Illustrated Magazine : Hollow Hawaiian Surfboard, 1948. Hollow
Hawaiian Surfboard. Hobbies
Illustrated (Australia)
Volume IV Number 2. October, 1948, pages 35 and 36.
Page 35
This speedy, hollow surfboard
if. nottdat; mot* than a shallow ixitiUxm. Light.
sirue.turaliy strong end Ylrtunlly -.inimitable. So groat Is
the saidr factor that h racy be uriojitnd ax standard
lifesnvine: equipment. SIZE AND nXA3IING F\>r a. person of
125 to !W0 lhs, wcieht, the standard-size board Is
desirable. This ir. 12ft. lOin. lonfc, hat & uiaximimi
width of j2hu and a wiiXUrmun depth of 5 O.'Sln. This model
will stand heavy duty In snrf and will neigh from 7<1 to
73 lbs. Timber will,
unfortunately, be rather a problem. The ideal would bo
spruce Tor the frames and nuihoKaivy for The plunking. We
sueeesfc you tulk the matter over with your local limber
merchant and let nun suggest the hose subitltutca he can
supply. 1 and; 2 show general
details ulld Sizes uf stock. The framework oousiaia of
transverse braces or rtbe, s bow and a stem Mode, and stde.t
or rails tn hold these parts in place. Pip:. 3. 4 and 6. Two
lateral battens ex¬tend tluwn the centre or the train* to
form a scat lor the centre scams. The rite are fastened
to the Side rails With headless copper nails, Pig. 4,
countersunk and covered w:rh putty. Thi? allows ribs to pull
froc from the sides of the board ■■ hp.-i expansion of the
decks lakes place alter a few weeks in the water. The
expansion ot the docks Amount* to about 3/8in, on each
ts:dc. The. rib. therefore, must be free to leave the rail
that much. This maV.es !t vrisc Jo omit the deck screws
through to the ribs trans¬versely, until expansion bus
uuclirred in the water, Other-wtse the screw* may pull
loose. However, by deeply cour.tcr-Mtikirig and covering the
screws, they will tend to bemd with the expansion uf the
decks and not show Iwm the outside of the board, tine to
struccursl features, however, the former procedure is
recommended. Sides lake the curve
pf the board without steaming. Clomp-, easily bring them
into position, The grain of the bow and stem blocks should
run with that of Ilia decks. Tlits is important, *>o St
allows all part* to swell equally in all directions. Sides
are fastened to bow and stern lihicks with 21ii. flat-head
brans screw*. DECKS IDocltf; (top and
bottom'of the board • eon be cui from t piank J3i«.
wlde,U4ft, lone and Itn. thick. Uiniu Umber of this width st
is necessary w select each plank, very rarefully. Dec&s
sliauld be fastened lo Lh<: frame Kith Hat-hcad brass
screws spaced 2ln, apart. The centre batten seam and the
rail joints art* taped and onsred with marine slue when
awemftllng. Screws should be countcrsanV: and the h.ilcs
plugged to makr a r.eat Job. Use a Waterproof casein idUe
Under the screwhole pluirs. A hole to drain the water Is
located near the stem, and each rib is notched no form
limber holes on each side of the centre batten.
The etern handlers made of A:n brass tubing tilled
with surd and bent so shape 5n a vise. Puckine the tube with
sand prevents fluttenine. at the bend. The ends are
flattened, Jet Into the stern flush and fastened with screws
The bend should extern! about 4UL past the stem. PHKCAUTION5 Special care must be
taken in fitting decks, for instance, the line down the
centre battens Is straight bat, due to the convex shape of
the lop uad kol-orr. of the board, tho seam edge of the
planklns describes an arc. One way to get the proper curve a
w> clamp one plank to the frame, Seavioi: both ends in
proper position. This will leave the middle of the plank out
of plumb. Now fasten a chalk linn nt both ends of tnr. plnnk
nnd snap tt to mark the curve. Without ti form on which to
oisemblr; your bo.vrd the dJSnculty of bending dec* and
bottom p'.ankhij{ to the frame. tTansverscly._ can be
overcome by uving the clamp and caul methxid-' shown in I'm.
f>. First you set die damp and drive home a few screws,
thvn advance the clamp and repeat the same operation. It « wall to
examine the plank.*; carefully before you clnmp them hi
plsce. Look out for surface checks or any irregularity in
the grain that might cause the planks to splir; under the
presuco Of the clump, or later ciu. when Eezsc:tl:£. Another thing to watch is the
equal spaei:^ of the screws oi:d nails. ITniforjniry in
spacing lends to Cqtahsv stresses on loth pUsnSine and
framiue fiurtnar tho pcrtort of seasoning. FINISH Decoration or the board with
scrollwork or designs otter;, an outlet for one's artistic
tnlent. Some prefer to Irr.ve their boards plain,
cotislderiug the gr=iuinir, of the wood to he sufficient
decoration. If you are fortunate enough to secure good
planks you enn usually mnteh the grain to form a pleaslnc
figure. Ttus should be dene when placing dcc*s in pnsttlon
to band-saw to the curve of the board. Waterproof paint may
he. used to protect the inside of the hoard, while three
coats of spar varnish finish the outside, leaving the bofird
rcahy for the water. An final word to Lituse who are
unable to secure the. timber they would Jtke Tor the Job.
The desicn of this board is xocd—it has been proved fAst Rnd
manoeuvrable. If the worst comes to the worst, file this
article away until timber-times are better.
Tc will still be a fiood surfboard in years to come.