of Cloth
RIDING the ocean breakers on surfboards made of cloth is a
novel sport that is becoming popular at a California beach
resort. Looking like a giant's pillowcase, the "boards" are
made from four yards of good-quality muslin, which becomes
air-tight when wet.
The cloth is doubled lengthwise and sewed along both sides
with a triple row of fine stitches.
Around the open end a strong hem is stitched. In use, the
bag is first thoroughly soaked, and then filled with air by
holding it open to the breeze or running a few paces with
With a quick downward motion, the open end is pushed under
water to trap the air and twisted shut like a paper bag.
The rider then grasps the twisted end and takes off into the
Above, ready for the
waves. (Not
Running with the
cloth surfboard to "balloon" it full of air
before use.

Below, a group of
enthusiasts ride toward the shore on their odd
pillowcase mounts.
Boy's Fun Book of
Things to Make and Do
216 ways to have fun, 470 how-to-do-it
Grosset & Dunlap, New York,