
Source Documents
elizabeth walker : surfing at waikiki, 1931. 

Elizabeth Walker : Surfing at Waikiki, 1931. 
Walker, Elizabeth:
Hawaii and the South Seas, a guide book with maps.
Coward-McCann, Inc.,
New York, 1931.

Hathi Trust

As the sub-title indicates, a travel guide book with maps.

Page 38

The Beach of Waikiki:
Dismiss your car here!
Find yourself a bathhouse somewhere between the Royal Hawaiian and Diamond Head!
Trade your traveling clothes for bathing togs!
To go to Honolulu, to visit the beach of Waikiki means but one thing - a swim in its renowned surf.
Here, also, you can indulge in the so-called sport of (Hawaiian) kings—surf-board riding, or experience the unforgetable thrill of rushing landward on the crest of a giant wave in a toy-like outrigger canoe.

Waikiki is one of the few South Sea beaches where you can swim without fears of sharks or undertow.
The curious contours of the ocean floor at this point, which account for its safety, are responsible for the huge swells that furnish
the motive power for the surf-boards and outriggers.
It slopes gradually from the shore to the coral reef, several hundred feet out, which rises to within a few feet of the surface and breaks the force of the waves.
As a result, when one of the great combers comes rumbling across the Pacific, the reef stops it, piling it up like a wall of water. Then, because the water inside the lagoon is not shallow enough to topple it or deep enough to let it flatten out, the waves race
shoreward until they peter out.
For one who finds surfing too strenuous, Waikiki provides

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myriads of gay-striped beach umbrellas and hau trees under which one may stretch between sun baths.
When there is nothing else to do the native beach boys, who double as life guards, swimming and surf-board instructors, and paddlers of the outrigger canoes, entertain on the sand.
Arrayed in all sorts of outlandish costumes, theyparade, playing tricks on each other, and in the evening they gather on the pier with their steel guitars and ukuleles and sing the love songs of their Islands.
For the one-day visitor, Waikiki not only provides bath-houses with all the facilities - lockers, bath suits, and towels - for at least one swim, but places to eat.
Within easy walking distance are the seaside dining rooms of the beach hotels or quaint tea rooms where every purse and appetite may be satisfied.

Outrigger Canoe Clubs:
For those visitors who plan to tarry in Honolulu, a visitor's card to the Outrigger Canoe Club is a wise investment.
Situated in a shaded portion of the beach at Waikiki, midway between the Royal Hawaiian and Moana hotels, it provides lockers and showers, surf-boards and outriggers, and kitchenette facilities for beach luncheons or teas.
It occupies a strip of land belonging to the estate of Queen Emma and from which, during her lifetime, were launched her own royal canoes.

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Waimea Bay:
About 10 miles farther on, past Waialea Industrial School, is beautiful Waimea Bay, an alluring strip of white sand that stretches gracefully beneath swaying cocoanuts.
For visitors who stop here for a swim, this warning: the surf is heavy, the current is swift, and the water is deep.

Dominating the valley through which you are passing, and in sharp contrast to the stretch of old Hawaii you have left, is the civilized but no less charming village of Haleiwa.
It overlooks Waialua Bay.
A playground of coral gardens and glass bottom boats, of excellent golf links open to the public, and inviting stretches of golden beach, it promises diversion to all lovers of outdoor life.
Game fishermen have headquarters at the charming hotel here, which the officers from Schofield Barracks have made their favorite week-end rendezvous.
For one with time, Haleiwa is an excellent starting place for one-day excursions inland to the mountains.
For one with but a single day in Hawaii it is an excellent place to stop for luncheon.
(Fares on glass-bottomed boats $.50 per passenger.)

Walker, Elizabeth:
Hawaii and the South Seas, a guide book with maps,
Coward-McCann, Inc.,
New York, 1931.

Hathi Trust


Geoff Cater (2017) : Elizabeth Walker : Surf-riding, Waikiki, 1931.