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Page 140
Vancouver's contribution
to the history of Tahiti concerns the changes that had taken place in native
life since he had been there on Cook's last voyage in 1777.
"So important
are the various European implements, and other commodities, now become
to the happiness and comfort of these islanders," he writes, "that I cannot
avoid reflecting with Captain Cook on the very deplorable condition to
which these good people on a certainty must be reduced, should their communication
with Europeans be ever at an end.
The knowledge
they have now acquired of the superiority and the supply with which they
have been furnished of more useful implements, have rendered these, and
other European commodities, not only essentially necessary to their common
comforts, but have made them regardless of their former tools and manufactures,
which are now growing fast out of use, and, I ...
Page 142
...may add, equally
out of remembrance.
Of this we had
convincing proof".
The expedition
left Tahiti and set a course to the northward on January 14, 1791.
By this time,
according to plans made in England, Vancouver should have been leaving
the Hawaiian Islands for the American coast.
A month had been
spent examining the southwestern Australian coast, but the delay was due
more to adverse winds and the indifferent sailing qualities of the vessels
than to procrastination on the commander's part.
Vancouver sighted
Hawaii on March 1, and the ships bore to the westward of South Point for
Kealakekua Bay.
The first Hawaiian
on board Discovery was the peripatetic Kaiana whom Meares had brought
back from China in 1788.
Kaiana, now a
prominent chief on Hawaii, inquired after Meares and mentioned Captain
Colnett's visit (that ended in massacre).
Kaiana knew of
every ship that had visited the islands, including several American brigs,
but much to Vancouver's despair his own expected storeship (the
was not among them.
Kaiana was not
the only traveling Hawaiian.
As the Discovery
coasted the island in a light breeze she passed a canoe and was hailed
in English by a young man named Tarehooa (perhaps better known as Jack),
who had sailed with Captain Ingraham in 1791 with a cargo of furs to China
and thence to Boston in New England.
Jack had returned
to the islands in a brig some months before, and Vancouver promptly engaged
him as an interpreter to sail to the Northwest Coast.
Biblography, page
The primary source
for this chapter is the magnificent three-volume work A Voyage of Discovery
to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World; in which the coast of
North-West America has been carefully examined and accurately surveyed.
Undertaken by His Majesty's Command, Principally with a view to ascertain
the existence of any navigable communication between the North Pacific
and North Atlantic Oceans; and performed in the Years 1790, 1791, 1792,
1793, 1794, and 1795, in the Discovery Sloop of War, and Armed Tender Chatham,
under the command of Captain George Vancouver (London, 1798).
Also helpful
have been Vancouver A Life, 1757-1798 by George Goodwin (London,
1930), and Surveyor of the Sea: The Life and Voyages of Captain George
Vancouver, by Bern Anderson (Seattle, 1960).
Page 160
In early 1797...
For some unknown
reason -perhaps in the interests of economy- the Providence had
been sent out on her lonely mission without a consort.
Ever since Cook's
was nearly lost on the Australian coast, it had been customary to send
two ships on government exploring expeditions.
Doubtless the
dreadful weather encountered around the Kuriles and off Japan persuaded
Broughton that he should find another vessel to accompany him on his return
to those stormy seas. He found a suitable little schooner of eighty-seven
tons in nearby Lark's Bay and purchased her for
£ 1500.
It was lucky
that he did.
Already this
remarkable vessel had a history of long voyaging.
We have met her
She was the schooner
built by James Morrison in Tahiti for the Bounty mutineers.
She was taken
by Captain Edwards of the Pandora when he rounded up the mutineers
left on Tahiti; he commissioned her as his tender under Mr. Oliver, his
master's mate, and we have already followed her voyage across the Pacific
to the East Indies (after
the Pandora was wrecked), where she was sold.
The Providence
subsequently wrecked on May 17 1797 and once more the Resolution
was required to provde the means of rescue.
At Whampoa (China),
Broughton made arrangements to repatriate the extraneous crew to England
(however those on the Swift were to perish) and then continued his
surveying duties in the Sea of Japan for five months before returning to
England aboard the Resolution in February 1799.
Biblography, page
The three principal
books relied on for this chapter are William Robert Broughton's A Voyage
of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean. ..Performed in His Majesty's Sloop
Providence, and her Tender, in the Years 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798 (London,
1804); James Wilson's A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean,
performed in the Years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the Ship Duff (London,
1799); and John Turnbull's A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1800,
1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804 (London, 1813, second edition).
Page 172
raised the Cape of Good Hope November 7.
One month later
she passed south of Australia and through Bass Strait -a course which had
become standard procedure for vessels making the eastern passage to China.
She arrived at
Port Jackson in January (1802).
Turnbull remained
in Australia and on Norfolk Island, where he had gone on a whaler, for
over a year, while Buyers took the Margaret to the Northwest Coast.
Buyers's northwest
speculation was a failure; he returned to Australia and then went to Bass
Strait for sealskins.
Because supplies
were scarce in Port Jackson, Buyers picked up Turnbull at Norfolk and they
left there on August 9, I 802, bound for Tahiti.
At Matavai Bay,
on September 24, they found H.M.S. Porpoise collecting hogs for
Port Jackson. According to Turnbull's account, the Margaret was
visited by the missionaries left by the Duff and by a Captain House,
whose brig, the Norfolk, was wrecked here, as well as by "a Mr.
Lewin, a landscape painter sent hither from Botany Bay, for the purpose
of taking view, and making drawings of objects in this island."
There were also
the usual visits by Tahitian royalty and girls.
The royal family
at this time had a drinking problem.
As Turnbull writes,
"all the members of this family were indeed extremely eager to obtain spirits;
and, with the exception of Pomarre, all equally outrageous and brutal when
Indeed, things
were changing in Tahiti.
About thirty
Europeans were living there, and the missionaries, in the midst of a destructive
native war that had been going on for some time, had converted their dwelling
into a sort of fortress by mounting the guns of the wrecked Norfolk on
the second story.
Buyers spent a
month at Tahiti collecting hogs, then took on six Tahitians who wanted
to go to the Hawaiian Islands, and cruised out through the Leeward Islands
of the Society group.
At Huahine he
found a former crew member who had deserted on the ship's first passage
to the Northwest Coast in 1801.
At Raiatea Margaret's
cables were cut by natives who hoped that the ship would strike so that
she could be plundered.
Everywhere the
Tahitians urged the sailors to desert.
The six Tahitians
on board, who had been terrified by the sailors' crossing-the-line ceremonies,
were calm enough by the time the Mar-...
Page 173
... gret
reached Oahu on December 17, 1802.
At Kauai on December
26, Turnbull observed of their compatriots that "the voyage of van- couvre
[sic] has made a most eminent and permant [sic] change in the situation
of these islanders."
At Kealakekua
Bay, Young, Kamehameha's advisor for fourteen years, came on board.
The king's accomplishments
since Vancouver's day had been considerable.
The great surveyor
had laid the keel of His Majesty's first vessel, and now the king owned
twenty vessels ranging in size from twenty-five to seventy tons.
As Turnbull describes
it, "his palace is built after the European style, of brick, and glazed
windows, and defended by a battery of ten guns.
He has European
and American artificers about him of almost every description.
Indeed his own
subjects, from their intercourse with Europeans, have acquired a great
knowledge of several of the mechanical arts, and have thus enabled him
to increase his navy, a very favourite object with him.
I have no doubt
that in a very few years he will erect amongst these islands a power very
far from despicable."
Many Hawaiians
had become inveterate travelers since Kaiana's visit to China.
They made frequent
voyages to the Northwest Coast and visited New England and the Orient.
A number had settled in Tahiti.
On January 21,
1803, the Margaret left Hawaii for a third visit to Tahiti.
Because of contrary
winds she passed well to the leeward of the Society Islands, sighted Mangaia,
and then worked her way east and north until she was off Makemo and T aenga
in the middle of the Tuamotus.
She then sailed
to Mehetia (or Osnaburg) Island, about a degree east of Tahiti, and anchored
again in Matavai Bay a few days later.
Knowing that
Margaret had arrived from the Sandwich Islands, the Tahitians swarmed
her in search of Hawaiian tapa, which they preferred to their own.
page 398.
John Turnbull's
Voyage Round the World in the Years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804
(London, 1813, second edition).
Page 200
Krusenstern also
planned to make Easter but was prevented by adverse winds and had to bear
away for Nuku Hiva -a circumstance that greatly disappointed the expedition's
He sighted Nuku
Hiva on May 5.
Coming into Port
Anna Maria Harbor (Taiohae), the ship was approached by a canoe flying
a white flag.
The captain's
surmise that this indicated a European on board proved correct: Edward
Roberts, an Englishman who had lived nine years in the Marquesas and married
a chief's daughter, came to offer his services as an interpreter.
His services
were invaluable, as events turned out.
No sooner was
the ship anchored than she was surrounded by Marquesans trading coconuts,
bananas, and breadfruit for axes, hatchets, and hoop iron.
While the shy,
elaborately tatooed chief came on board to receive gifts, about a hundred
girls swam around the vessel.
(They were eventually
allowed to board the ship and spend the night with the sailors.)
A second European
also turned up.
He was a Frenchman,
called Jean Baptiste Cabri in Langsdorff's account (Krusenstern calls him
Joseph Cabritt), who, it soon became obvious, was the interpreter Roberts's
mortal enemy.
They had been
trying, unsuccessfully, to get each other killed for some time.
Meanwhile, Lisiansky
in Neva raised the first of the Marquesas, Fatu Hiva, on May 7,
and made numerous observations of several islands before rejoining his
commander in Anna Maria Bay at Nuku Hiva on May 11.
After the Neva's
arrival Krusenstern, Lisiansky, and the scientists made an excursion ashore
to visit the house of the chief and to call on Roberts and his family.
Substantial amounts
of ethnological information were collected at Nuku Hiva and published by
Krusenstern, Lisiansky, and Langsdorff in their handsome books.
The unusual richness
of the information was due to the two Europeans, Roberts and Cabri, who
acted as interpreters and informants.
Langsdorff remarks
that the reason there are occasional differences in information between
his book and Krusenstern's is that he collected most of his data from Cabri,
whereas Krusenstern ...
Page 201
... relied principally
upon Roberts.
He further says
that he relied more on Cabri for his knowledge of native life, but trusted
Roberts more for doing business.
Lisiansky, like
his commander, received most of his information from Roberts.
Each of the three
writers dwells upon most aspects of Marquesan life, although they vary
in detail and emphasis.
Page 204
Nuku Hiva had
been discovered by Ingraham only thirteen years before, in 1791, but in
those few years trade for iron with European vessels had nearly eliminated
the use of stone tools.
"Their tools
are extremely simple," Krusenstern writes, "and consist of a pointed stone
to bore holes with, and an axe made of a flat black stone.
This latter they
never use but in the total absence of all European tools; for the smallest
piece of iron that they received from us, they instantly fastened to a
handle, after sharpening the edge of it."
Page 206
On May 17, 1
804, Krusenstern, his water and provisions replenished, attempted to leave
Nuku Hiva but was blown back into the harbor.
The next day
the two ships left so precipitously that Cabri was unable to get ashore
and was carried from his adopted home and family. *
This extraordinary
individual had a colorful later career.
As a tattooed
man par excellence, Cabri appeared on the stage in Moscow and St. Petersburg,
where he also performed Marquesan dances.
Because he had
become an expert swimmer in the islands, he was appointed swimming instructor
to the marine corps cadets in Kronshtadt, where he settled down.
With the passage
of time his tales lost nothing in the telling and he came to be regarded
as a second Baron Munchausen.
Biblography, page
Most of the information
for this chapter is contained in the following books on the voyage.
I have used the
English editions.
Voyage Round
the World, in the Years 1803, 1804, 180), & 1806 ..., by Captain
A. J. von Krusenstern, 2 vol. (London, 1813); A Voyage Round the World
in the Years 1803,4,), & 6 ... , by Urey Lisiansky (London, 1814);
and Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World, during the Years
1803, 1804, 180), 1806 and 1807, by G. H. von Langsdorff (London, 1813).
Also Atlas
de l'ocean Pacifique dresse par m. de Krusensterll. Publie par ordre
de Sa Majeste imperiale (St. Petersburg, 1827).
The Memoirs
of the Celebrated Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern The First Russian Circumnavigator,
translated from the German by his daughter Madam Charlotte Bernhardi and
Edited by Rear-Admiral Sir John Ross, CE. (London, 1856), contains numerous
details of Krusenstern's life.
Page 230
Moving north,
the Antarctic arrived at the Bay of Islands on January 20, 1830,
and left five days later. Captain Morrell had failed to get a cargo of
furs; he now decided to go to Manila and attempt to obtain a freight for
Europe or America.
On this passage
Morrell became a self-styled geographical discoverer of the first rank.
In rather rapid
succession, he claims for himself the discovery in the Carolines of Losap
(actually discovered by Louis Isidor Duperrey), which he named Westervelt's
Islands; of what is apparently Nama, which he called Bergh's Group; and
of Namonuito (according to Duperrey, known as early as 1824), which he
named Livingston's Island.
When Morrell
failed to discover a freight in Manila, he decided to go to the Fijis for
This put him
on another island-discovering spree, and he reported Skiddy's Shoal on
May 8, and then Skiddy's Group (actually Namoluk, discovered by Fedor P.
Ltitke in 1828), both named by him for Captain William Skiddy of New York.
Also in the Carolines,
he landed on Mortlock.
For once he did
not ...
Page 231
... claim discovery.
Rather, he spoke
kindly of the natives, who "were all unarmed, and appeared to be very friendly.
They are straight, active, muscular, and well-made, with an average height
of about five feet nine inches.
Most of them
wear a tapper round their loins, which reaches about half-way to the knees,
and is made from the bark of tree.
The married women
wear the same modest covering, highly ornamented in front with feathers
and shells; but the unmarried women expose all their charms, being, 'When
unadorned, adorned the most.' They sport in the surf, as if the water was
their natural element."
Biblography, page
Six books constitute
the major sources of information for this chapter.
The first is
"An Account of a recent discovery of seven Islands in the South Pacific
Ocean, by Joseph Ingraham, Citizen of Boston, and Commander of the brigantine
of seventy tons burthen: of, and from this Port, bound to the N. W. Coast
of America," contributed by Jeremy Belknap, in Collection of the Massachusetts
Historical Society, For the Year 1793, Vol. II (Boston, 1810), pp.
20-24. Amasa Delano's Narrative of Voyages and Travels, in the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres: Comprising Three Voyages Round the World; together
with a Voyage of Survey and Discovery in the Pacific Ocean and Oriental
Islands (Boston, 1817) is a classic.
So, too, is Edmund
Fanning's Voyages Round the World; with Selected Sketches of Voyages
to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, etc. ...between
the Years 1792 and 1832 (New York, 1833).
Fanning followed
up this best seller with a second book, Voyages to the South Seas, Indian
and Pacific Oceans, China Sea, North-west Coast, Feejee Islands, South
Shetlands, etc., etc. , ...Between the Years 1830-1837 (New York, 1838),
in which he makes a strong plea for an American Exploring Expedition to
go to the South Seas.
In 1924 the Marine
Research Society published a badly bowdlerized edition of Fanning's first
book, entitled Voyages and Discoveries in the South Seas 1192-1832.
After the War
of 1812 was over, David Porter published his experiences in the Pacific
in Journal of a Cruise Made to the Pacific Ocean, by Captain David Porter
in the United States Frigate Essex, in the Years 1812, 1813, and 1814 (New
York, 1822, second edition), 2 vols.
Finally, the
last and least reliable of the American sealing accounts came from the
pen of Captain Benjamin Morrell, Jr., with the pretentious title A Narrative
of Four Voyages, to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese
Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean.
From the Year 1822 to 1831 ...[the title goes on for much longer] (New
York, 1832).
On the last of
his four published voyages, Morrell was accompanied by his second wife,
Abby Jane Morrell, who wrote a little book on her travels entitled Narrative
of a Voyage to the Ethiopic and South, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Chinese
Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean in the Years 1829,1830,1831 (New
York, 1833).
Chapter 14 : The Later Russian Voyages.
Honolulu, October
Kotzebue, the
Although this
was to be a brief visit, the Hawaiian king granted Kotzebue the same amount
of provisions as before, and even sent a chief along to Oahu on the Rurick
to see that his orders were carried out.
Already Honolulu
Harbor was becoming a crossroads of the Pacific.
Eight ships were
there -six American, one Hawaiian, and a Russian-American Company vessel
on the beach.
Biblography, page
Three valuable
books were published by members of Kotzebue's first voyage.
Kotzebue's own
Voyage of Discovery into the South Seas and Beering's Straits for the Purpose
of Exploring a North-East Passage, Undertaken in the Years 1815-1818
was the first to appear-in German, at Weimar in 1821, and in English, in
three volumes at London the same year.
Louis Choris's
Pittoresque Autour du Monde was published in Paris in 1822.
Reise um die
Welt, by Adelbert von Chamisso, appeared in 1836; he had already written
a section on scientific observations for Kotzebue's book.
No account of
Bellingshausen's voyage was published in English until the Hakluyt Society
(Series II, Vols. XCI and XCII) translation, The Voyage of Captain Bellingshausen
to the Antarctic Seas, 1819-1821, by Frank Debenham, appeared in 1945.
The primary authority
for the third voyage discussed in this chapter is A New Voyage Round
the World, in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26 by Otto von Kotzebue,
two vols. (London, 1830).
The book that
he wrote about his second circumnavigation, however, cannot compare with
his earlier work on the first voyage.
Much of the second
book is based on the writings of Cook and other earlier explorers.
In his second
book Kotzebue seems to be trying too hard to write a best seller, and he
had not the advantage of having the talented Chamisso and Choris with him.
Page 247
The expedition
sailed from Cook Strait on June 9, 1820, and twenty days later sighted
Rapa, which Vancouver had discovered in 1791.
fifteen canoe loads of Polynesians, offering little to trade except shellfish,
taro, and poi, surrounded the ships, and a chief cautiously ventured on
board the Vostok.
The canoes were
back the next morning, their occupants still consumed with wonder.
As Bellingshausen
described it, "the islanders were astonished at the size of the ship and
all the things, which were quite new to them.
One measured
the length of the ship on the upper deck with the span of his arms, by
lying down on the deck each time to stretch out his arms to their full
He also measured
the width of the quarter-deck.
Our guests did
not leave the ship by the companion ladder but dived straight into the
water and then climbed into their canoes."
Biblography, page
He next saw Bellingshausen's
Wolchonsky Islands (Takurea) and on March 8 made Romanzov Island, which
he had discovered on his first voyage.
He discovered
Aratika on March 9.
Islands were
all around him now, including two that he could not identify, as well as
Carlshof (discovered by Roggeveen in 1722), the Pallisers, Greig Island,
and, finally, Tahiti, where he anchored in Matavai Bay on March 14.
The pilot who
took him in was a Russian-speaking English- man named Williams, who had
served with the Russian-American Company and was settled in Tahiti with
a native wife and family.
Kotzebue had an
interesting time with the English missionaries, but he did not have a high
opinion of their accomplishments.
Nott, the head
of the mission, was now an old man, and Wilson had also been there twenty
years. Bennet and Tyrman were the only young toilers in the vineyard.
Tahitian culture
had greatly changed, also.
The Tahitians
now dressed in cast-off European clothing of all kinds.
There were no
more great canoes.
Few mats were
Playing the flute,
dancing, and mock battles were not allowed.
Kotzebue took
a house on shore, where he was visited by the queen and the adolescent
The queen arrived
at the head of a long procession bringing three hogs, sweet and white potatoes,
yams, and fruit as presents.
Kotzebue returned
the compliment with calico, silk hand- kerchiefs, and beads.
Meanwhile, aboard
the ship, the crew were selling all their old clothes to the Tahitians
at exorbitant prices.
Biblography, page
Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger 1776-1877. Victor Gollanz Ltd., London, 1971. |
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