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charles g. nottage :  waikiki, 1894 

Charles G. Nottage :  Waikiki, 1894.

Nottage, Charles G.:

In Search of a Climate
Sampson Low, Marston and Company,


Page 48

The mongoose is now on the increase; and, like the rabbit in Australia, is an imIXIrtation which the people would fain be without. They were first brought into the country to keep down the rats.
As to fresh water fishing, I can hear of none, fish ponds are to be found everywhere, but these are merely reservoirs in which to keep fish.
Sea fishing is very good indeed, and you can amuse yourself fishing for mullet, or by accompanying a native in his canoe on a fishing expedition.
Octopi seem fairly plentiful, and I saw three brought in, caught by natives amongst the rocks 1lt tec bathing place,
If a shark is the height of your ambition, you will have no difficulty in watif)'ing it.
There are any number tlf these monsters outside the reef.
Some two years back, a ballonist made an ascension from Honolulu, but unfortunately l.lme down in the sea.
The car fell just beyond the reef, and, before the eyes of the spectators, he was seized by a shark.
I am always glad when we catch one of these cruel Iurking brutes.
The captain and mate of the steamer HT. G. Hall, on which I travelled, caught one, ttxlk its inside out, and threw it b-dl:k :ll-rain, wht:n it swam about apllarently as well as ever.
A cruel thing apparently, but it is said that a shark is devoid of feeling
I suppose it would die at sunset, for they continue to quiver until then, however much they may be hacked about.
On the whole, Hawaii cannot be called a sportsman's paradise, though, there are plenty of ways in which an easily contented person may amuse himself.
Page 49

At Pearl Harbour, inside the reef, capital fishing and boating may be had, and there are also some small yachts for hirt:. Recently a new eight ton racing boat, by I'ife, has come out and swept the board. Surf-riding is a native sport which it is interesting to watch. This, from time immemorial, has be~n a favourite pastim~ with the natives, and is spoken ot: repeatedly in their legends-since to be an extra g(>od surt:'rid~r carri~s a certain amount of k'4dos.
The piece of \v()()(l which th~y us.' for the purpose is something like a coffin-lid, and to see them borne along at fifty miles an hour on the top of a big curler is a very novel sight, and it is difficult to understand how they e&~pe


Nottage, Charles G.:
In Search of a Climate
Sampson Low, Marston and Company,

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Geoff Cater (2013-2016) : Charles G. Nottage : Waikiki, 1894.