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Where is the AustralIan
who has not heard or, if he or she has not actually seen and visited, the
most alluring seaside place along the vast coast line of the Pacific Ocean,
known by the somewhat strange and singular, but, withal, pleasant name
of Manly?
If it were possible
to search the Commonwealth from its furthermost points north and south,
and east and west, probably such a person above the age of youth would
not be discovered.
The charms of
Australia's incomparable seaside resort have been talked of in every city,
town and hamlet, on farm and station, and in camp alike.
They have been
heralded by popular voice over every portion of the Continent, and so amongst
Australians Manly is a familiar place even to those who have never had
the pleasure of setting eyes upon it.
Charming Situation.
Situated on the
north side of the front gateway to not only the grandest city in the Southern
Hemisphere, but
the mother State of Australia, the "village" of which we speak occupies
a unique site, and one that is unrivalled in the beauty and magnificence
of its surroundings.
From the mighty
cliff- North Head- which forms one of the natural gateposts at the entrance
to Sydney Harbour, a stretch of rough sandstone country, covered with a
stunted growth of primeval scrub, extends for a couple of miles or so northwards
and then connects with a low-lying strip of sand, over a mile long and
less than half a mile in width.
This low-lying
land forms the connecting link between the territory of North Head on the
south ,and the mainland on the north, and is washed on one side by the
generally calm waters of the harbour, and on the other side- only a few
hundred yards away- by the rolling breakers of the ocean.
The principal
part of the "village" is built upon the sandy isthmus.
It is a charming
situation, almost foreign or tropical in its aspect by reason of a great
growth of trees, and ever-fanned by the ozone and pine-ladren breezes,
which bring back the ruddy glow of health to the invalid and reinvigorates
the jaded worker.
one Manly.
What Brighton
is to London, and Atlantic City to Philadelphia, Manly is to Sydney, notwithstanding
the existence of innumerable other waterside resorts, within just as easy
distance of the metropolis. Without wishing to detract in any way from
the undoubted attractions of these places, it cannot be said that they
equal those of Manly with its unrivalledl situation, long promenades, beautiful
beaches, and perpetual gaiety, to say nothing of the delightful journey
across from the city by either water or land.
Strike an average,
or make a comparison, and the "village" by the sea comes proudly
out at the head as the place with the greatest claims as a seaside resort.
Hence, no doubt,
the common feeling and expression, "There is only one Manly."
Way to Get There.
For those who
wish to make the trip to Manly by water, the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship
Company, Limited, provides one of the most excellent ferry services in
the world.
Its fleet consists
of several spacious and handsomely appointed steamers, which journey to
and fro between the City and the "village" at frequent intervals, and negotiate
the intervening seven miles in ...
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... 35 minutes.
On the other
hand, there is an alternative trip by way of North Syndey, Mosman, and
The Spit, which affords one of the most enjoyable and picturesque rides
by vehicle, motor car or tram, to be obtained anywhere around Sydney.
A few months
ago the electric tram service was established between the east side of
The Spit and Manly, so that with the exception of the crossing of the Harbour
in a punt at The Spit, the whole journey from either Milson's Point or
Mosman to Manly can be made by tram in comfort.
The route of
the line traverses, at the outset, the well-known and beautiful Seaforth
Estate, comparatively recently sub-divided and sold, and now budding forth
as a popular residential suburb.
Excellent glimpses
of the Harbour, north and south, and the pretty suburb of Mosman are continually
being unfolded as the tram slowly travels over its zig-zag course to the
top of the tableland, where is shortly revealed a majestic panorama of
ocean, harbour, and landscape- a picture that cannot fail to evoke boundless
admiration because of its rare character and exquisite beauty.
and Prospects of the Town.
As a result,
of the improved transit facilities offered by the electric tramway, there
is already evidence that the progress and prosperity of Manly, great as
they have been during the last few years, will be even more rapid and pronounced
in the near future.
There was a large
amount of building in the town last year, when over 150 new dwelling houses
were erected.
Practically all
large tracts of adjacent land have been bought by operators for development
purposes; and while some of them have already been sub-divided and disposed
of- and in some instances built upon- others are in course of subdivision,
and will be offered to the public shortly.
Important Residential Suburb.
Added to its
accessibility and pleasant means of communIcation, the great feature of
the district- the one thing above all else that has won fame and glory
for Manly, viz., its unequalled natural facilities for surf-bathing- gives
a value to the town which is beyond computation.
In the past these
advantages have been a tremendous boon.
They have brought
about a veritable transformation of the "old village by the sea," as some
folk love to call it, during the last five or six years, for within that
time the town has grown to remarkable
and its population has nearly doubled.
Instead of a
quiet little spot, dependIng mainly upon trippers and holiday makers for
its support, it has become an important residential suburb, and is growing
more and more so every year, while, at the same time, attracting bigger
crowds of visitors than ever.
There is no doubt
the splendid climate ...
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... of the district
has had some effect in bringing about this improved state of things, for
built on the very ocean fringe, the equalising effect of the sea on the
temperature is felt at Manly to the largest extent.
Thus we find
it enjoying a warmer atmosphere in winter than inland places near by and
it is comparatively cool in summer, because it is constantly swept by the
sea breezes.
Out and Well-Cared For.
The town itself
is well laid out, and the long rows and avenues of ornamental trees- planted
in the long ago by far-seeing pioneers, and jealously guarded to-day by
wise municipal authority- add greatly to its appearance and the comfort
of visitors.
On its west side,
the town is flanked by a splendid esplanade which follows the graceful
curve of a pretty beach, and extends along the whole length of the foreshore.
An avenue of
pine trees effectively adorns the promenade, and here seats are placed
in position for the public and the student of human nature will find ample
scope for enjoyment and observation.
The piers, where
the passenger and cargo traffic respectively is dealt with, are located
in about the middle of the Esplanade, the main pier being directly opposite
the junction of the Corso and the reserve.
Many handsome
residences have been built along the latter, and also on the heights at
either end of the beach, and they add considerably to the beauty of this
side of the town.
Gentlemen's Swimming Baths
are situated
on the eastern side of the Esplanade beach, and are the headquarters of
the Manly Swimming Club, whose members also take an active part in the
respective surf clubs.
The baths are
about 80 yds. x 30 yds., with a depth of water ranging to 12 feet, up-to-date
diving tower, spring boards, and dressing boxes.
The club, which
has an exceptionally large number of active members, holds races almost
every Saturday afternoon, and a carnival once a year.
The baths are
thrown open to ladies every day, holidays and Sundays excepted, between
the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
The water is
always beautifully clear, and the baths are kept in a clean and attractive
Picturesque and Animated Street.
The Corso is
not much more than a quarter of a mile long, and is the main artery of
the town, and the principal thoroughfare leading from the harbour beach
to the ocean.
It is a fine,
wide street, with a row of trees along its centre, and lined on either
side from end to end, with buildings as varied in character and design
as the class of businesses conducted within them. The shopping rendezvous
of the town and, as we have just said, the chief street leading to the
ocean beach, this part of Manly invariably presents a scence of wonderful
activity, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, and at holiday times, when
it is packed with a crowding mass of humanity, which fills the sidewalks
from store window to kerbstone, and occupies the street to an extent that
renders vehicular traffic difficullt, and at times impossible.
The mass- densely
packed, jabbering, smiling, and orderly- ever moves slowly, and, is out
to enjoy itself and to take its pleasure quietly.
A more cosmopolitan
gathering one would not see congregated anywhere else in Australia.
The thousands
and tens of thousands which the steamers literally pour into the Corso
on holidays include representatives of almost ...
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... every civilised country under the sun, and the endless procession formed by the multitude is not the least interesting feature of a day's outing to the village.
Take the beach from end to end, no particular spot can be reckoned as dangerous; certainly there are currents at times, but these shift, and are never in one place for any length of time, and may be absent altogether.
Bathing is, however,
confined to the South and North Steyne areas, in order to ensure better
protection for
the bathers, by the life-savers and volunteer clubs, and to ensure the
use of the dressing sheds provided.
Dressing accommodation
for men and women, boys, and girls, all separate, has been provided by
the local Council,
and is availed of to the fullest extent; in fact, it is more than comfortable
at times, but it is anticipated that as a result of the enquiries by the
Surf Bathing Commission, a big
improvement will
be made in this regard.
At South Steyne
there is accommodation for about 1,000, and at North Steyne, half that
At both places
the Council employs life-savers, who are on duty from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
daily, and in addition cleaners attelJd to both the men's and ladies' sheds.
A lady attendant
is employed lt both North and South Steyne.
The duties of
the life-savers, in addition to safe-guarding the bathers and rescuing
them in case of accident, are to mark the safety area, and warn people
who may venture beyond it; also to ensure
decent costumes
and the proper behaviour of all bathers, both on shore and in the water.
Promenading in
costume is not allowed on the beach, nor are bathers permitted to lie about
the sand, but must pass directly from the water to the enclosures, or vice
A costume kiosk, or safety deposit, is provlded where, for a small charge, costumes can be secured or valuables taken care of, and in addition a num-ber of lockers are available for those who care to pay a small charge to obtain more privacy, or security for their clothes.
At both ends of the beach are volunteer life saving clubs; at South Steyne are the Manly Life-saving Club, and the Sea Gull Life-saving Club.
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The advent of
these volunteer clubs of capable swimmers and life-savers has probably
done more to encourage surf bathing than anything else.
At the same time,
with ordinary care, there is very little danger, but every effort is made
to guard against it, and to cope with it when it arrives.
There is a casualty
room, fully equipped at both ends, and a surf boat is also available when
Spectacular Water Carnivals are held from time to time, and attract thousands from all parts to witness the greatest surf experts compete in interestIng and novel competitions.
Ocean Beach
The Ocean Beach,
stretching for a distance of about a mile in a gentle sweep from north
to south, is unquestionably one of the finest within easy reach of the
With its long
line of beautiful breakers incessantly tumbling in lovely fashion on to
the sandy shore, the sea presents a dazzling spectacle, but the natural
beauty of the ocean front has been made additionally attractive bv the
expenditure of vast sums of money in various directions.
The whole length
of Steyne Reserve, which runs from one end of the ocean beach to the other,
is planted with a double avenue of pines, and a splendid asphalt foot walk
has been constructed along the foreshores right round to Shelly Beach,
an attractive little spot lying about half a mile south of Steyne Reserve.
This promenade,
lighted for its whole length by electricity, is immensely popular amongst
visitors and residents alike, and at week ends and on holidays during the
summer season one finds oneself in a perpetual crowd at any point along
it, but especially in the vicinity of the surf-bathing spot, at the southern
end of the reserve.
Health-giving Pastime.
Surf bathing
is a pastime which appeals to mankind.
From the youngest
to the very aged, male or female, it is equally beneficial and available
to all, and at the present time absolutely free of all cost beyond the
provision of the necessary neck to knee or Canadian costume.
It is a health-giving
sport which nothing else can approach, and which, as a consequence, has
such a hold on
the community, as to insure its continuance for all time, with the result
that we may expect a hardier and heathier race of young Australians than
has ever been hitherto.
At Manly, where everyone practically surf bathes, there is a glow of health in the face, a spring in the step of man and maiden, which marks the advent of surf bathing and the open-air life of the beaches.
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Individual photographs of the Town Hall, Mayor, Town Clerk and eight Alderman, including C. D. Paterson.
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Salt Water Baths.
The Council have
built a number of hot salt water bath houses for ladies and gentlemen at
the eastern end of the beach, in close proximity to the surf shed's, and
as people derive a wonderful benefit from the effects of these baths, it
is found that the patronage far exceeds the accommodation provided, and
the question of considerably enlarging them is one which will have consideration
in the immediate future.
A special feature
in the preparation of the bath is that the pure salt sea water is pumped
direct from the depths of the ocean into the bath itself, and then aerated
with steam, the salt water thus retaining all its natural medical remedial
Hot salt sea
bathing is not only conducive to health generally, but is most efficacious
in the relief of all muscular ailments.
The baths are
in charge of an attendant.
Page 17
Superior Public School
As may be inferred
from its situation, swimming and surfing are favourite pastimes of the
school children, at least during the warm season.
Life-saving forms
an important feature of physical training, and large squads are trained
yearly by the teachers for certificates.
The present staff
consists of eighteen teachers ...
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Sports and Pastimes : Clubs
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Surf Club.
This is the parent
organisation of the various surf clubs in Manly, and, as such, it has exerted
a great influence not only in popularising the singularly delightful and
healthy recreation of surfing, but also in the matter of the improved conditions
under which the pastime is indulged in.
Founded over
five years ago, the object of the Club then, as now, were:-
(a) To obtain
improved facilities for surf-bathing, and otherwise to promote and encourage
the sport; (b) to ensure the most effective methods of rescuing persons
in distress and the resuscitation of the apparently drowned;
(c) to provide
for a regulation costume for members, and to assist in enforcing the laws
governing the conduct of surf-bathers;
(d) to effect
such other purposes as may hereafter be considered necessary in the interest
of the sport.
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OF A FEW MEMBERS OF THE MANLY SURF CLUB Photo by Hall and Co. (At centre, Olympic
swimming champion,
Carnival for Manly
Manly is to have
a Water Carnival, the date fixed being January 20.
The surprising
thing is that Manly has taken so long to decide on a fete of this description.
Mosman has been
most successful in carrying out water carnivals, and the facilities there
are not to be compared with those of Manly Cove.
However, better
late than never.
The date chosen
is a good one, but why not have fixed it for Anniversary Day, less than
a week later?
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The club, under
the active direction of energetic officers, from the very first took a
prominent place among similar bodies, and although in the first year of
its formation unable to quite "get there," in every subsequent year it
has won for itself the honour of the "Premier Surf Club," and only last
season, out of the nine Rescue and Resuscitation events which it entered,
it won seven.
This competition
is the great test of proficiency among surf clubs,
As a result of
the prowess displayed by members, the club room is decorated with trophies,
among the more important of which are Begg's Shield, valued at 80 guineas;
West's Pictures Shield, the Quaker Oats Cup, and numerous smaller ones.
The North Steyne Club was the first to introduce a standard of efficiency among the members, and this proved so successful that the practice was adopted by the Surf Bathers' Association, as the lines on which they make their surf award.
Financially the
club's success has been phenomenal.
Depending alone
on the subscriptions of members and a few donations, the club has annualIy
held a carnival, which is usually acknowledged to be the best organised
of any of that nature, and each one has resulted in a very substantial
addition to the club funds, and these funds have been expended in providing
life-saving gear and equipment, as well as first-aid appliances and a comfortable
club room for the active members.
Some time ago
the Council were good enough to erect a small room for their use, but as
this was found insufficient for requirements, the club, at its own expense
and with the aid of the members in working bees duplicated the accommodation,
and filled up the room in an up-to-date manner.
The following
are the executive officers of the club or (sic, for) the current
Patron, Hon.
C. G. Wade, M.L.A.;
president, Mr.
C. D. Paterson;
the vice-presidents
include the members of the Manly Mumcipal Council, the directors of the
Port Jackson and Manly S.S. Co., and 22 other gentlemen;
hon. medical
instructor, Dr. Alfred Neale:
hon. medical
officers, Drs. Thomas, Hall, Watson-Harvey, Neale, Bennets and Rogers;
hon. secretary,
Mr. E. M. V. Shemwell:
captain, Mr.
O. G. H. Merrett;
Mr. R. V. Hind;
hon. treasurer,
Mr. H. V. Holmes;
hon. assistant
secretary, Mr. G. Miller;
committee, Messrs.
W. J. Allison, A. T. Currie, P. H. Cameron, R. N. Beale, W. C. Fisher,
L. Glen, and H. Taubman.
Page 29
Life Saving Club.
This Club also
saw the light of day for the first time in September last; but already
it shows a vigorous growth, and affords outward and visible signs of a
successful institution.
A condition of
membership of the Club is that a man must hold a certificate either of
a Royal Life Saving Society or the Surf Bathers' Association.
The Club offers
every opportunity to those who do not possess either of these awards to
qualify for membership, as it undertakes to prepare them for the tests
at its own expense, the only condition being that one or other of the awards
must be gained by each member within three months from the time of his
At preseot 80
per cent of the members of the Club hold the awards of the Royal Life Saving
Society and Surf Bathers' Association, and three members have won recognition
at the hands of the Royal Shipwreck Relief Society for conspicuous bravery
displayed in the saving of human life.
The office-bearers
of the Club are:-
Patron, Dr. Arthur,
President, Mr.
Jas. Bonner (Mayor of Manly);
the Aldermen of Manly, Messrs. J. B. Meyer, E. Fawcett, Geo. Williamson,
J. D. Christie, and .S. C. Sadler;
Committee, Messrs.
N. McMullen, T.Gunning, F. E. Lacelles, K. Childers, A. Wright, and F.
Joint Hon. Secs.,
Messrs. W. A. Kellan and L.B. Nott;
Treasurer, Mr.
J. S. K. Taylor;
Captain, Mr.
F. Schwartz;
Mr. S. Wright;
Captain-of Surf
Boat, Mr. F. Notting.
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(Freshwater Beach) In obvious contravention of beach etiquette as proscribed at Manly: "Promenading in costume is not allowed on the beach, nor are bathers permitted to lie about the sand, but must pass directly from the water to the enclosures, or vice versa." - page 10. Also see Source Documents: C.D.P. : Sun-Baking, Surf-Bathing, and Camp Life in NSW, 1908. |
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Australian Country Life.
... Manly ...
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