Shelly and Fairy Bower, had agreed
to join in the club starting.
Charlie Sly,
the elder brother, was to be sweep, and George Lutey and Eddie Sly, with
a cousin named Nor Green, were to man the oars of their cut-down from 35ft.
to 27ft. clinker-built, whaleboat. Tod Sly was to be first beltman, and
as the aldermen and others placed the square box on the beach, Tod took
up his position on the left side of the box.
I and the other
strong swimming surfers, who had agreed to form a life saving club, took
up a position on the other side of the box, at the request of the older
The aldermen
and several of the older men spoke to inaugurate the start, the name agreed
upon being "The Manly Surf and Life Saving Club."
In a very short
time we were making full use of same.
Though we young
fellows paid in as much as we could afford at the start, the older men
bore the brunt of the finance required, as we had insisted on paying Tod
Sly, who had a wife and child to support.
The handsome
6-foot athletic-built Tod caught pneumonia that first season and passed
away, to our great regret.
I still mourn
a "great fella!" I got up a concert, with Sydney and Manly artists (including
Fred ...
Page 85
... Notting and
myself in Farces and Lightning Sketches), in order to pay his burial expenses
and assist his widow and child, and in spite of having to postpone it twice
on account of bad weather, it was a big success.
I often think
it would be fitting if all surfers combined and contributed a small amount
for a suitable remembrance to this first of beltmen.
Before 1904 was
ushered in, a suitable reel, to pay the life-line on and off, was being
devised, and on the lines of the old cotton reel -a gigantic imitation
of same, mounted on a framework stand and fitted with a spindle, bearings
and break, was placed on the beach, and suitably christened with great
There quickly
followed the beach flags and look-out towers.
A rope was attached
to an anchor placed in the surf, below low tide, and traversing the beach
to the surf palisade, built of fepcing timber.
A notice was
erected on the southern side, "ladies Only.
On the northern
side it read "Gents Only."
A beach inspector
named Tommy Cranston was appointed.
His principal
job was to keep the sexes on their own side of the rope.
And as they were
very often lying across the rope, he gave a warning whistle prior to his
patrolling same.
Whereon there
would be quick disentanglement, until his beat was over.
Tommy was a strong
surf swimmer and a nice chap.
He was the first
to demonstrate the Canadian skirted neck- to-knee costume.
The ropes did
not last long; they kept disappearing, and the Council wisely decided against
perpetual payments.
The notices were
pulled down.
We formed patrols
now, as with the advent of all-day surfing great numbers were now coming
to the beaches, and we were having mass rescues, with both boat and line.
So we went on
until 1908, when we staged a surf carnival with open surf races, belt races,
The humorous
side was not neglected.
My lifelong friend,
Fred Notting senior, built a prehistoric surf reel and rope.
The reel had
a framework built of branches and part of a cable reel.
The line was
stringy bark, etc.
The two Sly girls,
Aggie and Jessie, aided by two girls from town, named Sibyl Rohu and Florrie
Forde, were blackened up as gins, and young blackened life savers were
the Warrigals.
It was a great
success and helped our funds considerably.
We kept going
with a carnival every year, or with something similar, and with the same
I took part, in
suitable uniform, in a landing of Captain Cook, and repeated same next
year at a Coogee carnival.
We also staged
a march from the wharf, in which my eldest son, 2 1/2, and another 2 1/2
year old named Trevor Welch, each dressed in a miniature life saving costume
and belt, led the march from the wharf to the South Steyne area.
This also gave
our funds a great help.
But after the
carnival we had come to the conclusion that a big pruning was inevitable.
There were too
many who were merely surfers, and not enough real lifesavers.
So a meeting
was held, and after much argument and protest it was decided that a division
be made, and the original foundation members and other real lifesavers
kept going as the originals, with the new name of Manly Life Saving Club,
while the other body was allotted other but smaller premises, under the
name of Manly Surf Club, later obtaining their own separate building opposite
the life Saving Club clubhouse.
Then 1914 and
the First World War came, and the Manly Life Saving Club put up what was
probably a world's record for voluntary enlistment.
There were 153
enlistments out of 156 eligible members, 15 rejections on medical grounds,
and 16 juniors left to carry on under seniors.
Fred Notting,
senior, who failed to pass the medical test, had the tremendous job of
keeping the club going with mainly juniors.
Only he would
know how much!
When I returned
in late 1919 I joined in, with other returned members, in a welcome back.
But it was not
a very enthusiastic one, as an elderly man, who was not an old and experienced
surfer, had taken over the Presidency, and only a very few of the originals
went back into it.
Of course, many
were dead and badly ...
Page 86
... crippled, and I, with many other land-experienced men who had enlisted, had promised the Government that if we returned we would pioneer closer settlement land in the outback areas.
Page 88 to 92
Lowe is the first to see and contact the French sailing ship, Vincennes, run aground on Manly Beach and his mother plays a major role exploiting the occasion, to the advantage of the Benevolent Fund.
In 1908, Arthur Lowe
plays scrum half for the only club to take up the challenge, Manly Rugby
Union Club, against an team of American Gridiron players from the visiting
fleet, subsequently known as the Great White Fleet.
He is a key player
in the move that wins the match.
Page 95
For the period
from 1909 to 1914, I did my patrols unceasingly.
I bathed summer
and winter, seldom missing a day.
But I did not
break my previous record; that is unbroken daily surfing in the years dating
from late 1902 to the football tour to the Northern rivers in 1909.
(and page 96) In 1914, Lowe is called in to help break a German spy ring that is monitoring Australian shipping movements.
Page 96 to 98
Lowe enlists and sails for Europe with another surf shooting stop over at Cape Town with Olympic swimmer, Albert Barry.
Page 109
Though I have
mentioned many, including the Junior and Senior Pioneers, others that I
remember doing surf lifesaving by hand were: Andrew (Andy) Prowse, an Anglo-African,
and friend of mine for many years, who fought with the famous South African
Light Horse in the Boer War.
He was also a
Springbok and an Australian Rugby Union Representative forward.
He also played
Union grade for Manly.
He was an early
member of the Manly Life Saving Club.
So were the following:
Fred Notting, Charlie and Frank Bell, Harry Hay, Steve and Ray McKelvey,
Billy Kellam, Norm McMullen, Stuart and Alan Wright, Fred Campbell, George
and Frank Roberts, Athol Levy, Bob Miller, Albert Barry, Ken McPhee, Jack
Holland, Bill Herald, Peter McGregor, Frank Falls, Geoff Wyld, Harold Hardwick,
Cecil, Reg and Brian Healy, Tom Richards, also a crack Rugby Union rep.
The two Tom Gunnings
and Jim Gunning, Tom and Norman Smith, Ossie Merrett, Claude West, who
became an undefeated champion boardshooter, under Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku's
tuition, who first came to Manly in 1914.
I had the pleasure
of meeting the big, handsome Hawaiian and doing some bodyshooting alongside
his boardshooting.
Joe and Ted Thorn,
Clive Smith (later Colonel M.a., 1st World War), Eric Glasson, Jack Reynolds
and others, whom I now cannot remember.
Of course, there
were many associate members, headed by Frank Rowe, Aubrey Oxlade, Frank
Donovan, Ted Emblem, Sid Smith and others.
Page 110
From time to time
over the late years a lot has been said and written about a certain lifesaving
club on the south side of the Harbour being the leaders in the lifesaving
As we all have
been so friendly and collaborated before the lifesaving movement started,
in a sporting way, and also schemed together to successfully bring about
all-day surfbathing, let us frown on all this talk, writings and broadcasts
in the future.
They're only
done by copy-writers and broadcasters to cause dissention and bring about
more copy and absurd mike beefings.
That Manly formed
the first club in 1903 and used a cork and canvas belt attached to a thin,
white cotton line, coiled in a box, then at the turn in the year continued
with a reel built on the same principles as the present one, can be proved
beyond doubt.
When certain
south of the Harbour clubs formed up their representatives, who have always
gladly been made welcome at Manly's headquarters, came to us for inspection
of our gear and advice; they cordially thanked us for same.
Quite a lot of
people are still living in Manly who know that what I write about the time
of starting of the Manly Lifesaving Club, and production of its equipment,
is true.
Foremost amongst
them is the ex-record breaking Town Clerk, Mr. Les Wellings, who has collected
a considerable amount of data on Manly's past history, and which cannot
be disputed.
There have been
a lot of distorted facts said over the mike and in certain newspapers.
One related to
an Act of Parliament affecting Sydney Cove foreshores.
The first Main
Act affects the whole country and carries the King's Seal, and can never
be altered, I reiterate, except by the people themselves, which covers
all foreshores to a hundred feet above high-water mark.
The public parks
are also vested in the people.
I must refute
a lately broadcasted statement from the A.B.C.
It stated that
Fred Williams interviewed Tommy Tanna, and said to him, "I'll learn this
surf shooting too, and get it going".
The real facts
as shown in this book, distinctly state my mates and I were shooting with
Tommy Tanna four years before Fred came to Manly.
The description
given of the late W. H. Gocher, especially the references to his personal
appearance, and interview with th.e Inspector-General of Police, plainly
shows how inaccurate has been the second or third-hand information they
have exposed.
Far from fitting
the odious description of being a shrivelled-up man, Bill Gocher was well
endowed as far as flesh was concerned.
He was only of
English medium height, but could be described as being of plump build and
easily of twelve or thirteen stone weight.
Gocher never went
to the Inspector-General of Police for the foolish purpose attributed to
I would have
known of it, for he was an honourable man and would have kept his word
to me, which was that he would only proceed upon my advice.
He did not want
to be arrested; what was wanted and what I agreed with, was a charge and
a carefully prepared defence built upon the aforesaid dedicated Act of
Parliament and the people's rights.
The charge was
made against him in the Manly Police Station, but it lapsed, as ...
Page 111
... the Bondi Mass Bathing had finally decided the Councils that the daylight surfing ban could not be efficiently policed, which, of course, automatically brought about all-day surfbathing, as any clear-thinking people must see.
And last, but
not least, the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia.
At times moans
are being emitted from certain individuals, that Manly was not the very
first Life Saving Club in operation, as other clubs had joined the Association
before Manly.
A very strange
way of reasoning, and really putting the cart before the horse - that is,
forming an association before the clubs are in being.
Manly's Surf
Life Saving Club, when it formed up in 1903 for the purpose of saving life
in an organized manner, was only concerned with same, and carnivals and
inter-club competitions, which brought the Association into being, were
not even thought of at the time; in fact, Manly was running its own carnivals
for several years, with competition between only its own members.
Until enough
clubs had got going, an Association was impossible, for the simple reason
that the clubs in such an organization must provide experienced men themselves.
That should be
plain enough to anyone with ordinary intelligence.
Page 8
Ashburner Street
1898 , East side (from South Steyne) : Joseph Lowe, solicitor
In 1899, Ashburner Street and South
Steyne acquired a special attraction.
On 11 February 1899, Alderman F
C Passau, Mayor of Manly, officially opened the new Hampton Court Maze.
The Maze and the Manly Water Chute
that followed on the same site, dominated the ocean end of Ashburner Street
until 1906.
Footnote 29: Champion, G & S, Manly’s
Two Mazes, unpublished monograph, p3.
In 1903 a syndicate established
Steyne Court, intended to be Australia’s answer to Earl’s Court in London.
The maze was removed to make way
for a huge water chute, opened on 14 December 1903 in time for the Christmas
Footnote 33: Champion, p4."
Despite refreshment rooms, a wine kiosk, summer houses, fairy lights, and ...
Page 9
... various entertainments including
a miniature electric railway and a continental shooting gallery, the Water
Chute lasted less than three years. (34)
Footnote 34: Curby, Pauline, Seven
Miles from Sydney, p180
Page 10
Mrs Crackanthorpe (sic), shown in
Yale in Sands’ 1905 lived on the corner of Ashburner and Darley Road and
was normally listed in Darley Road.
L S Crackanthorpe JP lived in Vivian
Street and was or many years Manly Council’s Sanitary Inspector.
Page 12
1918 (Sands’ 1919) East side: 2 Valentia
Flats, J E Nott
Page 2
However by 1885, Darley Road was
described as running from “The Corso to Archbishop’s Residence”, with the
following residents (no street numbers or sides of street):
[North side]
Lewis Moore [“Tremore”/”Tramore”,
later “Traymore Guest house”, 84 Darley Rd]
Page 3
On the “south” side, Sands’ 1887
listed 12 households compared to only 5 in 1885.
Among the new residents were ...
Mrs Moore in “Tremore” (later “Traymore” guesthouse)
There are two mentions in the Council’s
Inspector of Nuisances’ Report-book of Mrs Moore’s boarding house in Darley
Road – on 27 August 1888, when it is described as “very bad”, and on 25
April 1892.
Page 6
P S Nott’s “Craigforth” was joined
by Charles Sly’s residential in 1899, the beginning of closer subdivision
of the northern side of Darley Road, between Victoria Parade and Ashburner
The Sly family had a long association
with Manly, with family members living at various times at Little Manly,
in Addison Road, at Fairy Bower and elsewhere.
The Slys provided the first life-boat
service to Manly’s South Steyne beach and could lay claim to being Manly’s
first, unofficial ‘life-savers’.
In 1900, Slys lived in Addison Road, near Smedley’s Point (Charles); Darley Road (Charles); Vivian Street (Charles junior and George); Stuart Street (John); and Whistler Street (William).
In 1900 ...
Page 7
Closer to The Corso and wharf, boarding
houses began to proliferate, usually managed by widows and spinsters.
In addition to Charles Sly’s “residential”
for working men, on the west (formerly south) side in order from The Corso
Mrs Lewis Moore, Tramore
Thomas Hughes, a prominent Hawaiian plantation merchant purchased “Hawthorn” from the Littlejohn family following the death of Thomas Littlejohn ...
Page 8
... MLC in 1904.
In 1904, “Clutha” was occupied by Mrs M F Crakanthorp, the mother [?] of Manly Council’s Inspector of Nuisances, Laurence S Crakanthorp, who lived across the road in Vivian Street.
By World War One ...
Page 9
Between Victoria Parade and Ashburner
Street, P S Nott still owned Craigforth, while Charles Sly’s residential,
Tira, and those in Billiricay and Thaxted were still going strong.
Around 1880, ‘Old’ Fred Notting built
no. 17 Cliff Street, a single storey, double fronted weatherboard cottage
(see photo in Cowlishaw collection, with Pat Notting in a toy motor car).
His sons, ‘Middle’ Fred Notting
(b.1852-53) and brother Charles Notting, Pat Notting’s father, were born
and lived at 17 Cliff Street.
‘Middle’ Fred Notting, an artist
and signwriter, painted the World War One Honour Roll for Manly Band (see
photo in Cowlishaw collection).
Uncle Fred’s son, ‘Young’ Fred Notting
was born on 31 August 1883 and lived at Cliff Street all his life.
He was a foundation member of Manly Surf Club in 1907 and Manly Surf Life
Saving Club in 1911.
‘Young’ Fred Notting was awarded the Royal Humane Society bronze medallion for a rescue involving two people off Manly in 1906. He was Surf Life Saving Club captain in 1915 and 1917, and boat captain from 1911 to 1920. In 1918, he became the second member of the Manly Club to be awarded life membership. Fred Notting also played first grade Rugby Union for Manly in 1906.
In 1979
his son, Fred Notting junior swept his junior boat crew to perform a scattering
of ‘Young’ Fred’s ashes off Manly Point (see Manly Daily, 2 November 1979).
Metherell, Terry: Jamieson Avenue, Fairlight:
1924 to 1932, page 2.
The street seems to have weathered
the worst years of the Great Depression fairly well compared to many parts
of Manly Municipality.
Three new houses were built, c1929-30
for Claude West, Norman Bell and L C Manfred (nos 19, 29 and 31 respectively).
Claude West was a renowned surfboard-rider
and Manly Council’s professional lifesaver on Manly’s Ocean Beach in the
Claude West was only 15 when in 1915
the famed Duke Kahanamoku gave his exhibition of surfboard riding at Freshwater
and then introduced Claude to the finer points of the sport.
Duke presented his board to Claude
when he left Australia.
Claude went on to become the undefeated
NSW surfboard champion from 1915 to 1924 when he retired after winning
the title again.
In 1920, he rescued the Governor-General,
Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, from the rip at South Steyne.
Whistler Street, Manly: 1861 – 1920.
Terry Metherell, August 2003.
Page 1
By 1863, Whistler Street had seven
households, several probably living in houses built by Edward Badminton.
An interesting social mix was evident.
New householders that year included
... and George Sly, “shoemaker”, from one of Manly’s earliest and longest
established families.
... of the seven resident in 1863,
only four remained a year later, although two still lived locally – Adam
Russell in Raglan Street, and George Sly in Middle Harbour [Sydney] Road.
Page 3
Sands’ 1909 showed
Battle Boulevard as follows, from The Spit:
George W Moore,
... Perhaps
George Moore’s Leveret was also a playful reference to the likely rabbit
infestations in this semi-rural part of the municipality.
George Moore,
too, may have had local connections: George A Moore lived in Osborne Road,
Manly; James Moore off nearby Condamine Street, Balgowlah; and Mrs Lewis
Moore in Darley Road, Manly.
Page 4
The gradual ‘filling-in’
of Battle Boulevard, especially after 1914, can be seen as follows:
1914 (Sands’
1920 (Sands’ 1921)
C D Paterson,
Charles D Paterson [Burrawong]
Photo by Alexander, First Photographer, Corso, Manly. Taken some time in the eighteen-eighties. Inside front cover. |
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of the Manly' Wentworth Rugby Union Junior and Pioneer Football Club. Inside back cover. |
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was a leading surf shooter, also a pioneer. Inside back cover. |
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from a photo taken in Johannesburg, South Africa, in the Boer war period from 1899 to 1902, while scouting for the British Cavalry Division. Inside back cover. |
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Surfing, Surf-Shooting and Surf-Lifesaving Pioneering Printed and published at 36 Augusta Road, Manly, 1958. |
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