pods for primates : a catatogue of surfboards in australia since 1900
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baxley : waikiki & hilo, 1865 
H.W. Baxley  :  Waikiki and Hilo, 1865.

Extracted from
Baxley, Henry Willis, (1803-1876):
What I saw on the west coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian Islands.
New York: D. Appleton & company, 1865.
Pages 521 and 553.

A very brief description of Waikiki, noting the demise of Hawiian surfriding.

Page 521

It is probable that the whole plain between the Pali and the ocean was once an imlnense crater, of thirty or forty miles circumference, the southern semicircular rim of which only is now visible, the northern having been destroyed by unrecognized agencies, and buried in the depths of the sea
that now rolls its surf above the sunken ruins.
In years gone by the whole seashore of Oahu was an unrestricted bathing-place, where the guileless islanders sported in the surf, seeking health and vigor from the alluring waves.

Page 553

A submerged coral reef extends (from) Cocoanut Island on the south, to within half a mile of the north side of the bay, leaving a passage of that width for vessels of the greatest draught; and there is within the reef a harbor of one and a quarter by two miles in extent, in which ships of any size may
ride at anchor in perfect security.
On the west side of this harbor stands the town of Hilo, and on the south the little village of Waiakea, a crescentic beach bordering and lying between them, on which the breaking surf looks in the distance like a fringe of frosted silver.

University of California Berkeley
Title What I saw on the west coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian islands
Creator Baxley, H. Willis (1803-1876.)
Publisher D. Appleton & company, 1865.
Date 1865-01-01

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Geoff Cater (2007) : H.W. Baxley :  Waikiki and Hilo, 1865.