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lorrin andrews : hawai'ian dictionary, 1922 |
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In 1836 "A Vocabulary of Words in the Hawaiian Language" was published
by Lorrin Andrews.
The evident usefulness of this list of about 6000 words led its
author to prepare "A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language" which was issued
in 1865.
Andrews' dictionary had long been out of print and increasing interest
in Polynesian linguistic studies, the need of an authoritative reference
book for the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of Hawaiian words,
led to arrangements for the preparation of a new Hawaiian dictionary under
the direction of the Board of Commissioners of Public Archives.
A legislative act of 1913 made provision for "compiling, printing,
binding, and publishing in book form a dictionary of the Hawaiian language"
in which was to be given "the correct pronunciation of the ancient and
modern Hawaiian words and phrases and their
respective equivalents or meanings in the English language."
As a necessary step in the preparation of a dictionary the Board
of Archives transcribed all the words appearing in Andrews' Dictionary.
These totaled about 15,000 type-written cards.
Following this preliminary work consideration was given to the selection
of a compiler on whom might be placed the responsibility for preparing
the desired manuscript.
Rev. Henry Hodges Parker was chosen and financial arrangements made
whereby he was released from other obligations for the five years following
the date of appointment, January 1, 1915.
The outstanding features of the work performed by Mr. Parker are
: the incorporation into the cards prepared by the Board of Archives of
the extremely valuable revised definitions prepared by the dis-
Page iii.
tinguished Hawaiian scholar, Lorenzo Lyons (1807-1886) into the body
of the original Andrews Dictionary, the revision of many definitions, the
time-consuming task of supplying diacritical marks, the comparison of word
lists from various sources (see pp. vi and vii).
Particular effort was made to insure correct separation into syllables
of the words defined, and to insure correct spelling of Hawaiian words,
phrases and quotations.
Early in 1921 the manuscript cards were transmitted by the Board
of Archives to the Bishop Museum, which consented to do the editorial work
necessary to prepare the volume for the press.
The Museum staff verified many scientific terms, compiled a list
of Hawaiian geographic terms, and with the assistance of J. S. Emerson,
Stephen Mahaulu, and other Hawaiian scholars, added a few words and enlarged
and clarified many definitions.
Galley proof has been read by Mr. Parker.
The Board is under obligation to the Bishop Museum for skilled assistance and for financial aid which has permitted the publication of the dictionary without further drafts on Territorial funds.
Page 374
Limi (li'-mi), v. To be entangled or be in difficulty in the surf;
to be upset in the surf and turned over and over.
To be overwhelmed in water.
See lumai.
Page 386
Lula (lu'-la'), adj. 1. Smooth, as the surface of the sea unruffled by the wind.
Page 388
Lumaia (lu'-ma'i-a), v. [Contraction of lumaiia, passive of lumai,] To be entangled or turned over and over by the surf; e lauwiliia, limi- limiia e ka nalu.
Lumilumi (lu'-mi-lu'-mi), v. 1. [Intensive of lumi.] 3. [Lumai, limi] To be turned over and over in the surf;
Page 392
Maewa (ma'-e'-wa), v. [Ma and ewa, to be bent out of shape.] 3. To be blown here and there, as the spray of the surf by the wind; e hoopuehuia e ka wai.
Page 410
Maleno (ma'-le'-no), n. Same as malino.
Calm, as the surface of water; smooth.
Page 417
Manawahuakaikoo (ma'-na'-wa-hu'-a- kai-ko'o), n. [Manawa, time; hua,
to swell, and kaikoo, a high surf.]
1. A great perturbation of the sea, wind and current contrary.
Page 419
Manono (ma'-n6'-no), n. 1. The sea as the surf dashes against the rocks; o kekaikuihala kui manono.
Manu (ma'-nu), n. 3. The upward-projecting pieces on the two ends of a canoe, distinguished by the words mua and hope, as manu mua and manu hope, fore and aft.
Page 431
Miomio (mi'-6-mI'-o), n. An aquatic sport; riding the surf without a surf-board ; body surfing.
Miomio (mi'-6-mi'-o), v. [MIo, to dive.] 1. To dive in the water. 2. To be tapered.
Page 433
Moana (m5'-a'-na), v. 1. To be spread out; to be spread over, as
the sea at high tide.
2. To be far below the surface of the sea.
Page 442
Mouo (mo-u'-o), n. 1. A buoy; a float to show something below the
water, as an anchor.
2. A piece of wood, board or other substance to float on; o ka
mouo e ou ai ka naau, a buoy for the heart to escape on.
3. A place where anything may float securely, like the poe heenalu
when they come in through the surf and float at ease.
Page 450
Nakolo (na-ko'-lo), n. Echo; a reverberating sound, as the undertone of distant thunder or breaking surf.
Nalu (na'-lu), adj. Roaring; surging; rolling in, as the surf of the sea.
Nalunalu (na'-lu-na'-lu), adj. [Nalu, surf.] Roaring, as a high surf; appearing rough, as a high surf or high sea.
Nalu (na'-lu), n. 1. The surf as it rolls in upon the beach; a sea; a wave; a billow.
Page 460
Niania (nl'-a-ni-a), n. A smooth surface; a calm and smooth surface on the sea or anywhere else.
Page 478
Oia (o'-i-a), v. To submerge; He oia ka mea hawawa i ka heenalu, the unskillful surf rider plunges under water.
Page 486
Olo (o'lo), n. [Olo, to rub up and down.] 1. A saw, from its motion:
pahi olo, a saw.
2. A double or fleshy skin; the moving flesh of a fat animal.
3. The wattle of a turkey.
4. A very thick surf-board made of the wiliwili tree. Laieik. p.
5. A loud wailing; a lamentation; makena. Syn: Pihe.
Page 491
Omoki (o-mo'-ki), v. 1. To stop up with a cork, bung or stopper:
ua paa i ka moklia i ka pani.
Same as umoki.
2. To drop suddenly into deep water in such manner as to cause but
slight disturbance on the surface; a sport for children: omoki lua ka wai
o ke keiki akamai i ka lelekawa. Syn: Umoki, iamo.
Page 493
Onalunalu (o-na'-Iu-na'-lu), n. [Nalu, surf.] A ruffled sea; white, broken water on the surface of the sea.
Page 494
Onini (o-ni'-ni), n. 1. A very slight breeze like that which occasions
a ripple after a calm: he wahi onini iki; applied only to a gentle
wind when it covers the sea with ripples: he onini makani; the first
beginning of a sea breeze; a puff of wind.
2. One of imperfect vision when trying to read; onini ke kanaka
i ka ili wai; a cross-eyed person.
3. A kind of surf-board, very difficult to manage and used only
by experts in surf-riding.
Onu (o-nu'), n, 1. A swelling; a wen on the neck or head; a dilating;
2. An enlarging or swelling of a physical organ.
3. A protuberance; a hillock; a slight rising on the surface of
either land or water; a swell.
Page 503
Owe (owe'), n.
1. A continued indistinct sound; an echo,
2. The sound
of surf; of a ship passing through water, of an army at a distance; the
murmur of water.
Owlli (o-wi'-li), n, 1. A roll, as of cloth or of paper; a skein
of thread; a roll of a mat: he owlli palapala, the roll of a book. Koi
owill, a koi (ax) made gougelike for working the inside of canoes.
2. A very thick surf-board made of wiliwili wood.
Page 504
Pa (pa), n. An material having a flat surface, as a board (see papa),
Page 506
Paeee (pa'-e'-e'e), n. [Pae, to support.] 1. A lying down upon, as
one lies down on his surf-board to swim.
Page 507
Paepu (pa-e'-pu'), n. [Pae, to strike, as a sound, and pu, together.] The deafening roar of the surf.
Paha (pa'-ha),n.
Same as pala, a plant of the amau class, the leaf of which is used
for food during a scarcity; in some places it is called kapala
2. A surf board;
he papa heenalu.
Page 508
Pahee (pa-he'e), adj. Smoothed; polished; slippery; shining, as a polished surface; smooth, as a person without hair.
Pahee (pa'-he'e),
n. 1. A game which consists in sliding on a stick or board.
2. A sliding
on any smooth surface.
Pahia (pa'-hi'a),
v. To jump in an oblique manner from a perpendicular height into the water,
so that in rising to the surface the feet
come up first.
Pahiahia (pa-hi'a-hi'a), v. [Pahia, to slide.] To slip; to slide; to fall down in a sliding manner; to slip down; to fall feet foremost.
Page 514
Paka (pa'-ka'),
v. 1. To cut at random; to cut in long slits.
2. To ride the
surf with a canoe.
3. To turn, shoot
or slide, as a surf-board or canoe.
Pakaka (pa'-ka'-ka'),
v. 1. To glide with a canoe on the surf; to ride on the surf.
2. To flow off;
to turn off, as a canoe is turned to avoid a sea; to shoot or slide, as
a surf-board on a wave: e pakaka i, ka waa, to steer the canoe.
Syn: Paka.
Page 520
Palala (pa'-la'-la), v. To break on one side or break in parts, said of a breaking surf or wave; e haki lala ka nalu, e, i hookahi aoao.
Page 529
Papa (pa'-pa), n. 1. A word applied in general to any flat surface.
Page 531
Papakai (pa'-pa-ka'i), n. A narrow escape of a canoe landing in the surf.
Page 536
Pauliuli (pa'-ti-li-u-li), adj. Dark blue, as the sky in the evening near the horizon, one of the signs of a high surf (kaikoo).
Page 551
Poana (po-a'-na), n. The name of the sea outside of where the surf breaks; also called pueone.
Poi (po'i), n.
1. A cover of any vessel or container; especially the cover or upper gourd
of a calabash; hence, 2. The cover of a
pot or other
vessel. Puk. 25:29.
3. The top of
a curling surf where it breaks: he wahi e haki iho ai ka nalu.
Poi (po'i), V.
1. To cover; to shut, as in closing any container with a lid; to bring
two parts together to protect or hold what is between.
2. To curve and
break over as a high surf.
3. To fall suddenly
upon and seize, as a bird of prey: Ke poi nei ka nalu, the surf is breaking.
E poi ka umeke,
cover the calabash.
Page 556
Poipu (po'i-pu'),
adj. Covered or buried up, as one overwhelmed with waves or the surf: Iloko
o ka halehale poipu o ka nalu.
Laieik. p. 133.
Popoi (po-po'i),
n. 1. A bung; a stopper for any orifice.
2. The action
of the surf on approaching the shore, when it rises high and breaks with
roaring noises; combing of the surf.
Page 574
Pueone (pu'e-o'-ne), n. The place in the sea outside of where the surf breaks; also called poana kai.
Page 581
Puna (pu'-na),
5. The motion
of the hand in starting a surf-board on its run from the crest of a wave.
Syn: Kioe.
Page 582
Punakea (pu'-na-ke'-a),
n. The white coral that a high surf throws up on the beach: ku ka punakea
Laieik. p. 167.
Page 629
Land section,
Lanaina, Maui.
Hainalu (ha'i-na'lu)
: broken surf.
Page 639
Kainalu (ka'i-na'lu) : surf. Land section, Kona, Molokai.
Page 664
Pakaka (pa'-ka-ka') : to glide as on the surf. Land section, Oahu.
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A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language First published 1865. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 1922 (Revised). Internet Archive
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