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"... surfboards
were usually made of koa, flat with slightly convex surface, rounded at
one end, slightly narrowing towards the stern, where it was cut square.
the 'pa-pa' (surfboard) was made of very light wi-Ii wi-Ii as were narrow,
In size they
varied from three to eighteen feet in length and from eight to ten inches
in breadth, but some of the ancient boards are said to have been 4 fathoms
long." (A fathom is 6 ft)
"the largest
in the museum are so heavy that they require two men to move them." (2)
Brigham reports the
standard design having the tail as "cut square" which has not previously
been specified in the written descriptions but is indicated by some illustrations.
The other attributes
of the koa board are consistant with previous reports and number of boards
in the museum's collection would have confirmed Brigham's description.
On the other hand,
the remainder of the quotation is likely to be compiled from earlier sources,
probably Malo.
"Sometimes the
'pa-pa' (surfboard) made of very light wi-Ii wi-Ii" appears to imply
that willi willi was not restricted to the olo design.
The context implies
the "narrow, o-lo" is a less common design.
The dimensions,
"three to eighteen feet in length and from eight to ten inches in breadth",
to generally apply to all boards.
The reported width
(8 to 10 inches) is the narrowest of any report.
The contention that
lengths "are said to have been 4 fathoms long" is clearly a reference
to David Malo's report (see 7.1) and Brigham appears to have similar reservations
to Alexander by indicating the extreme weight of examples held by the museum-
"so heavy that they require two men to move them."
Note however that
Blake (3) subsequently identified these examples
as being koa wood, much heavier than willi willi.
There are no known
existing examples of any boards built from willi wili, possibly the light
weight and porous grain of the timber were not condusive to an extended
Although Chester
S Lyman (1846, 5.7?) was probably refering to willi willi boards when he
reported "Some of these have been handed down in the royal family for
(4), this may be a case of
decades rather than centuries.
Furthermore, the
age of the boards may indicate that new boards by this time were unavailable,
the required craftsman and timber resources in rapid decline.
account published in 1896, usually credited as Thrum (5),
is reputedly the recollections of a native boardrider from Kona coast of
The account was
translated by another experienced rider, N. K. Nakuina, and edited by Thomas
Thrum. (6)
The authors are
hereafter refered to collectively as Thrum*.
The article describes three, previously recorded, suitable timbers for surfboard construction.
"There were
only three kinds of trees known to be used for making boards for surf riding,
viz.: the
wiliwili (Erythrina
monosperma), ulu or breadfruit (Artocarpus incisa), and koa (Acacia koa)."
Two distinct surfboard designs, as previously defined by Malo (3.7) are identified.
"There are two kinds of boards for surf riding, one called the 'olo' and the other the 'a-la-ia', known also as 'omo'. (8)
The Olo is described in significant detail.
"The olo was
made of wiliwili - a very light buoyant wood - some three fathoms long,
two to three feet
wide, and
from six to eight inches thick along the middle of the board, lengthwise,
but rounding toward the edges on both upper and lower sides". (9)
While Thrum* notes
the olo is made of williwilli, other commentators have identified the timber
for similar boards as ulu (breadfruit) (10) and the only known examples
are made from koa. (11)
The maximum length
("three fathoms" or 18 feet) is more realistic than the 4 fathoms
as reported by David Malo. (3.7)
However the width
and thickness are in the extreme compared to most other reports and modern
Certainly a width
of "three feet" is impractical, as previously noted.
"Since maximum
board width is essentially determined by the width of the paddler's shoulders,
these boards
probably fell
in the range of 20 to 24 inches." (2.11)
The convex cross
section and the chamfered rail, "rounding toward the edges on both upper
and lower sides", is consistent with earlier reports.
The account gives
extended instruction on the use, and dangers, of the olo board.
"In riding
with the olo or thick board, ...
... great
care had to be exercised in its management, lest from the height of the
wave - if coming in direct - the board would be forced into the base of
the breaker, instead of floating lightly and
riding on
the surface of the water, in which case, the wave force being spent, reaction
throws both
rider and
board into the air." (12)
Note the distinction
identified by Malo and I'i between the designs based on thickness is adopted
by Thrum: "the olo or thick board".
Although a more
detailed explanation, it closely echoes the danger as perceived by John
Papa I'i. (4.5)
"If it is not moved sideways when the wave rises high, it is tossed upward as it moves shoreward." (13)
Apart from recording an alternate term for the alaia ("omo"), the alaia is simply described as:
"made of koa,
or ulu.
Its length
and width were similar to the olo, except in thickness, it being but of
one and a half or two inches thick along the center." (14)
Note that most commentators
imply the alaia is usually shorter and wider than the olo.
As noted above,
a width "similar to the olo" would be impractical.
The (relative) thinness
was established as a defining characteristic of the alaia by David Malo,
a distinction also, by implication, adopted by Thrum*: "the olo or thick
Thrum reports the
alaia was suitable for a wide range of surfing conditions, but does not
indicate those suitable for the olo.
"These latter are good for riding all kinds of surf, and are much easier to handle than the olo." (15)
8.3 Thrum* attempts to establish several other distinctive characteristics between the two designs.
"In the use
of the olo the rider had to swim out around the line of surf to obtain
position, or be
conveyed thither
by canoe.
To swim out
through the surf with such a buoyant bulk was not possible, though it was
done with
the thin boards, the a-la-ia.
These latter
are good for riding all kinds of surf, and are much easier to handle than
the olo." (16)
While the relative
ease of use of the alaia in comparison with the thicker olo is possibly
inferred by I'i (4.5), Thrum's assertion that to "swim out through the
surf with such a buoyant bulk was not possible" appears to defy reason.
All previous accounts
clearly indicate, the boards were paddled substantially faster than swimming
"they would
fairly go round the best going Boats we had in the two Ships,
in spight
of every Exertion of the Crew, in the space of a very few minutes."(17)
From a modern perspective,
the large volume and lightweight of a willi willi olo board would produce
a highly efficient paddling craft that would circumvent the difficulty
related by Thrum*.
Indeed, the efficient
paddling performance would appear to be a substantial advantage in achieving
take-off on large, fast moving waves.
This characteristic
was consciously exploited by Tom Blake's development of the Hollow board
from 1926 in his attempts to reproduce the ancient olo boards held by the
Bishop Museum. (18)
5.4 A further distinction established by Thrum* has left an indelible mark on many subsequent commentators.
"It is well
known that the olo was only for the use of the chiefs; none of the common
people used it.
They used
the a-la-ia ..." (19)
The claim of royal
exclusivity of the olo design has no precedent in any other report.
In an early report
circa 1825, the Rev. Ellis (3.5) indicated that surfriding was enjoyed
by all classes.
"All ranks and ages appear equally fond of it." (20)
Furthermore, Ellis records elderly chiefs participating in the activity, from context, apparently in the presence of commoners.
the greater part of the inhabitants of a village go out to this sport,
when the wind blows
fresh toward
the shore, and spend the greater part of the day in the water.
All ranks
and ages appear equally fond of it.
We have seen
Karaimoku and Kakioeva, some of the highest chiefs in the island, both
between fifty
and sixty
years of age, and large corpulent men, balancing themselves on their narrow
board, or
about in the foam, with as much satisfaction as youths of sixteen."
Walter Colton
recorded royal surfriding at Honolulu, circa 1846 (4.1), but probably not
on olo boards ('some eight feet in length"). (22)
Perhaps the closest
precedent is Chester S. Lyman's account of surfriding at Waikiki, circa
1846 (4.2), which focuses on the activities of members of royalty using
olo type designs, but in this report there is no specific implication of
exclusivity. (23)
Alternatively, Thomas
W. Knox's account from Hilo circa 1888 (4.10) records boards that
appear to describe the olo or thick design yet, given the riders' negotiated
payment to demonstrate their skill, it is probably unlikely the surfers
were of royal blood.
"There were
five or six of the natives to whom we had
promised half
a dollar each for the performance." (24)
Significantly, David
Malo (3.7) and John Papa I'i (4.5) describe the olo board but do not note
its use was restricted to royalty.
Both are native
commentators who experienced life under the ancient kapu system and whose
recollections substantially pre-date those of Thrum's native source.
Malo writes extensively
of the extreme taboos that required commoners to avoid even minimal contact
with the ali'i and their property. (25)
While not specifally
identifying royal surfriding activity as a potential taboo to other surfriders,
the restrictions are so severe that it is highly possible this was the
Rev. Ellis (3.5)
reports an occassion where commoners were prohibited from entering the
surf when the chiefs were surfriding::
"... when the king or queen, or any high chiefs, are playing (surfriding), none of the common people are allowed to approach these places, lest they spoil their sport." (26)
While these reports indicate that royal surfriders had exclusive use of the prevailing conditions, and may have had exclusive rights to individual locations, Thrum* remains the only account to specify the olo as restricted to royal riders.
account of ancient surfboard construction has been similarly influential.
Since this has been
largely ignored in previous reports many commentators, beginning with Blake
(27), have vigorously quoted the account.
Thrum* introduced
two elemental concepts.
The surfboard was
shaped from an individually selected tree.
Secondly, the selection,
shaping and finishing were accompanied by a series of religious ceremonies.
It is important
to note at the outset that Thrum* does not maintain that such religious
ceremonies were consistently followed by all ancient surfboard builders.
"The uninitiated
were naturally careless, or indifferent as to the method of cutting the
chosen tree; but
among those
who desired success upon their labors the following rites were carefully
observed." (28)
There is no way of
knowing how widespread (or limited) was the application of such religious
rites, whether they were only ahered to by a certain class ("the initiated")
or how consistently they were practised across the island chain.
While Thrum's* account
of religious ceremony for surfboard construction has no precedent, David
Malo extensively records the ceremonies employed by the builders of ancient
Hawaiian canoes. (29)
Thrum* reports:
"Upon the selection
of a suitable tree, a red fish called kumu was first procured, which was
placed at its trunk.
The tree was
then cut down, after which a hole was dug at its root and the fish placed
therein, with a
prayer, as
an offering in payment therefor." (30)
In canoe building ceremonies, Malo notes:
"They took
with them, as offerings, a pig, cocoanuts, red fish (kumu), and awa.
Having come
to the place they camped down for the night, sacrificing these things to
the gods with
(hoomana) and prayers, and there they slept." (31)
Thrum* then records the shaping process:
"After this
ceremony was performed, then the tree trunk was chipped away from each
side until
reduced to
a board approximately of the dimensions desired" (32)
Malo reports a similar process in canoe construction:
"Now began
the work of hewing out the canoe, the first thing being to taper the tree
at each end,
that the canoe
might be sharp at stem and stern.
Then the sides
and bottom (kua.-moo) were hewn down and the top was flattened (hola)."
Following the rough shaping, Thrum* records the board is removed from the forest to the canoe house for final finishing.
" it was pulled down to the beach and placed in the halau (canoe house) or other suitable place convenient for its finishing work." (34)
Malo has a similar, although a more detailed, account of canoe hauling.
"A makuu or
neck, was wrought at the stern of the canoe, to which the lines for hauling
the canoe
were to be
When the time
had come for hauling the canoe down to the ocean, again came the kahuna,
perform the
ceremony called 'pu i ka woo', which consisted in attaching the hauling
lines to the canoe
They were
fastened to the makuu.
Great care
had to be taken in hauling the canoe.
Where the
country was precipitous and the canoe would tend to rush down violently,
some of the men
must hold
it back lest it be broken; and when it got lodged some of them must clear
This care
had to be kept up until the canoe had reached the halau, or canoe house.
In the halau,
the fashioning of the canoe was resumed." (35)
David Malo's account
emphasizes the difficulty of succesfully transporting the half-finished
canoe from the forest to the coast, even for smaller craft the exercise
was no doubt a considerable effort.
Hauling the hulls
for a large sailing canoe must have been a major event requiring a large
In the case of transporting
"a board approximately of the dimensions desired ", Thrum's account
appears excessive.
Surely the need
for the board to be "pulled down to the beach" would only
be necessary for surfboards of extreme dimensions.
Futhermore, ancient
canoe builders recognised the difficulty of canoe hauling by the shaping
of the makuu, a shaped knob at the bow/stern? to attach the pulling ropes.
Thrum* fails to
note any similar system for surfboard hauling.
The board now located on the coast, Thrum details an extensive finishing process.
"Coral of the
corrugated variety termed pohaku puna, which could be gathered in abundance
along the sea beach, and a rough kind of stone called oahi were commonly
used articles for reducing and
the rough surfaces of the board until all marks of the stone adze were
obliterated." (37)
Although less detailed, Malo reports a similar process for canoes.
"The outside was then finished and rubbed smooth ('anai ia'). (38)
The final process in surfboard construction reported by Thrum* is the application of "a finishing stain".
"As a finishing
stain the root of the ti plant ('Cordyline terminalis'), called mole ki,
or the pounded bark of the kukui ('Aleurites moluccana'), called hili,
was the mordant used for a paint made with the soot of
burned kukui
This furnished
a durable, glossy black finish, far preferable to that made with the ashes
of burned
crane leaves,
or amau fern, which had neither body nor gloss." (39)
Malo offers an abbreviated account of a similar process for canoe building:
The outside of the canoe was next painted black ('paele ia')." (40)
However, in notes
by Malo's translator (N.B. Emerson) or his editor (W.D. Alexander) the
compostion of the paint is specified, and personally endorsed.
A basic combination
of "juice" or "pounded bark of the kukui" mixed with "soot"
or "charcoal" is common to both accounts.
"This Hawaiian
paint had almost the quality of a lacquer.
Its ingredients
were the juice of a certain 'Euphorbia', the juice of the inner bark of
the root of the kukui tree, the juice of the bud of the banana tree, together
with charcoal made from the leaf of the pandanus.
A dressing
of oil from the nut of the kukui was finally added to give a finish.
I can vouch
for it as an excellent covering for wood." (41)
Before use, Thrum* writes that additional ceremonies were necessary; but once again he indicates that these were not universally adhered to.
"Before using
the board there were other rites or ceremonies to be performed, for its
As before,
these were disregarded by the common people, but among those who followed
the making
of surf boards
as a trade, they were religiously observed." (42)
Note that Thrum's*
identification of "the making of surboards as a trade" does not
appear to be confirmed by any other commentator on ancient Hawaiian culture.
Alternatively, the
status of the canoe builder is extensively documented. (43)
David Malo reports
a major religious ceremony followed the successful launching of a new canoe.
There was occassionally
ceremonial variation depending on the canoe's future use.
"The ceremony
of lolo-u'aa, consecrating the canoe, was the next thing to be performed
in which the
deity was
again approached with prayer.
This was done
after the canoe had returned from an excursion out to sea.
If the canoe
was to be rigged as part of a double canoe the ceremony and incantations
to be
by the kahuna were different." (44)
Comparison between
Thrum* on surfboard building and Malo on canoe construction indicates a
number of similarities.
While religious
ceremony probably had some role in ancient surfboard building, there is
a sense that Thrum, N. K. Nakuina (the translator), and/or the native
source have transposed some of the religious elements of canoe contruction
onto their account of surfboard building.
Given such ceremonies
had probably not been performed since the turn of the century, Thrum's
reporter is unlikely to have personally witnessed them.
The report is probably
based on a communal memory, it is possibly tainted by the more extensive
formal ceremonies associated with the canoe builders.
8.6 Percieved difficulties with Thrum's* description of surfboard shaping invite further examination.
"The tree trunk
was chipped away from each side until reduced to a board approximately
of the
desired ". (45)
While this corresponds
with most similar construction notes of the period, some technical considerations
may have insight.
Rough shaping a
board from a round log would require considerable effort, although this
was probably not a major impediment to a skilled adzeman.
However, such a
method would result in a massive loss potentially valuable timber, producing
a large pile of woodchips or shavings.
While such a process
may be required to build boards from soft timbers such as ulu or willi
willi, an alternative method may have been possible for the fine grained
After feeling a
koa tree, splitting the log down the grain with wedges and hammers on site
would greatly assist transport from inland forests to the coast and maximise
the timber available.
Although I am currently
unable to confirm that Hawaiians used split timber in any other form of
construction, it appears highly likely that a technology that was able
to split stone to construct fine edged tools was also able to successfully
split timber.
For ancient Tahitian
carpenters, the skill was well known.
Joseph Banks, accompanying
Cook to the Pacific, reported 1769:
"If it is to
be made into boards they put wedges into it, and drive them with such dexterity
(as they have told me- for I never saw it) that they divide it into slabs
of 3 or 4 inches in thickness, seldom meeting with an accident if the tree
is good.
These slabs
they very soon dubb down with their axes to any given thinness." (46)
Note that if this process was also practised by ancient Hawaiians, then "slabs of 3 or 4 inches in thickess" cut from the centre of a large tree would be effective billets for the shaping of reported and known examples of ancient surfboards.
Minimal rocker, the
curve in the bottom from nose to tail, appears a common design feature
of these boards.
Either this characteristic
was established as a prefered design feature or a result of structural
Modern experience
indicates that rocker substantially improves performance.
Critically, nose
lift certainly assists in achieving a successful take off.
This was demonstrated
in the mid-1940s by Californian designer Bob Simmons' introduction of a
technigue known as 'scarfing' whereby the nose section was removed and
inverted allowing the bottom to be re-shapped with increased nose lift.
It was the first
of Simmons' contributions to the development of the modern surfboard. (48)
Canoe designers were
aware of the benefit of rocker which was particularly effective in the
surf zone.
They selected trees
that best replicated their intended designs, those with bends or curves
that allowed for the shaping of significant rocker into the craft. (49)
If surfboards were
built along the similar principles to canoes, then similar design features
would be possible in surfboard design.
Assuming that minimal
rocker was not simply a design preference, if the board was shaped from
an individual log, there is no technical reason why the design could not
have pronounced rocker.
Indeed, at an extreme
approaching fantasy, it could have incorporated a keel or fin. (50)
Note that some pre-contact
paddle blades have small extensions on their tips (their pupose is unclear),
illustrating that such design features were possible.(51)
If surfboard design
and construction can be related to another Hawaiian maritime products,
then possibly they more closely resemble the production of paddles, rather
than canoes.
Importantly, Thrum's* analysis fails to record a drying or seasoning period
between harvesting and shaping.
Ancient canoe builders
were accutely aware of the necessity of seasoning their craft during construction.(52)
They importance
of a well cured surfboard was noted Captain Byron (3.6) in 1825:
have a neat floatboard, well-kept, and dried, is to a Sandwich Islander
what a tilbury or cabriolet,
or whatever
light carriage may be in fashion is to a young English man." (53)
Modern timber craftsmen
would consider seasoning an essential process to produce a suitable product.
Split timber would
have a faster seasoning process and allow a more regulated loss of moisture.
This would produce
a lighter and structurally stronger board and limit the tendency for future
splits or cracks, significantly extending board life.
Undoubtedly light
weight was considered a valuable asset to surfboard performance, hence
the use of willi willi.
Thrum* appears to
suggest (confirmed by others) the boards were sealed with paint and/or
"This furnished a durable, glossy black finish " (54)
This outer layer would effectively maintain the water content of the board, adding substantial weight if the board had not been sufficiently cured.
This analysis indicates that ancient surfboards (and paddles?), particually if made from koa, were probably shaped from seasoned timber beams, split from logs using wedges and hammers then progressively finished with adzes, coral and rubbing stones.
This construction method was (unknowingly) replicated by post-contact surfboard builders using timber milled into regular beams with a metal saw, a western technological development that replaced splitting. (55)
despite an apparent wealth of detail, Thrum* appears to be an unreliable
source. (56)
The account does
not distinguish between the length and, importantly, the width of the olo
and alaia designs as reported by several previous commentators.
The maximum width
for both designs is extreme.
The percieved difficulties
of paddling the olo appear without basis in the available literature and
practical experience.
The claim that the
olo board was for exclusive royal use is apparently not supported by any
other account and the religious rites said to accompany the board building
process are possibly derived from previously recorded accounts pertaining
to canoe construction. (57)
Thrum* report of
a surfboard cut from an individual tree, given the reported minimal rocker,
appears contentious.
Critically, there
is no record a required period of seasoning.
The finishing proccess
is probably essentially correct, however the hauling of the board to the
coast is probably not.
Both have parrallels
in reports of canoe building, the former was possibly used for all maritime
equipment but surely hauling would be required for only the very largest
of surfboards.
Thrum was also the translator of the Fornander collection of memoirs
held by the Bishop Museum and published 1916 to 1920. (58)
Apparently there
are numerous surfriding references scatted across three volumes (59),
one specifically noting surfboard design is quoted by Tom Blake.
"Here is an
interesting comment on surf riding to be found in 'Hawaiian Folk Lore'
by Fornander :
'Here are
the names of that board and the surfs.
The board
is alaia, three yards long.
The surf is
kakala, a curling wave, terrible, death dealing.
The board
is Olo, six yards long.
The surf is
opuu, a non-breaking wave, something like calmness.' " (60)
The text basically
confirms earlier commentators- a general distinction between board length
and suitable wave condtions for the two identified designs, alaia and olo.
Unfortunately, without
access to the original publication it is impossible to estimate the date
when this account was added to the Fornander collection or to determine
if the entry has further material relevant to this discussion.
In summary:
1. After feeling
a tree splitting the timber on site would greatly assist transport to the
2. Splitting the
timber would maximise the timber available from a log.
3. Pre-contact boards
feature a minimal rocker (contrast canoes) that would appear to fall within
the parameters
of a split beam.
4. Although I can
not confirm that Hawaiians used split timber in any other form of construction,
I am assuming
that a technology
that was able to split stone to construct fine edged tools was also able
to successfully split
5. Split timber
would have a faster seasoning process, which may and allow a more regulated
loss of moisture
producing a lighter
board and a reduction in the tendency for future splits or cracks.
6.Split timber would
be structurally stronger, improving potential board life.
8.10 The specifications collated from the detailed
reports above are summarized in the following tables.
8.10 |
1892 |
1896 c |
Location |
of Hawai'i |
Description |
Length |
feet d |
Width |
2 to 3
feet |
Thickness |
Weight |
Template |
Nose |
Tail |
Rails |
Timber |
Finish |
Oiling |
Noted in Dela Vega,
Timothy T. (editor): 200 Years of Surfing Literature - An Annoted
Published by Timothy
T. Dela Vega. Produced in Hanapepe, Kaui, Hawaii. 2004 page 13.
2.Brigham (1892): Op.Cit., page 55 in DelaVega (ed, 2004): Op. cit., page 13.
Tom: Hawaiian Surfboard
Paradise of the
Pacific Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1935.
Reprinted in 1983
by Bank Wright as
Blake, Tom: Hawaiian
Surfriders 1935
Mountain and Sea
Publishing, Box 126 Redondo Beach California 90277 1983
DeLa Vega (2004)
notes "Joel Smith's edition was used to create these plates.", page
Chester S. (1814-1890):
Around The Horn
To The Sandwich Islands And California 1845-1850.
New Haven: Yale
University Press 1924) Chapter II, page 73.
Travel diary in
1846 notes.
Quoted in DelaVega
(ed, 2004): Op. cit., page 22
Thomas G (editor): Thrum's Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1896.
Honolulu, 1896.
pages 106 - 113.
Introduction and
translation by Thomas G. Thrum,
Reproduced in
Finney, Ben and
Houston, James D. : Surfing – A History of the Ancient Hawaiian Sport.
Appendix E. pages
102 to 105.
notes the article was "prepared for the Annual by a native of
the Kona district of Hawaii, familiar with the sport," and the
translation assisted by "N. K. Nakuina, himself no stranger to
the sport in earlier days".
Finney and Houston
(1966): Op. Cit., page 102.
7. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
8. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
9. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
10. Ulu
11. Koa
12. Thrum in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
John Papa: Fragments of Hawaiian History.
Bernice P. Bishop
1525 Bernice Street,
Honolulu, Hawaii. 968117
First printed 1959.
Second printing 1963, Third printing 1973.
Revised edition
1983 as Special publication 70. Second revised edition 1993. Sixth printing
14. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
15. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
16. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
Clerke, Captain 'Resolution': Surfboard Paddling
Waimea, Kauai or
Kamalino, Ni'ihau
19th January to
2nd February, 1778.
Quotation provided
by Patrick Moser, July 2006.
Thanks to Patrick
Moser for his substantial contribution to this subject.
18. Blake (1935): Op. Cit., Page ?
19. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996):Op. Cit., page 102.
Rev. William : Polynesian Researches, During a Residence of Nearly Eight
Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands, Volumes I to IV.
Fisher, Son and
Jackson, London, 1831. Pages 368 to 372.
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
21. Ellis (1831) in Finney and Houston (1996): Op. Cit., Page 102.?
Walter Colton (1797-1851): Deck and port; Incidents of a cruise
in the United States Frigate
Congress to California..
with sketches of Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima, Honolulu, and San
NY: A.S. Barnes
& Co.; Cincinnati: H.W. Derby & Co., 1850)
Notes of 6/19/1846,
pages 352-353.
Quoted in DelaVega
(ed, 2004): Op. cit., page 19?
23. Lyman (1824) in DelaVega (ed, 2004): Op. cit., page 22
Thomas W. (1835-1896):The Boy Travellers in Australasia.
Adventures of
Two Youths in a Journey to the Sandwich, Marquesas, Sociey, Samoan and
Islands and Through
the Colonies of New Zealand, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria,
Tasmania and
South Australia.
New York Harper
& Brothers 1889.
Harper & Brothers
Publishers, 1902.
Charles Tuttle Co,
Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan. reprinted1971.
Paul Flesch &
Company, Melbourne.1971. Page?31-33?
David: Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii)
Bernice P.
Bishop Museum,
1525 Bernice
Street, Honolulu, Hawaii.
from the Hawaiian by Nathaniel B. Emerson, 1889.
First published
Special Publication
2 Second Edition 1951.
1971, 1976, 1980, 1991, 1992, 1997, 2005. Page
26. Ellis: Polynesian Researches Volume IV (1831) page 371.
28. Thrum (1896) in Finney and Houston (1996): Op. Cit., Page 102.?
29. Malo: Op. Cit., Chapter ? Pages 133 and 134.?
30. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
31. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
32. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
33. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
34. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
35. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
36. Holmes: Op. Cit., Pages ?
37. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
38. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
39. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
40. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
41. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.?
42. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
43. Holmes: Op. Cit., Pages ?
44. Malo: Op. Cit., Pages 133 and 134.
45. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.?
46. Banks,
Joseph: The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768 - 1771
Edited by
J. C. Beaglehole
The Trustees
of the Public Library of New South Wales
in Association
with Angus and Robertson 89 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.
First published
February 1962. Second Edition 1963.
Two Volumes.
Volume 1, Page 363.
47. Bob Simmons
scarfing method cut a triangular section form the bottom of the board
which was then glued to the deck.
The bottom was then
reshaped with considerable more nose lift.
Originally used
to improve existing solid or laminated timber boards, the nose section
was strengthen with fibreglass and resin.
48. Simmons
is often considered the father of the modern surfboard.
His scarfing technique
was originally applied to solid timber boards, and for subsequent shapers
rocker was a integral component of surfboard design.
By the late 1940s
he had basically defined modern board construction with the introduction
of fibreglass covering.
He demonstrated
that performance was significantly enhanced with the use of a fin and experimented
with multiple fins and various rail profiles.
Fin attachment,
previously a structural problem for timber boards, was also improved
with the use of fibreglass.
Bob Simmons died
in 1953, shortly before the introduction of the the foam blank that effectively
completed the standard construction process for hand shaped surfboards.
49. Holmes: Op. Cit., Pages ?
50. See Young
In one scene, Young
Albert (Yahoo Serious), inspired by his local Tasmanian surf break, shapes
a surfboard from a log.
His board is a pointed
nose three fin Thruster.
51. Please
consider the following diagram.
Tree with rocker
and fin profile.
52. Holmes: Op. Cit., Pages ?
53. Byron,
the Rt. Hon. Lord (1789-1868): Voyage of the 'H.M.S. Blonde' to the
Sandwich Islands in the
years 1825-26.
London: J. Murray,
1826. pages 97 and 166.
Quoted in DelaVega
(ed, 2004): Op. cit., Pages 27 to 28.
54. Thrum:
Finney and Houston:
Op. Cit., Page 102.
55. tracks article
56. Blake on one difficulty???
57. Blake quotes Malo
58. Fornander,
Abraham: Forlander Collection of Antiquities and Hawaiian Folk Lore
: Translations by
Thomas G. Thrum.
Memoirs of the Bernice
Pauahi Bishop Museum, Volumes 4, 5 and 6.
Bishop Museum Press,
Honolulu, 1919-1920.
59. According
to DeLaVega (2004), the accounts are spread over three volumes, viz. 4,
5 and 6.
They note "Tom
Blake considered this collection one of the most comprehensive looks at
legends and chants
of ancient Hawaii. Includes numerous surf-riding stories and chants that
show how much surfing was part of Hawaiin life", page 19.
60. Blake:
Page 17.
Blake does not give
the volume number, page number/s or the date of publication.
APPENDIX : Cutting Surfboard from a Tree
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