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newspapers : 1899
The Lecturer Entertains a Large and
Fashionable Audience.
Holmes' illustrated lecture on the Hawaiian Islands
attracted a large and fashionable audience yesterday
afternoon to the Columbia Theatre.
Mr Holmes'
keen instinct for gathering beautiful pictures with his
camera and gleaning the entertaining and interesting
features of the countries through which he travels provides
refreshing and instructive, material for his lectures.
interest was manifested in the one on Hawaii yesterday
afternoon on account of the recent acquisition ot those
islands by the United States, and the audience was greatly
entertained as the semi-savage natives were pictured and
their peculiar customs described as the doings of some of
"our own" people.
The lecture
was concluded with a series of motion pictures illustrating
travel in Hawaii, the Hawaiian militia, the United States
volunteers in Honolulu, the Honolulu fire department, and
surf riding in native canoes.
The times.
(Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, January 19, 1899, Image 8
Image and text
provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054468/1899-01-19/ed-1/seq-8/
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, February 13, 1899, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1899-02-13/ed-1/seq-1/
A party of
venturesome tourists were capsized on Saturday afternoon
afternoon while taking a canoe surf ride in deep water.
Happily they
escaped with their lives after a thrilling experience which
will suggest precautionary measures in the future.
Independent. (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 06, 1899,
Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1899-03-06/ed-1/seq-3/
Native Writes on Beach Affair of Saturday.
Claims He is a Capable Man and There was no
Danger - Outrigger -Depth of Water.
Following is a translation of the statement of the Hawaiian concerned in the caneoing mishap of Saturday last:
On Saturday
afternoon last I was called by the white man in charge of
the Hawaiian Hotel at Waikiki, to take a party out
surf-riding in a canoe.
The party
consisted of two men, one lady and a young girl of 12 or 13
years of age.
The surf was
quite heavy and the wind blowing quite strong no myself and
a helper, one Kumukahi, took the inside line of breakers
where the surf was only moderately high.
One of the
men, the largest sized one, said that he wanted to take the
larger breakers outside, but I objected because they were
too large and from the further fact that there were women in
the canoe, for I did not think it prudent to take the heavy
breaker, fearing a "swamp" might result.
The large
man insisted upon going out further and I did so.
On account
of the strong wind blowing I found it difficult to turn the
canoe around shoreward, and the breaker taking us before we
were pointed right, threw be canoe sideways, burying the
outrigger down and striking the reef, which immediately
broke the outrigger short off when the canoe at once turned
This all
took place on the ahua (shoal) where it was not over 4 1/2
to 5 feet deep, and not 25 feet deep as stated by the
gentleman in the newspaper interview.
If the water
had been 25 feet deep at that point how was it
possible for the outrigger to strike bottom, and those who
are familiar with canoeing in the surf know that an
outrigger could not break off excepting from striking
against the bottom.
upon capsizing the young girl was taken hold off and was
borne to the shore by my helpmate, Kumukahi, while I
remained to bring in the men.
I then set
to work to right the canoe, but the party were frightened
that I could not get them to let go of it, although I told
them that they could touch bottom, an it was not over their
I don't know
how the gentleman could make the statement that it was 25
feet deep.
It was dead
low tide at this time (half past 3 pm) as can be seen by
reference to the tide records, and was not high water, as
stated by him in the interview.
He further
stated that he was informed that I am not a competent man in
the managing of a canoe in the surf, and seeks to detract
from my reputation as an expert in this business.
I will leave
it to such well known authorites in Marshall Brown, Leslie
Scott, Ed Macfarlane, Willie Dimond and others who know what
my capabilities are in the management of a canoe in the
As to the
accident being nearly a fatal one, is all nonsense.
I repeat
that the water was not over 4 to 5 feet deep were the
canoe capsized can be proved at any period of low tide at
that point.
I think
injustice to myself and the other natives who are employed
in this line of business, that you should publish my side of
this story, for if the report of surf-riding is proclaimed
as dangerous to life, it will be very damaging to us who are
dependent in a great measure on this sport for a living.
March 8th 1899
The Hawaiian
gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, March 10,
1899, Image 8
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1899-03-10/ed-1/seq-8
There is
fine surfing at Waikiki to day.
There is a
heavy roll toward shore, and an easterly wind, which which
makes it not only a magnificent sight to look at, but
splendid for surf boat or surf board riding, or for
indications are that these conditions will last for two or
three days.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, April 13, 1899, Image 8
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1899-04-13/ed-1/seq-8/
... Of this ocean beach we have still other pictures, notably a characteristic scene with the children on the white sands, and a striking picture of the surf-bathing, which is a feature of early morning at ' The Village.' About 6 a.m., through the summer months, this beach is alive with bathers disporting in the cool surf. It is bathing rather than swimming, because the dread of sharks usually keeps the crowd within the surf line; but it is very healthful and enjoyable for all that. And it has, too, its tragic side, for there is an eddy round one point so strong, that strong swimmers who have rachly ventured into it have bad the utmost difficulty in getting back to shore, and those Iess strong have given up their lives in the struggle. The last victim was a member of the Salvation Army during the recent encampment. There is of course no need to go into this ocean tide rip, and experienced bathers carefully shun it. |
BATHlNG AT MANLY , detail.
Riding the Surf a Most Exhilarating Pastime.
Correspondent San Franciso Chronicle
experience the true poety of motion one must try surf
There is
something about going thirty miles an hour on the crest of a
white-foamed breaker, ever yawning and surging to overwhelm
you and give you a battle for your life, but ever, by the
impotence of its own wrath, carrying you on in exhilaration
and safety that makes the blood tingle and raises the mere
pleasure of physical existence to the plane of intellectual
There is all
in it that there is in coasting or tobogganing or shooting
the chutes and a great deal more besides; something so
subtle that it can only felt, not described, and yet it is
so real, so powerful, so embracing that it takes hold of
even the most unpoetical nature, fascinates and enthralls
The native
Hawaiian, in all his conquests in an environmet which did
not offer many material aids to advancement, proved his
possession of high intellectual qualities and capacity for
attainment in no more conclusive manner than when he read in
the rolling surf this nature's secret of motive power.
Since the
waters were gathered together and called sea the surf has
been rolling in in long breakers upon every shore the ocean
But it was
the Hawaiian alone of all the sons of earth and sea who
discovered its subtle power and the subtle power to control
and utilize it.
The art of
surf riding is indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands.
To see a
frail outrigger canoe, itself a monument to the patience and
skill which hollowed and shaped it with rude tools from the
trunk of a koa tree, glide with almost the swiftness and
grace of an eagle in flight before a white-crested breaker,
without a tremor or a jar from the angry waters behind it,
is a sight worth a long journey to see.
To be in the
canoe, to experience the annihilation of time and space, to
be always escaping, is a sensation worth a life's ambition
to feel.
But just a
little more vivid, just a little more exhilarating, just a
little more intense than surf-canoe riding is surf-board
Which of the
two pastimes is the earlier in conception and the older in
practice it is impossible to say.
Tradition is
silent on the subject and both ante-date history.
There is
reason to believe that the surf-board, being the simpler
implement, came before the canoe.
However that
may be, the conditions which admit of surf-board riding are
rarer than those of surf canoeing, and though the two have
been known and described since Captain Cook discovered these
islands, it is only within the last few weeks that actual
pictures of surf-board riding by instantaneous photography,
showing it as it is and correcting erroneous impressions
regarding it, as the same means corrected the traditional
impressions of the horse's movements in running, have been
conditions of surf-board riding require a long, sandy beach,
gently and evenly sloping for a long distance into the sea,
without rocks or depressions, so that the surf will roll in
long, sweeping breakers with a uniform speed from the time
they form till they waste and spend themselves on the shore.
not require nearly such uniform nor perfect conditions,
because in the canoe the speed can be accelerated or
diminished by the use of paddles to keep in exactly the
right position with relation to the rolling breaker to get
Its forward motion.
For years
past there has been no place near Honolulu where the
conditions were right for surf-board riding, and It became
almost a lost art.
Up to a few
months ago there was only one native known In Honolulu who
could ride the surf board standlng upon it.
But within
the last two or three months a sand spit has formed off the
Wakikiki beach right in front of the suburban residence of
Colonel George W. Macfarlane, which gives the perfect
riding has, in fact, become a fad, and a large number of
people, both whites and natives, have become experts in the
The surf
board is 5 or 6 feet long and from 12 to 16 inches wide near
the forward end, drawn to a rounded point in front and
tapering slightly aft.
In general
outline is resembles greatly a coffin lid.
It is
perfectly flat on the upper side, but deeply beveled at the
edges and front on the under side.
To ride it
the rider goes out as far as he can get in the water on the
shelving beach; then, facing the shore, holds the board up
in front of him, point upmost, the bottom or under side
resting on his middle.
Just as the
rolling motion of an advancing breaker reaches him he gives
a spring upward and forward, bringing the board flat upon
the water with rather more than half his body upon it.
springing movement gives a forward motion to himself and the
board, which he adds to by kicking against the rolling wall
of water behind him until his speed is exactly that of the
From that
point on, when the rider has acquired the art, the rolling
motion of the surf carries him till It lands him high and
dry on the shore.
There are
three points in particular to be observed in surf-board
To spring at
the right moment, to acquire the exact speed and direction
of the breaker, and to keep both sides of the board level.
If one side
gets a little deeper in the water than the other it drags,
changes the direction and the breaker is lost.
From this
point the next stage in progression in the art is to be able
to rest one's elbows on the board and one's face in one's
To ride
standing on the board, the rider gradually moves his body
forward on it, then rises on his knees, and finally to his
feet, always keeping the edges of the board perfectly level.
As the
breakers roll in at about thirty miles an hour and the rider
cannot go out into water much deeper than up to his waist,
because otherwise he cannot make the necessary initial
spring, it can be seen that to ride standing requires not
only great dexterity but perfect conditions.
But the triumph is worth the effort.
Skillful riders can ride in conditions not perfect by being able to adjust their speed to the varying speed of the breaker by using their hand as a paddle when they feel they are going slower than the breaker, or use a drag when they fell (sic) they are going faster.
Surf canoeing is exactly the same in principle, but the novice can enjoy it by going out with an experienced canoeist.
The Scranton
tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 29, 1899, Morning,
Image 5
Image and text
provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park,
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026355/1899-07-29/ed-1/seq-5/
Visit to Our New Possessions in the Pacific
In N.Y.
Vols., Spanish War.
For a
number of years past surf riding has been greatly on the
decline I presume for these two reasons -
First it
requires continual practice for about 12 or I5 years to
become an expert.
This was
told me by a native who has given much attention to the
sport .
Second the
natives are becoming less fond of the sport which requires
keenness of eye strength of muscle and judgment beside a
rare steadiness of nerve and head .
These last
may be accounted for in a large part by the fact that with
amalgamation the native also loses his cunning along these
If boating
in these waters requires great nerve certainly surf riding
requires a large amount more of it
Think of a
man, or woman for both join in the sport, nearly a mile from
shore upon large breakers with only a coffin shaped board
about 10 feet in length by two feet wide which when a
breaker comes along to suit him he quickly places under him
and after mounting his steed begins a race shoreward that is
to end in almost lightning rapidity.
I will give
a few words on this sport from Mr Oleson of Honolulu:
exciting pastime of surf riding was greatly enjoyed by both
To be a
successful performer the swimmer required immense nerve and
long practice.
The surf
board is made of koa wood of light weight kept highly
polished and is about eight feet long by a foot and a half
this before him or under his arm the native rider dives
under the huge waves and swims out to sea until ho reaches
the outer line of breakers
Here he
watches his chance seeking the highest roller on the top of
which he seeks to poise.
Lying face
downward, afterward to rise to a kneeling or standing
posture, he is brought shoreward like a flash of lightning
skillfully avoiding the rocks to be thrown in triumph and
safety upon the sandy beach
The skill is
greatest in mounting the roller at just the right moment and
in keeping the right position upon its highest edge
In matters
pertaining to horses, wind and wave the native is complete
master; alertness, cool judgment, and enthusiasm fill his
being, and he is a warrior in strength, a General in
coolness, and a machine in action.
The sea is
his school master his proa is his best friend and the
broadness of the great Pacific his nursery."
13 April 1899 :
26 April 1899 : 29 July 1899 : |
Report - Waikiki. Surf Bathing - Manly. Hawaiian Surfboard Riding - Honolulu-San Francisco. |
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