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Note that Finey's
contention that surfriding developed from "a children's pastime" is one
of the very few,
although in this
case crucial, elements of his analysis that is possibly questionable.
Some (crude and
undeveloped) objections are:
1. Children's pastimes
or games often mimic adult activity, for example toy boats, toy cars, toy
2. Children's games
are often training for adult activity, in this case the development of
swimming skills.
Such surf swimming
skills are critical when attempts to negotiate the surf zone in canoes
(for example, when
returning from fishing)
are unsuccessful.
3. Childrens toys,
in this case their boards, are often constructed by adults.
4. The inherent
danger of the activity probably requires some level of adult supervision.
Also note, a number
of early reports identifying juvenile surfriders may be a result of the
observer witnessing the
activity in benign
and relatively common climatic conditions (that is, small surf), whereas
adult surfriders are
more likely to test
their skills in more extreme, and much rarer, swell events.
The other crucial
assumptions that probably deserve further analysis are the identification
of "true surfboards"
as essentially based
on length (1996, page 24) and the implication that "true surfing" is in
a standing position
(1996, also page
While length is
important, surfboard performance is also function of width and volume.
By concentrating
on riding in a standing position, certainly the dominant method in 1966,
the analysis does not
account for other
indicators of surfriding skill, principally wave size, directional manourves
and critical positioning.
For example, in
the period 1965 to 1969, some commentators consider the world's best, strictly
in terms of
surfriding performance,
was Californian kneeboarder, George Greenough.
In the following
extract, Finney's footnotes are in standard brackets (1), my footnotes
with a link are in square brackets [1].
Fa'ahe'e: Ancient sport of Tahiti.
During research on the sport of "surfing" [1]
from Hawaii, I had the occasion to discover facts little known about the
sport such as it was practised across Oceania. [2]
Initially, I found that "surfing", which can be defined as proceeding
on a sliding wave while supported by a board [3],
was an ancient sport of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia.
Then I discovered
that if, as is well known, "surfing" has had its greater development in
Hawaii, it was also much practiced in Tahiti. [4]
This article
describes "surfing" in Tahiti and compares it with Hawaiian "surfing".
In Tahiti, many
travellers observed and described this game (sport?).
Several writers,
Cook (1)[5], Bligh (2)[6], and Morrison (3)[7], wrote
that the sport was popular at Matavai Bay and the missionary William Ellis
(4), wrote that he often saw from fifty to one hundred occupied with this
sport at Fare, Huahine.
According to J. A. Moerenhout, the sport was practised where
there were cuts in the reefs, and he writes that "surfing" "consisted of
being carried by the waves of the sea, while being held on their tops (crests?),
the most pleasant recreation of all those which they were create in water.
This exercise was located where there are openings in the reefs,
where the sea breaks with more fury.
Among all exhibitions
of strength or skill that men, in various countries, have achieved, I do
not know any who exceed this one or which causes more astonishment at first
In general, they
have a board from three to four feet length, with which they gain the sea
at a certain distance, watching for the waves, plunging under those which
are not strong enough, and while thus letting several roll on their head,
until a very high one approaches and the spectators, always gathered in
a large number, shout from the shore to announce them.
Laying on their
board, they await the swell; and, at the time it approaches them, they
give a movement which makes them to reach the top...
Page 54
... from where
they are seen, at once, carried, with the speed of an arrow, towards the
shore, on which one would believe that they will be thrown in tatters;
but, when they are very near, a small movement makes them turn over and
leave the wave, which, almost at the same moment, breaks with a crash on
the sands, or on the rocks, while the native, with (the?) flood,
and without never leaving his board, leaves, while laughing, in order to
start again his terrible game.
Men and women
enjoy this entertainment, with the (its?) madness and are exerted
there since their more tender youth; also some acquire a practice which
is incredible.
I saw some, in
a very large swell, to jump onto their knees on the board, and while thus
balanced, the flood carried them with an alarming speed ".
According to Ellis,
"surfing", that Tahitians called fa' ahe' e or horue, was mainly an entertainment
for the adults (6).
Moreover, according
to Morrison, the chiefs (ari' i), women as well as men, were most skilful
at "surfing" (7).
Ellis also writes that Tahitians had a god of surfing, Huaouri (8).
As we have already
noted, Hawaiian "surfing" was the most developed form of sport.
In short, we
can characterize Hawaiian "surfing" as a sport which was practised by the
men and the women, and especially by the chiefs, and the Hawaiians often
stood on boards measuring up to 18 feet length.
Hawaiian surfing
contrasts with the majority of Oceania, where it was mainly practiced by
young people, who lay flat on their belly on boards of three or four feet
length (9).
However, in Tahiti,
as we have already indicated, adults, and especially the chiefs, practised
this sport.
Thus, Tahitian
"surfing", from the point of view of the participants, resembled Hawaiian
"surfing". There is another point of comparison between the two, because
there are indications that Tahitians, as well as Hawaiians, stood
on their boards.
The Tahitians
usually rode laying down on the belly, or on the knees on their boards,
but Morrison
wrote that experts
were standing on their boards (10).
Moreover, the
Tahitian boards ...
Page 55
... did not reach the (level of?) development of Hawaii, probably not having constructed boards over 5 feet long.
Thus, considering the participation of the adults and the chiefs, and that the experts stood on their boards, we can say that Tahitian surfing was almost as highly developed as Hawaiian surfing , in spite of the shorter boards (11).
In 1888, C. F.
Gordon-Cummmgs, after a six month visit in Tahiti, writes that he did not
see "surfing" at all there (12).
However, Teuira
Henry writes in 1928 that (the?) sport was seldom practised in that
time (13).
In 1956 I had
the occasion to visit Tahiti and several other islands of French Oceania.
I saw young people
surfing at Takapoto, Tuamotu islands, and at Hiva-Oa, in the Marquesas
Islands, but I did not observe surfing on Tahiti.
This raises the question, did fa'ahe'e , an ancient sport of Tahiti, completely disappear?
Two notes are not
included in the published text:
(12) Gordon-Cummings,
1883-1888, page ?
(13) Henry, 1928, page?
Page 56
Bligh, William
The Log of
the Bounty. London, 1937.
Cook, James
A Voyage to
the Pacific Ocean... for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere
in... the 'Resolution' and 'Discovery'... London, 1784.
Ellis, William
Researches. London, 1831.
Finney, Ben
Hawaiian Surfing,
A Study in Cultural Change.
Thesis (M.A.)
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1959.
(sic), C. F.
Fire Fountains,
The Kingdom of Hawaii... London, 1888.
Henry, Teuira
Ancient Tahiti.
Bishop Museum Bulletin 48, Honolulu, 1928.
Moerenhout, J.A.
Voyages aux
Iles du Grand Ocean... Paris, 1937.
Morrison, James
The Journal
of James Morrison. London, 1935.
is unclear why "surfing" has been enclosed in inverteted commas, but it
is used consistently throughout the paper.
Finney, Ben R: "Surfboarding in Oceania: Its Pre-European Distribution."
Weiner Volkeerkund
Liche Mitteilungen
(Viennese Ethnological Bulletin)
Vienna, Austria
1959 (SB) pages 2:23 to 36.
Noted in:
Timothy T. et al.: 200 Years of Surfing Literature - An Annoted Bibliography
by Timothy T. Dela Vega.
Produced in
Hanapepe, Kaui, Hawaii. 2004, page 41.
"The summer after
I received my M.A. I was studying German in Vienna, in preparation for
my PhD studies which required that I be able to read at least two other
scientific languages besides English.
Anyway the editors
of the "Viennese Ethnological Bulletin" asked me for an article from my
thesis, so I wrote this one about the distribution of surfing around the
entire Pacific, not just Hawai'i and Polynesia."
Ben Finney (4/7/03).
Finney's definition excludes body and canoe surfing, two closely related
activities that, in terms of the historial development of surfriding skills,
are probably deeply interconnected.
Specifically, before
the universl adoption of the leg rope (circa 1975), efficient body surfing
skills were required to retrieve lost boards and were crucial to the rider's
Pedants may note
that the definition would also exclude inflatable fabric craft.
4. The development of Polynesian surfriding to a high art in Hawaii was probably significantly enhanced by the islands' superior surfriding resources, still in evidence today.
5. Finney's source for "Cook" is probably an account of canoe surfing at Matavai Bay:
"He went out from
the shore till he was near the place where the swell begins to take its
rise; and, watching its first motion very attentively, paddled before it
with great quickness, till (it) had acquired sufficient force to carry
his canoe before it without passing underneath.
He sat motionless,
and was carried along at the same swift rate as the wave, till it landed
him on the beach.
Then he started
out ... and went in search of another swell.
I could not help
concluding that this man felt the most supreme pleasure while his was driven
so fast and smoothly by the sea."
Quoted in:
Warshaw, Matt:
Encyclopedia of Surfing.
Penguin Books Australia
Pty Ltd
250 Camberwell Road
Camberwell, Victoria
3124, Australia, 2004, pages 134 - 135.
The location is not identified, although likely to be Matavai Bay, and the quotation is possibly incomplete.
Warshaw credits the quote to James Cook, as does DeLaVega et. al, who note on page 15:
Cook, James 1728-1779
(First written description of surfing, first drawing of a surfboard)
A26_ A Voyage
to The Pacific Ocean Undertaken by Command of his Majesty
For Making Discoveries
in The Northern Hemisphere Peifonned Under Captains Cook, Clerke, Gore
in Years 1776, 1777, 1778 and 1780, being a copious and Satisfactory Abridgement
(London: 1784).
"In (Cook, 1784)
Vol. II, Chapter 9, 1777, Capt. Cook describes canoe surfing in Tahiti."
In a personal email,
July 2006, Patrick Moser, Drury University, noted (amoungst other important
"the famous description
of Tahitian canoe riding by William Anderson (not James Cook) on Cook's
third voyage".
Sincere thanks to Patrick Moser for his substantial contribution to this subject.
I am currently unable to determine the complete quotation and the original reference beyond that as noted by Dela Vega et. al.
This 1777 account
is not, in fact, the first report of surfriding.
An earlier report
of surfriding in Tahiti was recorded on Cook's fifst Pacific expedition
on the Endeavour by a member of the crew, Joseph Banks in 1769.
Bank's surfriding report, although transposed to Cook's voice, was first published in:
Hawkesworth, John:
Account of the Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere by Commodore Byron, Captain
Carteret, Captain Wallis and Captain Cook.
Drawn up from the
Journals which were kept by the several Commanders and from the Papers
of Joseph Banks, Esq.
In Three Volumes
Printed for W. Strahan
and T. Cadell in the Strand,1773.
The surfriding report
appears on pages 135 to136.
Bank's complete journal become available in 1962:
Banks, Joseph: The
Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768 - 1771.
Edited by J. C.
The Trustees of
the Public Library of New South Wales in Association with Angus and Robertson
89 Castlereagh Street,
Sydney. Second Edition 1963. First published February 1962. Two Volumes
The surfriding report
appears in Volume 1, page 281.
5. Bilgh's edited account, as published in 1937 and cited by Finney reads:
"The heavy surf
which has run on the shore for a few days past has given great amusement
to many
of the natives,
but is such as one would suppose would drown any European.
The general plan
of this diversion is for a number of them to advance with their paddles
to where the
sea begins to
break and, placing the broad part under the belly, holding the other end
with their arms
extended full
length, they turn themselves to the surge and balancing themselves on the
paddles are
carried to the
shore with the greatest rapidity."
Bligh, William, (1754-1817):
The log of the
Bounty; being Lieutenant William Bligh's log of the proceedings of His
armed vessel
Bounty in a voyage to the South Seas, ... Now published for the first
time from the
manuscript in
the Admiralty records, with an introduction and notes by Owen Rutter, comments
Bligh's navigation
by Rear-Admiral J. A. Edgell ... and four engravings on wood by Lynton
Golden Cockerel
Press, London,1937. Two volumes.
Volume 1, pages
408 to 409.
The full accreditation was contributed by email in May 2007, with thanks, by Daved Marsh.
A more extensive
account was published in 1978:
Bowker, R.M. and
Bligh, Lt. William:
Mutiny!! Aboard
HM Armed Transport 'Bounty' in 1789
Bowker and Bertram
Old Bosham, Sussex,
England 1978.
The surfriding report
is on page 262.
The importance of
this account is Bligh's observation that surfriding occurred in conjunction
with "The heavy surf which has run on the shore for a few days past".
Bligh, and Morrison-
see below, witnessed surfriding at Matavai Bay in extreme swell conditions.
Calculations based
on journal entries and Bligh's charts indicate the waves were possibly
up to twenty feet.
![]() |
Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Oceaniennes Numbers 127 and 128. Papeete, Tahiti, June - September 1959. Pages 53 to 56. |
Page 53
Fa'ahe'e I'ancien sport de Tahiti.
Au cours de recherches sur le sport de «surfing» chez
les Hawaïens, j'ai eu l'occasion de découvrir
des faits peu connus au sujet du sport tel qu'il se pratiquait dans
toute l'Océanie.
D'abord, j'ai trouvé que Ie «surfing», qui peut
être défini comme Ie procédé de glissement sur
vague, pendant qu'on est supporté par une planche, était
un sport ancien de la Polynésie, de la
Mélanésie, et de la Micronésie.
Ensuite j'ai découvert que si, comme on le sait bien, Ie
« sur-fing » a eu son plus grand
développement aux (sic, îles ?) Hawaii, il était
aussi beaucoup pratiqué à Tahiti.
Dans cet article on décrira Ie « surfing » de
Tahiti et on Ie comparera avec Ie « surfing » hawaïen.
A Tahiti beaucoup de voyageurs ont observé ce jeu et l'ont
Plusieurs écrivains, Cook (1), Bligh (2), et Morrison (3),
ont écrit que Ie sport était en vogue à la Baie
de Matavai, et Ie missionnaire, William Ellis (4), écrit
qu'il voyait souvent de cinquante à cent
Polynésiens occupés à ce sport à Fare,
Selon J. A. Moerenhout, Ie sport était pratiqué où
il y avait des coupures dans les récifs, et il écrit que
Ie « surfing » «consistait à se laisser
emporter par les vagues de la mer, en se tenant sur leurs
sommets, amusement Ie plus agréable pour eux, de tous ceux
qu'ils s'étaient crées dans l'eau.
Cet exercice avait pour théâtre les ouvertures dans
les récifs, lieux ou la mer brise avec Ie plus de
Parmi tous les tours de force ou d'adresse que les hommes, en différents
pays, sont parvenus à exécuter, je n'en connais pas qui surpasse
celui-ci ou qui cause plus d'étonnements à première
En général, ils ont une planche de trois à
quatre pieds de long, avec laquelle ils gagnent la mer à une
certaine distance, guettant les vagues, plongeant sous celles qui
ne sont pas assez fortes, et en
laissant ainsi rouler plusieurs sur leur tête, jusqu'à
ce qu'il en vienne une très élevée, que leur
annoncent les cris poussés de la terre, par les spectateurs,
toujours réunis en grand nombre sur Ie
Couchés sur leur planche, ils attendent la lame; et, au moment
ou elle les aborde, ils se donnent un
mouvement qui leur en fait atteindre le sommet, ...
Page 54
... d'où on les voit, aussitôt, emportés, avec
la rapidité d'une flèche, vers la rive, sur laquelle on
croirait qu'ils seront jetés en lambeaux; mais, quand ils
en sont très près, un petit mouvement les
fait retourner et quitter la vague, qui, presque au même instant,
se brise avec fracas sur Ie sable, ou sur les rochers, tandis que l'Indien
(sic, indigène ?), à flot, et sans jamais quitter
sa planche, part, en riant, pour recommencer son terrible jeu.
Hommes et femmes aiment à la folie ce divertissement, et
s'y exercent dès leur plus tendre jeunesse;
aussi quelques-uns en acquièrent-ils une habitude qui passe
toute croyance.
J'en ai vu, dans de très gros temps, sauter à genoux
sur leur planche, et se tenir ainsi en équilibre,
pendant que Ie flot les emportait avec une vitesse effrayante ».
Selon Ellis, Ie «surfing », que les Tahitiens appelaient
fa'ahe'e ou horue, était principalement un
divertissement des adultes (6).
De plus, selon Morrison, les chefs (ari'i), les femmes aussi bien
que les hommes, étaient les plus
habiles au «surfing» (7).
Ellis écrit aussi que les Tahitiens avaient un dieu, Huaouri, du « surfing ».
Comme nous I'avons déjà constaté, le «
surfing» hawaïen était la forme la plus développée
du sport.
En bref, on peut caractériser Ie «surfing» hawaïen
comme un sport qui était pratiqué par les hommes
et les femmes, et surtout par les chefs, et les Hawaïens souvent
se tenaient debout sur des planches
mesurant jusqu'a 18 pieds de long.
Le «surfing» hawaïen contraste avec celui de la
plupart de l'Océanie, ou il était pratiqué surtout
des jeunes, qui se couchaient à plat ventre sur des planches
de trois ou quatre pieds de long (9).
Cependant, à Tahiti, comme nous I'avons déjà
indiqué, c'étaient des adultes, et spécialement les
chefs, qui pratiquaient ce sport.
Ainsi, Ie « surfing» tahitien, au point de vue des participants,
ressemblait au «surfing» hawaïen.
II y a un autre point de comparaison entre les deux, car il existe
des indications que les Tahitiens,
aussi bien que les Hawaïens, se tenaient debout sur leurs planches.
Les Tahitiens se couchaient d'ordinaire à plat ventre, ou
se tenaient à genoux sur leurs planches,
mais Morrison écrit que les experts se tenaient debout sur
leurs planches (10).
D'ailleurs, les planches tahitiennes ...
Page 55
... n'ont pas atteints Ie développement des hawaïennes,
n'ayant pas eu vraisemblablement plus de 5
pieds de long.
Ainsi, vu la participation des adultes et des chefs, et Ie fait que
Ies experts se tenaient debout sur
leurs planches, on peut dire que Ie « surfing » tahitien
était presque aussi hautement développé que
Ie « surfing» hawaïen (11), malgré les planches
plus courtes (11).
En 1888, C. F. Gordon-Cummings, après une visite de six mois
à Tahiti, écrit qu'il n'y a pas du tout vu
de « surfing » (12).
Cependant, Teuira Henry écrit en 1928 que Ie sport était
rarement pratiqué en ce temps-la (13).
En 1956 j'eus l'occasion de visiter Tahiti et plusieurs autres îles
de l'Océanie Française.
Je vis des jeunes gens qui faisaient du « surfing »
à Takapoto, aux îles Tuamotu, et à Hiva-Oa, aux
îles Marquises, mais je n'observai pas du tout de «
surfing» chez les Tahitiens.
Enfin, je pose la question: Est-ce que Ie fa'ahe'e, ancien sport
de Tahiti, à complètement disparu?
(1) Cook, 1784, Vol. 2, pages 150-151.
(2) Bligh, 1937, Vol. 1, page 409.
(3) Morrison, 1935, page 227.
(4) Ellis, 1831, Vol. 1, page 224.
(5) Moerenhout, 1837, Vol. 2, pages 151-152.
(6) Ellis, 1831 Vol 1, page 226.
(7) Morrison, 1935, page 227.
(8) Ellis, 1831, Vol. 1, page 226.
(9) La documentation de ces déclarations, qui est trop longue
pour être
soumise ici, est inclue dans
ma thèse (M.A.), Hawaiien Surfing, A Study of Cultural Change.
(10) Morrison, 1935, p. 226.
(11) Vu la probabilité de la colonisation de Hawaii par les
Tahitiens, je
suggère dans ma thèse que
c'est d'abord à Tahiti que Ie « surfing» devint
un sport important, et
que c'est plus tard, quand il fut apporté jusqu'aux Hawaii
qu'il atteignit son plus grand développement.
Page 56
Bligh, William
The Log of the Bounty. London, 1937.
Cook, James
A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean... for Making Discoveries in the
Northern Hemisphere in... the «Resolution» and « Discovery»...
London, 1784.
Ellis, William
Polynesian Researches. London, 1831.
Finney, Ben
«Hawaiian Surfing, A Study in Cultural Change. »
Thèse (M.A.) inédite à l'Université
de Hawaii, Honolulu, 1959.
Gordon-Cummings, C. F.
Fire Fountains, The Kingdom of Hawaii... London, 1888.
Henry, Teuira
Ancien Tahiti. Bishop Muséum Bulletin 48, Honolulu,
Moerenhout, J.A.
Voyages aux Iles du Grand Océan... Paris, 1937.
Morrison, James
The Journal of James Morrison. London, 1935.
![]() |
Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Oceaniennes Numbers 127 and 128. Papeete, Tahiti, June - September 1959. Pages 53 to 56. |
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