
Source Documents
ryan : surfer magazine, 1956 

John F. Ryan : Surfer Magazine, October 1956
John F Ryan (editor): Surfer
Coastal Publications, 141 Silverwater Road, North  Lidcombe, NSW.
Telephone YX2646
Volume 1 Number 1, October, 1956

The only known example of a short-lived publication in leading up to the International Surf Carnival scheduled for Torquay in November 1956.
Apart from some crude illustrations, pages 17 and 21, there are no references to surfboards or surf-skis.
The majority of the content relates to club news, humour, fashion and the Miss South Pacific Quest, not merely a bathing beauty contest -  girls will be judged for personality, general knowledge, deportment, character and speech (page 13).
On page 23, Mystery, Dreams, Dancing and "Wolves." are reported as the feature articles in the forthcoming second edition, to appear next week.

Page 1
Yanks learn from Aussie "know-how"

AMERICANS, renowned for their "know-how" in many fields, are copying Australian surf life saving methods and adminis­tration.
This is due almost entirely to unofficial visits to the United States by Australian life savers.

The Americans are so eager to learn that they want to visit Australia to compete at carnivals.
In America, surf life saving is a highly-paid job.
The life savers - known as Life Guards - are provided with uniforms, swimsuits, and all the most up-to-date equipment.
But, in spite of this, the loss of life on beaches is heavy, and the Americans believe they can reduce the toll by following Australian methods.
So they have decided to establish a Surf Life Saving Association of the United States.

The decision was reached recently at a meeting of Life Guards convened at Rodondo Beach, California, by for­mer Queensland life saver Arthur Parkyn.
Main object of the association will be to further and promote surf live (sic) saving on a national basis, and the promotion of "big-time" carnivals.
Arthur says  the  success of the meeting was a direct result of the work of previous Austra­lian life savers who visit­ed the
United States.
Arthur, incidentally, is training the Hawaiian team for  the international surf carnival at Torquay, near Melbourne, on November 25.
The 16-man Hawaiian team will arrive in Aus­tralia on November 16.

Page 17

Page 21

Page 24

And her bathing suit never got wet?

Nobody can say that about CYD CHARISSE
star at M.G.M.'s "meet me in Las Vegas."

She says swimming, like dancing, keeps her slim and fit.

John F Ryan (editor): Surfer
Coastal Publications, 141 Silverwater Road, North  Lidcombe, NSW.
Telephone YX2646
Volume 1 Number 1, October, 1956


Geoff Cater (2016) : Ruth Ryan : Surfer Magazine, Sydney, 1956.