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caspar whitney : hawai'ian games, 1889 |
Internet Archive
Whitney notes that "with the exception of surf-riding, all the old games have passed."
Caspar William
(September 2, 1864
– January, 18 1929)
Caspar Whitneywas
an American author, editor, explorer, outdoorsman and war correspondent.
He originated the
concept of the All-American team in college football in 1889 when he worked
for Harper's Magazine.
From 1900, he was
an owner and editor-in-chief of the monthly Outing magazine, which
promoted the outdoors and sporting pursuits, as well as a good deal of
adventure fiction; authors included Jack London and Clarence E. Mulford.
He was a founding
member of The Explorers Club (1904) after expeditions in North and South
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Perhaps there
are no people on earth more thoroughly at home in the water than the Hawaiians
— men and women; and though
has lessened their opportunity for indulgence, yet it has not diminished
their amphibious tendencies.
One of the old
sports which remains to keep alive native skill, and in modified form to
captivate every foreigner who tries it, is surf-riding.
It may, in fact,
be called the national sport of Hawaii, and formerly the youth took great
pride in their skill and daring.
Nowadays it has
lost its former great vogue among natives, and the onini ...
(surf-board) gives place almost invariably to the canoe.
The onini
is a board made of the famous koa wood, about twelve to eighteen inches
wide and from six to eight feet long, often with flat surface, but usually
with both sides slightly rounded.
Pushing the boards
before them, the natives swim beyond the breakers, where they await the
approach of a suitable incoming wave; when one sufficiently large is seen,
they lie on the board face downward, and paddle with hands and feet shoreward,
the wave overtakes
them, when by expert manipulation the onini is kept on the face of the
wave and carried towards the beach at steamboat speed.
As the board
rests on the face of the wave at a considerable angle, some idea may be
had of the skill required to keep it there during the quarter-mile rush
for the shore.
And yet some
of the natives become so expert that they stand upon the board during the
steadier periods of its flight.
Surf-riding in
a canoe sounds tame after this; but it really is not.
There is precisely
the same procedure, the identical sensations, and indeed I am of half a
mind that greater skill is required to hold the larger, clumsier canoe
on the face of the wave than the lighter, handier onini.
The advantage
of the canoe is the opportunity it offers for gregarious enjoyment.
The Hawaiian
canoe of to-day is of the type used in the days of Kamehameha the Great
; it has not altered in model ...
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... a particle,
and with good reason, for it could not be improved on for Hawaii's open
It is a dugout,
fairly deep and narrow, with bow and stern starboard outriggers about five
feet long, to which at the farthermost outward end is attached a fairly
large, round (about six inches in diameter), but very buoyant spar that
is about three-quarters the length of the canoe.
With this rig
the canoes go through rather rough water; and the fact that in the early
days the natives cruised from one island to another in them rather indorses
their seaworthiness.
The paddies are
somewhat long and stout, with very short, wide blades, adapted to rough,
open-water work.
There must be
at least a couple of strong paddlers, and a helmsman of experience and
skill in surf-riding, else the canoe will be swamped at once.
Oftentimes the
surf is running high and makes the outgoing exciting, but the canoe is
taken well out before turning to wait for a wave large enough to assure
a carry to the shore.
Several waves
are permitted to pass perhaps before a big one is sighted three hundred
yards away, and then - "Hoi! hoi!"
(Paddle! paddle!)
cries the helmsman, and desperate, quick strokes send the canoe forward
at a rattling pace, which must be maintained until the wave overtakes the
If the canoe
has not pace enough, the wave swamps it and rolls on towards shore, leaving
a capsized party in its wake.
But if not overwhelmed,
there comes, immediately on the ...
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... wave picking up the canoe, the most thrilling sensation you have ever experienced.
Paddling like
mad, your back towards the sea, you have not seen the wave drawing nearer
and nearer.
Suddenly the
canoe is lifted, without shock, and carried forward at great speed, and
you know you are at least successfully launched in the great native sport.
In front, the
bow, cutting the water, sends strings of spray backward and upward ; at
the stern, the great blue-green wall curls above and over you, and if you
are a sentient creature your pulse thrills with an exhilaration that no
other sport in my experience can supply.
It is tobogganing
without its gasping, blinding speed.
Always the steersman
must be on the alert, for the incoming wave has many eccentricities, and
often the desperate paddling must be resorted to for a few moments at a
time to avoid being capsized.
The canoe must
be kept on the face of the wave or it will be quickly overwhelmed.
Next to surf-riding,
the most honored of ancient Hawaiian sports was hill-coasting on long,
narrow sledges.
It would seem
impossible that any speed could be made under the conditions, and yet abundant
evidence exists to prove it.
The course, made
of dry grass and smooth stones, was laid down the side of a steep hill,
and the pace attained sent the coaster quite a distance across the plain
at the foot of the runway.
I noted these
old courses in my travels over the islands, very ...
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... plainly marking
several precipitous hill-sides, and suggesting a considerable amount of
toil in their original making.
The sledge was
only six inches wide by three inches deep, and about twelve feet long,
made very stoutly, and of hard wood.
Hill-coasting must have been somewhat of an expensive sport, suited only to the alii.
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With the exception
of surf-riding, all the old games have passed, and in their stead have
come the several varieties of modem sport.
There is an athletic
association, a bicycle-track, a rifle association, a yacht club with many
boats, and a rowing association of three clubs.
The various schools
annually put forth baseball and football teams, and the native takes well
to both games.
In track athletics
there is less development, and what there is is chiefly confined to Hawaiians
of white parentage.
The native pure
and simple takes more kindly to boating, and, in fact, so does all Hawaii,
for holidays are made of the annual yacht regatta and boat-club race-days.
Moreover, the
rowing form is surprisingly good, nearly equal to the average shown by
American boat-club crews.
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Hawaiian America; Something of Its History, Resources, and Prospects. Harper & Brothers, New York, London,1899. Internet Archive
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