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corsan : swim records, 1914 
George Corsan : Swimming Records, 1914.

Extracts from
Corsan, George Hebden:
At Home in the Water: Swimming, Diving, Life Saving, Water Sports, Natatoriums.
Association Press, New York, 1914.

The list of swimming records circa 1914  shows a domination by Duke Kahanamoku (USA) in the short courses and B. Kieran (Australia) in the mid-distance events.
In the women's records, Fanny Durack (Australia) was dominant in the short courses and England's Vera Neave in the distance races.
Compare with Corsan's list in the first edition of 1910, below.

Note that a section is indictated for in tank swimming - a form that would be replaced by full-size artifical pools.
Back and breast strokes are considered novelty events.

Races and Contests
Page 148
(Made in Tanks)*

25 yards - Duke Kahanamoku, San Francisco, August  1913, 11 3/10 seconds.
75 yards - Duke Kahanamoku, San Francisco, August  1913, 37 2/5 seconds.
100 yards - Duke Kahanamoku, San Francisco, August  1913, 54 3/5 seconds.
200 yards - Cecil Healy, Australia, 2:11 1/5.

Footnote (small font): * Outside of novelty swims, world's records cannot be accepted in tanks less than 75 feet long.

Page 149

220 yards - C. M. Daniels, Pittsburgh,  2:25 2/5.
300 yards - F. Beaurepaire, Australia,  3:30.
400 yards - B. Kieran, Australia,  4:51 1/5.
440 yards (quarter mile) - B. Kieran, Australia,  5:19.
500 yards - B. Kieran, Australia,  6:07 1/5.
880 yards (half mile) - B. Kieran, Australia,  11:11 3/5.
1000 yards - B. Kieran, Australia,  12:52 2/5.
One mile - B. Kieran, Australia,  23:16 4/5.
Two miles - George Read, Australia,  54:54.


50 yards - A. Wickham, Australia (straight-away) 23 3/5 seconds.
100 yards - Duke Kahanamoku, Honolulu (straight-away) 55 2/5 seconds.
100 meters - Duke Kahanamoku, Germany,  1:01 3/5.
220 yards - W. Longworth, Australia, 2:27 2/5.
400 meters - George Hudson, Canada, 5:24 2/3.
440 yards - B. Kieran, Australia,  5:22 1/3.
880 yards - Henry Taylor, England, 11:23 2/5
1000 yards - F. Beaurepaire, Australia,  13:18.
One mile - G. R. Hodgson, Canada, 23:34 1/2.
Two miles - W. Longworth, Australia, 51:52.

Page 150

Novelty Swims

50 yards back stroke (in tank) - H. J. Hebner, IIlinois A.C., 1913, 30 seconds.
100 yards back stroke (in tank) - H. J. Hebner, IIlinois A.C., 1:08 2/5 seconds.
100 meters back stroke (open water, straight-away) - H. J. Hebner, Germany, 1:20 1/5.
150 yards back stroke (in tank) - H. J. Hebner, 1913, 1:50 2/5.
200 yards brest stroke (in tank) - M. McDermontt, Chicago, A.A. 2:38 4/5.
Plunge for distance - 82 feet 7 inches, W. Taylor, England.

Professional Record

Underwater swimming - Peter Finney,  England, 340 feet.

Women's Records

100 yards - Fanny Durack, Australia, 1:06.
100 meters - Fanny Durack, Australia, 1:18 4/5.
200 yards - Fanny Durack, Australia, 2:59.
300 yards - Daisy Curwen, England, 4:25 2/5.
440 yards - Fanny Durack, Australia, 6:42.
500 yards - Vera Neave, England, 7:52.
880 yards - Vera Neave, England, 14:31 4/5.
One mile - Vera Neave, England, 29:54 1/5.
Two miles - Vera Neave, England, 1:1:15.

First edition: Young Men's Christian Association Press, New York, 1910.

Page 124


50 yards - A!ex. Wickham, at Rush Cutter, Australia, Jan., 1910, in 23 3-5 sec.
100 yards, bath, 3 turns - C. M. Daniels, at Manchester, England, Sept. 7, 1907, in 55 2-3 sec.
100 meters - C. M. Daniels, at Olympic Games, London, 1908, in 1 min. 5 3-5 sec.
200 yards - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 2 min. 12 3-5 sec.
220 yards - C. M. Daniels, at New York, Feb. 15, 1908, in 2 min. 25 2-5 sec.
300 yards - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 3 min. 31 4-5 sec.
440 yards - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 5 min. 19 sec.
500 yards - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 6 min. 7 1-5 sec.
880 yards - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 11 min. 11 3-5 sec.
One  mile (1,760 yards) - B. B. Keiran, at Sydney, 1905, in 23 min. 16 4-5 sec.
Plunging; 1 min. time limit - W. Taylor, Bootle, England, Sept. 5, 1906, for 82 feet 7 inches.
100 yards on back  - H. J. Handy, Chicago, Jan. 1910, in 75 1/5 sec., American record.

Corsan, George Hebden:
At Home in the Water: Swimming, Diving, Life Saving, Water Sports, Natatoriums.
Association Press, New York, 1914.

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Geoff Cater (2011) : George Corsan : Swimming Records, 1914.