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newspapers : 1909
Pat O'Brien
has quit.
No more in the jolly brogue of Alexander Hume.
Ford's right hand man about the precincts of the Outrigger
You see it
is this way.
It's the way
Pat tells it.
He'd come
to Honolulu to take a government job.
Before he
took it, he encountered Alexander Hume Ford, who told him
how to make money and fame and be happy at the same time.
Ford, so Pat
says, told him that his fortune would be made if he would
take a position with the Outrigger Club, at $20 per (month).
The twenty
would not make him wealthy but Ford, Pat says, told him that
he would get him a license so that he could sell soda water,
and an ice box to keep it cool, and the wherewithal to buy a
ham and some crackers with which to make sandwiches that
would sell among the hungry beach visitors like hot cakes.
It sounded
good to Pat so he quit the government job and became the
high muckinmuck of the Outrigger Club,
He worked
Pat got along fine as long as he had Ford to jolly him each day and make him feel good.
He didn't
get the license and he didn't get the ice box, and he didn't
make sandwiches.
He didn't
make the fifteen dollars a week clear that Ford said would
be coming to him.
That's the
story he now tells.
As soon as
the hypnotic influence of Ford was lifted Pat began to get
He went to
Allan Herbert and he went to Mr. Trent- Pat pronounces it
Trint- but they knew only of the $20 a month, and nothing of
the promises of Ford.
So Pat has
He won't do
it any more.
And he has come to the newspaper office and wants it said that if they can't make good on what Ford promised him they ought to give him steerage passage back to the mainland- Pat calls it "back to America."
there is a call for carpenters at Leilehua.
Pat says he
doesn't want to ask for another government job because, it
would not seem right after refusing one.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, January 02,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-01-02/ed-1/seq-3/
He Says Dr. Roller, the Famous Wrestler, Is In
Favor of the Idea.
By A. H.
There are
seven hundred Indians, representing a score of tribes from
Alaska and Lower California, who hope that Hawaii will hold
a Polynesian Olympia to which they may bend their trained
athletes to compete for the prizes.
And why not!
has promised to send her aboriginal teams; Japan has already
sent a baseball team to Honolulu.
certainly a athletie and sportsmen meet on the Island of
Oahu could be made to revive the old Polynesian games and
pastimes in a manner that would compel the attention of the
world and bring tourists a-plenty to this gripping event.
I am certain
that the Outrigger Club is now strong enough to handle the
At Chemawa,
Oregon, there are 700 Indian youths and inalJe.is,
Many of the
young men are sons of famous Indian chiefs and inherit the
oldtime endurance and strength.
It is an
Indian youth of Chemawa who holds the Pacific Coast running
It is the
Chemawa relay team that has even held the relay race record
on the Pacific Coast, and this team of ten will gladly come
to a Polynesian Olympia to compete for the Pan-Pacific
record in running ovents, baseball, basketball and seeing
for some of them have traveled thousands of miles in Alaskan
waters, both inland and on the ocean, in the frailest kinds
of barks in the roughest sorts of seas.
They will
come with their tepees and, native wigwams of skin huts and
camp out while they adjust themselves to the climate and
train for the great events.
Some may
even eouiest Willi ooiomon jsianucrs think
nothin bear-pit at Chemawn for, say, the summer 1911.
The Samoans,
enhusiastic cricketers in the world, excepting only,
perhaps, the Fijians.
Until will
come, as well as the Ton
year before
it was the Portland Y. M. C. A. that provided the,
contesting team.
SchooIs and
colleges had promised to enter, but when the Indian boys
began to go into training, they one by one dropped out.
The boys at
Chemawa begin three months before the event.
Seventy of
the best runners are selected and put in training; then a
month later there is a trial race, and the fifteen leaders
are retained, these being thinned down to the ten best
before the final contest.
On the great
day, the relay boys are placed five miles apart all along
the route, a Y. M. C. A. and a Chemawa at ench station.
The Governor
delivers the message at Salem, indtlio race begins.
The boys at
the second station run, perhaps, a hundred yards to meet tho
bearers of the messages, and then run beside them, so that
not a moment may no lost in the exchange.
The Indian
youth then settles down a pace that never tires a redskin,
and he never
niters it for the full five miles of his run.
Last year,
at the end of the run, the Indian boy who bore the message
for the last stage accepted the challenge of a fresh runner
at the end
or his station, for a mile sprint, and beat him.
The boys
listened with glowing enthusiasm as I told them of the many
kinds of trails we have in Hawaii, mountain anl plain.
They were
keen to meet, in Hawaii, both in a Marathon race and in
relay work.
How their
eyes glistened as I spoke of the steep, sheer precipices
down and up which the old trained messengers of tho chiefs
made their way with incredible speed.
When I
recalled the climax of the story of a messenger who broke a
record across the island of Oahu, to fall dead at the feet
of his chief with the fish he bad been sent for, a Montana
boy sprung up with a demand for the "time" and distance.
He had me,
so I Invited him to come, and set a pace over the selfsame
trail if he can find it.
The boys of
Chemawa look forward eagerly to a visit to Hawaii, where
they hope and expect to cover themselves with glory.
We must go
on with that Polynesian Olympia now, and give the real
"Young America" a chance to show the Pacific world at least
that he can lead but I have a dire suspicion that all the
honors will not leave Hawaii.
The American
Indians have a game of lacrosse, with small sticks and ball
baskets that just fit a lacrosse ball.
I have seen
these play against the Canadian teams with their big net
sticks, and often the Americans won.
During bcat
the visiting Canadians.
Why can not
the boys of Hawaii do as well.
Having made
my round of the Pacific, I see how easy it will be to gather
all the lovers of sport for a grand contest at the
crossroads of the big pond.
If the men
who have made a success of baseball in Hawaii, the Outrigger
boys, the Y. M. C. A. athletes and the natives who sill
remember the old games of their fathers or who are willing
to learn them will give a hand, we'll give the world long
the most picturesque that has been witnessed by man since
the days when Athens was the center of all that was
I am more
strongly today than ever in favor of a Polynesian Olympia in
Hawaii, and the thing can be done.
(From the
Pacific Weekly.)
organization of the Outrigger Club was a most valuable step
along the line of promotion.
Surfing and
surf-board riding are getting to be well known on the
mainland as Hawaii's national sports; and when all is said
and done these are about all the sports Hawaii can call
exclusively her own.
It is true
that baseball, yachting, tennis, golf and kindred
recreations flourish here, but they may be enjoyed any where
on the mainland, or in the world for that matter.
Sport in a
canoe or on a surf-board, however, makes its home here, and
many tourists come on purpose to enjoy these indigenous
Before the
Outrigger Club was formed, a canoe had to be hired, and the
same with a surf-board.
When the
latter was used, the swimmer was left to his own devices,
and had to learn the knack of riding the waves as best he
Also, he was
at the mercy of the canoe men who charged him whatever
seemed to them fit, and who kept him out as long and showed
him just as much sport as pleased themselves.
With the
Outrigger Club formed, all this is different.
There is a
pleasant headquarters, where lovers of surfing may go and
always be sure of finding some congenial companions and some
one who will show them the way the thing is done.
The regular
club member has a place where his canoe or surf-board may be
left in safety, and when he needs them they are ready for
The tourist is enabled to enjoy the benefits of the club either by becoming a member or by invitation, and the good times enjoyed in the Waikiki surf will linger long in his memory and will be recounted to his friends on his return to the mainland or wherever his destination may be.
All this is
helping Hawaii, for surfing is a useful promotion asset, and
cannot be made too much of.
People come
here to see Hawaii, as far as they can, as it used to be.
They want to
see the Hawaiians in as near their primitive state as
possible, and they want to participate in genuine Hawaiian
sports as much as they can.
There are
games and sports in plenty where they come from; what they
want is something new, exciting and thrilling, and all this
they get when riding the waves in a canoe or when striving
to maintain their balance on a surf-board.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, January 16, 1909, Second
Edition, Second Section, Image 9
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-01-16/ed-1/seq-9/
A strenuous
effort is to be to place the Outrigger Club on a
satisfactory financial basis.
It is
understood that a request will be made the Promotion
Committee at its meeting tomorrow afternoon to assist the
club financially, for, at least a few months.
The club is
rightly considered to be one of best promotion assets that
the city has and it is probable that the Promotion Committee
will see its way clear to extend the help desired.
The objects
of the founders of the club were to provide a place where
the ancient Hawaiian sports of surfriding and native
canoeing might be indulged in amid surroundings as nearly
resembling those of ancient Hawaii as it is now possible to
Thanks to
the generosity of several members of the club who donated
grass houses and canoes, also the wherewithal to erect the
necessary buildings, the club has taken tangible form.
The expense
has, however been considerable, and money is urgently
required to carry on the undertaking.
As the
Outrigger Club and its facilities for seabathing and native
water sports, is available for the entertainment of tourists
visiting the islands, it appears to be a natural corollary
to the work of the Promotion Committee, and worthy of any
consideration and pecuniary assistance which the committee
may feel disposed to grant.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, January 20, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 6
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-01-20/ed-1/seq-6/
Frank C.
Clark Writes That He Will Offer Prizes for Races Given in
Honor of Visitors He Contemplates Sending Here
The coming
of the 'Round-the-World Tourists on the steamship Arabic
will be the signal for great events in the sporting circles
of the city according to the letter received by Hall &
Son in the last mail.
The letter
from Frank Clark, manager of the project, speaks for itself.
Hall &
Son have already contracted for the cups that will be
properly engraved, to be placed on exhibition in due time.
The letter
New York,
Jan. 6, 1909.
Messrs. K.
O. Hall & Co.,
Honolulu, H.
Dear Sir: I
just had a very pleasant call from Mr. Alexander Hume Ford,
President of your Outrigger Canoe Club, who tells me he is
arranging a surf-board contest and outrigger canoe races at
Waikiki in honor of my 700 passengers on each cruise of the
Arabic, to take place on the afternoon of the arrival of
each cruise, namely Jan. 23rd and Feb. 12th. 1910.
I want to donate two silver cups for each cruise, makjng four cups in all, to be engraved "Donation from F. C. Clark to the Canoe Club" and ditto to the Surf-Board Club, S, S. Arabic Cruise 1910."
I think
these four cups had better be made in Honolulu, as Mr. Ford
thought it would be nice to have a picture of a man standing
on the surfboard and of a man in a canoe, and no doubt you
can make these just as well in Honolulu.
May I beg
you to advise me of the approximate cost so I can send you a
check at once, and I shall beg you upon receipt of same to
kindly order the four cups and have them displayed for
several months in any window you see fit in Honolulu.
My cruises
are a grand success and will doubtless be repeated each year
by the good S. S. Arabic.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, January 27,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 8
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-01-27/ed-1/seq-8/
Washington Post of January 11 gave an exhibition of
ignorance of conditions in Hawaii calculated to break the
heart of the Hawaii Promotion Committee.
It reports
three Hawaiian's playing guitars at the Temple Auditorium,
at the travelogue which Burton Holmes gave and refers to
them as "typical plantation hands."
However, the
sting is taken-away, a little by enthusiastic reference to
motion-pictures of surf-riding and Kilauea's boiling pit
which delighted a large audience.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, February 03, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 4
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-02-03/ed-1/seq-4/
Two Athletes Charged with Receiving Pay for
Their Services in Aquatic and Ring Sports
Folsom, the
big armory center, has been ruled out of the Men's Amateur
Basketball league by Chairman George Braden of the
registration committee.
Folsom is
well known in Southern California athletic circles, having
played with St. Vincent's crack five the year they tied
Whittier for the intercollegiate championship.
He was
picked for the All Southern center the same year and the
following' year while playing center on the U. S. C. law
college five.
Folsom was
declared a professional by Chairman Braden for receiving
money in swimming- and boxing, he having taken money from
the Ocean Park Amusement company for fancy diving
exhibitions and services on the life saving crew.
The same
action was taken in the case of George Freeth of the Venice
crew, which resulted in his losing the Carnegie medal which
is given to amateurs only.
Freeth, when
seen yesterday by a Herald reporter, was inclined to think
that the action of Braden was prompted by prejudice.
He said he
did not think a man should be placed in the professional
class just because he made his bread and butter by swimming.
Braden will send out notices to all the members of the A. A.
U. notifying them of the action of the committee and warning
them against playing or competing against Folsom and Freeth
according to the rules of the A. A. U.
against a professional makes the player a professional.
Los Angeles
herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, February 17, 1909,
Image 6
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1909-02-17/ed-1/seq-6/
canoeing and surf-board riding are engaged in all year
At Waikiki
Beach, the world-renowned watering place, every day in the
year may be seen numbers of bathers enjoying a quiet swim,
or else rushing in on a surf board, balanced on the crest of
a huge breaker.
Parties also
spend hours in the outrigger canoes which are caught up by a
shore-going wave and fly at express speed to the beach, only
to be turned around and urged once more out to sea to
repeat the performance.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, March 25,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 13
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-03-25/ed-1/seq-13/
Outrigger Club is making preparations for the opening of the
season, and it is possible to mark the event with a ball and
illumination of the lagoon during the dancing.
The ladies'
annex building is completed and everything is now in
afternoon parties of children, accompanied by a chaperone,
are to be seen enjoying themselvess in the surf.
The Iast few
days have been ideal for swimming, and the water is just
right now.
Outrigger Club is undoubtedly one institution that will be
kept going in style.
A fine lot
of officials are in charge of the affairs of the club, and
surf-boarding, etc., is going to boom this coming summer as
never before.
Even now a
great number of would-be Freeths can be seen every morning
and evening doing circus tricks on a surf-board, which is
balanced on the crest of a huge breaker.
Some of the
youths are very expert at the game and the cries of
astonishment from the new arrivals at the beach are as
insence to the boys.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, April 07,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 10
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-04-07/ed-1/seq-10/
There were
many attractions in the social whirl last night, which was
no doubt the cause of a smaller attendance than usual at the
members' first view or the thirty-second semi-annual
exhibition of the Kilohana Art League.
In the
painting section and out of 45 pictures therein no less than
31 are by the versatile local artist, D. Howard Hitchcock,
founder of the league.
Never has
our Hawaiian born artist covered in one exhibit a greater
range of subjects and that he has probably not before laid
himself open, to adverse judgment in more cases (few though
they be) is easily attributable to the magnitude of the
Besides the
volcano picture already noted Royal Palms is certainly a
distinct lapse from this artist's high standard.
splendid as a local marine piece, is marred by the
wooden-image-ilke figure of the surf-rider.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, April 13, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 7
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-04-13/ed-1/seq-7/
At 9.02
this morning the relay race of 52 miles from Salem to
Portland, between the Chemawa Indian Training School and the
Y. M. C. A., of Portland, was set in motion by Governor
Benson, who said the word "go" to Amos Smooker. running for
Chemawa and D. Cooper, running for the Y. M. C A., who will
race the first five miles.
Smooker and
Cooper left the west wing of the state capitol, with Smooker
four feet in the lead.
Both men ran
with a long, gay stride, and the pace Smooker set from the
start was swift.
The pair
were followed by autos motor cycles and boys and men on
Amos Smooker
is a clctfti built, powerful looking Indian, and is the
relay racer who finished an easy winner in Portland last
Benson made a short talk to the runners, and gave them the
heartiest wishes.
He also
handed each the following message to Mayor Lane of Portland,
to bo delivered on the arrival of the last two runners:
Harry Lane, Mayor, Portland, Oregon.
"Dear Sir:
The State of Oregon sends greetings to Portland, the
beautiful, the sure winner in the race of cities of the
"Verv truly
"F. W.
BENSON, Governor."
& DoIIart, of Portland, have left with the governor a
beautiful loving cup, which goes to the winner.
are the names of the racers who will step into the race at
the end of each five miles, in regular order:
Smooker, John Brown, Louis Dan, John Mason, W. More, O.
William. O. Mitchell, A. Clark. Souvgnlr, Frank Dan.
Y. M. C. A.
Cortozlan, Nutshaw, McDaniels, Hymo, Wallace, Beckers,
Hartman, Larson, Newell.
capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 01, 1909, Image
Image and text
provided by University of Oregon, Knight Library; Eugene, OR
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063957/1909-05-01/ed-1/seq-5/
Hume Ford has written "Jack" Atkinson of his plans for
Hawaii in the future.
The letter
New York
City, April 19, '09.
Dear Mr.
I hope to
leave New York late in June with a party of friends to visit
Some of us
will go around the Pacific, perhaps.
I wish to
remain in Honolulu long enough to really put the Outrigger
Club on its feet and begin work on the rest of the houses
around the island.
I have
interested friends here in both of these projects.
Outrigger Club has some reason to expect the support of our
home people.
It is doing
its part to advertise Hawaii.
instance, Frank C. Clark will send out in June, instead of a
half million booklets on his two round the world cruises via
Hawaii, more than a million such booklets, advertising four
Hawaiian round the world cruises, and In each of these
booklets the Outrigger Club and the sport of surfing at
Waikiki will be a feature, with illustrations.
I have
promised Mr. Clark on behalf of our organization that when
his 700 cruisers reach Honolulu that tho Outrigger Club will
show them how surf riding is done.
Several of
the magazines have charged $1,800 each for a page such as is
given the Outrigger Club Mauawahi ...
on Page 3)
from Page 1.
... in the
Clark booklet.
Clark has contracted for annual page advertisements in
several leading magazines, and I think I can promise that a
cut of surf riding at Waikliki will adorn a portion of these
pages, so that our Outrigger Club offers this year to Hawaii
at least $10,000 of free advertising to the world.
I am
arranging with Travel Magazine for a handsome color cover
for the June number, showing some of our boys coming in on
their surf boards which will be an illustrated account of Kamahomeha
Day in Hawaii.
Weekly has for publication a series of "Outrigger" pictures
and an article on surfboardlng at Waikiki, so you see we are
doing for Hawai our part to invite outsiders to come, summer
or winter, although I dwell on it chiefly as a summer
resort, a great holiday place for athletes, college boys and
those who can get away for the three months of summer.
I presume
that you know of Mr, Clark's donation of cups.
He will do
I called at
Pain's flieworks headquarters recently and shall bring back
with me ha in pies of many ledored II ro sticks for
use on surfboards at night.
They burn
five minutes each.
The colored
sticks are but a dollar a dozen, but the magnesium sticks
that give a glare brighter than __light are 50 cents each.
This, to my
mind, solves the problem of Biici n.tsf ul display
of surfboarding at night
Every one I
speak to about the proposed Polynesian olympia, enthuses.
Young David
Walker, son of Ruben Walker, may run over with me to help
promote this.
He sees
great possibilities.
When I first
knew joung Walker he was 20 years old, editor of the
Cosmopolitan, and drew a salary of 21,100,
Now he owns
or controls several magazines and is one of the moving
spirts in the new Travel Club, of which I shall wrllu mi
later, for its destines,
I believe,
will be closely allied with plans for Hawaii.
We have our
first banquet at Columbia University next week, but more of
that Iater.
By the way,
I have come into possession of 100 subscriptions to Travel
They are
woith 1.50 each, and I wish to place them at the disposal of
the Outrigger Club.
How would it
do to offer a free subscription for a year to each new
member coming in after May 1, either to the Club or the
Or, if the
subscriptions are taken separately, let the amounts go to
our building fund.
I'm getting
up some souvenir cards for the Club that will advertise
Hawaii and demonstrate how easily and cheaply a New Yorker
may get to our grounds and surf boards.
I will
present a number for use of the Auxilary.
I find that
everyone is easily interested in surf boarding, so let us
keep the most unique acquatic sport in the world.
In such
shape that we may never need feel ashamed of its exhibition
before strangers.
I have
promised to obtain for several well-known lecturers moving
pictures of our Outrigger Club sports.
I hope,
therefore, to bring with me the best motion picture and
color slide artist in America, Howard Kemp, and his wife,
who is a well known lecturer In this country and in Europe.
I wish them
to take many slides and moving pictures and show these in
splendid color an norlcs of entertainments for the
benfit of the Outrigger Club.
Kemp is in
touch with every famous lecturer in the country and abroad,
and his slides are much sought after.
He may visit
Australia and New Zealand after Hawaii and show the pictures
he has taken in Hawaii throughout the Antipodes, while
duplicates will be sent back to Atuerle.
discussing with the magnetics and others the idea of a
Polynesian Olympia to be held in Hawaii in the summer of
1912 or 1913, I am about ready to make another trip around
the Pacific, bcrurc cil
eries and at
the featue time complete the arrangements for
Pacific Ocean promotion work in America and Europe.
I will also
look out for the best places for Clark's round the Pacific
cruise to visit
It would
mean a wonderful move in transportation matters on the
Pacific, with Hawaii at the hub
By the way,
speaking of transportation problems.
For many
years, Thos. Cook & Sons controlled the passenger
traffic between New York and Ilurmurta, running but one boat
every ten days, whereby they stifled competition and kept
the return rate up to fit), a splendid thing for Cook.
however, an American concern has put on a fast (20 knot)
steamer that makes a round trip every week and has cut the
excursion first class down to 20.
The Cook
concern met the cut, and mi great if. the rush, after months
Alameda Will Carry All But The Fish Tanks
Lloyd Ciiltds
will sail o lithe Ma-
mill ill linn
i.i'iii'i iii.ii i.vi..,iiui ivio u, niu lwiiiiiiisaiiiii-
by men who
expect cr in tho Knplolanl Ilulldlng has been
urslona to
Honolulu, the scene of lively activity during
that the old company
has had to put
extra boats In tom
lnlslon, and
Instead of one halt-
fllled boat
leaving Now York three ' ,. iitpntlrnn 1 J
times n month
we have three crowd-1 l!h lf IV r I li) rSli A V
cd boats a
week, ovcrvonc is making UULU Ull II LUllLUUn 1
money, nnd
Iteiniuda tins mine littol
her own al last
It Is In hopes,
that the little
tipple the Outrigger
Club has sent
out may grow Into a
billow tho size
of n Polyncsenn Olyin.
ph. that I nm
wot king. If wo enn
bring about
lcsults for Hawaii that
have been
accomplished for Bermuda ,
by competition
In transportation, 1
feel that tho
Outrigger Club was not
luuiiuvu in mm,
mm i iii-iii-tb iiiui ,-,,. ii'.,n.,,, ,,. ,,,, jb m.W ,..
a Polynesian
Olympla held In Ha-, , . . .. .
wall would
attract so many visitors tlon of "le llawnllan exhibit for the
Hint better and
cheaper service would 'Alaska-Yukon Imposition. The spo-
Innugiiiatcd, nnd In this belief I idnl headquarters of thu
nm encouraged
to conduct
nnd others who
will organize a cioss-J the past few da.vs, and all prepnr.i
continent motor
race In connection Itlons for sailing nro piactlc.ill) iom
wlth the
opening of tho proposed ' p'lete
Oljmpla In Hawaii. Let, A set oi Hawaiian postage stnmpt
us build up and
use the Outilgger villi lie ouo of tho features of the ex
Club for tho
benefit of Hawaii. , htblt. 'I bo Mumps nre artistically
Elnccrcly, (arranged In a hnndxomc koa frame.
A. 11. roitl).
tho top rows being so arranged as to
spell out, the
word "Hawaii."
The fish
exhibit will not bo shipped
1 until thu
transport Dlx leaves here
arrangement was made ttccci
Miry by the
fact that the tlnn beau
ties must have
their domicile equip
ped with
certain machinery, con
nected with the
ship's apparatus In
order to keep
it continuous flow of
fresh water of
even temperature cir
through tho tanks.
Tho fish
exhibit Is now ready for
however. The weak sped
mens hnov been
weeded out, and
I those that
havn been retained will, It
Mrs. II W.
Kinney, wlfo of lMltorj8 believed, reach Heattlo In lino con
Kinney of the
Hllo Tribune, will lenln ltton.
tomorrow In tho
Mauna Koa. tho will ' .
bo accompanied
by her two children
Childs, who has been gathering and arranging Hawaii's
exhibit for the exposition, will leave for the Coast on the
Alameda next Wednesday, taking with him a large part of the
exhibit on that steamer.
A. V. T.
Pone is leaving on the Lurlina today and with him are going
the relief maps of the Hawaiian Islands, which will be
placed in a huge tank in Hawaii's during
Word has
just been received to the effect that the transport Dix, on
which it was proposed to send the entire exhibit to Seattle,
sailed from Nairnsulci for Honolulu on the 20th.
It is
understood that she will lay over at this port for several
days, so that the time of her arrival at the Queen City will
nearly coincide with the opening day of the exposition.
In account
of this fact, Childs is taking the school exhibit with him
on the Alamoda.
Mr. King
will accompany Childs oume iuameua to superintend the
installation of the school exhibit.
Childs has
received word from tho War Department that but four
attendants may take passage on the Dix.
One of these
will be Guy Rothwell, the local athlete, who will look after
the Hawaiian which are to be sent to Seattle.
It is
possible that Rothwell may take a concession from the Fair
authorities and run an outrigger canoe ferry on the pleasant
waters of Lake Washington.
outrigger canoes will be a decided innovation in the
Northwest and will undoubtedly attract considerable
One of Dr,
Wall's fine koa surfers will go up in the Dix.
Hawaiian girls will go to Seattle later to serve dainty
dishes of pineapple in Hawaii's building.
The names of
these lucky ones have not yet been announced.
Childs has
the greater part of the exhibit in this city now.
Some of it
has already been, and the remainder, is ready to be, packed
for shipment.
The Hawaiian
gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, May 04, 1909,
Image 2
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1909-05-04/ed-1/seq-2/
The San
Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, May 12,
1909, Image 4
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-05-12/ed-1/seq-4/
M. Bonine has completed his moving pictures of surf-riding by Hawaiian boys which will be exhibited at Seattle.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, May 24, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 8
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-05-24/ed-1/seq-8/
Tasmanian Mail" is now the finest illustrated journal in
Tasmania, and ranks with the best in the Common wealth and
New Zealand.
illustrations this week include:
A Royal palm
Beach and Moana Hotel.
Nunaun Pali.
'Advertising.', The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), 3
June, p. 1, viewed 7 September, 2012,
These images
were reproduced in the Kalgoorlie Western Argus,
Tuesday 15 June 1909, page 23, see below.
Burroughs, Naturalist, Returns From - Paradise of
the Pacific, Delighted
The San
Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 15,
1909, Image 6
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-06-15/ed-1/seq-6/
Van Norden's magazine The World Mirror, is advertising for future publication a descriptive article on Hawaii by Alexander Hume Ford.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 01, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 4
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-07-01/ed-1/seq-4/
The San
Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, July 17,
1909, Image 6
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-07-17/ed-1/seq-6/
H. M.S.
Challenger, which recently visited the Cook Group, with the
Governor of New Zealand, arrived in Sydney on Saturday and
moored in Farm Cove.
The Cook
Group has for the past eight years been attached to the
Dominion, and the islands visited by the Challenger were
Roratonga, Mangala, Atlu, and Altulaki.
At Mangala,
where the island is encircled by a fringing reef, the party
experienced the exciting sensation of being landed by the
system of surf-running in catamarans.
There were
1560 natives and six whites on the island, and everybody but
the sick (?) and maimed seemed to have come down to
the gala.
The dangers
ot surf riding when tried by those who have but a
fundamental idea of tte whims and tricks of the waves, was
shown yesterday at Waikiki.
Three fairly
serious accidents occurred during the afternoon through
collisions and at least one of those who met with misfortune
will probably be marked for life.
The surf was
rather higher than usual yesterday afternoon and there were
a large number of local riders out with their boards.
complicate matters the surf was rather peculiar, breaking in
two directions which formed an angle at which the riders
coming from Ewa and Waikiki directions met.
Dr. Hand, of
the Y. M. C. A. was among those to get tangled up and was
somewhat bruised.
The manner
in which the surf riders claim the entire beach or at least
nearly all that part where there is little coral, to the
exclusion of swimmers, is causing some little feeling at
If a surf
board comes rushing in through a crowd of swimmers, the
latter are always held to blame.
recently the board riders used to keep away from the
smoother part of the beach, but with the idea of "show ing
off" the stunts which some are learning,
They have
now encroached on almost every part of the beach where
bathing is really good, leaving only the coral strewn
section for the bathers who have no boards and can not swim
well enough to venture into deep water.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 22, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 7
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-07-22/ed-1/seq-7/
There was a
tremendous crowd out at Waikiki yesterday afternoon, and
surf riding is becoming more popular everyday.
The beach at
the Inn, Seaside and Moana, was crowded with bathers and
many hundreds people occupied the seats at the resorts.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 02,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-02/ed-1/seq-3/
Alexander Hume Ford writes that he leaves New York this month for Hawaii by way of Europe and Asia.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 02,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-02/ed-1/seq-4/
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 06,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-06/ed-2/seq-2/
Outrigger Club Is Flourishing
Things at
the Outrigger Club are going along with a swing that makes
people imagine that Alexander Hume Ford must be hiding
behind a surf board somewhere on the beach.
The club,
which was first thought of by the much traveled Ford, is in
flourishing condition, and every afternoon a big bunch of
swimmers and canoe and surf board riders is in evidence.
The Woman's
auxiliary is also doing well, and quite a number of the fair
sex are becoming experts at the same.
rooms for the ladies are fitted up and a caretaker is always
present to provide hot water from a large kettle, which Is
kept on the boil in anticipation of a call for afternoon
Numbers of small children go out every afternoon and a chaperon is on hand to watch out for the welfare of the young ones.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, August 18,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 7
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-18/ed-1/seq-7/
Congressmen are welcomed at Honolulu
Federal Law Makers Arrive at Hawaiian Capital
Aug., 30.- The congressional delegation which sailed from
San Francisco August 24 to spend a fortnight sight seeing in
the Hawaii island group.
As the
guests of the men of the islands arrived today on
the.Pacific Mail liner: Siberia.
reception committee, headed by Governor Frear boarded the
Siberia off the entrance to the harbor and extended a
cordial greeting to the lawmakers and their wives.
When the
steamer docked the party was taken in automobiles to a the
Young hotel, where they will stay as guests of the
beach was visited in the afternoon and the delegation spent
several hours of surf riding, canoeing and swimming.
reception committee has prepared a full program for the
entertainment of the visitors and every island in the group
will be visited before, they return to the mainland.
The San
Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, August
31, 1909, Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-08-31/ed-1/seq-3/
Hume Ford writes the Sporting Editor of The Hawaiian Star as
"225 Fifth
Ave., New York City.
"Aloha Oe:
Don't forget the big regattas forf (sic) the Frank
Clark 'Round the World Cruise Cups in January.'
I will be
there to see the fun.
How is the
club progressing.''
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, September 25, 1909,
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-09-25/ed-1/seq-6/
There is no
doubt that, every one who has the interest of the Outrigger
Club at heart will, tonight, roll up to the Donlnu
theater and help the Club along by digging up a very
moderate sum for a really first class entertainment.
There will
be special features tonight that will attract the attention
of even the most blase of moving picture show frequenters.
surf-riding films will be shown, and they are said to be the
best ever taken.
Then the
Outrigger Club quintet will perform and they are, without
doubt, the best lot of singers any such institution has ever
turned -out.
The object
of the benefit performance is to provide funds for the
building of a shelter shed' for the Outrigger Club members;
at, present there
is not
accommodation for the men who want to change their clothes
before and after surf boarding.
It will cost
half a-dollar to get into the show tonight, but the amount
is small when it is remembered how much amusement will be
crowded into
the evening.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, October 22,
1909, 2:30 EDITION, Image 7
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-10-22/ed-1/seq-7/
Surf riding is such a popular sport in Hawaii that nearly everybody does, at some tlme or another, hike out to the Waikiki beach and there grab a surf board and endeavor to do the famous Freeth stunts.
greatest interest is taken in the sport now-a-days, and,
where a few years ago, there may have been a couple of
experts at the same, now there are dozens of youngsters, of
all colors who can not only ride a surfboard but can also do
stunts such as standing
on their
heads, and turning hand springs off the narrow board as it
rushes in toward the shore on the crest of a huge wave.
Bonine, the moving picture man, has some wonderful films taken at Waikiki; and when the pictures of the surfriders are shown on the screen the audience seated near the stage have been seen to duck as the waves bearing the surfboard riders onward.
Bonine's pictures are going to the Coast, where they should cause a sensation and open the eyes of people to the possibilities of acquatlc sports in Hawaii.
The volcano picture, which is unique, will also be shown on the mainland, and the consequence should be that a lot of tourists will direct their footsteps in our direction.
bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912, October 29,
1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 9
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-10-29/ed-1/seq-9/
Australian Life Saver Will See How Hawaiians
Ride the Rollers.
Walter V.
H. Biddell of Waverley, New South Wales, a life governor of
the Royal Life Saving Society and of the affiliated Surf
Swimming and Open Sea Life-Saving Association of N. S. W.,
arrived on the Makura to remain here a few months for the
benefit of
his health
and to observe the method of surfboarding at Waikikl Beach.
He brought
many letters of introduction from the various societies to
which he belongs, addressed to the secretary of the
promotion committee.
One from
Waverley introduces Mr. Biddell as acting president of the
association there.
secretary of the association, in this letter, sots
tortli mat -air.
Biddell is a
pioneer of surfbathing for Australian beaches.
Biddell's untiring and valuable services in the advancement
of the cause of life-saving on Australian ocean beaches have
been especially recognized by the Prince of Wales, as
president of the Royal society.
Mr. Biddell
has trained many classes in life-saving without the aid of
the lifeline, as well as with it, at Bronte, the roughest
beach on the New South Wales coast.
He has
devoted considerable time to the invention of rescuing
appliances, among which is the "Dr. Lee's Torpedo-shaped
Life Buoy," which can be taken out through almost any sea
and which experts declare to be an improvement on the
ordinary life belt. Mr. Biddell brought one of these buoys
to Honolulu to have islanders express an opinion as to its
Mr. Biddell
anticipates much pleasure in learning the ways of the surf
at Walkiki and will be taken in tow by George Osborne of the
Outrigger Club.
Page 8.
Mr. Walter
Biddell, acting president and of the Surf-Swimming and
Open-Sea Life-Saving Association of New South Wales, is here
for a several weeks visit for his health, bringing with him
a number of letters from our correspondents in Sydney and
other points.
I have
furnished him with a letter of introduction to the officers
of the Honolulu Outrigger Club, and he expects to get much
enjoyment and sport from our surfing at Waikiki.
The Hawaiian
gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, November 12,
1909, Image 3
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1909-11-12/ed-1/seq-3/
Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918,
November 12, 1909, Image 8
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1909-11-12/ed-1/seq-8/
W. H.
Biddell, who will probably leave tor Australia in the Makura
on holiday, will give another life-saving demonstration at
Waikiki tomorrow afternoon at 4: 30.
It will be
under the auspices of the Outrigger Club.
Those who
missed Mr. Biddell's fine exploits when he performed at the
Healani Boat Club should take this last chance of obtaining
a lesson in expert life-saving in the water.
The Hawaiian
star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, December 07, 1909, SECOND
EDITION, Image 6
Image and text
provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015415/1909-12-07/ed-1/seq-6/
16 January 1909 :
19 July 1909 : 4 August 1909 : 18 August 1909 : 28 August 1909 : 29 October 1909 : |
Success of
Outrigger Canoe Club. Canoe Surfing, Cook Islands. Surfboard Riding, Hawaii. Outrigger Canoe Club Success. Eugene Johnson Rides Surfboard, Daytona, Florida. Surf Riding Film, Waikiki. |
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