newspapers :
Newspapers : 1880-1889.
Introduction - Format - Overview.
For several days in
late January, 1881, many witnessed the daring and skills of
the expert natives surf-ridiers in huge surf in Hilo harbor.
The Hawaiian Gazette
Honolulu, February 9, 1881, page 3.
The last week of January, 1881, will be remembered at Hilo
as one of the most windy and dusty ever known in this quiet
little town.
For two days and nights the wind blew a perfect gale
directly from the summit of Mauna Loa, snapping off and
uprooting trees and doing much damage, and filling the air with
the dense smoke from the great fire in the woods.
Far out at sea nothing could be seen but the cloud of
smoke; suddenly the wind changed to the north, bringing back the
smoke and also several coasters who took refuge in the
Huge rollers came in from the sea, and for a couple of days
tho harbor was a fine place for surf-riding and several of the
expert among the natives showed their daring and skill to the
edification of many witnesses.
Chronicling America
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918,
February 09, 1881, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Riverine Grazier
Hay, NSW, Wednesday 4 January 1882,
page 4.
in the Sandwich Islands.''
- Mr Conway very kindly offered to get up some surf-bathing at a short notice,
and the offer of one dollar brought out
surf-riders instantly.
These, poor
fellows jumped into the water, and swam out through the
about three-quarters of a mile from shore - just outside
the furthest
rollers - taking their surf-boards with them.
How they manage this is a mystery to me.
They use
their hands and legs in swimming out seawards, like other
people :
and unless they stick the surf boards on to their chests
patent mucilage, or carry them in their teeth, I cannot tell
they do get them out.
They appear
to lie on the boards
on their
faces, and somehow they do get oiutside the breakers, boards and all, and there they
balance themselves
in the water and wait for the big roller to come along.
When they see it coming they quickly swim to just in front
the curling top of the breaker just as it begins to form
object thenceforward is to keep exactly in that position.
start lying upon their board
at full
length; face downwards, and by paddling rapidly with their
they can keep just in the place necessary for their safe and
Well, after Mr Kanaka has fairly started on this
journey, he has to look out sharp that his board does not turn under him, or that the
comber does not overtake him.
Should either of these accidents happen, the surf rider disappears in
the twinkling
of an eye, and is rolled over and over like a log.
Should he keep
his place all right, he is rushed along at a speed of at least
or fifty miles per hour towards the shore, where he
lands on water
knee-deep, having been carried with this great velocity
riding on
a plank half-an inch thick, lying almost entirely on the surface of the watrr - about
three-fourths of a mile - in less than one
I timed this feat several times.
swimmer's sometimes wait a long time for a good big
Half-an-hour is not too long.
surf was high on the
occasion, and
there were plenty of upsets, but finally all got safely
ashore, and
some, went back again three times.
Altogether surf-bathing
struck me
as being- about the most wonderful thing l was likely
to see in the islands.
AGAIN.', The
Riverine Grazier (Hay,
NSW : 1873 - 1954), 4 January, p. 4, viewed 5 April, 2014,
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, October 23, 1882, page 1.
" Now, dear," said Mr. Breezy, leading his wife carefully over
the sands, "you must wet your head first and then - "
" Do you
suppose I never been in bathing before?" asked Mrs. Breezy,
giving an extra tug at the skirt of her bathing suit, and
looking over her shoulder to see if any vulgar men were taking
in her more or less graceful costume.
"Mr. Breezy,
you talk as though I had lived all my life in the backwoods of
Ohio and had never got a sniff of salt water, I am just as
familiar with surf bathing as you are Mr. Breezy, and I dare
say a great deal more so.
You, know I
was brought up on the Sound, and I know -"
"But my dear,
the surf here at Long Branch is very heavy, and you must take
good hold of the rope as soon - "
- Incomplete,
damaged document.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, October 23, 1882,
Image 1
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, December 30, 1882, page 3.
Many generations ago there dwelt on the island of Oahu at
Lihue, in the district of Ewa, a young chief named Lolale.
(Includes canoe
and board surfing)
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, December 30, 1882,
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, March 15, 1884, page 4.
What I Saw and Heard in Honolulu.
From The Republic.
however, is the favorite resort of the fashionable, King
Kalakaua having his royal county-seat there.
On the 35th of
December my wife and little daughter and self drove out over a
fine, hard highway (some three or four miles from Honolulu) to
these charming, palm-planted shores, and were warmly welcomed
by a pleasant party of picnickers, avIio were invited with
ourselves by Judge McCully to while away the sultry winter day
with a cold lunch out of doors and a bracing
afterwards in the blue waters of the calm Pacific.
In the waves
along the beach, while we were at lunch (eating strawberries
and cocoanut-milk) and within short stone-throw of our party,
swam, dove, floated and.Avadeda native family, more than half
nude, consisting, it was said, of a fisherman's household,
himself (a wiry old fellow of fifty)? his helpmeet (a fat
person of forty), two daughters (plump and pretty) and a son
of fourteen (the rascal), with the most perfect
unconsciousness and unconcern their brown backs, as smooth and
polished as ebony, glistening in the red sunlight like stained
To this day,
we were told, the primitive peasantry of the islands cannot,
with all the artful devices of civilization, be made to see
why modern conventionality demands the burden of so many
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, March 15, 1884, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Pacific
Commercial Advertiser
Honolulu, October 21, 1884, page 3.
Beckley's Report on her Visit to
We have been permitted to publish the following interesting
report made to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by Mrs. Beckley,
on her return from a holiday trip to Molokai:
"Your Excellency,
I obtained during my recent vacation on Molokai the
following articles for the Museum:
An old surf-board has been promised me from Lahaina.
All the above things were given to me by people who would
not sell them, being old family possessions."
Chronicling America
The Pacific commercial advertiser.
(Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, October 21, 1884, WEEKLY
EDITION, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Pacific
Commercial Advertiser.,
Honolulu, April 15, 1885, page
Social and Personal.
Mrs. Macfarlane entertained a party
of twenty-five at her Waikiki residence early this
The guests enjoyed themselves
greatly surf-riding in native canoes, four of which
were provided for the occasion.
Among the guests were several
visitors from the
The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian
Islands) 1885-1921, April 15, 1885, Image 3
Image and text provided by
University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, April 20, 1885, page 3.
Howard Presbyterian Church on Mission street was filled last
evening to the doors by an appreciative audience to hear a
lecture by Rev. Robert Mackenzie on his recent tour to the
Hawaiian Islands.
In describing
the natives and their living habits, he stated that at a
"luaw" he had eaten raw fish, which be now much preferred to
cooked fish, and that he, and also several ladies, natives and
now resident in the city, had eaten and much enjoyed live
shells and
At the "luaw"
he saw the little "hula hula" danced by two native chiefs, and
called it a grand epic poem.
He praised the
excellent behavior and kindly nature of the natives,
describing them as too kind to live with Americans.
The surf
bathing, singing, flower garland wearing, and other amusements
popular in the Islands, were also fully depicted.
- San
Francisco Call, April 10.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, April 20, 1885, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser
Honolulu, April 9, 1886, page 3.
Society Note.
Among the departing hotel guests by the Zealandia to-day for San
Francisco are the Misses Hooker, Miss Nina Adams and Miss Grace
Eldridge, together with Mr. Hooker, Mr. Knowles and Jno. Watson,
who are traveling as one party.
The young ladies have been entertained by His Majesty the
King and Queen and our best society people.
Among the entertainments were a native luau, given by their
Majesties the King and Queen at the Royal boat-house ; a
reception at the Palace, where they were presented by
Colonel G. W. Macfarlane to His Majesty ; a large dancing party
given by the Hon. S. G. Wilder ; a canoe and surf-riding party
and dinner at Mr. Macfarlane's sea-side residence ; a bathing
and luncheon party by Miss Irwin at Mr. A.V. G. Irwin's
beautiful park residence ; a ladies' luncheon party by Mrs.
Colonel Allen at Hon. C. R. Bishop's mansion ; ...
Chronicling America
The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands)
1885-1921, April 09, 1886, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, June 19, 1886, page 3.
Mrs. Jas. Dodd's birthday anniversary was celebrated last
evening by a party at Mrs. Lemon's residence, Waikiki.
There were 21
young people present who spent the evening in surf-bathing,
poi feasting and singing.
The party
ended near midnight and was very enjoyable.
The guests
wished birthday celebrations would occur every week.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, June 19, 1886, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
News (NSW : 1853-1872)
Tuesday 15 March 1887 page 4, Illustrated Article.
Bathing Machines at
IT is somewhat singular that bathing machines, although much
very ordinary spectacles on the favorite beaches of the
British Islands and the Continent, have only been introduced
to the holiday-making Sydneyite very recently.
From the
pencil of our artist we have a graphic sketch of the
metamorphosis which has taken place on the sands of "Wave-worn
Coogee", as Kendall has it.
We see the
crisp waves foaming on the stainless sands; and, in the
immediate background, the grey storm-defying promontory,
crowned with a few windy trees, and terminating in a ridge of
cruel dun colored rocks, amid the gulfs and hollows of which
the ocean has moaned unceasingly, perhaps since the first day
that dawned upon our planet.
For geologists
tell us this is the oldest of the continents.
A truce,
however, to prehistoric speculations !
Let us, before
wending tramwards, notice the folks in the foreground.
Im- primis ;
visible on the left is the grimy gentleman on horseback, who
may be connected with the bathing machine, but is possibly the
hotel ostler.
He seems a
curious mixture of timidity and braggadocio.
Be sure, if he
be the ostler, there will be some hilarious sport when "he
urges on his wild career" into the surf.
We have been
there; and, without wishing any special harm to the
equestrian, have enjoyed the fun.
perhaps, you will notice a small crowd collect to watch the
capering of the man and his faithful 'steed.
conscious that he is the cynosure of all eyes, the rider will
try to show his horsemanship.
But his
Rosinante, like the boy in Mr. Pears' soap advertisement, may
dislike a cold application, and hence antagonisms may arise.
Finally, after a mutual exhibition, which rarely fails to
interest a delighted audience, you will, perchance, see the
reflective steed using his trump-card, lodging his discomfited
rider in the "yeasty waves," and scampering homeward, probably
conscious of having topsy-turvied the "otherside."
Near, there
are the happy-hearted, rosy-cheeked children, who think that
to be bare-footed on the sandy margin of the sea is to be
indeed luxurious.
Not far away,
behold madam, intent upon patronising the bathing machine ;
and, in the immediate foreground, observe a brace of ladies,
evidently criticising her costume as she disappears and
resigns herself to the tender mercies of the old weatherbeaten
So that
everyone appears pleased, and, when all return homeward, they
feel invigorated by the unpolluted ozone of the sweet sea air,
and the lovely surroundings of the charming seaside resort.
The Pacific Commercial Advertiser.
Honolulu, June 6, 1887, page 2.
On Saturday afternoon His Majesty the King gave a luau at
his summer residence, Waikiki, in honor of Grand Master
Atkinson and the visiting Masons.
Soon after the guests arrived they went down to the beach
and witnessed some surf-riding.
This was followed by the luau.
Chronicling America
The Pacific
commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands)
1885-1921, June 06, 1887, Image 2
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
Daily Herald.
Honolulu, June 6, 1887, page 3.
The luau given by His Majesty to the visiting California Free
Masons at Waikiki on Saturday was much enjoyed by the whole
large party.
A very
entertaining corollary was an exhibition of surf bathing.
The King spoke
frequently and well at the feast.
The daily
herald. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1886-1887, June 06, 1887,
Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
Sacramento, June 17, 1887, page 3.
Majesty of Hawaii Entertains -Ye Sacramentains and Others.
The Pacific
Advertiser of June 6, gives an account of the King of
the Sandwiches entertaining our Sacramento and Masonic
excursionists and others upon dishes peculiar to the
It says:
On Saturday
afternoon his Majesty the King gave a luau at his summer
residence, Waikiki, in honor of Grand Master E. C. Atkinson
and the visiting Masons.
A large lanai
had been erected on the grounds, the interior of which was
tastily decorated.
The Royal
Hawaiian Band was present and discoursed sweet music
throughout the afternoon.
Soon after the
guests arrived they went down to the beach and witnessed some
This was
followed by the luau.
daily record-union. (Sacramento [Calif.]) 1875-1891, June 17,
1887, Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
Persistent link:
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, June 25, 1887, page 3.
Several of the
officers of the U. S. S. Adams were invited out to Waikiki,
to-day, to join a surf-bathing party.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, June 25, 1887, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
Bath Independent,
England, August 27, 1887, page 1.
are now of a grand scale.
The king
himself sets the fashion right royally at the palace.
Nor is his
hospitality restricted to this.
I went with
some ladies to a native feast- a "luau"given by him.
He was of
dressed in the royal yellow with his wreaths of sweetly
scented yellow flowers about his neck.
Personally he
took us to his seaside and there gave us its freedom and from
its windows pointed out to us the native skill at surfriding.
The feast
itself was in Kapiolani Park.
The scene
there was unique.
The food was
served on mats stretched on the grass.
Poi, the
national a sort ot paste made from taro served in
calabashes, fish raw and some slightly salted, sucking
pig cooked under ground wrapped in large leaves, soft shell
crabs ...
a kind of sea
moss and beer and the two last an innovation at the
the guests stood native girls dressed in like our Mother
Hubbards and the common dress of the native waving large
feather plumes to keep the flits and mosquitoes
the head ot the long line of mats was the and about him four
the prettiest of I
is where the royal privilege comes in.
who would not exercise it.
does it not do something to maintain a high standard of that
it should on occasions like this receive the favors of royal
the feast a cocoanut a race between a native and Samoan and th
Note: This report
Honolulu written by a Bath resident travelling in the
Newspaper Archive
New York, August 28, 1887, page 9.
How the King
Looked, and How the Bathers and Dancers Looked, Who Swam and
Danced in Honor of him and his Guests.
Hawaii Aug. 18-
We have just
returned from a feast given by the King in honor of a company
of Masons numbering 100 that came here not long ago from
The feast was
what the natives called a luau
The road to
the King's country residence, where the luau was given, was so
full of carriages us to remind one of the picture of
Englishmen going to the Epsom races
The King's
ground are at Waikiki, a distance of three miles or so
out of town along the beach.
When we
reached the place we found a lot of seats on the wide lawn
under the trees and a great many people occupying them.
The native
band was furnishing very good music indeed.
selections were chiefly from "Erminie", the "Black Hussar" and
When the King
made his appearance the band struck up the national hymn.
He was dressed
in a white flannel suit, white canvass slippers, a hat made
out of a pumpkin vine, and a le of yellow blossom
about his neck.
The people all
doffed their hats to him as he came near.
He walked in
among them and shook hands here and there cordially, and then
invited everybody to go down to the beach and see a swimming
He led the way
to the beach himself thus:
He is about
six feet tall, has broad shoulders and a really fine bearing
and an intellectual countenance.
As we neared
the beach we caught sight of the native swimmers.
When they saw
the King and his company approach they ran into the surf
carrying boards shaped like coffin lids.
Here is what
we saw:

As soon as
they had pasted out beyond the breaker into smooth water they
mounted the boards by a sudden jump, and back they came riding
on the curl of the breaker this fashion:

When one fell
off as sometimes happened the rest laughed heartily at him.
The King being
present, not many fell off.
After looking
at the swimmers for a while the King invited his guests over
to his house.
The sun. (New
York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 28, 1887, Image 9
Image and text
provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden
Persistent link:
1888 National Police Gazette :
Sandwich Island Girl.
Extract from the
National Police Gazette, August 18, 1888, pages 1 and 14.
The Daily
Honolulu, January 17, 1888, page 3.
For San Francisco, per S S Australia, Jan 17
Mrs. Van Derblng and son, Miss E A Arms, Kuv L Hook, Mrs Al
Hyman, child and nurse, ..., A H Smith,
Chronicling America
The Daily bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, January 17,
1888, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
The Hawaiian
Honolulu, February 28, 1888, page 4.
Mr. G. D. Gilman, of Boston, lately delivered an
interesting lecture on the Hawaiian Islands profusely
illustrated by the stereopticon before a large audience in the
Boston Y.M.C.A. hall.
Public buildings, ancient grass houses, canoes,
inter-island steamers, portraits of the royal family landscapes,
surf riding, the Lords prayer in Hawaiian and volcano views were
represented on the canvas.
A telephone pole in one of the views led the lecturer to
state the fact that Honolulu had more
telephone subscribers in proportion to her inhabitants than
any city except one m America.
The report in a Boston paper says the riding dresses of the
ladies showed common sense which is rarely shown in this country
on like occasions.
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918,
February 28, 1888, Image 4
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Honolulu, HI
Persistent link:
G. D. Gilman
Gorham Gilman had a long association with Hawaii.
He arrived in 1841, set up in business at Honolulu and was
in partnership with Bolles in Lahaina.
In 1848, he went to California and returned to Lahaina in
1849 where he was a merchant. In 1862, he returned to Boston and
was Hawaii’s consul there through the 1890s.
Post Office in Paradise
A stereopticon is a slide projector or "magic lantern", which
has two lenses, usually one above the other. ... and were a
popular form of entertainment and education before the advent of
moving pictures.
wikipedia: Stereopticon
Newspapers, 1880-1888, and the National Police Gazette, August 18,
Island Girl.
Salt Lake Herald
August 30, 1888, page 3
A LARGE crowd went down yesterday to Ogden popular bathing
resort, Syracuse.
The attraction was to be excursion given br Sandwich
Island natives and the wonderful feats they were expected to
perform in the water, their fame for aquatic
achievements being known far and near.
Chronicling America
The Salt Lake herald. (Salt Lake City [Utah) 1870-1909, August 30,
1888, Image 3
Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library
Persistent link:
Sydney Morning Herald
Saturday 13 October 1888, page 11.
principal attraction at this exhibition yesterday was the
cut-flower display.
The entries
in all classes were numerous, and many of the exhibits
reached a high standard of floral cultivation, and
considerble artistic taste was shown in arrangement and
In the
sections for girls attending school there was a magnificent
display of flower-baskets and table, hand, button-hole
bouquets and floral devices.
arrangements in the annexe were excellent.
Along the
top were the loan exhibits, and the entries for competition
were displayed below on the one side in turf and on the
other among the foliage and greenery.
In one of
the Centennial stalls in this department, is a selection of
native women's work from Samoa.
collection, which has been got together by Mrs. J. E.
Newell, the wife of one of the missionaries, includes, among
other articles, chief's dress with belt, different garments,
hats, and some specimens of coral.
On the
opposite side of the central space a case is being erected
by Mr. Hoffnung, for the display of a number of curios and
valuable articles, which have been lent by the Hale Nana or
Archaeological Society of Honolulu for the Melbourne
Mr. Hoffnung
has decided to show them at the present Exhibition before
forwarding them to Victoria.
Among the
collection are the following:- Royal feather cape
restored, feather bed quilt, cloak cape and two
pillow-cases, two native red and white topees, two native
nuhau mats, dining mat, cocoanut wooden bowl, two
stone idols, two wooden fish gods, tobgganing-sleigh for
women, hair booth necklaces, round awa bowl, wooden plates,
finger bowls, and spittoon, assorted sizes of wooden poi
calabash belonging to a famous monarch, dogs'-teeth ankle
ornament, stone adze and side axe, rough unpolished adze,
women's and men's stone poi powder, a stone mortar,
with powder for medicine, stone dye containers, stone plate
and lamp, an unpolished poi calabash, sting slug (an
implement of war), ballot balls, a spear made of kanwils
wood, pair of rough ti-leaf sandals, primitive telephone
instrument, invented in 1806; a dancing and a small
auxiliary drum, box of 37 tapa-pounders, carrier stick for
bearing burdens, miniature single and double outrigger
canoes, ornamented and unornamented water gourd, calabashes
and unornamented spitoon calabash "for common people,"
textile fibre, scrapers and board of the olono, short war
club, fine mesh net made of tho olona, ball and twine of the
olona fibre, bamboo flute, small nose flute of gourd and
miniature native hut, wooden tapa blocks with rough samples
of tapa, gourd dancing instrument, bundle of bamboo tapa
prints, samples of native tapa clothes, Hawaiian checker
board with white and black pebbles, the board perforated
with small holes to designate the pieces of the pebbles
placed as alternatively as white and black with holes
throughout the board, and used as Kriege-spiel or war game
board and diplomacy; cocoanut wooden dagger, surf-ridding
board, and wooden hook.
Hanging from
the central dais is a magnificent Fijian mat made by
native women.
It has been
presented to Lady Carrington by Miss Annie Buttel as a
contribution to the Exhibition.
Catalogue, 'Centennial International Exhibition 1888-1889,
Melbourne', Mason, Firth & McCutcheon, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 1888-1889 (OF).
Read more:
Under Creative
Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial
The image
below, circa 1911, illustrates a collection of Polynesian
antiquities similar to those displayed at the 1888 Exhibition
of Womens' Industries, detailed above.
Note the "surf-ridding
board" on the right.
Joseph R.:
the Curio Shops.
Mid-Pacific Magazine
Hume Ford,
Territory of Hawaii,
1, Number 5,
page 559.
Australian Town and Country
NSW, Saturday 27 October 1888, page 33 (886).
The Women's Exhibition
A large
show case near the centre of the hall has been for some days
a source of attraction to the curious and studiously
inclined in ethnology.
It contains
a number of exhibits forwarded, through Mr. Hoffnung, by the
King of the Hawaiian Islands.
comprise specimens of native skill in the manu facture of
articles, warlike, industrial, and domestic, and are all of
more than passing interest.
The most
striking articles in the case are a handsome cape, used for
the adornment of kingly shoulders, and a magnificent bed
quilt and pillow covers.
Each of
these articles is made of feathers ; thouaanda upon
thousanda of red, blaok, and yellow shining particles of
plumage of a uniform size being used in their manufacture.
patience and great skill must have been brought to bear
before such hand some and artistic creations could have been
No doubt a
Hawaiian warrior in full dress would be an interesting and
resplendent figure when attired in the panoply of war, as
the sunlight would throw a magnificent sheen on the silky
surface of such a feather mantle as the one exhibited.
The counter
pane is large and oblong in shape, and is equally handsóme;
the feathers being arranged to form a pattern.
Squares of
yellow feathers relieve the dark ground, and give a finish
to the article.
The pillow
corers are made to match the quilt in every particular.
An immense
poi bowl of highly polished wood ie an interesting object,
from its immense proportions and beautiful finish.
Numbers of
decoration orders, pertaining to Hawaii are also on view,
consisting of The Companion of Kalakana, Commander of the
Crown of Hawaii, the Star of Oceana, and the Grand Officer
of Kalakana.
According to
the catalogue the case contains sixty-seven exhibits, which
it would be a difficult matter to classify.
Numbers of
domestic utensiles are interesting, such as the round awa
bowl, large and small wooden plattere, cocoanut wooden
bowls, various sized wood poi calabashes, finger bowls,
spittoons, dining mats, atone poi pounders, poi calabas,
stone pounder and mortar, lamp, and stone axe and edge.
Many other
articles there are in stone, such as plates, dye holders,
sling slug, &o. ; and among warlike implements may be
seen a spear of Kanwila wood, a short war club, and a
cocoanut wood dagger.
In musioal
instruments we see drums, large and small, a gourd dancing
instrument, and bamboo flutes.
There are
stone balls, used for bowling purposes, and a chequer.
board, which is perforated with small holes instead of
painted squares ; and small black and white pebbles are used
for pieces in playing.
It is oalled
" krieg spiel," or war game.
There are
various kinds of native mats, sandals usod by the common
people, a dog's teeth anklet, and a box of tapa pounders ;
stone idols, wooden fish gods, kukuiand ivory necklaces,
oarrier sticks to bear burdens, floor-aorapera, and samples
of fibre, with beautifully made fish nets and specimens of
twine and cordage.
A curious
object is a surf-riding board.
Then there
is a sleigh, used for sliding on the grass- a game as
exoiting as the Canadian tobogganing.
A variety of
pieces of native cloth, hammered out from the bark of the
mulberry tree, are excellent specimens of ingenuity and
The most sur
[ prising exhibit of all these strange and peculiar things
is a primitive telephone, which invention baa been in Common
use in the Hawaiian Islands einoe 1806, very much to the
credit of this intelligent race of people. \
Town and Country Journal , NSW, Saturday 27 October 1888,
page 33 (886).
Clarksville Evening Chronicle
Tennessee, November 28, 1888, page 1.
At Atlantic City.
Atlantic City.
N. J., Nov. as.
The terrific wind and hail storm which began Monday morning
continued all through the night with increasing fury,
spreading destruction from end to end of the ocean boulevard.
The buildings which succumbed
to the terrific onslaught of the waves yesterday were
the United States photograph gallery, Mott's pavilion,
Clenumi' shell store and a number of small shanties, all
between Jersey and Virginia avenues.
During the night the work of went on
without interruption, and this morning the list of property
destroyed includes Jackson's bath houses and pavilions, which
are now fast going to pieces; Adams' bath houses, Johnson's
bath homes, the United States bath houses and all the smaller
booths and pavilions in that vicinity.
The hall way house has been lifted entirely from its foundations
and will probably go to pieces.
At the inlet the destruction it; genera), and efforts
were made to save all valuable property.
The new wharf of the Yachtsmen
association and other wharves have been
A number
of people who were watching the sea were swept
off the board walk into the surf.
All were rescued sane F. C. Man
uol, who
was carried, far out with a receding wave
He grasped a floating plank and was violently dashed
in with the next swell.
He was badly bruised, and almost choked with the surf
and sand.
Chronicling America
evening chronicle. (Clarksville, Tenn) 1886-1890, November
28, 1888, Image 1
Image and text provided by University of Tennessee
Persistent link:
Sydney Morning Herald
Saturday 16 March 1889, page 7.
In a
special article on Samoa I dealt with the present condition
of affairs there.
In this I
shall write of what befel after leaving Tonga, ...
The only
addition to our passenger list at Tonga were a couple of
natives, to whom I «hall refer for certain reasons in my
Tongan article.
But we bear
away from Tutuila, and it fades into the soft sky, and
Nunlua and Upolu islands come in view.
All the
morning we draw nearer and nearer to them.
islands appear as we begin to skirt at last the long
surf-washed coast of Upolu leaving its bowl-shaped mountain
sentinel behind.
noon of the Sunday that wo got into Apia all the passengers,
white, and rod, and black, had come out of their
hiding-places, and were leaning over the ship's side
feasting upon the air from the land.
We can now
make out the telea tree, the orange and the broad-fruit
tioei, the banana and the lime.
We can see
the natives pushing their boats out in the surf, some to
come to up, and some to engage in the exciting sport of
We have
taken our pilot on board, and we ride, flags flying, through
the break in the coral reef into the harbour of Apia.
Sometimes one
met a native girl dressed in full European costume, or rather
in a kind of loose dress known among us as " Mother Hubbard,"
and a more or less aristocratic-looking hat and parasol.
One got over
being shocked in Apia very quickly, just as one gets used to
tho nude in an art gallery if one has any foolish shrinkings
at first.
For on
crossing the little river I spoke of before, that runs into
the sea, I saw bathing in it just above the bridge a
half-score of dusky maidens innocent of lava lava, or
Mother Hubbard, or umbrella, or anything else.
You cannot
flee from this sort of thing in Apia.
The next day,
in the interior, the same thing occurred in crossing the same
No ; you begin
to train your mind to Edenic conditions, and by-and-bye you
wonder why it is you don't go in a lava lava yourself,
The Sydney
Morning Herald, Saturday 16 March 1889, page 7.
The Hawaiian Gazette.
Honolulu, April 30, 1889, page 12.
Lengthy Monday Morning List
Appeal to Supreme Court
following were fined or forfeited for drunkenness:
John,Ahia Kaluahine, Makauli, A. Luis Mann, Charles Kaulia,
Lona Makakoa, George Harrigan, Calama, Louis Eddy, Amai, Sam
Kauoe, Sakai, Kalili, Akoa, Beka, Henry Ryners, Kakaio, John
Gomes and Hailama.
The Hawaiian
gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, April 30,
1889, Image 12
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, May 27, 1889, page 3.
The surf at
Waikiki ran exceptionally high yesterday, probably on account
of the southerly wind.
Long Branch
bath-house was well patronized as was also the toboggan slide,
Twenty or more
native youngsters, on surf boards, rode the huge breakers
handsomely, making an interesting picture.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 27, 1889, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Los Angeles Daily
August 18, 1889, page 12.
A. H. Smith, formerly of the Sandwich Islands, now of Pomona,
has organized a "Surf Board Club" at the later town, and
is having a number of the Hawaiian surf boats made to use among
the breakers at Santa Monica.
Mr. and Mrs Smith went down to Santa Monica yesterday to
make a first trial.
Los Angeles daily herald
[microform]. (Los Angeles [Calif.]), 18 Aug. 1889.
Image provided by: University of
California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
Persistent link:
Table Talk
Melbourne, 4 October 1889, page 16.
Miss Olive
Miss Olive Berkley, the clever child representative of Little
Lord Fauntleroy and who has just arrived in Melbourne is nine
years of age, and has a stage experience of five years.
Commencing with several "child" parts in the United States
of America- where she was born, she passed on to London, where
she has been for the last two years.
Her impersonation of' Little Lord Fauntleroy created great
interest in all the clubs and drawing rooms last winter, and the
young performer was welcomed and petted by all the leading
social, artistic, and generally smart people of London.
On March 11, of this year she recited at the Royal Albert
Hall, under-the patronage of the Prince of Wales.
For all this she has remained quite, unspoiled, and has
not lost anything of her childlike simplicity.
Her chief delight is to get hold of one of Dicken's
novels, and pore over it to her hearts content.
1889 'Miss Olive Berkley.', Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic. : 1885
- 1939), 4 October, p. 16. , viewed 19 Apr 2016,
The Daily Bulletin.
Honolulu, October 11, 1889, page 3.
Mr. Jas. T.
Sherwood still runs the Long Branch baths in good shape.
wanting a first-rate surf bath are sure of all the
accessories for comfort at this establishment.
The Daily
bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, October 11, 1889,
Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Cater (2010-2016) : Newspapers : 1880-1889.