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thos. thrum : alamanac and annual, 1919 |
Internet Archive
The south-eaatern
division of the island of Kaui, comprising the districts of Hana, Kipahulu,
Kaupo and Kahikinui, must have been at one time a central point of kingly
and priestly power, and held strong attractions which drew from across
the Hawaii channel so many attempts of envious aliis to invade its shores,
subdue its people and possess their lands.
In this and other
respects it is a section especially rich in historic traditions, in not
a few of which are interwoven legendary tales of romance. Here too centers
some of the characteristic popular myths of the Hawaiian race which hark
back to their primitive days.
Page 68
Hana is also famed
as possessing, at times, strong surfing attraction, the indulgence of which
sport developed such skill in its devotees as to invite the challenge of
other locality experts.
Several such
contests are woven into some of the most popular of Hawaiian legends.
In the story of Laieikawai it is said that Aiwohikupua, on his way from. Kauai to Hawaii touched at Hana during a surf-riding contest in which the chiefesg of the district was the center of attraction, and was his excuse for considerahle delay that he might participate in the sport with so charming and prominent a competitor which resulted in an entanglement that hampered him ever after for his perfidy.
visiting Hana incognito, was another who lost his heart to a charming contestant
in surf-riding indulgences of some four days duration off Pueokahi, when
Koleanioku, daughter of the high chief Hoolae, at the close of the contest
betrothed herself to the Waikiki expert, and in taking him "for better
or worse" without seeking paternal consent she was disowned and disinherited.
But when Kiha's
incognito period wore away and the designing parent- and daughter learned
that - all unsuspecting- she had chosen the very one she had been pledged
to, the chief relented, it is said, and all was forgiven if not forgotten.
Page 130
Beach Project
Public opinion
is aroused from time to time at the lessening area available to them of
this much-heralded Houolulu attraction, and demands are made that private
interests should not bar free-access to the sand beach, bathing and surf-riding
facilities of Waikiki.
The matter is
again agitated from both local and tourist standpoints, and is in the hands
of a strong committee to devise the way and means of acquiring rights to
a large section of beach property to be thrown open to the general public,
that the famed recreative attraction prove Honolulu's worthy asset.
Page 170
O ream led
Vice Preaidenlt
NALU (Surf Club).
Organized 1911.
President ...
Harold Castle
... Al. Castle
Secretary ...Robt.
McB. Purvis
Treasurer ...
George I. Brown
Commodore ...
Duke Kahanamoku
Captain ... J.
K. Evans
Auditor ... Thos.
Sunday Advertiser,
Issued every Sunday morning by the Hawaiian Gazette Co,. Ltd.
Edwd. P. Irwin,
The Dally Pacific
Commercial Advertiser, Issued by the Hawaiian Gazette Co. every morning
(except Sunday).
Edwd, P, Irwin,
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin,
Issued every evening (except Sundays), by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Ltd.
K, A. McNally.
Editor, Semi-weekly Issued on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Paradise of the Pacific, monthly, Mrs. E. A. Langton- Publisher,
The Mid-Pacific
descric ? in
Alex, Hume Ford
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Surf Riding at Waikiki, 1919. Detail from the cover of Thrum, Thos.
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Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1919 [All about Hawaii] Thos. G. Thrum, Honolulu,1918. Internet Archive
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