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corney : hawaii and columbia river, 1815 |
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January yth, in
latitude 27 north, we fell in with the N. E. trade-wind; on the 16th January,
1815, made the island of Owhyee (Hawaii), ran close in shore; some natives
visited us, and informed us that Tameamah (Kamehameha) was at the village
of Tyroa (Kailua).
We made all sail
for that place, and the next day ran between Owhyee (Hawaii) and Mowee
(Maui), and stood close in shore.
The natives came
off in great numbers, bringing with them hogs, vegetables, rope, and cloth
of the country ; we allowed a few to enter the vessel, and took a chief
woman on board, who acted as pilot.
About midnight
we reached Tyroa (Kailua), where we anchored in 30 fathoms water, very
foul bottom; saluted the king.
Mr. McDougal
went on shore, and returned with the king next morning.
Tameamah (Kamehameha)
was dressed in a coloured shirt, velveteen breeches, red waistcoat, large
military shoes, and worsted stockings, a black silk handkerchief round
his neck, no coat : he is a tall, stout, athletic man, nose rather flat,
thick lips, the upper one turned up; an open countenance, with three of
his lower front teeth gone.
We weighed anchor,
and towed close in shore in 14 fathoms sandy bottom; the canoes collected
from all parts, and, in a short time, there were no fewer than eighty of
them, with from three to ten men in each, and some hundreds of men, women,
and children swimming about the ship, regardless of the sharks; the decks
were soon covered with them.
Captain Robson,
being rather alarmed at having so many on board, told the king to send
them on.
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The Island of
Oonalaska is in the latitude of 53 55' north, and longitude 166 22' west.
The island is
the chief depot for all the furs collected on the Aluthean Islands; and
appears quite barren, without the least sign of wood.
There is an excellent
harbour, off the N. W. side, capable of holding several hundred vessels,
and completely land-locked.
The town consists
of about twenty houses, a church, and some large sheds for the purpose
of drying salmon and other fish.
There are about
twelve Russians here ; the remainder of the inhabitants of the town are
Kodiacs, and natives of the island, all converts to the Greek church.
The natives of
these, as well as of all the Aluthean Islands, are low in stature, broad,
flat faces, with black eyes, and coarse black hair.
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Their canoes or
bodarkees, are made from the skins of the hair-seal, stretched over a light
wooden frame, leaving one, two, or three holes on the top for the sitters
; the frame is sometimes of whalebone, and the vessels are from 10 to 16feet
long, and about 3 feet wide in the middle, gradually tapering towards the
They are pulled
with great swiftness by a double paddle, about 12 feet long, with a blade
at each end, and held by the middle; they are generally made of ask.
The canoes perform
voyages along the coast for several hundred miles, for the purpose of hunting
the sea-otter and seal ; they also kill black whales, which are about these
islands in great plenty. If in their hunting excursions they are
overtaken by a
gale of wind, they lash all their canoes together in form of a raft, and
in this manner float lightly on the top of the sea without the least danger.
The large boats,
or bodarkees, are made from the skins of the sea-lion or elephant, stretched
over a stout wooden frame, open at the top, and are capable of carrying
50 or 60 men.
In these boats
they go to all the Aluthean Islands, to collect the furs; and sometimes
to the main land, for timber.
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On the 6th, of
January, 1817, Lewis Lapham, our armourer, died, truly regretted, as he
was a very serviceable man.
On the 10th,
we crossed the bar and got safe to sea.
And now, while
the ship is making for the Sandwich Islands, I shall
endeavour to give an account of the Columbia River, with the manners of the people.
page 60
The chief employment
of the men is to hunt and fish; they are, however, generally speaking,
very lazy, and their young men lie basking in the sun, on the sides of
the river, for hours together.
The women and
girls are employed in making hats, mats, etc., and in collecting berries
and wood.
These people
have not the least notion of tilling the ground; they trust to Providence
for every thing, and derive their chief support from the river and sea.
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Their original
tools are chisels made out of the pine knot, axes of stone, and stone mallets.
With these they
split large cedar trees into planks, with which they build their houses.
Their canoes
are very simple ; some are large enough to carry 30 people, being about
40 feet long, the middle nearly six feet broad, and becoming gradually
narrower toward the end.
They are about
two feet deep, handsomely ornamented and painted ; the ornamental parts
are the teeth of the wolf and sea-otter, which navigators have taken for
human teeth.
The paddles are
made light and small, the length generally 6 feet, of which 2 1/2 feet
forms the blade; the lower end is forked like a fish's tail, and the upper
end is crutched very neatly.
In the canoes
they keep nets, hooks, harpoons, and fish-gigs, etc., also long spears
for spearing salmon.
It may be remembered,
we left the river on the 10th day of January, 1817, for the Sandwich Islands,
our object was, to refit the brig and cure pork.
We were also
to bring as many of the Sandwich Islanders to the Columbia river as we
could conveniently accommodate.
On the 2xth we
saw Owhyhee (Hawaii), after a quick and pleasant passage; we stood along
shore as usual; the natives came off in great numbers, bringing pigs, tarrow,
yams, goats, plantains, rope, and fruit of every description.
On the i3th of
February we were off the harbour of Honorora (Honolulu), and John Harbottle,
the king's pilot, came on board; but it was not till the 20th that the
trade wind suffered us to get in shore.
We found a brig
and a ship here belonging to the king, the former was called the Forester,
now Taamano (Kaahumanu), after the king's favorite wife, and had
been sold to him by Captain Piggot; the ship was an American, called the
sold by Captain Winship.
The Taamano
(Kaahumanu) was fitting out for Canton, and taking sandal wood on board
for the China market; she was commanded by Mr. Adams, the man who had navigated
the Forester under Captain Piggot, and the crew consisted of about
ten natives and ten white men.
She sailed for
Canton on the 22nd of February, 1817.
On the 14th
of April, being complete in provisions, repairs, etc., we took on board
60 natives (being- all we could conveniently accommodate), for the Columbia
River, and stood out of the harbour, after saluting the fort, which was
Made sail toward
Atooi; on the 16th we got off the village of Whymea (Waimea), and were
surprised at not seeing any of the natives push off.
49 ' North, longitude
123 56' West.
On the 14th it
cleared up, and we saw Cape Orford, bearing S. E. seven leagues; the nearest
land two miles, latitude 43 North; observed many smokes on shore.
About noon, several
canoes came off within hail of the ship ; we waved to them to come closer,
which they did, displaying green boughs and bunches of white feathers;
they stopped paddling, and one man, whom we took to be a chief, stood up,
and made a long speech, which we did not understand.
Their canoes
do not seem to be so well constructed as the canoes in the Columbia, which
cannot be occa- sioned by want of material, as the country appears to be
well wooded.
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We were driven
fast to the southward by the current; on the 24th a breeze sprang up, and
we made sail for Port Trinidad, in latitude 41 3',
longitude 123
54' west; hauled into a small sandy bay, where we moored, sheltered from
all winds, a few ships' lengths from the shore, in nine fathoms sandy bottom.
This bay is full
of high rocks, which are always covered with birds, and round it are scattered
many Indian villages.
We had scarcely
time to moor before we were surrounded
with canoes; we triced our boarding nets up, and shut all our ports but one, at which the natives entered, keeping all the canoes on the starboard side ; and, as the Indians came on board, we took their bows and daggers from them, at which they seemed much displeased.
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Their canoes are
loy far the safest I ever saw on the coast, being from 16 to 20 feet long,
and from 6 to 8 feet broad, square at both ends and flat bottomed.
They have ridges
inside about a foot apart, which look exactly like the timbers of a boat,
and serve to strengthen them very much.
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Next day, July
26, we saw Cape Mendocino, (latitude 40 19' north, longitude 124 7' west),
north about four leagues, found our bowsprit sprung, and determined to
run to Bodago-bay and fish it; stood along shore accordingly, and on the
28th got off the settlement, fired a gun, and several
bodarkees came
off, bringing with them some fresh pork and vegetables.
We here moored
and fished our bowsprit.
Captain Jennings
then went to the settlement in the whale boat to try and dispose of his
cargo to the Russians, but returned to the ship in two days without having
effected his purpose.
While we lay
here the Russians sent us some fresh provision and vegetables; the natives
also visited us in their canoes, which are nothing more than several large
bun- dles of rushes lashed together.
They seem to
be the poorest tribe in these parts, although the
country is by far the finest ; the climate is so pure and the grounds so good, that the Russians grow two crops per year.
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Next day we stood
close under Point St. George to find anchorage, seeing a very large village
and many natives on the shore.
We sounded round
the bay in from 12 to 20 fathoms, over a foul bottom, one and two miles
from shore.
Many canoes came
off, and the natives appeared quite friendly.
We bought several
good sea otter skins at an axe for each skin ; many bows, arrows, daggers,
etc., for small beads.
The canoes here
are similar to those at Port Trinidad.
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Our passage to
the Sandwich Islands was quick and pleasant.
On the 6th of
December we made Owhyhee, stood along- shore towards Toyhoy (Kawaihae)
bay, and ran in.
Finding no natives
came off, we sent the whale boat on shore to know what was the reason.
The boat soon
returned with an account that the natives were celebrating their annual
festival, called muckka-hitee (makahiki).
This festival
lasts a month, during which time a canoe is not allowed to go on salt water.
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We made all sail
for Woahoo, and on the 11th arrived off the harbour.
Captain Jennings
went on shore, and sent off an anchor.
We then came
too outside the reef, in 14 fathoms over a sandy bottom, and on the 18th
we got into the harbour.
We found the
king's brig had returned from Canton, and was laid up
We found here
the brig Bordeaux Packet, which had been purchased from the Americans
about a month before.
A large ship,
called the Myrtle, was condemned by the Russians, and hauled on
We moored close
to the shore and ??
In rounding Diamond
hill the village of Wyteetee (Waikiki) appears through large groves of
cocoanut and bread-fruit trees; it has a most beautiful appearance, the
land all round in the highest state of cultivation, and the hills covered
with wood ; a beautiful plain extending as far as the eye can reach.
A reef of coral
runs along the whole course of this shore, within a quarter of a mile of
the beach, on which the sea breaks high ; inside this reef there is a passage
for canoes .
Ships frequently
anchor in the bay, in from sixteen to twenty fathoms, over a sand and coral
Several of the
king's old vessels are hauled upon shore and sheds built over them.
His Majesty formerly
resided at this village, but of late years has preferred his native place,
About four miles
to the westward of Wyteetee is the village and harbour of Honorora; it
is the largest on the island, as the natives collect from all other parts
to be near the shipping.
The harbour is
known by a deep and remarkable valley over the village, through which the
N. E. trade wind blows very strong.
The island is
not more than five leagues across at this part.
The best time
to get into the harbour is early in the morning, before the wind sets violently
in a contrary direction; the chief generally sends a number of large double
canoes to tow the ship in, as the entrance of the harbour is not more than
a quarter of a mile wide.
Small vessels,
when about to enter, run close to the east side of the
reef, where hundreds
of the natives are collected, and, by throwing a rope to them, the ship
is pulled up to the anchorage.
Ships can moor
close to the shore, so as to have a stage from thence, and be as safe as
if they were in the London Docks.
The boys are always practising throwing the spear, swimming, diving, and playing in the surf; flying kites is a favourite amusement; while on shore here I made several.
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The ships then
made sail for Woahoo, where we took on board a supply of hogs and vegetables
and a number of natives; and on the 20th of October we took our final leave
of those friendly natives, bound for the coast of California, to cruise
against the Spaniards.
The ship Santa
Rosa was American built, about 300 tons burthen; mounting eighteen
guns, twelve and eighteen pounders; with a compliment of 100 men, thirty
of whom were Sandwich Islanders, the remainder where composed of Americans,
Spaniards, Portuguese,
Creoles, Negroes, Manila men, Malays, and a few Englishmen.
The Argentina
260 men, fifty of whom were Islanders, the remainder a mixed crew, nearly
similar to that of the Santa Rosa.
On our passage
towards California we were employed exercising the great guns, and putting
the ship in good condition for fighting, frequently reading the articles
of war which are very strict, and punish with death almost every act of
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Voyages in the Northern Pacific. Thos. G. Thrum, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 1896. Internet Archive
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