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rice and perkins  : surf riding at waikiki, 1904 

Rice and Perkins : Surf Boating and Riding at Waikiki, 1904.

Rice and Perkins: Surf Boating and Riding at Waikiki.
Page design by Julian Greenwood.
Extract from
Nakuina, Emma Metcalf:
 Hawaii, Its People and Their Legends.
 Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Honolulu, H.T., 1904.

 Internet Archive

A booklet for promotional activities, Hawaii, Its People and Their Legends was widely distributed with local hotels providing complimentary copies to their patrons.
The introduction notes:
"For the purposes of reproduction in magazine or newspaper, the copyright on the contents of of this volume is waived."

On page 15, captioned "Surf Boating and Riding at Waikiki," there is one photograph of canoe surfing, one of several prone of boardridrers, and one of a lone standing surfer.
The images are accredited to Rice and Perkins, the page design by Julian Greenwood.

The standing surfer photograph was later reprinted by several newspapers.
Both surfboard riding photographs were also reproduced as individual  hand-coloured postcards.
The two sufboard images with an alternate outrigger canoe photograph were reproduced on an (hand-coloured?) "undivided back" postcard (circa 1901-1907) with the caption "Surf Riding at Waikiki,Honolulu."
 - DeLaVega: Surfing in Hawai'i (2011), page 34.

The photograph of the two outrigger canoes was reproduced in the Outrigger canoe Club program for the Clake Cup Contests in 1910.
 - DeLaVega: Surfing in Hawai'i (2011), page 49.

R. W. Rice and A. W. Perkins opened their photographic studio at 144 Beretaala Street in Honolulu in April 1901.
- The Honolulu Republican, Honolulu, April 20, 1901, page 2.

The Rice-Perkins partnership was formally disolved in August 1905, the business continuing under Mr. Roscoe Perkins.
- The Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, August 29, 1905, page 4.

 Online document:
 Internet Archive

Facing page 14

Cropped and resized images.
b. Outrigger canoe riders.

c. Standing surfboard rider,

d. Prone surfboard riders.

Nakuina, Emma Metcalf: 
 Hawaii, Its People and Their Legends.
 Hawaiian Promotion Committee, Honolulu, H.T., 1904. 

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Geoff Cater (2012-2016) : Rice and Perkins : Surf Boating and Riding at Waikiki, 1904.